CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - #47 *ARREST*

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I don't think and similar tests are even capable of determining paternity. Thats just not the type of testing that they do.
Actually, Ancestry can potentially identify a potential mother or father, but it requires the mother, father, and child all take the test. On my DNA matches it identfies my father as "Predicted Relationship: Parent/Child" and shows "amount of shared DNA is 3,461 centimorgans across 49 DNA segments." You can get more technical and download a file that maps the DNA; however, this is designed to help you find people who share DNA to find common ancestors, and it does this quite well. In Kelsy's case, she would have to have Patrick's DNA tested and the baby's tested to see if they matched. It would not be accepted in court to establish paternity. Checks and balances and all types of protocol are in a paternity test that this one does not have.

I do know someone who was adopted and had no hints as to who she was. She did the Ancestry DNA and found a woman who had a high match of DNA to her. Turns out it was her mother's sister, and she was able to find her biological sisters. They have met and are loving being in contact and getting to know each other.

Ancestry always has a great sale on their kits at Thanksgiving and Christmas. They are generally about 1/2 price. My guess is Kelsey was starting a family tree on Ancestry. People get more interested in genealogy when they have children, and it is a great hobby.
There are actually like 45 documents. It does mention in one of them that he was seen on neighbors camera, but don’t ask me which one or where.
Colorado Judicial Branch
Thank you. Dang it! Keeping up is a part time job! I clicked most of the documents apparently I need to keep clicking.
I agree and remember all that, but how crazy is that - that PF called Ma Watts at 4:24 p.m. that day and that was posted on FB by another SF at 4:36 p.m.?!!! :eek:

I am curious to know if LE contacted the other SF and asked about her Facebook post. Would be interesting to hear her explanation for posting that strange message. IMO


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I don't think so. I'm sure she knew PF was the father. Look at Baby K's picture. She looks just like a cute version of him.

PF was a controlling man, as evidenced by that story told by CB, that described his anger at the nurses for not allowing mother/daughter bonding time, when their child was born.

You don’t do that if you don’t think you’re the father.

We also have no evidence that Kelsey had any other men in her life.

This man likely killed in order to obtain permanent custody of his child. Again, only a person who knows he is the father does that.

That DNA kit wasn’t related to paternity.
Thank you. Duh! I didn’t put two and two together. My lord what a coincidence. And dagnabit I don’t believe in coincidences!

Just because it isn't connected to SF doesn't mean it hasn't been connected to a different friend or family member. It seems to me too coincidental. I think it's a message that the murder has happened to "all concerned".

PF was a controlling man, as evidenced by that story told by CB, that described his anger at the nurses for not allowing mother/daughter bonding time, when their child was born.

You don’t do that if you don’t think you’re the father.

We also have no evidence that Kelsey had any other men in her life.

This man likely killed in order to obtain permanent custody of his child. Again, only a person who knows he is the father does that.

That DNA kit wasn’t related to paternity.

MG, now you're going to make me read that document again. I thought PF was pushing for "family" bonding time, including himself, no? (Making your point even stronger.)
MG, now you're going to make me read that document again. I thought PF was pushing for "family" bonding time, including himself, no? (Making your point even stronger.)
Ha! He may have.

Regardless though, the implication is the same.

Although I do like things that make my arguments stronger.
I just had a thought ! Yes my head hurts. How big was that hay stack? Obviously high enough to need a front loader to lift something higher than 6 -8 ft. My thought, did anyone in LE unstack that hay and have a look see? I know the cadaver canines hit on a hay bale, but if something was in the middle of the hay I wonder if they could of sniffed it out? Does anybody know?

I hope LE is reading here at WS because your idea and so many others are sure worth looking into! Of course the defense is probably reading here too.
KK's story of PF's solicitation, his anger when she didnt kill KB, and PF's ordering KK's to come clean up "her" mess and take care of the evidence, sounds exactly like a bully.

My older brother was a bully. Big brother would think of ways to secretly defy our mean Dad, but he didn't want to be the actual naughty one, so he'd tell us we had to do it. Steal him a candy bar, trespass on a neighbors farm and bring back a rhubarb stalk to prove we'd obeyed, etc. Once while following Dad through a store, big brother whispered "You should steal a pack of cigarettes," then quickly walks in front of Dad where he can be seen and not associated with me if I get caught. When we got to the vehicle, he was very angry that I had not had the nerve to steal them. And he ominously hissed, "You'll have another chance!" I felt very guilty about not doing my "job", so I made myself do it the next place we went, got caught and took a beating when we got home. Big brother's response? Said I was stupid for taking them from a small store I could get caught easier in.

