Found Deceased CO - Natalie Bollinger, 19, Broomfield, 28 Dec 2017 #1 *Arrest*

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SS is really stuck on that one detail isn't he? And at this point it's not really as relevant as he thinks it is, imo. He had said it was something she wanted him to do after her car accident. I think it was more like, he said he'd like to be there for her and out of niceness like most people would do, she probably said oh yea that would be nice. Not really thinking he'd be serious, or financially able to....and then one day..... voila!

It’s almost like he (SS) is obsessed with trying to get others to understand his thought process and he keeps trying to explain how he ended up in this situation. What he doesn’t understand is that we don’t think like him and the majority of the population will never fully understand his actions and behavior.
From what I’ve read it doesn’t appear that NB’s best interest was considered very often. I wonder if NB had a say if she would have excluded her father from her obituary?

I must admit, out of recent developments with this case, this one really gets me. I just can't understand it. It's not like he was absent from her life. The only reason I can think of, is the recent drama with the service and Go Fund Mes...basically it comes down to money fueled drama. And the things the random people have said to him on his own fb page....just wow! Not saying any of it is true or untrue, I honestly don't know. But none of that drama should have any impact on being mentioned in the obit, jmo. All these people coming at him, I cannot imagine how he feels really...possibly a lot like SS, in a way? Disconnecting from sm would be the best idea, imo.
I must admit, out of recent developments with this case, this one really gets me. I just can't understand it. It's not like he was absent from her life. The only reason I can think of, is the recent drama with the service and Go Fund Mes...basically it comes down to money fueled drama. And the things the random people have said to him on his own fb page....just wow! Not saying any of it is true or untrue, I honestly don't know. But none of that drama should have any impact on being mentioned in the obit, jmo. All these people coming at him, I cannot imagine how he feels really...possibly a lot like SS, in a way? Disconnecting from sm would be the best idea, imo.

I agree. This gets crazier every day- it’s out of hand. I just hope and pray that he wasn’t left out for reasons I don’t want to even say.
I agree. This gets crazier every day- it’s out of hand. I just hope and pray that he wasn’t left out for reasons I don’t want to even say.

That would be the only actual justifiable reason but I also hope not the case. Can you imagine what AB has going through her mind? I'd be terrified. When LE says the public is not at risk, AB is exempt from that status, imo. She truly is the other half of NB. I hope she is being somewhat monitored/protected.
I must admit, out of recent developments with this case, this one really gets me. I just can't understand it. It's not like he was absent from her life. The only reason I can think of, is the recent drama with the service and Go Fund Mes...basically it comes down to money fueled drama. And the things the random people have said to him on his own fb page....just wow! Not saying any of it is true or untrue, I honestly don't know. But none of that drama should have any impact on being mentioned in the obit, jmo. All these people coming at him, I cannot imagine how he feels really...possibly a lot like SS, in a way? Disconnecting from sm would be the best idea, imo.
I'm sure the statement the funeral home put out the other day didn't help matters.
It totally contradicted what he had been saying, that on top of all their other family drama. Just sad all the way around for NB and her twin.
That would be the only actual justifiable reason but I also hope not the case. Can you imagine what AB has going through her mind? I'd be terrified. When LE says the public is not at risk, AB is exempt from that status, imo. She truly is the other half of NB. I hope she is being somewhat monitored/protected.

When I first read how NB was found it struck me as odd. It didn't look like a place you would be randomly walking by. Then I saw the post on sm from one of the McIntosh family that it was kids trespassing looking for a haunt. The lady seemed pretty irritated about it. I can see why I guess but at the same time, how long would NB have been there if they hadn't?
I wonder how old they were?

I’ve wondered the same thing - how long would she have been there if those people hadn’t have trespassed looking for the haunted areas.

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I’m with you - that’s really the only reason. Although, it seems like that obit was written by NB’s mom’s camp and she had made it pretty clear on SM that she thinks SS is responsible. Some kind of abuse when she was younger would also justify being left out of the obit, in my opinion, but only if she had disowned him as her father, and I don’t get the impression that was the case.
That would be the only actual justifiable reason but I also hope not the case. Can you imagine what AB has going through her mind? I'd be terrified. When LE says the public is not at risk, AB is exempt from that status, imo. She truly is the other half of NB. I hope she is being somewhat monitored/protected.

I feel so bad for AB.
I’m with you - that’s really the only reason. Although, it seems like that obit was written by NB’s mom’s camp and she had made it pretty clear on SM that she thinks SS is responsible. Some kind of abuse when she was younger would also justify being left out of the obit, in my opinion, but only if she had disowned him as her father, and I don’t get the impression that was the case.

