CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #40 *ARREST*

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Didn't she pretend to be a neighbor thanking her for helping her find a lost dog or something like that?

I can't think of his name but trial was live on Court TV. Walworth County, WI. Anyone hear anything about Court TV is coming back. Anyhow, that is where I first watched trials then I thought it changed to Tru TV and stuff I could care less to watch.

Anyhow, I think they had two boys. He also set up and made her sound crazy, lost it, abusive while drugging her.... He had computer searches though and she had a neighbor/friend who when she was struggling with illness (caused by him) if anything happens to me, he did it. She was getting a clue. He was found guilty. Never, ever assume when some friend of yours male or female is saying such things, that their gf is crazy or abusive, or the guy or bf that it is true. Sometimes, as they say, those that protest most loudly have the most to hide...

Edited to fix first sentence.
Absolutely if SF was near the burning then surely she would want to know what was burning. Especially with the cardinal rule in rural places that you dont burn plastics because they give off a horrendous smell and horrendous black poisonous smoke.

Most people that burn debri in rural places will be sure to remove all plastics and anything that will give off a really foul odor or really black smoldering smoke like plastics or rubber.
Everyone in the rural town I grew up burned anything and everything! You get those big bonfires burning and stuff disintigrates pretty quickly, not that a human body would.
Does anyone find it extremely odd that KK's story is that she wanted to leave clues for LE in the town home and wanted LE to track her down via cell pings? Sorry but I think she made those mistakes because she made those mistakes. She took LE into the town home and said look, I left this blood here for you to find? I turned the phones on so you would know where to look for me? I wanted him to get caught? I wanted to be implicated in obstructing the investigation and possibly a conspiracy to commit murder? I tried to help? Are you kidding me? MOO

But yet at no time did she ever pick up the phone to inform anyone that Kelsey was in grave danger. Not when he wanted her to poison her, not when he called her continuously with dates to come back and try again, not when he called and said clean this mess, not on her 800 mile drives back and forth, not while she was intimate with him, not while she scrubbed a houseful of blood off the walls, baby toys, or a Holy Bible, not while she fished a tooth out of a vent, not while she looked at the pictures of K and Baby K in K's home, not while K's remains were still intact and could be used as evidence in this case, not while she watched PF burn K's remains, never. She is as black souled as he is. MOO

All of the stories about PF soliciting KK to murder came from KK who is homicidal wanna be and liar. She admits to stalking Kelsey in order to murder her. Maybe PF has been "railroaded". Not in that he didn't Kelsey but idea was KK's and that KK pushed him to do the deed because she "just couldn't".
Iirc, the first time the crime scene people went there it was during the day. It was only on the later date they went at night, which we saw them bringing out articles.

Remember the Watts case? They also did their search at night.

I assume it is because of the luminal and the blue star. Luminal negative might be just do to it did not work well in dim light and it was not completely dark? Then again, a bathroom should always be completely dark by just closing the door?

They did say in the arrest affidavit that blood was found with BlueStar, and was luminol negative.

NCJRS Abstract - National Criminal Justice Reference Service

Bluestar Forensic's most obvious advantage over luminol was its ability to produce a visible reaction without requiring complete darkness. In dim lighting, luminol was measurably less intense. At crime scenes where establishing complete darkness is not possible, Bluestar
Oh! I missed lots of posts yesterday... kept trying to squeeze in reading through the day. So luminol was negative but blue star was positive.
Hear, hear!!

Any normal, human would not have given PF three opportunities to solicit them for murder .

THREE times and she was still speaking to him.

That girl ain't right. Missing more than her shame bone.

Ita .

KK is just as evil as PF.
She was asked 3 times to murder Kelsey, and backed out. But she made an effort.

She might not have beaten Kelsey to death, but she knew it was going to happen. (that KB's life was going to end)
Rotten to the core, both of them.
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Holy Cow
According to to the arrest Affidavit Meghan knew about the murder plot too. In October.
Yet she let KK borrow her car with a fully loaded gun in it.
I swear all the people who knew beforehand. They're like cockroaches hiding in the woodwork.
I think I'm on that same page with you. I have my own scenario of the 22nd. MOO.

out late on the 21st; gets to bed at 4am and sleeps late.
12:37 at Safeway, KB with daughter. Hair not done per CB (no shower yet?).
video of both cars KB & PF (independent) heading direction of KB townhouse
~1pm video at KB front door; KB, daughter, & PF.

my thoughts: PF takes daughter to Walmart to let KB shower (is the plan to go to Cracker Barrel?)
video of PF at Walmart? (I think so)
video at 1:24pm at KB front door - is PF going to or coming back from WM?
KB still getting dressed when he returns, sneaks bat in & puts daughter in crib.
Blitz attack while she's putting on sweater.

