CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #32 *ARREST*

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Let's review what we have seen with the law enforcement response in this case.

1. On Monday, December 10, WPPD had the initial press conference. CoP was asked if they were going to search PF's property, and he said to the effect of... "Oh hey, that might be a good idea. We'll have to consider doing that."

2. Tuesday through Thursday of that week, December 11, 12, and 13, there was some bad weather: it snowed and there were high winds and cold temperatures.

3. On Thursday, December 13, probably in the late afternoon or evening, LE applied for and obtained a SW of PF's property. It was sealed so as to keep it a secret.

4. On Friday, December 14, at first light (around 6am) and on a day with very nice weather, LE swarmed PF's property with 75 officers from WPPD, Teller Co Sheriff, CBI, FBI, animal control, etc.

Now you don't just get a search warrant one afternoon at the spur of the moment and have 75 officers magically appear the next day---these things are coordinated and planned better than a community theater production of Death of a Salesman.

So we can discern that:

1) LE is not dumb, even though they play dumb at times (Acting like the thought of searching PF's property had never occurred to them. The Chief of Police needs to work on his acting skills.);

2) LE was already making plans to search PF's home when they had the press conference on Monday;

3) any execution of a search warrant is going to be a well-coordinated effort, probably among several agencies, and there will plenty of manpower. You will not have any doubt that they have arrived. (If law enforcement shows up to the landfill with only one or two police cruisers, then you can bet they are still in the planning stage); and

4) they will look at the weather forecast when deciding what day to do any search that will take place outdoors.

It is supposed to snow in Colorado Springs tomorrow. Weather is kind of up and down over the next week. They might show up on Saturday, Sunday, or Monday, but then it is supposed to snow again on Monday night and be cold on Tuesday.

UPDATE: I see on Twitter that a couple of news sources are saying LE is looking at the landfill or is searching the landfill, but from what I can tell, LE has not actually shown up to start searching yet.

Thanks Bill!
The link I previously posted explains the coordination required to execute a landfill search.
Once LE determines to search a landfill, I think they must hold some type of training seminar, too, for all participating, not mention coordinate schedules. They are up against things not normally encountered, imo.
Plus, the landfill needs to prepare, IMO.
A few articles I read recently do state “LE is not on the scene”, I think it will be next week. IMO, the landfill will remove some trash from the top layer in a specific area.
If her body or body parts ends up in a section of other regular household debri then one good thing that can really help LE hone in on the right area is by looking at the dates and addresses on any tossed out paperwork.

It still will be a nightmare to try to find her but clues like that will help LE hone in on the right section of the landfill.
Maybe they never offered her immunity. Maybe they offered her a reduction and it wasn't a great deal.

Or maybe they have purposefully not charged and arrested her. They have been letting her sway in the wind, and stress more and more as things come out. The media stuff, R's info, others who came forward after the R's. Info only the police have.

Then they go to her lawyer say we have enough to charge her with being complicit with murder in the first degree. Same sentence as first degree murder. Are you sure she doesn't have any more critical info that we want, depending on what it is she will get a deal.

Her lawyer tells her, if she knows where the body is or any other key evidence, speak up or never see your children grow up.

Or a another person, or a trail of evidence... 6 more weeks til we find out. LOL
In most circumstances in Colorado, in order to cut a deal with anyone; the prosecutor (only) must have a charge levied against the witness that is cutting the deal:
Colorado Statute 13-90-118 Witness Immunity
3) A district attorney, attorney general, or special prosecutor of the state of Colorado may request an order as specified in subsection (2) of this section when in his or her judgment the testimony or other information from such individual may be necessary to the public interest and such individual has refused or is likely to refuse to testify or provide other information on the basis of the privilege against self-incrimination.
If I understand correctly, cadaver dogs can distinguish between human and animal remains. I will search for a link. ETA link: Human Remains Detection with Cadaver Dogs
Cadaver dogs alert only on human cadaverine smell which can be found not only on corpses but contaminated paper products, bloody tissue, and bandages.

If this landfill was filled with decaying, liquifying farm animals, finding the human remains would be more difficult. It allegedly doesn't take farm animals which should make it easier for LE.
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In most circumstances in Colorado, in order to cut a deal with anyone; the prosecutor (only) must have a charge levied against the witness that is cutting the deal:
Colorado Statute 13-90-118 Witness Immunity
3) A district attorney, attorney general, or special prosecutor of the state of Colorado may request an order as specified in subsection (2) of this section when in his or her judgment the testimony or other information from such individual may be necessary to the public interest and such individual has refused or is likely to refuse to testify or provide other information on the basis of the privilege against self-incrimination.

For a formal deal I agree that is likely true, however, what I am wondering about is the informal type deals that could be said to a person under investigation. Things like.....

"Dear Suspect's Attorney,
As we have found much more evidence in our investigation of this case, we are informing you that additional charges are being developed and there is a good chance your client may be charged in this case. As we are wrapping up our work with the DA's office on those possible charges, we wanted to give your client the opportunity to be either fully cooperative or non-cooperative as it may affect the type of charges that can be created. We will need your reply by this date XX/XX/XX.
Sincerely DA's office"
I didn’t quite read it that way. From the ABC article:

“The Colorado Bureau of Investigation contacted Waste Management of Colorado regarding a potential search at Midway Landfill and we are cooperating fully,” Waste Management spokeswoman Anne Spitza told ABC News on Wednesday.

