CO - Possible Serial Shooter Has Colorado Drivers on Edge #1

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Good morning everyone! Glad to see all the movement on this thread. Awesome work!
Quick question, how do we keep actual fact, and reasonable ideas from getting lost in here? We have the amazing, yet creepy map, and the awesome, yet creepy spreadsheet. Is there other info/ solid ideas we need to keep track of?
If Mr Connole's shooting death on 06/03/2015 at St Louis Ave., Loveland, CO ends up being unrelated to the CO Shooter/s..
This incident only 30 miles away could be very significant, imo. 'WTH were they thinking'?
After being booked, the three teens were released. 06/01/2015

ERIE, Colo. - Three teenagers have been arrested after windows in several homes were shot in Erie early Sunday.

"It's terrifying," said one homeowner who did not want to be identified for fear of retaliation. "My wife walked into the room when the shots were fired. It could have killed someone."
Four bullets hit his home at 1:10 a.m. Sunday.

Police were called to his house on Primrose Lane, near Alpine Drive. While officers were at the scene, they learned of a second house being hit. It is located on Crestview Lane, near Alpine Drive.
No one was hurt at either location.

"The bullet came through our bedroom window," said Ryan Christensen, who slept through the gunfire, but woke to police asking to see his shattered window and screen door. "They were able to figure out what direction the bullet came from by looking at this."

Erie Police officers made contact with three juvenile males -- ages 17, 15 and 13 -- at an adjacent home in the 1700 block of Alpine Drive. They were arrested and transported to Platte Valley Detention Center in Greeley. The juveniles were arrested and booked for investigation of unlawful discharge of a firearm; reckless endangerment and felony criminal mischief. Police said additional charges may be filed.

Search warrants were executed at the suspects' home during the day and additional evidence was obtained, police said.
"Erie police would like to let the public know that the community is safe and not at risk," a police statement said.

<snipped & BBM - read more>
Erie police arrest 3 boys on suspicion of shooting at 2 homes

As police investigated the first report, authorities say they learned another home, on the 1600 block of Crest View, in the same neighborhood had also been shot.

Police say their investigation led them to a home where the three boys were, later arresting the trio.

"Search warrants were obtained and executed at the suspects' residence," the release said. "Erie police investigators, along with members of the Colorado Bureau of Investigation, worked throughout the day on Sunday to collect evidence."

Police say no one was injured in the shootings and that there is no community risk.

Officials did not release the boys' names.

"At this time, no other information will be released as the case is still under investigation," the release said.
My three male cousins grew up in a rural are in northern California. Their parents had farms and ranches. [One set of brothers and a cousin.] They used to go hunting all of the time and always had hunting rifles on them. They got in trouble by the sheriff a few times for shooting at birds in town late at night, after leaving a party and having a few beers.

I can imagine that there are lots of buddies that drive around with hunting rifles and could start doing something sick and twisted like shooting at random cars.

I wondered about a scenario like this and how plausible it might be...the really sick and twisted might take it further to killing innocents...
Memorial Day wasn't to long ago. So it could be a vet or family member of a vet that felt slighted by the system and decided to seek vengeance on the public.

But let's not forget the DC snipers intended target was the wife and the others were to throw off suspicion.

Even though the wife didn't die and they started enjoying causing havoc.
RE: Ballistics evidence

The FBI's FTU Mission-

The FBI Firearms/Toolmarks Unit (FTU) applies valid scientific procedures to the forensic examinations of firearms, ammunition components, toolmarks, serial number restoration, gunshot residue, bullet trajectories, and other closely-related physical evidence in support of the FBI and other law enforcement agencies and provides leadership to the forensic firearm and toolmark community through training and research.

The FBI FTU Team

Physical scientists/forensic examiners, physical science technicians, firearms specialist, and ammunition specialist.

The Work

Evidentiary Support
Firearms Identification

Comparing bullets to barrels
Comparing cartridge cases to firearms
Firearms function testing
Silencer testing
Gunshot distance determination
Serial number restoration
Accidental discharge determination
Trigger pull measurements
Ejection pattern testing
Shot pattern examinations

<snipped - read more>

Thanks for posting this.
<BBM for Focus>
Thanx Forager. I primarily post informational articles from past research for others as food for thought. As for doing your stuff here on websleuths, I suggest that you don't take my advice.