And then I married a bully. Bullys don't want to accept blame for anything, but instead of actually changing for the better, they build a wall of anger towards people so they feel justified in their bad behavior. And those of us who aren't that bright dutifully feel responsible. So one of our children got hurt: "Its not my fault," instead of hugging the child. The toddler chokes on a bite of corn chip: "It's not my fault. I didn't let her have them!" instead of trying to help her. The preschooler spills his milk, the new kitten misses the litter box, a child vomits in the bed: an angry "Hey, you've got a mess to clean up!" And then I started getting a constant angry vibe from him which was, guess what, somehow my fault. And one day it dawned on me, it wasn't my fault. (He was willing to change and we're still together.)

He eventually confessed that the angry vibe was to justify infidelity. So he could feel "It's not my fault, she made me mad so I deserve to do what I want."

So MOO, PF is a bully. It's very believable that he built an anger toward KB, justifying his relationship with KK (KB doesn't deserve me anymore); and also his desire to have the baby (KB is a bad mom so I deserve the baby.)

And I agree with the quoted poster's statement that PF didn't want to be the murderer. I think he's absolutely the one who wanted KB gone though, he just didn't want to be the bad guy. So in typical bully fashion, he somehow made it became KK's job to get rid of KB. Perhaps it was even KK's "fault" that PF got into a relationship with KB, I don't know. KK may have broken up with PF several years ago and gotten married so it's her fault he turned to KB. Then if KK spoke of wanting to get back together with PF and suggested he break up with KB, I can definitely imagine him saying "If you want me, it's your job to get rid her." Or maybe it was, "You're the one who came back into my life and made it complicated, now it's your job to fix it." Possibly KB found out PF was having a relationship with KK, and threatened to leave with the baby. That would "definitely" make it KK's job to kill KB so she couldn't leave.

I think PF's line of thought was, "KB is to blame for my anger, and now she won't give me the baby and leave. It's KK's fault for putting me in such a mess to start with, and and now the stupid woman won't do her job to get me out of the mess. So in the end it's their fault I had to do it. But I'm sure not gonna clean up a mess that's not my fault so KK better get herself down here and finish up.

KK then listed other ways PF reminded her that he'd had to do HER job, and now she REALLY owed him to finish up and get rid of any evidence pointing at him!

IMO, this post is absolutely sensational. You have amazing insight.
I'm still in the camp that thinks one of those newly-shoed horses imprinted on PF's prefrontal cortex!

"Damage to brain limits empathy / Prefrontal cortex injury found to alter moral judgment. Damage to the part of the brain that controls social emotions changes the way people respond to thorny moral problems, demonstrating the role of empathy and other feelings in life-or-death decisions."

Very interesting! As the brutality and cruelty of KB's murder has been revealed, I was thinking about studies I read that I recall as showing a strong correlation between murderers, especially serial killers, and frontal lobe damage. (The Happy Face Killer, Keith Jesperson, reportedly had a head injury as a youth and grew up in an abusive family.) In PF's lifetime of working as a rancher, rodeo cowboy and farrier, he's certainly been a candidate for multiple frontal lobe injuries. I'm in no way excusing his alleged act of premeditated murder! I'm just trying to understand how anyone, regardless of "mommy issues," can plan and execute such a horrific murder with complete disregard for anyone, especially his own daughter. After all, how would he feel deprived of his mommy? That's the striking thing about someone like him--apparent complete inability to empathize with anyone! His hospital blow-up over bonding, IMO, wasn't about what was best for his baby. It was about his own need to have HIS possession bonded to him, i.e. under his control.

Many times, people who have suffered these type of head injuries, and / or their family members, recognize the change in personality and seek help. Unfortunately, in too many other cases, everyone is in denial and the person is enabled until something horrific happens. The Cosmo DiNardo case comes to mind. It was alleged by friends that he changed following an accident that caused a head injury. For years, his parents used their wealth and influence to enable him to continue his aggressive, criminal and antisocial behavior. I think, though, that many times there are also environmental factors along with the brain injury--the proverbial "perfect storm." With the overwhelming evidence against PF, I wonder if he'll try to use some kind of mental illness plea in the sentencing phase, if he's convicted, to try for a lesser sentence. That appears to be what Brendt Christensen, another evil psychopath, is preparing to do in the YingYing Zang murder trial. That's another "no body" case. MOO.
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