3:36pm video, possibly PF at KB front door - is he leaving the crime scene?
he's had ~2 hours to bag up his cloths and shoes, clean him self & daughter with baby wipes, and secure scene.
Seams like a long time - did he shower? (check the p-traps someone).

calls to SF and KK at ~4:15pm (need to check).
Head to SF place for TG dinner, arrive ~4:30pm (per brother). PF "had a hard time eating TG dinner after what he did" (dinner came after).
Did he get rid of his clothes on the way? KK never mentions that she had to dispose of these.

Movement of PF and KB phone together in the evening of the 22nd (after TG dinner?). Body transfer to Nash?

Again - just MOO.
Nicely done there, could have been exactly like that. I think PF probably threw his bloody clothes in the black tote with KB.
This is disturbing. I think perhaps the police erred slightly in assuming that KB was only missing. This is another instance where we are paradoxically lucky we have KK's testimony about the two blood spots that CBI missed. The local police probably don't investigate a lot of complicated scenes like this, but I would think the CBI/FBI teams should not have missed anything - particularly when the two spots KK pointed out weren't somewhere easy-to-miss like the underside of a chair or the crevices of hardwood flooring - they were on a light switch and on the fireplace.

Am I remembering correctly? IIRC, LE didn't report finding blood until after KB's folks found it in several places in the bathroom. Even then, I worried that that evidence would be successfully challenged: there was mention that it could have been KB's period (on a towel rack? and multiple other places in the bathroom? I don't think so....). There's also mention of another male's DNA and 'commingled' blood. That undermined that evidence, and I fully expected someone on PF's side to hint that KB's parents could have somehow tampered with the evidence.

KK's testimony is much more damning, IMHO. A lot of what she's saying may come down to 'he said, she said', but she named two spots with blood splatters that LE had missed. The defense is going to have a hard time arguing those blood splatters away, IMHO.
Oh, with my responsibilities I just couldn't keep up yesterday. So kk mentioned two spots that kb's family didn't see!
I am having a hard time fathoming the recent disclosures about Kelsey's murder. How on earth can a human being do something like PF and KK did to another human being? Such cruelty.

KK is a such a doormat. And I don't buy her "I was sooooo scared of PF that
I dove in the homicidal scene with such gusto..."

PF bashing KB's teeth out is so much like NC killer, Jason Young, who beat his pregnant wife to death and left their toddler girl w/ her mother's corpse.

I believe in redemption but not in PF's case. What's the point of a trial?
Lock him him away and make him "clean up messes" in prison.

I was very disappointed that I missed PF's hearing. My consolation was that I ran into Gloria Allred in the bathroom of the courthouse. I just had to hug her and thank her and her daughter, Lisa Bloom, for helping so many women.

Gloria looked very pretty and much softer than she does on TV. She was very sweet. She said for me to call her if I needed help.

I wonder what she was up to at the courthouse.
PF isn’t just a murderer - he is a cowardly murderer. Unable to look KB in the face, he puts a sweater over her head. He isn’t very smart, either. Hit her in the head and create a bloody scene that is impossible to fully clean up? Think about this - if he had strangled her, he would be walking free today. There would have been no blood, he wouldn’t have had to involve another person, the phone records wouldn’t have given him away, etc. It would have remained a mysterious disappearance, he would have been under a cloud of suspicion, but there would have been no proof.

How did this guy ever think he was actually going to get away with this, doing it the way he did it and involving KK? Thank goodness for dumb criminals.

Was he paying attention to the news at all in the months and days preceding Thanksgiving? Right up the road, another heinous murder, you'd think would enter his brain and he'd try to replicate the successful points and avoid the pitfalls. But, no, he didn't.
KB spent the night prior to her death out until 4 AM with baby K checking on PF's cattle in Westcliffe because PF supposedly had an ulcer. Then she went to the pharmacy to pick up medicine for PF's ulcer. She talked to her mom twice Thanksgiving morning and was happy and normal and excited about their upcoming Christmas plans to get a tree and decorate. She asked her mom for a bread recipe, then went to the store to buy ingredients for a dip and flowers. KB believed PF was taking her and baby out for dinner but her mom said KB wanted to make dip and got flowers in case plans changed. I think KB was hoping PF would take her to his family Thanksgiving dinner. I think KB believed they were an engaged couple, she may have even loved him and I think she never saw any of this coming. PF is a snake who deceived KB and lied to almost everyone else about the nature of their relationship. The whole idea that their relationship was nothing more than exchanging the baby came from PF. Her parents' civil suit claims this was a lie/misrepresentation and also seems to indicate that KB was the primary caregiver of Baby K, not PF as he tried to make it seem. There was no 50/50 custody agreement between them. MOO.
I think I'm on that same page with you. I have my own scenario of the 22nd. MOO.

