CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #35 *ARREST*

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I thought it was the other way around - only the 24th was mentioned by the media yesterday. Now we see the actual complaint and it covers the 24th and 25th, which is disappointing because it looks like this nothing charge is all there will be for KKL. :mad: I think she is much more involved and deserves a lot more.

4:03 PM - 4 Feb 2019

Oops. Thank you. It’s too late for me to go back and edit it.
I thought it was the other way around - only the 24th was mentioned by the media. Now we see the actual complaint and it covers the 24th and 25th, which is disappointing because it looks like this nothing charge is all there will be for KKL. :mad: I think she is much more involved and deserves a lot more.

From page 1, yesterday's news:

Sam Kraemer‏ @SamKraemerTV
Based on

I think the window to save KB was months before 11/22 sadly. It looks like several individuals had that opportunity placed in front of them and it is heartbreaking. I guess we will find out any actions taken/or the lack thereof and what was known by KL. We certainly know, she knew she had KB's phone and her family was looking for her. What pain for the family. Just maddening...
This leads me to believe that she did way more than take KB'S phone.
Like clean up, ughhhh and do God only knows what to Kelsey's body etc. She better tell exactly what happened, how,who and where Kelsey is.
I wonder what PF,and his lawyers think of this,and if PF will counter any of it. Will he just quietly go down,or will he call her out,and implicate she had more of a role in this?
I didn't say her fear was reasonable or that she was justified in what she did. I'm saying he could have had her believing that his LE family was protecting him and had connections with other LE that would do the same. We know he's a liar and she is obviously not very bright. MOO.
MOO - Let me just point out that Kelsey, the woman who dared take her man has paid the ultimate price, her life. PF is sitting in a jail cell. (And I'm sure there is a good reason for that) and KK is where? Doing what? Getting charged with what? Crying poor pity the scared woman, I'll tell you everything I know in exchange for my "testimony" against the bad guy. She will walk away with book deals, media attention and a life after this. PF will go to jail for the rest of his life and the Berreths will suffer for the rest of their lives. Who in this scenario is not too bright? MOO
MOO - Let me just point out that Kelsey, the woman who dared take her man has paid the ultimate price, her life. PF is sitting in a jail cell. (And I'm sure there is a good reason for that) and KK is where? Doing what? Getting charged with what? Crying poor pity the scared woman, I'll tell you everything I know in exchange for my "testimony" against the bad guy. She will walk away with book deals, media attention and a life after this. PF will go to jail for the rest of his life and the Berreths will suffer for the rest of their lives. Who in this scenario is not too bright? MOO
Her notoriety probably won't be as great as Casey Anthony's, so you're probably right. Can anything be done to stop her from making money... maybe a law suit?
I personally have met a few of these soulless monsters and if PF proves to be one of them, they are beyond dangerous and predatory. Remember, when she was dealing with him, he probably had not committed an arrestable act. I personally believe she should have gone to the police for her own safety and certainly KB's. Distance, resources, and methods generally do not stop someone fixated on this type of harm. I certainly think if he could murder KB with the intent he has demonstrated; he would do the same to others.
But what do you make of her going to Colorado on Thanksgiving if she's afraid of him?
This leads me to believe that she did way more than take KB'S phone.
Like clean up, ughhhh and do God only knows what to Kelsey's body etc. She better tell exactly what happened, how,who and where Kelsey is.
I wonder what PF,and his lawyers think of this,and if PF will counter any of it. Will he just quietly go down,or will he call her out,and implicate she had more of a role in this?

I don't think he'll ever go down quietly, nope. I hope he calls her out for all that she did. Messy or not I just want the WHOLE truth. Not her 'parts' of it. moo Whatever info she has I hope it's extremely compelling!
Oops. Thank you. It’s too late for me to go back and edit it.
Oh you're lovely. No worries. I should have waited to express a thought until we had real documents instead of lamestream media casual reporting (although Sam K has been very good on this case).

I'm all happy with posters here. I am exceedingly displeased if this is all KKL faces in the matter. I hope PF goes to trial just so the defense can publically pillory this heinous woman.

So, reading the complaint KK is being charged with tampering with evidence due to a "proceeding about to be instituted" because technically, KB (at least to the public) was not officially being investigated. Retrospectively, the state has indicated the date of death was 11/22/2018. The point being that the charge for KK means the state will most likely present that she did know of PF's after the fact on 11/24 and destroyed or manipulated evidence which interfered with proceedings (tampering).
I hope that anybody that had prior knowledge of PF plans to have KB murdered will have charges brought up on them. There is a very big flaw in our society with people looking the other way when they know that something could and probably will happen. I'm not sure how some people can protect those that are hell bent on ending an innocent persons life. I mean sometimes you can't stop a person who says i want this person dead, but you can make it harder on them to accomplish it, sometimes by just making a simple phone call to police and saying what you know. So tragic
Also I don't believe the oh PF had so much control over KKL its not her fault. She still had free will and actively participated imo. All she had to do was drive to a police station or call LE at any point in her 800 mile drive
Here's an updated timeline:

November 22nd - Thursday
  • KB last seen on video surveillance shopping in Safeway (noon hour)
  • KB exchanged daughter with PF (fiancé)

November 24th - Saturday
  • Police believe KK destroyed evidence on this date

November 25th - Sunday
  • Text from KB’s phone to her employer
  • KB's phone pinged in Gooding, ID (5:13 pm)
  • PF received text from KB’s phone

December 2nd - Sunday
  • KB's mom called PF on KB's whereabouts
  • Missing person reported - KB's mom (12:37 pm)

December 10th - Monday
  • Press Conference

December 12th - Wednesday
  • PF Attorney releases statement - PF is cooperating with investigators

