Welcome to the thread mrscg... . Thanx for your insight..
We've sleuthed quite a few cases in NOLO, Baton Rouge, Lafayette, etc. over the years... [abridged, in response, for focus]
Sorry, I digress.. Road debris statistics are monitored by the National Highway Administration. These stats are updated every five years, but from what I understand the reporting from many municipalities in the past has been lacking at best. