CO CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #61

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Hold up there! She just perjured herself because she told that wretched Stein dope what she'd done. As we know, Stein said "Krystal had good reasons..." blah, blah, blah.
That's the thing about MS's interview. Do we actually know "when" KK told her about everything and "how" much did she tell her? She talks about trying to convince KK NOT to go to CO but we all know what happened, but she also said in that interview that KK had never seen that kind of evil before explaining "why" she feared him. I would guess that second statement came AFTER she'd seen the blood bath at KB's. So "when" did the fear set in? I would say after she saw and cleaned that mess, so therefore it would stand to reason that she told MS after the fact.

If my reasoning is off, feel free to correct me. It's the most sense I can make out of that interview with MS.
It was reposted a little later, and then it was with a blur of folks walking in the background. Perhaps it was pulled originally as they were concerned about filming jurors walking in, so they pulled to blur out the folks who might be jurors or identifiable across the street. It is still posted, and I'll do an ETA and find it if no-one has already posted

It's at this link

Clayton Sandell on Twitter
She was not locked in a closet. She was in the bedroom on the main floor in a walker. It’s horrific enough without adding in details that aren’t true. I’m not specifically calling you out so please don’t take this the wrong way, I just keep seeing this repeated.

I've seen it a few times too. Do you where it's stated the back room or bedroom?
I agree. I also think it's pretty clear by now that KK has some serious psychological problems. That girl ain't right. MOO
She needs more help than even a psychiatrist could give her. How do you fix such evilness? And for her to be all boo-hooing now in front of a jury is beyond disgusting. There are no words. JMO
She was not locked in a closet. She was in the bedroom on the main floor in a walker. It’s horrific enough without adding in details that aren’t true. I’m not specifically calling you out so please don’t take this the wrong way, I just keep seeing this repeated.
Ok Utility Room. Probably not much bigger than closet. Especially in such a small unit.
In that video, the reporter recounts testimony that PF asked one of the ranch hands to cover up the burn area, so there wouldn’t be any sign of a fire having been there.

The issue was that the dirt it was covered with was a different color from the area around it.

Oops!!...Say it ain't so!

It's like when criminals cut out a bloody piece of carpet and replace it with a clean one from under the sofa.

Geniuses thinking overtime!
Sorry to quote myself, here, but, PERJURY.

If I'm the defense, I'm wanting to subpoena M Stein to impeach the witness.

I caught that too right away when I saw it. She had already told people about what was going on. Including her friend in Idaho that knew the lawyer there and was blabbing to the lawyer about her situation.
Thanks @PommyMommy, @MassGuy and @GoJacks for all the updates (and anyone else I may have missed xx)

So sickening to read Kelsey’s last words were please stop. And KK should have punched him in the face and walked away when he asked if she was a baby killer

I am so sad for her family to hear how she suffered at his hands

ETA. Hope you are feeling a bit better Pommy xx
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Yes, it’s a longshot, but I think we have to be careful what we say here. I wouldn’t want jury members to think we do not respect them (they aren’t supposed to follow this, but what about family that’s keeping tabs - it happens). And to do too much bashing of KK could reinforce the defense’s argument (in someone’s mind) that she may be the primary guilty party, no matter what the evidence shows.

We want him to be convicted.

I’m sorry. I know this is not going to be a popular opinion but I feel it’s something that needs to be cautioned in a public forum.


FWIW, Kelsey's brother spoke about it and was enraged that all of the people who knew a murder was being planned never spoke up to save his sister's life.
I believe Stein's interview indicated she knew what the creature had done because, remember, she claimed she told the creature not to go to Colorado?

I recall KK testified that the only person she told that she was headed to Colorado at PF's request was M Stein.

I don't think this was perjury because KK herself didn't know what she was going to find until she arrived in Woodland Park, and saw it for herself.

ETA: Remember all the people that didn't alert KB or LE about the repeated solicitations to murder KB were not charged with anything because it's not a crime not to tell.
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Hey all!

I haven't read every post, yet, so my apologies if somethings already been covered here...

This case gets to me so much... years ago, my husband worked with a man who confided in him, that he was planning to kill his ex wife, with whom he shared a two yr old child.

This man had bought a gun, was taking shooting lessons at a range, had a day picked out, (A Wednesday when he had his mid-week visitation and he planned to leave his child with Grandma, his mom. ), and a plan for killing his ex.

My husband was shaking when he told me about this, and I knew the man, he had been to my our home with his child, and I heard some of his complaints about the boy's mother. And they were utterly ridiculous, (child wasn't wearing slippers, just socks, when he came to the door... seriously, that seemed to enrage him because he bought the child slippers!).

Needless to say, scared though I was, this women is still very much alive, the man in question has been receiving mental health treatment for over a decade now, and the little boy has enjoyed the love of both his parents and is doing great in college now.

As I follow this case, I grow to despise kk more and more... even more than pf. Why?

A few reasons.

#1: I had TWO days to figure out what to do, kk had, (well, I really don't know how long they had been discussing killing Kelsey, do we know for sure?).

A lot longer. A long time, to consider the fact, that she was pivotal in whether or not this women would be brutally murdered. And a tiny girl would be left with this terrible legacy.

So, to my mind, kk is cowardly ***.

And even though, we all want pf put away for life, I will just never understand how one murderer gets what's coming to him, and kk skates.

I find her tears discusting. If she had just been hit with a bat, by a man she loved, the father of her child, I could understand her tears, "Please Stop"...

I find her claim that she was, scared of pf fake as hell... I think she was willing, (WILLING people! Aiding and abetting!), to murder this beautiful woman, who had the audacity give birth to pf's child, when she herself, aborted his child.

No matter the outcome of this case. I feel justice will never be served. As a Mom, a woman, kk had the real power here. Pf is a sick fck, but he needed a woman supporting him. And forever in my mind, kk is the REAL murderer.
I can agree with you SO much and bless you for what you managed to do. That is awesome!

However, I have to agree to disagree on KK being the "real" murderer. She is guilty of SO much, yes indeed. But as MG pointed out many months ago, PF swung the bat. And for that reason it is imperative that he be put away for life because I have NO doubt in my mind that if HE went free he would murder again. I don't believe she will ever become involved in anything like this again. I hope sincerely that she gets the help she needs because she is a very sick woman, but PF is an even sicker man. JMHO
I think that the most important witnesses are the first and last, so I say she is the finale. Keeps her outta the courtroom, and will just be a WTF moment for the jury when she refuses to answer questions that the jury has already seen evidence of so clearly.


Maybe but I'm still betting on the tooth being the exclamation point at the end!
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