Lol :biggrin:

It's interesting to see each person's different posting styles here. I'm at the point now where I can tell sometimes who posted what without even needing to look at their names, lol.
The following is a very good 'go to' page for anyone interested in info on serial murder investigations. Imo, it should be updated since the advent of social media participation began in 2007 when facebook first became available to the general public.

FBI BAU2 Serial Murder <2005 Symposium>

IX. Media Issues in Serial Murder Investigations <BBM>

Serial murder cases are inherently newsworthy. Some investigations last for years. Many attract attention because of the type of victims involved, and in others the serial killers themselves are media-attractive. Media attention is exacerbated by the insatiable demands of the twenty-four-hours-a-day, seven-days-a-week news reporting industry. The constant news attention on the investigation inevitably results in conflicts with law enforcement.

Often the relationship between law enforcement and the media is not a close one. In some law enforcement agencies, there is a long history of distrust and resentment underpinning this relationship. From the law enforcement perspective, the media publishes unauthorized information from investigations, hypothesizes on investigative progress, and uses talking heads to critique the investigative efforts. From the media&#8217;s standpoint, law enforcement withholds too much information and does not communicate adequately with the media. It is counterproductive for law enforcement to sustain contentious relationships with the media, while attempting to develop an overall strategy for a successful serial murder investigation. The only party who benefits from this negative relationship is the serial murderer, who may continue to avoid detection. A respectful, cooperative relationship between law enforcement and the media will serve the missions of both.

It becomes essential for law enforcement personnel involved in a serial murder investigation to design and implement an effective media plan. The plan should provide timely information on a regular basis, without compromising the investigative endeavors. It is essential for media releases to be closely coordinated with investigative strategies. This helps determine the best times to both educate and solicit information from the public concerning certain aspects of the investigation. Once a media plan is established, law enforcement can be more proactive than reactive in its media strategy.
<sniped - read more>

Its funny imo because I'm sure LE isn't thrilled about media outlets jumping to use the term "serial killer", "Serial sniper", etc etc. At least I used the word "possible" in the thread title, lol.

The topic of social media and LE is definitely a subject that could be discussed at length...we've seen many different dynamics as far as that goes in various cases here...what's interesting to me is how different each case can be as far as LE's approach/relationship with the media...there are some LE agencies who update their facebook pages daily with updates (for example Westminster PD in JR's case...)...I don't want to go too far off on a tangent here right now as I'm looking forward to catching up on your posts...I got a few hours of shuteye so I might have a couple hours in me before naptime comes calling.

I found this homemade silencer on youtube in under 5 seconds as well.


(The wonderful world wide web---a great resource, can be good, but also a perp's dream come true)
Memorial Day wasn't to long ago. So it could be a vet or family member of a vet that felt slighted by the system and decided to seek vengeance on the public.

But let's not forget the DC snipers intended target was the wife and the others were to throw off suspicion.

Even though the wife didn't die and they started enjoying causing havoc.

<BBM for Focus>

Prolly one of the best articles that I have read on the DC Snipers, DexterMorgan;

Public Safety
Lee Boyd Malvo, 10 years after D.C. area sniper shootings: &#8216;I was a monster&#8217;...

They were aware of the media coverage and tailored some of their actions accordingly, Malvo said. The white van and white box truck craze led Malvo to call shots when there were white vans and trucks nearby, knowing the vehicles would draw attention away from them.

He said the killings became remarkably routine. The victims weren&#8217;t victims &#8212; they were targets, he said.

&#8220;There is no feeling,&#8221; Malvo said. &#8220;At that point in time, I had been desensitized. I&#8217;d been killing people for months, if not a whole year, day in and day out. In the midst of the task, there is no feeling. .&#8201;.&#8201;. It got to a point where I&#8217;d get in a zone. There was nothing else but whoever is before me, and anything that comes between me and, as you would say, the target, I&#8217;m either going to destroy, or if it&#8217;s too big, find a way around it. Nothing is going to stop me but death to get that done.

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The Connole shooting (star) to the 6/2/15 shattering (orange circle) = 13.5 miles as the mouse flies, and not much further by car.

View attachment 75886


Thanks. Yikes. Looking at this again. This image is particularly interesting to me because of the possible direct use of Hwy 287.

I'm really bothered about 287... C'mon, surely LE can link at least one of these shatterings? I think this one is a good shot. And they both have Lincoln in common (or no---need to look...I think Lincoln is close to WC iirc...)

