CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #40 *ARREST*

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Thanks @Dave F. So PF just used a barn at Nash Ranch to store KBs dead body in the black tote bag? I suppose the answer is yes. So bizarre.

I don't think it was ever described as a bag. Ranchers usually use heavy plastic hard-sided totes with handles, like a large toolbox. In the testimony, Investigator Slater said PF had three of them at home when they searched. I went back and zoomed in on the drone shot of the red pickup during the search. It looks like it has a plastic reel like barbed wire fencing might come reeled on, shoved clear to the passenger side of the truck bed and shoved forward to rest behind the cab, but the left side of the bed was clean leaving plenty of room for a large box-like tote. Very unusual for a rancher to be so neat. IMO
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Ya, it's not something I can imagine a man, who is capable of telling his side check to come clean up his baby mama's blood he just splattered everywhere, conjuring.

When you think about it, what real purpose did it serve? He is much larger than her, he doesn't need to disable her by making her unable to see.

The blindfold ensured she had absolutely no chance to defend herself or run away.
KK's ability to separate herself from this while giving first hand knowledge of every step that was taken over so many months is clearly a detailed web formed by her attorney. Completely transparent, but smart on the part of her attorney. Shes not getting away with it though, we all see through her evil ways, which means law enforcement sees through depths of her involvement. Without her they wouldn't have the evidence that they do, which is sad to admit. Even after she serves her sentence, whatever that may be, she will wear a scarlet letter to be seen by all who surround her. I'm NOT giving her credit, please don't think that. She's the lowest form of human life and I feel that she deserves life in prison for her part in this, but I'm also happy that she sucks so bad that she squealed like a pig so quickly (if only she would have done so in the months before, little KB would still have a Mommy).
Did we actually hear there were bone chips at the burn site? Not doubting what you say is correct, but I was going to post a question on what happens when you burn a body with accelerant. Does it get rid of everything or would there still be pieces of bone left behind?

I don't know if that was actually stated in court but it's nearly impossible to completely dispose of human remains. Even when a person is cremated, there are tiny pieces of bone fragments mixed in with their ashes.
More likely, she gave a scrubbed version to her BFF MS. It is pretty common for people to leave out the really bad things they did when they share a story. My guess is MS and the R's will be in a little bit of shock today. They are finally hearing the real truth
HMMMMMMM. Maybe. One does have to wonder though.
I think SF is actually behind all this

That's why she was items #1 on the agenda today. Her plead of the 5th. LE knows more about her and wanted to establish her as being very uncooperative

LE knows she has been the driving force behind the murder of KB and PF has been her very useful tool.

KKL is just a distraction. SF likely sized her up quickly as a manipulable fool soon after meeting her and figured out what she was useful for.

Is it any coincidence that the LE sibling of PF was at the quickie T-Day dinner that PF attended at Chez SF?

Remember how the sister of PF filed for custody of Baby K?

The destruction of KB's remains occurred on her property, and apparently she was noted to observe the odd goings on.
I don't think it was ever described as a bag. Ranchers usually use heavy plastic hard-sided totes with handles, like a large toolbox. In the testimony, Investigator Slater said PF had three of them at home when they searched. I went back and zoomed in on the drone shot of the red pickup during the search. It looks like it has a plastic reel like barbed wire fencing might come reeled on, shoved clear tol the passenger side of the truck bed and shoved forward to rest behind the cab, but the left side of the bed was clean leaving plenty of room for a large box-like tote. Very unusual for a rancher to be so neat. IMO
Thanks for clarifying. I wonder if PF was always that neat or if this was due to cleaning up the evidence.
Hey Seattle becareful using all of the info collated from tweets on that blog. They start to get things mixed up. I noticed around the 2:20 time frame they were getting things mixed up at Nash Ranch vs SF's. Talked about putting the black tote near a haystack and lighting up a trough to burn it then it goes to SF coming out on the front porch because the flames were so high. They messed this up. I followed the tweets then. They put tote up on top of the haystack with a ladder. Then left and came back later got the tote and took it to SF"s to burn. will look in the other thread to find the info.
Thanks for heads up.

I don't believe I've posted anything like that from the tweet blog (except KK December Investigation/arrest timeline) but if you find where I messed up and alert me, I'll be sure to edit.

Thanks again for your courtesy.
REHAB & CUSTODY rumors and half truths:

KB was said to have self reported herself to a rehab clinic located in Calif sometime August 2018 for extreme fatigue. She reported the same to her Employer. No dates/duration provided.

Custody type paperwork containing baby K's name (dated August 2018), was located in PF/SF residence during the first warranted search. NO COURT CUSTODY ever filed, only un-filed documents found.

When KB was first reported missing, PF allegedly contacted KB's employer and told them KB had drug & alcohol problems, ran off, and maybe in rehab again.

CB Agent Slater confirmed today that the Rehab that KB entered last August DOES NOT treat drug/alcohol patients.

Live blog: Patrick Frazee appears in court for preliminary hearing
Hahaha. His lies are getting exposed left,and right.
Did the DA show evidence of solicitation today?

#1 - poison September 23
#2 - metal Rod October 15th
#3- baseball bat October 21

All the 23rds I think have created a little bit of confusion because November 23rd was stated incorrectly on one of those.

ETA corrected the dates after listening to the press conference video
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Man....go away for a couple of hours, and there's another 16 pages. Certainly seems like a ton of info was released today. I read up on some of the happenings just before the news conference this afternoon, and then read more and peoples' posts reporting on the conference when I got home. Just keeps getting worse the more I hear. Great to come here and read people so passionate and distraught about the circumstances behind KB's murder. I am in complete agreement with almost all of it.

Some opinions of my own....someone mentioned that if you believe KK left a trail and evidence, so it could later be used to help the police, then you probably fell off a turnip truck. TRUTH! Sometimes the most obvious explanation is the correct one, and THIS IS NOT IT. The obvious explanation is that she was ALL IN on the Cover Up, all the way to and including LYING to the authorities. Sometimes I get so frustrated with our justice system, that because people say something, or come up with a reason, we have to accept it until proven otherwise. She had how many minutes of opportunity to tell authorities? Including BEFORE the murder even took place. The only teeniest kudos is to the fact she at least didn't commit the murder, having been invited right up to the line with plans, before not going through with it for whatever reason.

Am I correct that she is not in jail, and will serve no time, or be charged with anything of significance? If so, that is obviously an absolute travesty. I can't believe the police had no case, or that they could not work on her some more before letting her off completely. Was not the mere threat to bring enough charges against her, that she would want to cooperate? While I can understand cutting a deal, it is truly disturbing that given what she knew, and DID to participate in the taking of KB's life, she is able to then lie in an obstruction attempt, only to be let off the hook for it all.
By today's testimony by investigator at preliminary hearing.

Reportedly, LE has KK in Woodland Park, Co on the morning of 11/24. She reportedly spent the night of 11/23 in Greeley, Co -- about 160 miles north of WP.

See live blog for details.

Live blog: Patrick Frazee appears in court for preliminary hearing

I just listened to both videos and did CTRL F for "Greeley" and found no mention of it. Where did you hear that?

I don't feel good watching those prosecutors. Wimpy. The female looks she actually believes KK just could never go through killing Kelsey. Well, maybe she didn't but she brought the damn bat that is the murder weapon.
I think it was corrected to a wood bat PF used, KK took a aluminum bat to KB's the third time she intended to kill her, that is how I remember it, they burned the wood bat in the burn pile with KB, to be sure need to back and read thread 39.

Thanks, Hatch! I knew I saw aluminum somewhere but prolly was about the time I got tweet lost, too. :confused:
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