Found Deceased CO - Maggie Long, 17, suspicious house fire, Bailey, 1 Dec 2017

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Investigators are searching for a late model 90s to 2000 light-colored minivan possibly driven by a while male in his 20s who is heavily armed with weapons and ammunition.

The driver may have suffered flash burns in the fire. Investigators believe that gasoline was taken from the home, along with a large case, AK47, 2,000 rounds of ammunition for a 7.62 and 9mm Beretta. They consider the suspect armed and extremely dangerous.

This was updated at 3pm today and I just watched the story on the news.
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But as the sheriff said in the above article that was meant to be shared internally.

"He said the description of the suspect that was broadcast was just one of many possible leads that the task force is considering.

“When hunches and working angles of an investigation get broadcast to the world, it is really
detrimental,” Wohlers said. “We don’t want bad guys to know what we know. We want to be in

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Now the sheriff says there are no suspects. The mystery and frustration deepens.

"“If we knew who we were looking for, we would broadcast it from every corner,” Park County Undersheriff Dave Wohlers told 9Wants to Know. “We have an army of people working on a bunch of [tips] at this point.”"

"At the same time, Wohlers said that the task force believes some weapons may be missing from the girl’s family home, including an AK47 rifle, 2,000 rounds of ammunition and a 9mm Beretta handgun. It is also believed a large green safe may have been stolen."

Ok, this sounds important...(and worrisome)
(Hello thepinkdragon, I'm curious about your thoughts on the stolen weapons)

Others please weigh in as well, of course.

Former FBI profiler weighs in on Park County teen’s death and resulting*investigation

"FOX31's Mike Landess spoke with what a former FBI profiler to shed some light on the early stages of the investigation."
*video at link

(Very curious what he has to say, I've been holding back on my armchair profiling thoughts so far.)

Holy cow, it's Pete Klismet from Dylan's case!

Former FBI profiler leads authorities to arrest father in Dylan Redwine case

(Eta: o/t for reference, so you guys can get a quick bg on him:

"In the third year of the investigation, investigators with the La Plata County Sheriff's Office contacted Pete Klismet. The former FBI profiler was asked to review the case and draw his own conclusions about who was responsible for Dylan's death.

"I said don't give me any hints on who I am supposed to be looking for. I want to look at this in an unbiased manner," Klismet said.

He spent months combing through evidence and reports.

"You name it, I looked at it," Klismet said.

The behavioral scientist also studied Mark Redwine's behavior, including his appearance on the "Dr. Phil Show" in which Mark Redwine refused to take a lie detector test.

"In looking at the reports, the things Mark was saying didn't seem to mix well with everything else," Klismet said.

Klismet said he explored different options, but continued to come back to the same answer.

"I came to an inescapable conclusion. It had to be Mark," Klismet said." )
"Others are fearful with the cryptic description of the suspect released by authorities.

“With what we have been told about the suspect and not knowing where he is… scares all of us,” said one person who did not want to be identified."

Search For Suspect, Vehicle In Teen’s Homicide Investigation
Police exploring leads in killing of 17-year-old Maggie Long

"PARK COUNTY, Colo. – Law enforcement agencies statewide are exploring multiple leads in the death of the Park County teen whose body was found in her burned home."


"An alert sent out to law enforcement agencies across Colorado appeared to describe*a potential suspect in Long’s death, however police say they are currently exploring a number of leads in this case, and hope to release more information soon."
Very interesting, as you guys already mentioned:

"The sheriff’s office is asking anyone who witnessed any suspicious people, vehicles or activities in the area on Dec. 1 to contact the investigative tip line at 303-239-4243.

Correction: An earlier version of this article stated that a potential suspect was armed and dangerous. However, Park County police confirmed to Denver7 that there is no threat to the community based on this case at this time."

*Does LE suspect this was a targeted attack?
Bringing forward again some facts, latest news as I try to wrap my head around all of this:

"The suspected arson broke out at her home and Long's car was found there.

The sheriff's office said a task force of federal, state and local law enforcement agencies has been formed to bring any individual involved in Long's death to justice.

The death is being investigated as a homicide.

All law enforcement resources available will be devoted to bringing this investigation to a successful outcome," Park County Sheriff Fred Wegener said."

Body of missing 17-year-old Maggie Long found in burned Park County home
But why would the 911 person say they heard people arguing, things getting thrown around, and a fire.

I'm envisioning some dude who knows of the family, and thinks robbing their house is a good plan.

He's probably high on meth. Goes to the house, starts looking for valuables. Poor Maggie comes home to grab her things, probably doesn't feel concerned about the unrecognized vehicle since they have a tenant on the property and assumes it's someone visiting their tenant.

Maggie goes in, Arson Man kills her because he's been caught, then he realizes he has to cover it up. Probably knows they have gas around for lawn mowers etc, grabs the gas, pours it over her body, probably yelling and throwing things as he does this because he's high AF and raging over how things went wrong.

