CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #29 *ARREST*

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The R's stuff is so bizarre

Could it be meant to alert someone involved in the murder what LE knows about KK and the murder? (Someone like PF OR another accomplice)

1. The R's ADMIT that KK had the phone. I'll bet LE has the phone in their possession. IF the R's have admitted it, KK is letting someone know LE has it.

2. The Nov 26 date where KB is missing: Did an overzealous KK or her BFF post on FB on Nov 26 about missing KB, hoping to further the out of state disappearance texts and phone ping

3. LE has the information about the solicitation.

4. LE knows she changed her phone #

5. Telling the solicitee that she will plead she was under duress because her children had been threatened.

6. Confirming Patrick's storyline (lies) that KB was going to harm Baby K

7. Admitting that KK was in WB over the Thanksgiving weekend and alerting them to what her story is going to be.

8. Telegraphing her "love" for Patrick, her boyfriend.

9.Letting someone else know that BFF can be trusted to send information to.

We may not really be the target audience for this information.
I think it was genuine, as she was taken aback by what he wanted her to do.

She was solicited three times, which would seem to indicate that she said no during the first two attempts.

If you are planning the perfect crime, you aren’t focused on protecting yourself by telling others beforehand.

It can only hurt you in the long run.

I don’t think she’s this diabolical criminal mastermind, but I do think she was more involved than we currently know.

The phone was the least of it.

And yeah, she’s definitely a talker.

BBM: Depends, MG.

In relating her conversation with PF to her friend, KK may have characterized her reaction to PF's initial solicitation as one of shocked and vehement refusal. However, there's no way of knowing what she actually said or how she responded to PF. It seems she continued to take his calls. Her phone stayed on the hook, so to speak. She didn't block his number.

Apparently, KK's initial reaction was not strong enough to convince PF that she was immovable in her opposition, because he (allegedly) continued to bring it up in subsequent conversations.

I'm wondering if these "solicitations" were more in the way of ongoing negotiations between PF & KK re: what/when/where/to what extent KK was willing to involve herself in the execution of the murder. It seems PF was able to wear down whatever (IMO, nominal at best) resistance KK had initially, if any, since all signs point to her having ditched KB's phone.

I sincerely doubt that had KK voiced continued, vehement opposition to PF's plan,
PF would have speed-dialed her after he'd done the deed and announced, "Hey, honey, you'll never guess what just happened! Need you to hop in your car and get on over here...oh, and bring a mop and bucket."

There has to be a VM/text/recording that implicated P on solicitation. Or some proof. Oh, why don’t see yet more phones being involved.

I still THINK the nurse is way more involved in this than many think. I see a woman scorned. Jmo
It makes zero sense she was solicited, petrified, confided in her bff, yet still involved herself. Jmo
Not defending P, but there are ways to set someone up.
Again, moo.
Trudie, I believe they are both guilty and both responsible for this crime. Like pot, meet kettle.
Another scenario or angle to ponder: (since we have been told this case is complex) What if ...KK was never romantically involved with PF, and any hearsay about that is pure speculation and rumor? Could it be that the connection to Idaho was not thru PF, but thru KB? Did anyone have hatred of her for any reason? She left Idaho in 2016. From what I have heard, she met PF online. Is it possible she dated anyone else she met online in 2016 in Idaho and pissed KK off? Did KK want revenge on her? Is it possible she had been contacting PF and said- not your baby- and things took off from there? The news did report that KK did divorce in 2016.
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KK should have kept her mouth shut, but she didn't. She used her credit card in Woodland Park on the weekend of the murder giving LE evidence that she was near Kelsey's duplex. Then, she pinged Kelsey's stolen phone 30 minutes from her own home.

RSBM. I'm not disagreeing with that. I was talking about things from the R's perspective and trying to figure out how it could have gone the way they said it did in regards to the dates given in the article. It makes no sense they didn't contact police in late November (or October for that matter) but that's a separate discussion. They certainly should have gone to the police sooner. I'm baffled if it went down as described. But I'm trying to figure out the Nov 26 date claim. The claim they saw something on FB on Nov 26th about KB being missing does not square with the reality that there were no posts about KB being missing yet at that date. KB was not reported missing until Dec 2.
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I sincerely doubt that had KK voiced continued, vehement opposition to PF's plan,
PF would have speed-dialed her after he'd done the deed and announced, "Hey, honey, you'll never guess what just happened! Need you to hop in your car and get on over here...oh, and bring a mop and bucket."

