GUILTY CO - Paige Birgfeld, 34, Grand Junction, 28 June 2007

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I have been following this case, but not up on every detail- One question I do have is: Does the missing reward $$ have anything to do with the mechanic? For some reason, the ex gave me a hinky feeling on tape, but Im not a cop, so what di I know??? TIA if you know any info-

Lets bring Paige home to her family and kids!!! :blowkiss:
I have been following this case, but not up on every detail- One question I do have is: Does the missing reward $$ have anything to do with the mechanic? For some reason, the ex gave me a hinky feeling on tape, but Im not a cop, so what di I know??? TIA if you know any info-

Lets bring Paige home to her family and kids!!! :blowkiss:

It is my understanding that the missing money was not reward money but money that Paige would keep in her home. Apparentley in the thousands of dollars because of the type of work she did on the side. Her father Frank lodge a complaint due to some sort of "informant" that this money had been taken by some one or some persons when the Sheriffs office searched the home of Paige. Here is in part some of the article:

At the crux of Frank Birgfeld’s complaints were reports aired last June on the CBS program “48 Hours.”

“Contained therein was a statement by an informant, described as a ‘contact close to the investigation,’ who reported ‘that investigators discovered a large amount of cash in Paige’s home — tens of thousands of dollars,” Birgfeld wrote. “It has been established that Paige operated with substantial amounts of cash not deposited into a bank account. The monies were very likely hidden in her Grand Junction residence.”

I know the feeling you describe about the ex. I am speaking of her second ex husband R Dixon not the first. There was alot going on with this guy when he was married to Paige. Here is an article from CNN describing him..there are more:

Keith Morrison, Dateline NBC: And nothing.

Frank Birgfield: We've looked in very vast, open areas. We've looked on top of the river, and we've looked under the river. And we have not found her.

Special dog teams sniffed along the highway leading down to the riverbed. Rescue divers searched underwater, but found no trace.

With the trail growing cold, police turned their attention to Paige’s second ex-husband, Rob Dixon, the father of her three children. They’d been divorced for a year, and Dixon now lived in Philadelphia.

But people here in Grand Junction certainly remembered Dixon. And not necessarily fondly.

Paige's Parents: Rob was a guy who showed up in town and made a splash.

Paige’s parents knew the story all too well. How Rob Dixon had come into a huge family fortune. How he moved to Grand Junction, bought the big house, filled its garage with exotic sports cars. How he went through his money in a hurry.

Paige's Parents: I've seen where in a deposition he's admitted he lost over $10 million.

He went bankrupt, eventually.

But along the way, Paige’s parents heard, their son-in-law got involved with the local fire department as a board member and benefactor.

Paige's Parents: The first big gift was a camera that fits onto helmets. And he gave away -- the paper reported $2.8 million of those cameras.

And then, about the time Paige’s parents heard that her marriage was going south, so did her husband's "gifts" to the fire department.

Paige's Parents: Well, apparently it turned out that he hadn't purchased them. He had only rented them. And so when the money was dissipated, the rent came due without the resources to pay it.

Paige's Parents: And so he was in the paper with frequency because of these fire department matters. He was actually made the News Person of the year.

Stanley Hilkey: Yeah, he did have a reputation in Grand Junction, in Mesa County. Colorful character. And certainly was a person that-- she-- one of the nature of anybody being an ex-husband or having that kind of relationship is a person that is included in any kind of investigation like that.

Besides, as the sheriff soon discovered, Dixon's legal troubles had not been confined to financial issues.

Stanley Hilkey: I think Mr. Dixon even had been arrested a couple of times.

Keith Morrison: For what?

Stanley Hilkey: For a domestic violence type, harassment type, case.

To outsiders, Paige and Rob seemed happy. And very successful, living in that spacious new home.

But inside, as marriages so often are, it was a different thing altogether.

At least, according to Paige's parents.

Paige's Parents: They had a troubled marriage from almost the beginning. I mean Rob is the guy who I think of as kind of a Jekyll and Hyde.

911 Operator: 9-1-1, where is your emergency?

Paige Birgfield: My husband and I were in a fight, and he was supposed to watch my children while I went to work...

Paige called 911 in the fall of 2004.

(911 call)

Paige Birgfield: And as I was leaving, he didn't seem to be OK so I said I was just going to take the children with me so he didn't have to deal with it. But he wanted the children to stay with him, and he said that I'd come home and find them all murdered.

She was terrified, she said, that Dixon would hurt the children.

Police were dispatched.

And when they arrived?

Dixon was fine, they decided. No threat to the children, or himself or anyone else.

No charges.

Then, less than a year later, after a possibly violent quarrel, Dixon was arrested on suspicion of third-degree assault and misdemeanor child abuse. He pleaded guilty to a lesser charge of harassment and got a deferred sentence. And then later, the entire case was dismissed.

But Paige’s friends claimed that she was afraid of her husband.

Andrea Land: Incidents where her ex-husband was very-- had a very angry temper, easily inflamed by the kids doing normal kid stuff. He would break furniture and break doors

When they finally divorced, Dixon moved clear across the country and Paige got the children, but worried a lot, said her parents, about retaining full custody.

