GUILTY CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #68

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Yes. Kudos to the jury for not being insane and for their hard work and rationality. I’m afraid this experience will haunt them for life.

I wish the sheriff’s department hadn’t worked so hard to protect a convicted murderer from being filmed after verdict. Whose side are they on?

It was sad but necessary for Cheryl to talk about the impact on her family and Kelsey’s sweet child. So hard to hear. And I’m glad she mentioned keeping the baby away from that family that supported a murderer. Hopefully we will hear of another arrest within the Frazee line.

I’m glad the DA talked about how sweet Kelsey was. Poor lady. I’m glad they talked about the sick feeling of having to make a deal with the devil. But thankful they did so. Kelsey’s little girl was protected as a result.

None of us will forget this case or Kelsey.

BBM. Even the press was super annoyed and vocal about that. Good 'ole boys, I guess.

Absolutely. Well said. In May's press conference he even said he consulted with a number of other prosecutors before making that plea agreement.

I've guessed that KKL hired one heckuva lawyer. That lawyer knew exactly the value of everything that KKL had to say and worked hard to get her that sweetheart deal. He didn't want to do it, but it's what got PF convicted today and KB2 with the B's.

Yeah, it's really hard to understand why sf would not want kb for a daughter in law.

Control. She sensed immediately (and most likely correctly!) that KB wouldn't just acquiesce to her. Normal people would be thrilled - she's not normal.
I'm still on the last thread but just wanted to skip over here to say thank you to @MassGuy for being a constant source of strength and for his unwavering confidence that Frazee's trial would end the way it has. I was always confident but every now and then a little fear would sneak in. I thank you for encouraging us and lending your strength.
I also want to thank @gitana1 for always being here for us with good advice and encouragement. Not just on this case, but many cases. I imagine you wearing a pager, the way you always pop in at just the right time.
Thank you @Seattle1 for the excellent work that you do. I've always wondered if you're an attorney or have some special training in law. You're always spot on.
And @PommyMommy, I know I've told you several times how much I appreciate your excellent work, but I want to thank you again for all you've done here for Kelsey. Thank you so much. You spoil us, for sure.
We've had a great group here together, seeking justice for Kelsey and we saw that happen today. All of you have contributed in your own way. Thank you one and all.

Aww! Well thank you and everyone else for caring about these cases and victims and having interesting discussions and providing food for thought so often.
I came here when KB went missing and have followed this case all along. We grew up in the same town. I know some of her friends and her extended family. I never knew KB.

Thankful for this wonderful WS group.

Thankful for the jury and thankful that justice for KB was served.

I’ll continue to be here for KB and hope her parents get to adopt sweet baby K.

Rest Kelsey.

Thank you @mustloveco for your beautiful posts tonight.
The bottom line is all of Law Enforcement and the District Attorney plus the Jury viewed the one who committed the murder as winner of Most Guilty.

KK is bad.
PF is worse.
It just is what it is.
Always gonna' be.
However, I do believe that if PF just would have been more patient, KK would have done it.
They re both awful, awful, poor excuses of human beings.
Amen! Amen! Amen! Finally someone I can totally see who gets it! Cheryl Berreth knows exactly what Krystal Lee is!

I’m confused about the “finally” since pretty much everyone on these threads agrees. The full statement?:

Cheryl acknowledged Kenney’s role in getting this conviction, but said, “she shouldn’t have received a plea deal. She was an active participant in the murder. The only thing she didn’t do is swing the bat.”
Sam Kraemer (@SamKraemerTV) on Twitter

I think we all wish she could get more. But hopefully her life is ruined as a result of this.
As usual, I am endlessly behind and know I will never catch up, so thank you all.

I am so pleased that Kelsey's mom was able to express all that has been pent up inside since this horrible tragedy happened. I hope they will be able to move forward in their lives now and also have a chance to grief the loss of their beloved Kelsey while raising that beautiful little girl that is a part of her.

Have to tell you...this was the second time in about a month or so that I was waiting on a verdict and it came in as I was walking my I know the trick for a verdict!!
Good puppy! Love this story.

I am grateful CB was finally able to let it all out, too. In a very classy manner, I might add. What a terrible heartache for her as a Mom, for her Dad, her brother, and her darling daughter, who will grow up without both parents in her life. Things that are so important to a little girl growing up, all taken away by a vicious and brutal, pre-meditated act.