These 2 are a matched set of nimrods. JMO.

LOL, Yes and once you get here stop at Sonic and get us something to eat.
The R's stuff is so bizarre

Could it be meant to alert someone involved in the murder what LE knows about KK and the murder? (Someone like PF OR another accomplice)

1. The R's ADMIT that KK had the phone. I'll bet LE has the phone in their possession. IF the R's have admitted it, KK is letting someone know LE has it.

2. The Nov 26 date where KB is missing: Did an overzealous KK or her BFF post on FB on Nov 26 about missing KB, hoping to further the out of state disappearance texts and phone ping

3. LE has the information about the solicitation.

4. LE knows she changed her phone #

5. Telling the solicitee that she will plead she was under duress because her children had been threatened.

6. Confirming Patrick's storyline (lies) that KB was going to harm Baby K

7. Admitting that KK was in WB over the Thanksgiving weekend and alerting them to what her story is going to be.

8. Telegraphing her "love" for Patrick, her boyfriend.

9.Letting someone else know that BFF can be trusted to send information to.

We may not really be the target audience for this information.
Occam’s Razor. So many on here are coming up with all kinds of complicated schemes. I think the only thing the Rs are guilty of is being naive or dumb and talking about things that are too out of their depth to warrant a multi-part sit-down interview.
It feels like forever since PF was arrested, yet it has only been a matter of weeks. In the meantime we are holding onto and disecting every morsel of information. I am eager to see the arrest warrant once it is unsealed.

I think the DA briefed the B’s on the affidavit & their atty decided now is the time to get the ball rolling with a civil suit. Surely, the DA shared their knowledge & strategy with the B’s., not withholding the aff’ from them like they did with P.
RSBM. I'm not disagreeing with that. I was talking about things from the R's perspective and trying to figure out how it could have gone the way they said it did in regards to the dates given in the article. It makes no sense they didn't contact police in late November (or October for that matter) but that's a separate discussion. They certainly should have gone to the police sooner. I'm baffled if if it went down as described. But I'm trying to figure out the Nov 26 date claim. The claim they saw something on FB on Nov 26th about KB being missing does not square with the reality that there were no posts about KB being missing yet at that date. KB was not reported missing until Dec 2.
They didn’t say they saw something on FB about KB. They said they saw something about a CO mom going missing. It could have been a different person, and it reminded them about KB. Or they could be misremembering the dates.
It’s bizarre to think KK traveled so far to “only” be involved in the phone disposal aspect & eat at Sonic, imo.

Well either the Sonic is the best Sonic food EVER or there's more to her involvement.

IMO, the phone was an afterthought. I mean, who doesn't distance themselves from their sole involvement in a crime? No one. If that was the PURPOSE of going to Colorado, wouldn't a person capable of critical thought send those texts from an location other than his/her neck of the woods? Like stop along the way home and send the messages and leave the phone at a park? Maybe in Wyoming, for example? Or drive from your house to an area clearly not your own before powering up the phone and sending the messages. If she drove that far to get the phone, she'd drive a shorter distance to cause people to think Kelsey's in Nevada or Utah (both close to KK's area)--which leads me to believe the phone just wasn't a well-thought out part of the plan and not something KK associated with being her biggest implication in this event. It was just extra.

But maybe, Woodland Park has the best Sonic in the world and it was a case of wrong place, right time.
Picking back up on the cell phone ping:
Either a cell phone that is turned off or a cell phone with a dead battery cannot communicate with the tower at all. Also, A call in progress can be tracked to the cell phone's location by electronic signal tracing. A call that is finished can only be tracked only by triangulation, which requires that it be similultaneously signed on with three or more cell towers when the call was made. The ping can be connected to a phone within a 32-27 mile radius of the tower, depending on variable conditions, but can usually only be triangulated to with a mile radius of the phone.
My limited understanding of this tells me that the ping most likely came from a vehicle travelling on US Highway 93 northeastward towards Arco. It's the only place in the radius that I can imagine ONLY pinging the Gooding tower. Further, this is some rugged countryside with a very sparse population.
Any cell phone experts have an opinion?