Welcome to WS Lewie :)

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This is the strangest case I have read. I've spent more time watching SS videos on Facebook than I've spent on there since I registered.
MY OPINION ONLY and I'm not even sure with that lol..
My first thought after seeing Natalie's post about SS stalking her was he has gone and killed her. Then the more I've watch and the more I've found out the more I think its all one big set up. Natalie has had some very shady characters in her life IMO who could have encouraged her to get the RO on him and the took advantage of the situation and killed her to blame it on SS.
I can't put my finger on what makes me think this. In all the posts and videos, plus Natalie's complaint against him too, nowhere does he state that he is going to hurt Natalie in any way. Intact what he does say is he will not hurt her but he wants to kill himself or her to do it for him.
He acts very child-like sometimes if he doesn't feel like be is getting what he wants and even uses words like'' you are a meanje''. I also think he blames most of his problems on everyone else.
The bit I find most creepy is the way he hates on pretty people.
I am really really unsure about SS being the culprit.
Just wanted to weigh in here in the Broomfield vs Northglenn issue. Guessing you’re right that she lived in Northglenn and just recently moved to Broomfield. But, there are several cities in this area with limits that all wind around within each other, specifically I know of confusing issues with Broomfield, Westminster, Northglenn and Thornton. My mailing address is Northglenn, but if I put it into Google maps, it comes up as Denver. Literally on the other side of my backyard fence it’s Thornton. My friend gave me her address as Broomfield but when I put it into Google maps for directions it’s Westminster. I’m not sure why this is other than the fact that these are newer and expanding cities within the Denver metro area that literally interlock with each other. Perhaps this could be what happened in this case.

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Do we know where in Broomfield she lived?

Do you think SS having aspergers has something to do with his behavior?

No. He just seems like an angry ranter to me. I have never known anyone with Aspergers who acts like that. Seems like someone who has had lifelong dependency issues more so. I have known many people with those issues who act similarly to that. Personality disorder could also be at play:

I’m with you - that’s really the only reason. Although, it seems like that obit was written by NB’s mom’s camp and she had made it pretty clear on SM that she thinks SS is responsible. Some kind of abuse when she was younger would also justify being left out of the obit, in my opinion, but only if she had disowned him as her father, and I don’t get the impression that was the case.

I can understand why the mother would leave him out of it if she felt he took all the donations for the services and then refused to host one. Especially if he has been a deadbeat or abusive.
This is the strangest case I have read. I've spent more time watching SS videos on Facebook than I've spent on there since I registered.
MY OPINION ONLY and I'm not even sure with that lol..
My first thought after seeing Natalie's post about SS stalking her was he has gone and killed her. Then the more I've watch and the more I've found out the more I think its all one big set up. Natalie has had some very shady characters in her life IMO who could have encouraged her to get the RO on him and the took advantage of the situation and killed her to blame it on SS.
I can't put my finger on what makes me think this. In all the posts and videos, plus Natalie's complaint against him too, nowhere does he state that he is going to hurt Natalie in any way. Intact what he does say is he will not hurt her but he wants to kill himself or her to do it for him.
He acts very child-like sometimes if he doesn't feel like be is getting what he wants and even uses words like'' you are a meanje''. I also think he blames most of his problems on everyone else.
The bit I find most creepy is the way he hates on pretty people.
I am really really unsure about SS being the culprit.

That would be one hell of a complex conspiracy. Some shady people encourage her to take out a restraining order on a man who is already stalking her, who she previously has seemed pretty intent on stopping and outing for his crazy behavior, and they do so just so they can pin a future, planned murder on him? But why? And why would they even need to? His stalking behavior was already posted by her and very clear form their texts and calls and the police activity in Virginia, during which he was arrested.

There are tons of people with rough backgrounds who have been in her life. But that doesn't equate to homicide without a lot more information, like a threat, or witnesses seeing them together, or plans for financial gain, etc.

I;m sure LE knows a lot. If there was someone else in her life who was a danger, or had reason to kill her, I think they will figure it out.

For me, if not SS, it would seem to be more random, possibly like a person who snatched her off the street, or maybe some sort of sexually motivated attack by someone she knew.

But she was a tough little gal and I don;t think she needed help to file an RO against her stalker. She seemed very firm and determined in her communications with him and her FB post.

Back to SS, if he has no access to a vehicle, it would be hard to transport her. I wish we had her address. I came up with some maps which include just Broomfield in general, and then her RO home address and school address, as well as the Super 8 location, and then the dairy. Hopefully this works:

Then here is a bus route from Broomfield to the dairy. But someone would have had to stuff her in a suitcase. She's small enough for that but it seems like that would be a lot:!2m2!1d-104.9026118!2d39.9106077!3e3

It does seem that access to a vehicle would be necessary.
Then here is a bus route from Broomfield to the dairy.

Here is a map of the Broomfield city limits. As you can see, it goes much further east than the city center.



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