The apple doesn't fall far from the tree. Some of this can be looked at as a reflection on Patrick's mother- calling Kelsey a hooker, kicking her out when she got pregnant, and many other things. His sister, too, brutally attacking Kelsey on social media, up until he got arrested. Both SF and EF filing for custody of Baby K- perhaps there is some rife between mother and daughter as well?

God speed to Patrick's brother. I can't imagine how hard that had to be, to be a witness for the prosecution. Let's forget that he's an officer of the law for a moment- this is his brother, his blood. No matter what his profession is, that still has to hurt like hell to turn on your own brother. No doubt, MaF thought that SF2 was going to use his influence to get her other son off, but he did the right thing. Sometimes doing the right thing hurts the most, you know what I mean? They had also just lost their father, shortly before Kelsey was murdered. We have no clue if any of the kids were close to the Dad, if they were, they, too, were grieving at the time (I am talking SF2 and possibly his sister). They already had issues going on with the estate, which seemed strange to me, that they were already in full battle, just two months later. So they have a cold mother, we don't know much about the father, then his brother murders his girlfriend, and he's locked up in a battle over the father's estate with both siblings. He's probably wishing he could run away now and not have to deal with this anymore. He has a family, too- this trickles down to many victims, as I have said numerous times. He's the only victim, along with his own family, that I feel for on Patrick's side. This unfortunately follows him for the rest of his life, too- he's "that brother of the murderer in jail for life."

Life in prison is still too good for Patrick. I really hope they go hard and heavy after whoever was involved with those letters, if you catch my drift. Coded sentences and code words, meant for someone just as evil as Patrick to receive. Thank goodness Doe didn't go through with any of this, or tried to recruit help in doing so.
Maybe part of her sentence will be paying into KB's scholarship fund as well. I surely hope so. And I hope her ex will be severely limiting her custody/visitation with her own children.
KK..the side piece he cheated on lol.
That probably bothers her more than any of it.
She should never lay her eyes on her children again. She doesn't deserve to breathe the same air as them. She had a part in killing a child's mother, who now has neither parent in her life to help raise her. Kelsey can never bring her daughter to school, can never be there for her Christmas shows at school, will never see the excitement of her fact at Christmas lights or Santa coming in the morning. Kelsey can never do those things with her daughter- Krystal doesn't deserve to, either.
“This is, without a doubt, one of the most brutal murders that I’ve ever seen," Viehman said. “Mr. Frazee took a shining light from this Earth that we’ve heard over and over again from everybody who knew her. And he not only took her life on Thanksgiving Day of last year, he planned for months to do it."
'She mattered': Kelsey Berreth murder suspect sentenced to life plus 156 years
Whatever punishment KKL gets from the system cannot be enough. I’ll try to be satisfied knowing she helped put PF in prison forever.

My “wish” for her is that she lives dreading the day when her own children are old enough to seriously ask her how she could have been so complicit in denying an innocent baby girl a life knowing the love of her mom.

And when she attempts to answer them, I hope she chokes on the lies she tries to tell.

Jennifer Meckles‏Verified account @jennifermeckles
I asked if investigators are still searching for #KesleyBerreth ‘s remains, CBI Agent Gregg Slater said yes, and they will continue following up on tips they receive #9News

3:39 PM - 18 Nov 2019

Jennifer Meckles‏Verified account @jennifermeckles
When asked about the plea deal with Krystal Lee - DA May says they didn’t like it but felt it was important to solve the case. He says: “We did a deal with the devil” #9News

3:37 PM - 18 Nov 2019

Jennifer Meckles‏Verified account @jennifermeckles
Prosecutor Jennifer Viehman says it was an honor to bring justice for #KelseyBerreth #9News


3:31 PM - 18 Nov 2019

Jennifer Meckles‏Verified account @jennifermeckles
DA May gives credit to all the people who helped solve this case including CBI Agent Gregg Slater (left) and former Woodland Park PD Commander (now CBI) Chris Adams (right) #KelseyBerreth #9News


3:29 PM - 18 Nov 2019

Jennifer Meckles‏Verified account @jennifermeckles
Fellow prosecutors, Beth Reed (left) and Jennifer Viehman (right) watch as DA May speaks to media. #KelseyBerreth #9News


3:27 PM - 18 Nov 2019
Outstanding prosecution team. My hats are off to both of these wonderful ladies who worked hard to get Patrick his life sentence, and justice for Kelsey. Nothing but respect for them both. I admire them.
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