GUILTY CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #69

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In the video of the walkthrough of Kelsey's apartment, K said the last thing she did was mop the floors.

A mop wouldn't fit into garbage bags, and she didn't say she took the mop to burn.

For some reason that is bugging me.

Nothing was said about a mop at the trial that I heard about. Did she leave it there? Was this the mop taken from the franch?

I know this is such a tiny thing in the grand scheme of it all, but what happened to that mop?
I don't know if it's been said or not yet, she said she got down on her hands and knees to scrub the floor.
I thoughts what she said...
Wasn't he with KB checking on the cattle at that time?
That was the night she went to get the medicine and dropped it off at the ranch. She didn't get home until four.
Maybe that was when he complained to KK about being mad and yelling at Kelsey about the medicine.

Probably talking about how the mission had to be aborted,because it was too risky to do at that time. So it had to wait till the next day.
Just catching up to the rest of you and I am Pages behind but oh my gosh I had no idea they talked that much. Unbelievable. And of course right after the police called he called her next. It was interesting to see the timing of all of his calls and what he did as a reaction.

Couple of idiots.
Watching 48 hours. Dan May was just asked if it were up to him, what he would sentence Krystal Lee. He responded tearfully, “A heck of a lot more than 3 years.”

I hope the judge that sentences her is listening.

The Judge surely will know how the Prosecution feel and the evidence presented.
Hope there will be a snag in KK's life, soon, causing her more time.
She will not change her ways, as feels, she has been so smart, getting off lightly.
Her stupidity will work against her, in life.
In the video of the walkthrough of Kelsey's apartment, K said the last thing she did was mop the floors.

A mop wouldn't fit into garbage bags, and she didn't say she took the mop to burn.

For some reason that is bugging me.

Nothing was said about a mop at the trial that I heard about. Did she leave it there? Was this the mop taken from the franch?

I know this is such a tiny thing in the grand scheme of it all, but what happened to that mop?
I don't know if it's been said or not yet, she said she got down on her hands and knees to scrub the floor.
I thoughts what she said...
The brilliant crime strategist, Patrick Frazee was making sure he was captured on video in Walmart at that time.

He bought canned drinks and dog food and maybe one other thing but not the candles.
I know right?! What a strategist.... playing telephone tag with KK burried him.

What planet do these people live on FTLOG!.

This lady is saying that KK is truthful and it's so unlike her to lie. Lady, she was going to go down and murder somebody x3, she helped clean up a bloody murder, helped burn Kelsey knowingly, then tried to cover it up. You forgot to mention that part.And now we know how much she and Patrick were talking continually after the fact. Heck, they hang up with one another and then they immediately call each other back.

What planet do you live on mrs. Stutzman? What is it with these people. She ends by saying that she does not condone her actions. H*ll lady aren't you just shocked and disgusted at that evil person?

* refrains from throwing my phone*
IDK MG. Personally, I'm still with "she knew". She knew he was going to do it. She just didn't know exactly "when" he would do it. And that's the real issue for me. Maybe not for the prosecution to uphold her deal, because she could deny she knew "when" it was going to happen. But she knew exactly what to do when he told her she had a mess to clean up. I mean if KB wasn't dead, what was the hurry? Yet, she wastes NO time in making arrangements to get down there lickity split to do her part. I'll never believe KK didn't know KB was a dead woman walking. JMO
Absolutely agree 100% and no one will ever convince me that she didn't want this to happen. She attempted three times herself. She doesn't live an hour away. No woman drives that distance back and forth unless she is on a mission. I will always believe that coffee was poisoned, but there's no proof of that either way unfortunately. I think Kelsey dumped it, so plan B and plan C was attempted, but maybe for her, it was too violent to do. Yet, she had no problem cleaning up after a violent episode. Maybe because her body wasn't there, it didn't affect her as much.

She's angry because she got caught, knew her life would never be the same, and turned on Patrick. She dodged a bullet by hiring a lawyer- before then, even the Idaho police said she lied to them as well as LE in WP.
48 hours sure got their money's worth out of the first show they did on the case as all they had to do was add 10 minutes of footage and the KK videos to do this one.

What a disappointment!

It was kind of worth it for me though as my husband watched it (never having seen the players before) and said this:

"If that's the Rodeo Queen, I'd hate to see what the Princesses looked like."


Almost that entire episode was a regurge of their prior episodes.