Paige's Parents: Quite honestly, she was afraid. She did not want the chance that he might have part custody of the children. She would rather that he see the children when she was around.

Even though Dixon only flew west to visit occasionally, her friends say Paige seemed terrified of him, that she posted a warning on a website related to one of her businesses.

"My children would ask me if Dad was going to kill me."

She was worried, she wrote, about Dixon’s apparent plan to move back to Colorado.

My kids and I have been so happy and free and safe since their dad moved 2000 miles away! As always, he couldn't hold on to his job, and has found a new one in Durango, which is about 3 hours away in the summertime. I’m thinking this is a bit close for my comfort.

A few months after she posted that, Paige vanished

This is a very long story about 6 pages long but has alot of information...

Hope this helped you Chicogirl36 there are alot of people who would like her home...
Here is a little more info in regards to the mechanic (POI) Ralph L. Jones:

Rob Dixon is Paige's ex-husband. Rob Dixon's lawyer, Scott Robinson, released this statement, "Rob Dixon does not and has never known Lester Jones, their paths have never crossed and anyone who says the two of them are aquatinted is not telling the truth".

On October 2nd of last year, deputies named Lester Ralph Jones the sole suspect.

"He was calling her all the time, wanting to go out with her.. wanting to get together. She wasn't comfortable around him, she had some threatening feelings," Carol said. Carol remembers a conversation with Paige about Paige's ex-husband Rob. "One of his close friends told her about six months before she disappeared that knowing Rob one of these days he's going to make you disappear, so watch your back," she said.

Carol says the friend that told Paige this was Lester Ralph Jones. "She was afraid of that, but she said, 'I couldn't live my life in fear, so I just have to continue on." Stan Hilkey Mesa County Sheriff says, "He is someone clearly on our radar screen." Jones' house has been searched several times by investigators. Several items have been confiscated as evidence.

"We're living a parents worst nightmare," said Frank Birgfeld, Paige's father. His daughter is still missing, and the case still not solved. "We want to present our district attorney a case that is solvable and provable to a jury, so the successful prosecution of holding someone accountable," said Hilkey.

Carol says she would like to know what happened to her friend, and is haunted by a conversation she had with Paige just before she went missing. "She was not comfortable regarding her ex-husband and Lester Ralph Jones, he's a dangerous man," Carol said.

Ex-Con Named 'Person of Interest' in Missing Mom Case

Mesa County Sheriff Stan Hikley has said their investigation was focusing on the escort service, Models, Inc. Sources told that Jones was a client of the escort service.

Lester Ralph Jones, a repairman at an RV company in Grand Junction, has a history of domestic violence. In 1999, Jones reportedly forced his former wife's car off the road, kindapped her at gunpoint, and fired shots at the male passenger in the car, reported. Jones pleaded guilty to assault with a deadly weapon in the heat of passion and felony menacing, and served five years in prison, according to the Rocky Mountain News,2933,290273,00.html
This is another sad story that has been untold for way too long. Hoping for a resolution soon!
Thank you Mystic Rose, and others for your great sleuthing and posts on Paige. I have been busy this summer and jsut got got caught up on all your links- Hopefuly, someone will bring her home soon. Her kids, family, and friends need that closure/answers.

I hate to pessimistic, but I don't think Paige left willingly. She sounds like a devoted, loving mom who had to do what she thought was the easiest way way to support them. She was smarter than that, and I wish she was around to figure that out!! :blowkiss:
I wonder Paige is this you ?!

Bones, evidence collected near site of skull discovery

Besecker said investigators haven’t yet confirmed the age or sex of the individual whose cranium was found, but that they did find “other evidence.” He would not say whether that evidence pointed to the person’s identification.

“We’ve got a ways to go,” he said.

Investigators were at the scene Wednesday. The intent is to preserve the scene and gather as much information from it as possible for analysis.
They really need to get moving if they haven't yet ID'd the skull. DNA labs are so very slow.
I wonder Paige is this you ?!

Bones, evidence collected near site of skull discovery

Besecker said investigators haven’t yet confirmed the age or sex of the individual whose cranium was found, but that they did find “other evidence.” He would not say whether that evidence pointed to the person’s identification.

“We’ve got a ways to go,” he said.

Investigators were at the scene Wednesday. The intent is to preserve the scene and gather as much information from it as possible for analysis.

Is there local talk that this may be her? I hope so for some closure :(
So my local news just gave an update on Paiges case and had her father on..such a sweet man.
Apparently they have just now got DNA test results in from evidence collected out of the car and other places so this is great news ! Perhaps we will see something come of this.
Sheriff stating that their main POI is Ralph Lester Jones....As soon as they post an article I will post it....
Paige I pray for you often, I hope this new DNA leads us somewhere...
I hope this is the break police so desperately need. Paige needs to come home. :(

And Lester Ralph Jones NEEDS to come clean :furious:
Here is a link on the story with the video report with Paiges father Frank:

11 News Special Report: Where is Paige?

Posted: 2:08 PM Nov 27, 2009

GRAND JUNCTION, Colo. (KKCO) - More than two years ago a Grand Junction mother of three disappeared.