Not an expert, but it's one route to KB's parent's home in Sandpoint, ID, through Missoula, although not the easiest for winter driving, which I believe would be on I-84 to the west. You'd know better about these routes
I have been lurking since the Christopher Watts/Shannan Watts situation, so not long at all. However, I had to join to comment on something that I did not see mentioned about that second interview. I watched it from the link about a page ago and at the very end the reporter mentions TWO wrongful death suits against PF and states that one of them is set for a jury trial next month. I remember CB filing one suit, but that is all I have heard. Even if there were two, there is no way that it would be set for trial already, especially a jury, if it has not even been a month since he was charged. Anyone have any information about this?
Someone is missing something, but it ain’t us, it’s them.

This is the most confusing interview I’ve ever seen.
I feel like I'm listening to someone who is high on drugs, psychotic & delusional, or suffering from Alzheimers. It's like word salad and I am unable to comprehend. LE/FBI/CBI must have been reeling with all these lies and confusion.

For me, KK is the center of all this from:
- when she claimed PF solicited her to commit murder in October
- to forget about it
- to going to WP Thanksgiving weekend
- to ending up with KB's phone
- to sending the texts & ping in Gooding
- to playing the victim card
- to putting out that KB is missing back on Nov 26
- to claiming to have contacted LE but did not...

How is this just woman-blaming? Who acts like this?
It will really bug me if the only proof of PF soliciting IN is that she told M so M could back up her story. I would hope they have messages from PF to IN or something. I would also want to know if IN went to the school or her ex to say she wanted extra vigilance for her kids.
Could the R's be worried that IN is going to get off so they wanted this info out in the public eye so others can scrutinize it?
Something must have happened to make it impossible for him to deal with one of her cars. Or perhaps he thought they would think she abducted by aliens. Or that she took a hot air balloon to Idaho to see her grandmother.
Like dumping KB's purse (Car keys in it)where they can't retrieve it, DOH. Dumb,and Dumber. Still they had to keep her phone,and send "Several" text messages. Thinking the 'false' ping would never lead back to them.DOH again.
Then there's the loose lips flapping. DOH.
They may as well have Facebooked lived everything they did every step of the way.
That's how stoopid they are.
I feel like I'm listening to someone who is high on drugs, psychotic & delusional, or suffering from Alzheimers. It's like word salad and I am unable to comprehend. LE/FBI/CBI must have been reeling with all these lies and confusion.

For me, KK is the center of all this from:
- when she claimed PF solicited her to commit murder in October
- to forget about it
- to going to WP Thanksgiving weekend
- to ending up with KB's phone
- to sending the texts & ping in Gooding
- to playing the victim card
- to putting out that KB is missing back on Nov 26
- to claiming to have contacted LE but did not...

How is this just woman-blaming? Who acts like this?

bbm, guilty people.
Occam’s Razor. So many on here are coming up with all kinds of complicated schemes. I think the only thing the Rs are guilty of is being naive or dumb and talking about things that are too out of their depth to warrant a multi-part sit-down interview.
People don’t always follow the simplest path or have a simple solution.
Sometimes it gets darker and more disturbing. Simple would be great right now.
Another scenario or angle to ponder: (since we have been told this case is complex) What if ...KK was never romantically involved with PF, and any hearsay about that is pure speculation and rumor? Could it be that the connection to Idaho was not thru PF, but thru KB? Did anyone have hatred of her for any reason? She left Idaho in 2016. From what I have heard, she met PF online. Is it possible she dated anyone else she met online in 2016 in Idaho and pissed KK off? Did KK want revenge on her? Is it possible she had been contacting PF and said- not your baby- and things took off from there? The news did report that KK did divorce in 2016.

You ask good questions but just one note, KB moved to CO from WA per MSM reports.
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