Basically, the only new material was the interview with the prosecution team.
It was worth watching to see Dan May talking about the deal with KK, to hear his thoughts on her upcoming sentencing, and the very end of the show where he was asked if justice was served, at which point he started crying and said that justice would be KB sitting there talking instead of him.

I do think that when KK's sentencing date rolls around, the DA will be recommending that she serve the max sentence.

It's clear that making this deal came at a great cost to him, and he dearly wishes he wouldn't have needed her.
Sometimes doing the right thing doesn't feel right.
He did the right thing.

PF's going away forever.
Baby K will be raised in a safe and loving home with the B's.
That's the best outcome that anyone could have hoped to salvage from PF's devastatingly senseless actions.

Couple of idiots.
They asked prosecutor Jennifer Viehman if PF would have gotten away with it if he hadn't brought in KK. She said, yes, he very well could have, and that PF was really stupid for involving KK. "The whole plan was stupid." (Which pretty much sums up these idiots.) But that PF wanted her to be involved so that he could pin it on her.

You know, at least most of these other husband killers had some pseudo girlfriend/mistress of the moment that their little sociopathic hearts wanted to be with or had some kind of infatuated "love" for. It's gotta hurt knowing you got the one People Magazine star murderer who wasn't even trying to be with you at the end of it. Even worse, that you were just being used to do the dirty work and then go down for the whole crime while he moved on to his next pawns. I just feel sorry for all the inmates who have to share a pod with her and listen to that sniffing 24/7.

Ha, loved that the prosecution didn't know about the prison dude witness until last minute. He actually kept calling their office while they were in court! That must have been priceless to see their expressions as they read those letters and what it would mean for their case.

Almost that entire episode was a regurge of their prior episodes.

Basically, the only new material was the interview with the prosecution team.
It was worth watching to see Dan May talking about the deal with KK, to hear his thoughts on her upcoming sentencing, and the very end of the show where he was asked if justice was served, at which point he started crying and said that justice would be KB sitting there talking instead of him.

I do think that when KK's sentencing date rolls around, the DA will be recommending that she serve the max sentence.

It's clear that making this deal came at a great cost to him, and he dearly wishes he wouldn't have needed her.
Sometimes doing the right thing doesn't feel right.
He did the right thing.

PF's going away forever.
Baby K will be raised in a safe and loving home with the B's.
That's the best outcome that anyone could have hoped to salvage from PF's devastatingly senseless actions.

I think May did what he needed to do. I liked that he reached out to other prosecutors for input. I think he's a pretty smart man and I bet he talked to people even smarter than him before moving forward.
There was that mention in the the affidavit of a bottle of bleach and a mop at the Franch that were found to have presumptive positive tests for the presence of blood. I wonder what happened with that?
They must have tested negative for having Kelsey’s DNA. Any match would have been mentioned, and any negative test would have been ignored.

We didn’t hear about it, so that answers that.
I think May did what he needed to do. I liked that he reached out to other prosecutors for input. I think he's a pretty smart man and I bet he talked to people even smarter than him before moving forward.
Yeah I definitely think he's a smart man. He had sequestered all of PF's family. So nobody, I mean nobody, would be in there to support him. Now that strategic!!!!
If KB's condo was 2 bedrooms 1 bath..and the bathroom is downstairs...why were there bloody footprints up the stairs?
I wonder if it was to get the baby? I took a look at the video today- I didn't see any room downstairs to which the baby could have been in. Did I miss it? I know it was said she was in a second bedroom with toys (or was it office? I forget what they called that spare room).

If the baby was downstairs somewhere, there wouldn't have been a need for Patrick to go upstairs, as the bathroom was downstairs. Like someone else here said earlier-I thought she had a bathroom upstairs, or at least a half bath downstairs and a master bath upstairs.

Was he looking for her gun in her bedroom maybe?
And doesn't it still surprise you that he left that crime scene for so long before KK got there to clean it?

Well, he did try to clean it with a couple of baby wipes, how kind of him.

I still don't know how Krystal could even go in that condo and clean up- the smell of that blood would have been brutal after two days. Especially if the condo wasn't aired out. Then again, the Rodeo Queen from hell doesn't appear to have a soul, just like her lover.

I just bet that Patrick is steaming in his jail cell, knowing that his plan (in MY OPINION only) to frame Krystal backfired. She one upped him and was smart enough to hire a lawyer before she talked. She gets to enjoy another Thanksgiving and probably Christmas this year, before her sentencing.
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