GUILTY CO - Kelsey Berreth, 29, Woodland Park, Teller County, 22 Nov 2018 - *Arrest* #70

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Did he also get taller? It says he's 6'2" tall but he looks about 6' 3 1/2" tall in the mugshot. Does Bubba already have him in heels? :oops: MOO

For reference:


Ashley Franco on Twitter

Remarkable difference between his first mugshot, where he was putting on his best innocent bewildered cowpoke look, and this new look.

Someone I knew a long time ago would say PF looks like a guy who is 'playing the role'. I think that's true. I think PF sat out on the franch and played roles in his mind and eventually online where he could be anyone he said he was. He could act out all his fantasies. He could play head games with people to watch their reactions and pain - like a nasty little boy pulling wings off flies or throwing puppies in the river to watch them struggle and suffer.

I am genuinely curious to see what 'role' he's going to play in prison. He didn't seem to see any inconsistencies with telling a fellow inmate that he was a totally clueless innocent loving dad who not only wanted to hire a hit man, he also thought the gang could benefit from his experience and local knowledge.

I can't see him emulating CW and admitting what he did. If he ever does admit to it, I believe he will claim a form of self-defense - he will blame it all on KB for not just giving him Baby K and paying for Baby K's medical and otherwise getting out of his life. You know, it was all her fault and he was a patient tolerant cowboy, but what's a guy to do? He's more likely to admit it to the right inmate than anyone on the other side of the bars, though.

I think he's been a seldom-challenged manipulator for years, but he's a small fish in a small pond. He's going to find out he's not as clever as he thought and he's also going to find out how it feels to be a victim. I think he's spent his life strutting around and thinking he was the alpha male. I think he's going to be meeting some real alpha males and I am curious whether he will roll over and surrender or if he will stand up like the big boy he is (at least when confronted with animals or unarmed blindfolded women half his size).
I still think that "Mommy Frazee" knew a lot more about KB than has ever been disclosed. I think that the DA just decided that the optics of charging her were not worth it, and PF was the main culprit.

I doubt she knew what PF was planning but believe she figured out very quickly what was going down after the fact. It was probably an, oh sh**, moment and she got busy with trying to secure custody of Baby K and hoping her spawn didn't get busted (not much she could do about that). She needed him at the Franchette and he put her shelter and way of life at risk with what he did. I'm sure she doesn't give a damn about Kelsey or Baby K losing her mother. Any hopes that she about her bad seed remaining free were probably purely selfish.
It’s worth it!

If Ma F knew (I’m soooo betting she did), what about federal charges - misprision of a felony?

Failure to Report a Crime under Federal Law (18 U.S.C. section 4)
Federal law prohibits concealing information about specific crimes. Under 18 United States Code, Section 4, you may be obligated to report a crime if you are directly asked during a criminal investigation whenever:
  • You have knowledge of the commission of a felony;
  • The felony actually occurred; and
  • The felony is a federal offense;
If you willfully conceal the commission of a felony federal offense, you can be charged with “misprision of a felony.” Misprision of a felony is a form of obstruction of justice. If you are convicted, you face up to a $250,000 fine, imprisonment up to three years, or both fine and imprisonment.

You'll notice that KK isn't being charged with lying to the FBI. Federal law is usually usedpolitically and used as a tool against one's political enemies or to advance a political agenda. They don't care about Ma, what she knew or what she did. Bank on it.
If she knew of his dark side, then she's first on my list that could have saved KB.

She didn't keep him out of trouble, sounds like she promoted the trouble, by calling KB The white (and whatever else we don't know about).
On top of that he killed someone, so she didn't keep him out of trouble.

I can not be charitable to SF.

Like Frankenstein's monster, she may have given birth to it but no way she was going control that thing.
I doubt she knew what PF was planning but believe she figured out very quickly what was going down after the fact. It was probably an, oh sh**, moment and she got busy with trying to secure custody of Baby K and hoping her spawn didn't get busted (not much she could do about that). She needed him at the Franchette and he put her shelter and way of life at risk with what he did. I'm sure she doesn't give a damn about Kelsey or Baby K losing her mother. Any hopes that she about her bad seed remaining free were probably purely selfish.

I wonder just how much SF 'needed' PF at the franch. The dogs and cattle and horse(s) were PF's. He knew if he got arrested, she would get rid of the animals immediately and he took measures to address that. It seems to me that most of the work at the franch was related to the animals. No animals, much less work. If SF needs help, she'll do just what PF did - hire laborers on an as-needed basis. She has, after all, filed court papers presumably claiming she's capable of providing a safe environment and keeping up with a toddler.

I very much agree, Baby K was a game-changer that threatened SF's way of life. She did not want PF to leave the franch for another woman and she did not want another woman at the franch. Once Baby K arrived, it was obvious to SF, even if not to PF, that the separate living arrangements were never going to be satisfactory for KB.
He looks different , can't put a finger on it. Maybe he was slumping and trying to look pitiful in the the videos we saw from court. He looks much more intimidating and bigger in this mug shot.

This is the first time we've seen his face from that angle and, yeah, he's a big guy and was intimidating, I'm sure.