December 13th - Thursday
  • Candlelight Vigil Held for KB

December 14th - Friday
  • Search Warrant Franzee Property/Residence

December 15th - Saturday
  • Twin Falls law enforcement was requested to help

December 16th - Sunday
  • The search of Patrick Frazee's property concludes Sunday night

December 18th - Tuesday
  • Five law enforcement vehicles seen leaving PF Property
  • PF and 2 others made trip to Waste Management Landfill

December 19th - Wednesday
  • LE at Kelsey’s Residence

December 20th - Thursday
  • LE at Kelsey’s Residence

December 21st - Friday
  • Arrested- 1st Degree murder and Solicitation of Murder
Inmate #: 2018001543
Booking #: 18-02029
Case #: D602018CR330
Archonix XJail Public
  • Press Conference 10am MST
  • LE at Kelsey’s Residence
  • PF - Hearing on Advisement - 3:30pm
Inmate #: 2018001543
Booking #: 18-02029
Case #: D602018CR330​
  • Vigil held for KB in Moses Lake, WA
December 22nd - Saturday
  • Twin Falls, ID Police Department issued statement they are working with CBI and FBI to prepare and serve several search warrants, including processing items of possible evidence with the assistance of the Twin Falls County and Twin Falls Evidence Technicians.

December 27th - Thursday
  • Temporary Custody Hearing - 1pm
Case #: D602018JV26

Court granted a Temporary Emergency Custody Order made by Teller County Department of Human Services (TCDHS) placing the minor child in the temporary physical custody of maternal grandparents and legal custody of TCDHS. The court continued the temporary custody of the minor child with maternal grandparents. The court postponed a final decision after Frazee’s mother, the girl’s grandmother, filed a motion in the custody case and the case is continued for a pre-trial conference​

December 31st - Monday
  • PF - First Appearance - 9am
Inmate #: 2018001543
Booking #: 18-02029
Case #: D602018CR330
Colorado Judicial Branch - Court Docket Search

On or about November 22, 2018, PATRICK FRAZEE unlawfully, feleniously, after deliberation, and with the intent to cause the death of a person other than himself, caused the death of Kelsey Berreth.

Between and including September 1, 2018 and November 1, 2018, PATRICK FRAZEE unlawfully and feloniously commanded, induced, entered, or otherwise attempted to persuade another person to commit the felony of murder in the first degree, with intent to promote or facilitate the commission of that crime and under circumstances strongly corroborative of that intent.​

On or about November 22, 2018, PATRICK FRAZEE unlawfully and feloniously, acting alone or with one or more persons, committed or attempted to commit Robbery and, in the course of or in furtherance of that crime, or in the immediate flight therefrom, the death of Kelsey Berreth, a person, other than one of the participants, was cause by anyone.

Between and including September 1, 2018 and November 1, 2018, PATRICK FRAZEE unlawfully and feloniously commanded, induced, entered, or otherwise attempted to persuade another person to commit the felony of murder in the first degree, with intent to promote or facilitate the commission of that crime and under circumstances strongly corroborative of that intent.​

Between and including September 1, 2018 and November 1, 2018 PATRICK FRAZEE unlawfully and feloniously commanded, induced, entreated, or otherwise attempted to persuade another person to commit the felony of murder in the first degree, with intent to promote or facilitate the commission of that crime and under circumstances strongly corroborative of that intent.​

January 3rd - Thursday
  • Temporary Custody Hearing Continued - 8:30am

January 4th - Friday
  • PF - Motions Hearing - 1:30pm
Inmate #: 2018001543
Booking #: 18-02029
Case #: D602018CR330
Colorado Judicial Branch - Court Docket Search

Discuss how to process an unknown piece of evidence, and whether Frazee and his defense can have access to the arrest affidavit.​
  • KB’s parents file civil suit against PF
Case: 19-cv-00027-PAB-KMT​

The civil suit accuses Frazee of wrongful death, negligence per se, conspiracy, and infliction of emotional distress. The documents allege Frazee either committed and/or collaborated in Kelsey's murder. The suit also accuses Frazee of inflicting physical, mental, and emotional acts of violence on Kelsey prior to her death. The Berreths claim that Frazee's "extreme and outrageous conduct" has caused them emotional distress exceeding $75,000.​

January 28th - Monday
  • PF - motion filed to dismiss wrongful death lawsuit
Case: 19-cv-00027-PAB-KMT​

January 29th- Tuesday (VACATED)
  • PF - Preliminary Hearing - 9am
Inmate #: 2018001543
Booking #: 18-02029
Case #: D602018CR330
Colorado Judicial Branch - Court Docket Search

February 7th - Thursday
  • Pre-Trial Conference (Custody) - 8:30am

February 8th - Friday
  • Nurse KK Advisement Hearing 8:30am - Teller County
  • 1 Felony Count Tampering with Physical Evidence

February 19th- Tuesday
  • PF - Preliminary Hearing - 9am
Inmate #: 2018001543
Booking #: 18-02029
Case: D602018CR330
Colorado Judicial Branch - Court Docket Search

March 11th- Monday
  • PF Wrongful Death - Scheduling and Planning Conference - 1:30 pm
Case: 19-cv-00027-PAB-KMT​

Colorado Judicial Branch
Colorado Judicial Branch - Court Docket Search
Archonix XJail Public
Thanks so much
iirc the R's said in their interview that BFF/M tried to talk KKL out of going to CO. They all knew in advance, especially KKL.

Yep. Let's see who we know that knew about KB's murder in advance:

BFF employer no. 1
BFF employer no.2

Not one of these people saw fit to alert anyone or contact LE. So far, only 2 of the 5 above are facing any charges. Wonder who else knew?
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