Starts the fire and leaves.

I hope they catch him. He's going to spend a whole lot longer in prison now than if he had just run out and left when she showed up.
(I have some thoughts on how they might apprehend the individual(s), but unfortunately don't want to post it for obvious reasons. I'll write some code to myself to remind me to explain later after an arrest(s), if it should happen to become applicable: "ftgsftp".)
(I have some thoughts on how they might apprehend the individual(s), but unfortunately don't want to post it for obvious reasons. I'll write some code to myself to remind me to explain later after an arrest(s), if it should happen to become applicable: "ftgsftp".)

Free The Goblin Soldiers For The Party?
I'm envisioning some dude who knows of the family, and thinks robbing their house is a good plan.

He's probably high on meth. Goes to the house, starts looking for valuables. Poor Maggie comes home to grab her things, probably doesn't feel concerned about the unrecognized vehicle since they have a tenant on the property and assumes it's someone visiting their tenant.

Maggie goes in, Arson Man kills her because he's been caught, then he realizes he has to cover it up. Probably knows they have gas around for lawn mowers etc, grabs the gas, pours it over her body, probably yelling and throwing things as he does this because he's high AF and raging over how things went wrong.

Starts the fire and leaves.

I hope they catch him. He's going to spend a whole lot longer in prison now than if he had just run out and left when she showed up.

Yes, this is essentially my theory, too.

I believe that the Long family works very hard, long hours at their businesses. Even Maggie worked at one business after school. I think it was unusual for anyone to be home in the afternoon. The family businesses were successful. That's a nice house they own, on 27 acres. The sheriff said that a large, green safe was stolen. It may have been a gun safe, or it may have been a bank-style safe. Now, it wouldn't surprise me if the family kept large amounts of cash at the home. Liquor stores generate lots of cash. That, or someone suspected they might have lots of cash on the property. We also know they had some guns: an AK47, and other guns, with a large cache of ammunition. Maybe it wasn't a secret that the Longs were into guns. Maybe they bought and sold at the local gun shop, or went shooting at the local range. These are more reasons that the house would be targeted for a serious burglary. I wonder if the safe was opened or if the burglars took a locked safe in order to open it elsewhere to see what was inside?

Drugs are definitely a problem in the mountains outside Denver. The burglar may have been trying to steal to support a habit. And it might have involved gambling debts, as there are a couple of casinos not far from Bailey.

So I agree, the burglar comes to the property, knows the house can't be seen from the highway, thinks he's got all day to pillage the house. ML shows up, interrupts the burglary and is killed.

I think the burglar planned to set the house on fire before they were interrupted. A fire could be useful to destroy proof of what was stolen.

So that's my theory for now.

Let me throw some additional information into the mix. For whatever reason, Park County and the surrounding area seem to attract a lot of unsavory people. Let me name a few:

---Robert Lewis Dear, Jr., a/k/a the Planned Parenthood Killer. Lived in South Park, in Park County, Colorado.

---Devin Patrick Kelley, a/k/a the Texas Church Shooter. Lived for six month or more in Colorado Springs near the highway that ran up to Park County.

--the Texas Seven. Seven Texas prisoners who escaped in December of 2000 and were recaptured a month later. They lived in a trailer park in Woodland Park, in the next county over from Park County.

South Park is an area of high plains in the center of Park County. You can buy a 10-acre lot of land for less than $20,000, with $750 down and no background or credit check. The seller holds the note. Those lots don't have utilities or water, so people live off the grid. Lots of people move up into areas like this to get away from rules and the authorities. The people tend to have a libertarian streak, and don't want to be bothered by the government or their neighbors.

Recreational marijuana was legalized in Colorado in 2012. Although the industry is highly regulated, authorities have found many illegal grow operations up in the wilderness. Also, many people have moved to Colorado for the sole reason that marijuana is legal.

Denver and the front range has undergone a boom in the past five years. Housing prices have skyrocketed, and lower-income people are forced to find places to live further from the city, where land can still be cheaper, even if the properties are run down.

So my point is that the area seems to attract some sketchy characters. LE may have their work cut out for them.

I wonder if there were 2 people (or more). Could one person have gotten the safe out? Also, I think the tenant would have gone to help if the yelling sounded like Maggie being attacked.

If Maggie got home at about 3 and the call came in at 6 maybe she was home and the killer(s) came in and surprised her instead of the other way around.

Also, how would anyone know they were throwing things around and trying to start a fire? Wouldn't you practically have to be inside or looking in a window to know that?

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On the multiple suspects theory.. The safe being described as "large" fits this. I am inclined to believe some planning and inside information was involved, which leads me ultimately to the question, if it was a single suspect that escaped in a stolen van from a remote location, how did they get there in the first place?
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