I mentioned this once, before we knew what he did to Kelsey, but when I first saw him I though he looked a major league pitcher. Same kind of countenance. Then it turns out he used a baseball bat.

Too bad psychopaths don't look like what they are.
You'll notice that KK isn't being charged with lying to the FBI. Federal law is usually usedpolitically and used as a tool against one's political enemies or to advance a political agenda. They don't care about Ma, what she knew or what she did. Bank on it.

I completely agree.

This isn't a huge 'gotcha', Ma SF is not a master criminal. She's unlikely to be in a similar situation again, so she's not a threat to the public. She would be a sympathetic figure in front of a judge and jury of locals. Her defense would likely say she has already suffered enough - she will be serving PF's sentence right along with him, because she will go to her grave and he will not be there for her.
As an early Christmas present, I'm gifting you with the full taxonomy of PF!

Some you can figure out but others require a little Latin goggle. Because classics are fun.

I absolutely love his new dating profile pic; taken at a most flattering angle. Makes the boy look extra thick in the neck and small in the head.

Miss you guys a lot! Merry, Merry!


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Still don't get why they did that and I wouldn't want her cooties.

My guess, is it because media might be at her property, and somebody who lived in that area was flying drones regularly in that area over the Franch, and they did not want her identified and it coming out at that time that she was on the properties. Remember, they sealed those things for quite some time.

Ladies, Gentleman, whoever might be sending him Honeybun cash, clearly you are free to do whatever you want, but please at least consider investing that money instead (for yourself or family), or helping countless other people or orgs who truly need it and aren’t committing heinous crimes. Just my opinion, and who am I, but why in the world would you give your hard-earned money to a convicted murderer you do not know. Perhaps his mom, family or friends who are left can help him financially. And, there are plenty of people in prison who have no one sending them money. They will still be provided food and the most basic necessities. And they will find a way to get a Honeybun every now and then anyway.
I bet no member here on WS is sending him money.
Definitely. There are women (and men, but women with far more prevalence) who are so attracted to convicts. There is a term for it: hybristophilia.
I lost a good friendship over a convict, she was a licensed counselor and worked in one of the Texas units.
This was several years ago she was 60 at the time and the very last person in the world I would of picked to be so stupid. She lost her license to practice , a huge inheritance and her very good reputation . He took her for a cleaning mentally and monetarily , and she went off her rocker with guilt of what she had done. She married him by
proxy so he could get out etc. etc. I talked to her until I had no more words, his manipulation of her feelings was beyond belief . To top it off he was 30 years younger than her.
I told she was always welcome in my home but the convict was not. She moved away from the area because of all the scandal, her life was ruined .
I lost a good friendship over a convict, she was a licensed counselor and worked in one of the Texas units.
This was several years ago she was 60 at the time and the very last person in the world I would of picked to be so stupid. She lost her license to practice , a huge inheritance and her very good reputation . He took her for a cleaning mentally and monetarily , and she went off her rocker with guilt of what she had done. She married him by
proxy so he could get out etc. etc. I talked to her until I had no more words, his manipulation of her feelings was beyond belief . To top it off he was 30 years younger than her.
I told she was always welcome in my home but the convict was not. She moved away from the area because of all the scandal, her life was ruined .

Holy smokes, she must have been very lonely to be vulnerable to some convict chatting her up. That story is full of ick.
Holy smokes, she must have been very lonely to be vulnerable to some convict chatting her up. That story is full of ick.
Oh ! you just cannot imagine the love letters he wrote her, so full of Frazeeiness , and how he manipulated her, she kept it on the QT until it was totally out of control , when she asked me to be her proxy and I started asking my 100+ questions ending with H--- no I won't be a party to you ruining your life. She brought her letters to me the day she asked me to stand in as proxy, the BS he wrote was so obvious and sickening . She was not lonely until after this piece of crap caused her divorce and spun his web. This woman was the most street suave gal ,with 3o+ years in law enforcement behind her. Lots of ICK!
Oh ! you just cannot imagine the love letters he wrote her, so full of Frazeeiness , and how he manipulated her, she kept it on the QT until it was totally out of control , when she asked me to be her proxy and I started asking my 100+ questions ending with H--- no I won't be a party to you ruining your life. She brought her letters to me the day she asked me to stand in as proxy, the BS he wrote was so obvious and sickening . She was not lonely until after this piece of crap caused her divorce and spun his web. This woman was the most street suave gal ,with 3o+ years in law enforcement behind her. Lots of ICK!

Nobody could pay me enough to work in a prison or with convicts. I would never put myself around that kind of negative energy. She sure got caught in a web of it.
Nobody could pay me enough to work in a prison or with convicts. I would never put myself around that kind of negative energy. She sure got caught in a web of it.
She had retired from law enforcement and only worked for DOC for 2 years , had been my trainer and supervisor way back when. I agree a prison is not a place I would ever work at. Convicts have 24/7 to sit and think and study people's personalities, study their vulnerabilities, people on the outside are their entertainment. I have a feeling PF will home his skills of womanizing even if it is only on paper . If there are female guards in the unit he will placed, Hannah bar the door.
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