Spitza declined to answer additional questions about the timing of any search or what investigators are looking for, referring all questions to the district attorney’s office handling the case.
This is the article I was referring to:
spokeswoman for the Midway Landfill south of Colorado Springs confirmed the facility recently attracted the attention of investigators in the disappearance and presumed murder of 29-year old flight instructor Kelsey Berreth. Her body has not been found.

Also, from the Denver Post:

Kelsey Berreth search expands to Fountain landfill, ABC News reports
A spokeswoman for Midway Landfill confirmed to ABC News Wednesday that investigators are looking for more clues into Berreth’s disappearance, whom authorities say was murdered by her fiancé.
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Doesn't it? That is one reason why I take the Rs interview with a large grain of salt. Certainly not the only reason. MOO

I think M said things to R’s that might not be accurate.
Now, I know Baby K does not attend school, but the comment about little girls going missing, sounds like a comment KK could have made to P, about his baby. But M switched it, was confused or something. Why “little girls”? Interesting since P/KB share a “little girl”.

Speculating only:

“I told him he better get KB out of his life because little girls go missing......”. I can picture KK/bff having convos about what KK told P. Think how livid she was to find out not only about KB but the baby!

Woman + cowboy + woman = murder

I still wonder if KK thought she had a future (around 2016) with P, after possibly harboring affection for him for 15 years. Then, she learns of KB & God forbid, a baby.
Did KK initiate texts with P, regarding murder? We don’t know. I’m guessing, if texts are found, there’s some very bitter texts from KK. No woman is happy for a man she loves to get another woman pregnant. Jmo

Still think there’s a lot more here than P racing in, killing KB & KK simply driving the phone across state lines. Of course she wanted KB dead, gone, out of the picture. If not, she would have went to LE. Had she even threatened to go to LE, P probably would have discontinued his plans.
(If solicitation is what occurred).

Again, money can’t be a motive, imo. PF should easily make triple or more what KB made. I’ve researched classroom flight instructors jobs & the info I found put KK at much less than P’s income potential. Jmo. Remember, P had unlimited income potential. If he could physically tolerate farrier work, he could worl 15 hours, 7 days per week. KB had a fixed salary & being fairly new was probably at the bottom of the pay scale, for her specific job. Idk what KB’s salary was but I think only around the $40-50k range, max.
**Initials corrected by me to keep us out of trouble.

KK does not have a toddler daughter. There is a pic on MSM with her and her infant niece. However, she only has two sons.
O.k. I'm confused. There's a clip or article saying she has a son and daughter. I will look for it and post unless someone beats me to it :)
In most circumstances in Colorado, in order to cut a deal with anyone; the prosecutor (only) must have a charge levied against the witness that is cutting the deal:
Colorado Statute 13-90-118 Witness Immunity
3) A district attorney, attorney general, or special prosecutor of the state of Colorado may request an order as specified in subsection (2) of this section when in his or her judgment the testimony or other information from such individual may be necessary to the public interest and such individual has refused or is likely to refuse to testify or provide other information on the basis of the privilege against self-incrimination.

Tysm for this. Every time I read “bet she got immunity or a deal”, I think, how? If not arrested/charged, how can there be a deal? Any proven involvement on KK’s part should include a deal involving the CO State Pen, for women.
O.k. I'm confused. There's a clip or article saying she has a son and daughter. I will look for it and post unless someone beats me to it :)
Just look for the pic of her, her ex, and the two boys on horses in the background. Daily Mail, I think.
To quote Bill Carson's earlier post (I couldn't quote it there as the thread was closed, so copied/pasted here):

"OMG, that is fascinating! I can't even imagine having to do that work in the summer heat and humidity in Arkanasas.

My biggest initial concern is that the dump being searched in the Boulder County case was a landfill that served a town of less than 6,800 people, plus certainly some of the surrounding rural countryside. I couldn't find any information about the volume of waste they process in a given year, but there is no question it is a much, much smaller facility than one of two landfills that serve WM for Colorado Springs, Pueblo, and Teller County.

And the other thing is that I see that spent nearly $300,000 for that search. Boulder County is densely populated and wealthy. Teller County is small and poorer. Maybe the state will be able to fund that. Or El Paso County. That's a lot of money to spend for a search that may not turn up anything."

I know. Remember the Natalee Holloway case? High school senior who went missing in Aruba, never to be found? Her father and LE and others searched a landfill there weeks later, to no avail. I cannot imagine.
I dont think the Mods are going to allow photographs of innocent children and relatives, unless they have been named by LE

I dont believe that site is allowed as MSM. It looks like gossip journalism.

And Sleuthing the family of KK is going to get this thread shut down
I dont think the Mods are going to allow photographs of innocent children and relatives, unless they have been named by LE

I dont believe that site is allowed as MSM. It looks like gossip journalism.

And Sleuthing the family of KK is going to get this thread shut down
Heavy is used as a news source here on many cases. And links to news outlets, like Daily Mail and others that obtain numerous photos related to a case, including uninvolved people, also are permitted. It is that we can't name those people or sleuth them.
I dont think the Mods are going to allow photographs of innocent children and relatives, unless they have been named by LE

I dont believe that site is allowed as MSM. It looks like gossip journalism.

And Sleuthing the family of KK is going to get this thread shut down
Just commenting on what is in MSM. And the faces are blurred out, so...
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