CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #61

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I wonder if SF1 is next? or are they saving that "jewel" for the finale??

I think that the most important witnesses are the first and last, so I say she is the finale. Keeps her outta the courtroom, and will just be a WTF moment for the jury when she refuses to answer questions that the jury has already seen evidence of so clearly.

Defense points out Kenney never tried to warn Berreth or police

Nov 7, 2019

Krystal Kenney returned to the stand this morning after a delayed start. Judge Sells said both Patrick Frazee and Kenney were feeling ill this morning, so court began later than usual.

Lead Prosecutor Jennifer Viehman brought up Kenney's plea bargain she made last December to start. Kenney told Viehman when investigators first came to her home on Dec. 17 last year, she wanted to cooperate but didn't provide a statement until Dec. 20.

She said she wanted to provide the statement because she couldn’t live with what she knew and she thought Kelsey Berreth's family deserved to know what happened.


Under questioning from the defense, Kenney is told she plead guilty to the lowest level of felony in Colorado, while not admitting guilt in cleaning up a crime scene, getting rid of belongings and destroying possible evidence. Kenney says she did not. The defense says any of those could have involved a sentence of 18 months in jail.

The attorney also mentioned there were no charges related to potentially bringing a poisoned coffee to Berreth, which he says could be considered attempted murder. Kenney did bring a coffee to Berreth that was not tainted with drugs.


Throughout a long rehash of all the things Kenney admits she's done and lies she's told, Steigerwald asks if she's said the truth at all in the 10 hours of testimony she's provided. Kenney replies, "yes." He says it’s what she needed to say to avoid prison. At this point Steigerwald ends his questioning.

On redirect by the prosecution, Jennifer Viehman asks Kenney if she knows that abandonment is a defense under Colorado law. This is in relation to three solicitation for murder attempts that Kenney says she ultimately backed out of.

Kenney confirms she only spoke to law enforcement during a visit to her home because she finally felt they would believe her and she felt safe from Frazee. She also says she never told anyone because she did not want anyone else to get entangled or in danger.


Hold up there! She just perjured herself because she told that wretched Stein dope what she'd done. As we know, Stein said "Krystal had good reasons..." blah, blah, blah.
I am happy that we have some great reporters in the courtroom and under the circumstances know they are doing the best they can to report things, but can someone suggest they let us know what questions the jury is asking. I think the jury's questions will give insight into their thoughts.
I am happy that we have some great reporters in the courtroom and under the circumstances know they are doing the best they can to report things, but can someone suggest they let us know what questions the jury is asking. I think the jury's questions will give insight into their thoughts.

I've been watching Sam Kraemer's lives on Facebook every night. IMO, he does a really good job. I'm thinking he'll have the questions and answers tonight.

Hold up there! She just perjured herself because she told that wretched Stein dope what she'd done. As we know, Stein said "Krystal had good reasons..." blah, blah, blah.

If I’m not mistaken, that was before the murder. KK confided in them what PF asked her to do.

Her answer had to do with telling people after the crime.
Hey all!

I haven't read every post, yet, so my apologies if somethings already been covered here...

This case gets to me so much... years ago, my husband worked with a man who confided in him, that he was planning to kill his ex wife, with whom he shared a two yr old child.

This man had bought a gun, was taking shooting lessons at a range, had a day picked out, (A Wednesday when he had his mid-week visitation and he planned to leave his child with Grandma, his mom. ), and a plan for killing his ex.

My husband was shaking when he told me about this, and I knew the man, he had been to my our home with his child, and I heard some of his complaints about the boy's mother. And they were utterly ridiculous, (child wasn't wearing slippers, just socks, when he came to the door... seriously, that seemed to enrage him because he bought the child slippers!).

Needless to say, scared though I was, this women is still very much alive, the man in question has been receiving mental health treatment for over a decade now, and the little boy has enjoyed the love of both his parents and is doing great in college now.

As I follow this case, I grow to despise kk more and more... even more than pf. Why?

A few reasons.

#1: I had TWO days to figure out what to do, kk had, (well, I really don't know how long they had been discussing killing Kelsey, do we know for sure?).

A lot longer. A long time, to consider the fact, that she was pivotal in whether or not this women would be brutally murdered. And a tiny girl would be left with this terrible legacy.

So, to my mind, kk is cowardly .

And even though, we all want pf put away for life, I will just never understand how one murderer gets what's coming to him, and kk skates.

I find her tears discusting. If she had just been hit with a bat, by a man she loved, the father of her child, I could understand her tears, "Please Stop"...

I find her claim that she was, scared of pf fake as hell... I think she was willing, (WILLING people! Aiding and abetting!), to murder this beautiful woman, who had the audacity give birth to pf's child, when she herself, aborted his child.

No matter the outcome of this case. I feel justice will never be served. As a Mom, a woman, kk had the real power here. Pf is a sick fck, but he needed a woman supporting him. And forever in my mind, kk is the REAL murderer.
Yes, Kelsey's family is there.

Yes, they brought a tote into the courtroom. Yes, the actual tote was burned, but he had others that were identical.

With his track record of guffaws, I wouldn't be surprised if LE doesn't have documentation that he purchased the identical one the next day on Amazon Prime.
snipped.,, Keeping everything in chronological order allows for any Patrick-like morons on the jury.

It's like Fun with Dick & Jane.....
See Patrick bat.
Bat, Patrick, bat.....and so on.

Yes, it’s a longshot, but I think we have to be careful what we say here. I wouldn’t want jury members to think we do not respect them (they aren’t supposed to follow this, but what about family that’s keeping tabs - it happens). And to do too much bashing of KK could reinforce the defense’s argument (in someone’s mind) that she may be the primary guilty party, no matter what the evidence shows.

We want him to be convicted.

I’m sorry. I know this is not going to be a popular opinion but I feel it’s something that needs to be cautioned in a public forum.

...snipped by me for focus.....

"Kenney explaining to officers the contents of a garbage bag that was also burned on Frazee’s property in Florissant. Kenney added she’d thrown Berreth’s bible in the bag as well."

Wait. wth? She actually burned KB's Bible too!

My goodness. And just when you think it cant get any worse.
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