out late on the 21st; gets to bed at 4am and sleeps late.
12:37 at Safeway, KB with daughter. Hair not done per CB (no shower yet?).
video of both cars KB & PF (independent) heading direction of KB townhouse
~1pm video at KB front door; KB, daughter, & PF.

my thoughts: PF takes daughter to Walmart to let KB shower (is the plan to go to Cracker Barrel?)
video of PF at Walmart? (I think so)
video at 1:24pm at KB front door - is PF going to or coming back from WM?
KB still getting dressed when he returns, sneaks bat in & puts daughter in crib.
Blitz attack while she's putting on sweater.

3:36pm video, possibly PF at KB front door - is he leaving the crime scene?
he's had ~2 hours to bag up his cloths and shoes, clean him self & daughter with baby wipes, and secure scene.
Seams like a long time - did he shower? (check the p-traps someone).

calls to SF and KK at ~4:15pm (need to check).
Head to SF place for TG dinner, arrive ~4:30pm (per brother). PF "had a hard time eating TG dinner after what he did" (dinner came after).
Did he get rid of his clothes on the way? KK never mentions that she had to dispose of these.

Movement of PF and KB phone together in the evening of the 22nd (after TG dinner?). Body transfer to Nash?

Again - just MOO.

PF didn't need a bat in order to kill KB. He could have used his hands just as CW used his hands and didn't leave a trace of his crime at the scene.

It makes no sense that PF would plan this murder for several months and then resort to such a violent, bloody weapon in KB's own home. This is the most glaring red flag about KK's story. Because if PF had used his hands, he wouldn't have needed KK to drive 13 hours to "clean up the mess." PF wouldn't have needed KK at all.

The thing that strikes me is this-

If I wanted to kill my girlfriend/fiance/wife at her condo, I would do it as quietly and cleanly as possible. This is Murder 101. I am not a "cowboy" or as big as PF but I have little doubt that I could strangle a woman (sorry) who had a sweater covering her face awaiting pleasant aromas.

This is not what PF wanted.

He wanted to use a baseball bat to inflict as much damage as possible with no concern for blood evidence. This is hard to fathom. He hated KB. He thought she deserved his punishment. His actions were not spontaneous, he thought this out and planned this method of execution. A baseball bat.

I can't even begin to understand this.

sometimes victims do not die right away as per other stories- if you just give some one a concussion, they might survive, so I expect he had to be thorough, but I always read that these bloody hideous crime scenes devolve from intense anger- personal or misdirected, because the average person cannot take the gore and would never do something like this. KB seems like such a sweet responsible caring person that you have to ask where all this anger came from- it is all out of proportion to custody or finances for any normal person.
None of these fools did try, but it still doesn't make them to be a bigger monster than PF. They can still be with a lackluster moral compass and evil in their own right, but the worst of the worst is PF.

If they used fuel and oil to burn, along with the plastic tote, would that be enough to be the overwhelming scent? I know plastic alone in a burn is a very strong odor.
Agreed, he’s the biggest monster of them all!

I don’t think the fuel and oil would cover the smell, I think the plastic smell alone would have a stronger odor.
Narcissists never care about anyone but themselves. KK was only a means to an end.

If she'd thought about it, she would have realized she was the likely next woman in PF's arena to disappear.

You know, the next time she showed up in WP after the murder & PF would want nothing to do with her

thus her fear, if you believe it, though many find it convenient and contrived
There’s no way of proving what she did and didn’t know, as that’s inherently unknowable.

Not without someone or something, to prove that she did something criminal.

I don’t think it’s there.

If she takes the stand at trial, she will plead the fifth, I’m certain of it.

The fifth gives her the ability not to self incriminate, but she will use it to protect her son, regardless of what she knew.

Or even worse, giving false information, like Cindy Anthony.

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