What happened to Paige Birgfeld is a question her father and the Mesa County Sheriff have looked tirelessly to answer.

In this 11 News Special Report Anchor Natalie Pallone sits down with both of them to find out where the investigation stands.

Her dad Frank Birgfeld says, “I think the thing I miss the most is hearing Paige laugh, hearing her voice.”

It’s nearly three years since anyone has seen Paige Birgfeld and not a day has gone by that her father hasn’t thought about her.

“Some days are an emotional rollercoaster with the steep downhills and never the uphills,” he says.

She was beautiful and caring, but this Grand Junction mother of three also led a secret double life as an adult escort, something investigators with the Mesa County Sheriff’s Office has said made their job harder.

Sheriff Stan Hilkey says, “Next June will be three years. The case remains unsolved and open.”

Hilkey has been on the case ever since June 28, 2007 when Paige was reported missing.

On July 1, her car was found abandoned and on fire in a parking lot near her home and in the days and months that followed her family, investigators and volunteers set out on foot and horseback looking for any sign of Paige.

An extensive search along Highway 50 near Whitewater turned up some clues, some of Paige’s personal checks, a Blockbuster video card, insurance cards for her and her children and even a shoe possibly worn by Paige were all found.

“I'm unaware that anything has come of material found on Highway 50 so I guess were back where we were then,” her dad says.

Frank hasn’t stopped searching for his daughter and believes he’s been left out of the investigation, writing letter after letter to the Sheriff’s Office.

“I'm looking for an active investigation. They may say that's what's going on but I don't see it. I'm left trying to communicate and we don't seem to have much cooperation on that,” he says.

Hilkey says the investigation is extremely active and his office is focused on the sole suspect in the case, Lester Ralph Jones.

He says, “We believe there was a connection between the two, the type and specifics we haven't talked a lot about.”

But Frank’s not sold on Jones. “I have informants and they say Paige knew him and found him repulsive, I think she would have been weary being around him. I also think there was no interaction that would have caused him to have a preplanned motive to harm.”
Bumping for Paige ...

Missing Grand Junction mom's story to be told in TV program
Investigation Discovery to air piece about Paige Birgfeld on Monday

By AMY HAMILTON/The Grand Junction Daily Sentinel

Wednesday, January 06, 2010

While the 2007 case of a missing Grand Junction mother has gone cold, interest in Paige Birgfeld’s disappearance isn’t diminishing.

Television network Investigation Discovery plans to air an hourlong program Monday about Birgfeld. “Disappeared: A Mother’s Secret” is slated to air at 9 p.m. on Bresnan Channel 271.

The show highlighting Birgfeld’s case will be the first of 13 episodes of “Disappeared.”

Birgfeld was a 34-year-old mother of three young children when she disappeared June 28, 2007. The Mesa County Sheriff’s Department indicated foul play was involved in Birgfeld’s disappearance, but her body has not been found. A sole suspect, Lester Ralph Jones, was identified in the case, but he was not arrested in connection with her disappearance.

Early in the investigation, authorities learned Birgfeld worked as an adult escort, information she kept secret from family and close friends.

Bringing the case back into the spotlight may help generate new tips or leads in the case, said Birgfeld’s friend, Andrea Land.

Land, who was extensively interviewed for the segment, said the show appears to have more news value and is not based in entertainment, like other nationally televised shows about Birgfeld’s disappearance.

“My hope is either it’s going to trigger someone’s memory, or someone who did something will tell the truth,” she said. “I know that this will tell her story a little better than it’s been told before. It’s like the difference between watching an entertainment news show and “America’s Most Wanted.”

The show’s executive producer, Elizabeth Fisher, said producers began looking into Birgfeld’s case more than a year ago. Fisher said the case was appealing because Birgfeld was known as a doting mother, but also apparently led a secret life working as an escort.
Paige story is on now. It channel 192 on dishnetwork
I don't know if she was just nervous or what, but Andrea Lands constant giggling really bugged me.

Lost & found
True stories of people gone without a trace, and criminals who almost got away with it
Last Updated: 6:17 PM, January 11, 2010

Posted: 12:23 AM, January 11, 2010

Snipped <<<<<

Tonight's "Disappeared" follows the trail of soccer mom extraordinaire Paige Birgfeld, who was a charter member of her Boulder Colorado "Moms Club," a support group for moms who worked at home. But who would have thought that Paige's home business involved monkey business?

Yes, in addition to her kiddie dance school, Paige, a former stripper, offered "erotic massage" and all manner of sexual combinations for those willing to pay on a Web site called "Naughty Night Life." She said she was a woman for those looking for "filet mignon, not chop meat." Oh.

One day, the soccer mom went to have a reuniting lunch with her first husband after a dozen years apart and never came home again. She just, well, disappeared

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I don't know if she was just nervous or what, but Andrea Lands constant giggling really bugged me.

Hi Amster I think the lady that was giggling was lastname Campbell I think , it wasn't Land's...:)

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