It's like sometimes the shatterings preceed the shooting (or do they?)---a warning, taunting?
(Note to self---look upstream for shatterings which directly preceed a shooting---what about Jaboby? Were there any shatterings the night before? That would have been the night of May 17. And CR was shot on April 22---shatterings on the 21st? Or earlier that day?

Forager's awwwwwwwwwwesome map:

Eta: looks like the jail van was one 21st.

Eta: how many hours apart were jail van and CR?! How many hours apart was 6/2 and 6/3 (WC)?!
(Man, there goes my day, how many HOURS apart are all these incidents. It's pretty bad when you have to break it down to "hours"....)

(I should have all this memorized by now, but seriously, the map looks like a Christmas Tree...its worse than some RSO maps!)
Originally Posted by katydid23 View Post
My three male cousins grew up in a rural are in northern California. Their parents had farms and ranches. [One set of brothers and a cousin.] They used to go hunting all of the time and always had hunting rifles on them. They got in trouble by the sheriff a few times for shooting at birds in town late at night, after leaving a party and having a few beers.

I can imagine that there are lots of buddies that drive around with hunting rifles and could start doing something sick and twisted like shooting at random cars.

I wondered about a scenario like this and how plausible it might be...the really sick and twisted might take it further to killing innocents...

searchinGirl, in virtually every serial murder case that I have researched. One common denominator that crops up time & time again is methamphetamine abuse, either directly or indirectly.. Imo, meth abuse creates psychopathic personalities/soulless creatures.. Not sure if meth will come in to play in the CO Shooter/serial killer case, but guess, only time will tell..

Wesley Shermantine and Loren Herzog, were dubbed the "Speed Freak Killers" after a 15-year methamphetamine drug-induced killing spree that began in 1984 and ended in 1999.

Childhood Friends

Loren Herzog and Wesley Shermantine, Jr. were childhood friends, having grown up on the same street in the small farming town of Linden, California. Shermantine's father was a successful contractor who showered Wesley with material things throughout his young life.
He was also an avid hunter and would often take both boys hunting and fishing until they were old enough to go on their own.
<snipped - read more>
(Forager! Stay right there for a sec please :biggrin:


Post in progress)
Ok, you're going to kill me.

Can we please get 3 separate map images (nothing fancy, just basic incident markings, just need a quick visual if you can please swing something real fast.)

1. April 21, 22

2. May 17, 18

3. June 2, 3

(Hey Forager, let me by you a beer for all your hard work!

Here you go! : :toast:

Seriously, thank you.)
Why not just fly drones or place more cameras along fhe route.
Consecutive dates could indicate something as far as insight re: coming and goings (say to work and back) patterns / timings...

Another thing, I could be wrong, need to look at the dates / maps again, but weren't there possible incidents the immediate consecutive days after the confirmed linked shootings too? I thought I remembered thinking that was odd because if so, it seems the adrenaline rush or whatever is not being satiated after killing just hours before...(maybe I'm imagining this--let's look a the map again:


I'll try to compare (Forager's busy right now :biggrin: )

1, April 22, 23

2. May 18, 19

3. June 3, 4. (wow, first useful contribution from a local's perspective--the weather was massive on the 4th so I doubt any activity...although it wasn't too bad in the morning/afternoon iirc...bad weather/tornadoes started coming in around sunset / dinner time 7pm iirc...)

Assuming there's a connected incident immediately following.

If there's nothing here, sorry for the diversion, just thinking out loud before I lose it (the thought and my mind haha)


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Why not just fly drones or place more cameras along fhe route.

I'm sure they are, Dex. In the case of Nate Tallman that Margarita mentioned earlier, they were used.

Lafayette police released a list of no fewer than 18 other entities that assisted with the investigation, including the FBI, the North Dakota Bureau of Investigation, the Westminster Police Department, the Longmont Police Department, and Leptron, of Golden.

John Oakley, CEO of Leptron, confirmed late today that his company is involved in drone technology, through the use of robotic helicopters. He would not provide any additional information on the nature of his company's assistance.
(Man, not only is it really bad when you have to break incidents down to the hour, but its also bad when you have so many victims you have to start differentiating them by initials :( )

Gosh, please catch this guy fast LE. My brains about to explode. I'm sure everyone else's is too!)
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