CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #40 *ARREST*

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I am having a hard time fathoming the recent disclosures about Kelsey's murder. How on earth can a human being do something like PF and KK did to another human being? Such cruelty.

KK is a such a doormat. And I don't buy her "I was sooooo scared of PF that
I dove in the homicidal scene with such gusto..."

PF bashing KB's teeth out is so much like NC killer, Jason Young, who beat his pregnant wife to death and left their toddler girl w/ her mother's corpse.

I believe in redemption but not in PF's case. What's the point of a trial?
Lock him him away and make him "clean up messes" in prison.

I was very disappointed that I missed PF's hearing. My consolation was that I ran into Gloria Allred in the bathroom of the courthouse. I just had to hug her and thank her and her daughter, Lisa Bloom, for helping so many women.

Gloria looked very pretty and much softer than she does on TV. She was very sweet. She said for me to call her if I needed help.

I wonder what she was up to at the courthouse.
@The Saint -- you're a better sleuther than that! Check the docket. ;)
I'm guessing PF had the metal trough because he used it for the horses and other farm animals to drink water out of? I know around here in Texas most feed stores sell metal troughs for farmers and ranchers to use for their animals/livestock to drink water from. Sometimes there is a windmill near a trough in an open pasture.

Here’s one of Patrick Frazee’s dog training videos that he filmed at his farm. It shows a few metal troughs inside the corral.
Now, are we supposed to believe that KK went there to KB's condo and cleaned up everything, but yet she left some areas of blood on purpose??? Now just think about that - she was willing and obviously did go clean up the bloody mess at the condo...yet while she is doing so, she just happens to decide that she is going to leave some blood evidence for LE/investigators. Now, IF we were to believe that story, then why didn't she just either do one of 2 things ... A) Not go clean up the mess at all or B) After she decided to leave some blood evidence for LE/investigators, then why not just go to the police at that time??? Ya see, like Judge Judy says, "if it doesn't make sense, then it's usually not true" and this sure doesn't make sense to me, but I guess it's JMO....
The missing bath mat pointed out by KB's mom would surely be in one of the garbage bags. And the tooth?

Also, the bags would be from the same batch still at KB's, perfect forensic evidence.

I was wrong, and corrected later as I had missed it, but in the arrest affidavit all those bags were burned at his house. It was on paragraph 68, and paragraphs 73 through 76 in the arrest affidavit.

Hoping to nip my incorrect information from getting legs.
PF didn't need a bat in order to kill KB. He could have used his hands just as CW used his hands and didn't leave a trace of his crime at the scene.

It makes no sense that PF would plan this murder for several months and then resort to such a violent, bloody weapon in KB's own home. This is the most glaring red flag about KK's story. Because if PF had used his hands, he wouldn't have needed KK to drive 13 hours to "clean up the mess." PF wouldn't have needed KK at all.

It also makes no sense that he left the crime scene with blood splatter everywhere and waited for KK to clean it up 48 hours later. Her brother, parents, or a bff could have made a surprise visit.

Imo, KK has told a LOT of lies.
I don't know if this is relevant or not, but in the final seconds of the KOAA TV drone video taken after the first search of PF's ranch, there is a corral located well below the dug up area that looks to have a dark circular mark, and about ten feet away is a round metal trough like is described. Perhaps by "scooped up" KKL meant that he picked it up with a loader, and set it in the back of his pickup truck.
If this is the spot she decribed, an open fire could certainly be seen from the porch of the house, but not with any clarity through the trees.
Drone video shows area where investigators searched Frazee property

Screenshot.does either capture what you're talkin about,.where?


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All of the stories about PF soliciting KK to murder came from KK who is homicidal wanna be and liar. She admits to stalking Kelsey in order to murder her. Maybe PF has been "railroaded". Not in that he didn't Kelsey but idea was KK's and that KK pushed him to do the deed because she "just couldn't".
The Heather Elvis case in South Carolina is exactly this scenario. An affair takes place and the wife insists on the homicide. She does the planning, plotting, and does the jail time. She has not been recovered to date.

I think KK was diabolical enough to leave behind evidence to cover herself in case she was double-crossed.
She probably went flying when struck in the head, hitting her face on something and knocking her tooth out. I'm hoping the first blow knocked her out cold.

Can't even believe what I'm writing. :(
Yes, I don't think she would have been capable of moving voluntarily. I would think the first blow would have made her unconscious. There was likely blood everywhere, and PF tracked it all over the house. He probably tried to wash up in the bathroom. Just himself, of course, since KK would be handling the worst of it. Imo
Here’s one of Patrick Frazee’s dog training videos that he filmed at his farm. It shows a few metal troughs inside the corral.
This explains how he was able to concentrate, and ultimately contain, Kelsey’s remains.

He’d be able to scoop out the ash, and dispose of nearly all the evidence.

It wouldn’t disperse, a mistake that lots of people make when they use this disposal method.
Was he paying attention to the news at all in the months and days preceding Thanksgiving? Right up the road, another heinous murder, you'd think would enter his brain and he'd try to replicate the successful points and avoid the pitfalls. But, no, he didn't.
I'm (PF) sooooooo much smarter than CW I'll never get caught I've covered all the bases says narcissistic psycho < in his own mind>;)
PF didn't need a bat in order to kill KB. He could have used his hands just as CW used his hands and didn't leave a trace of his crime at the scene.

It makes no sense that PF would plan this murder for several months and then resort to such a violent, bloody weapon in KB's own home. This is the most glaring red flag about KK's story. Because if PF had used his hands, he wouldn't have needed KK to drive 13 hours to "clean up the mess." PF wouldn't have needed KK at all.

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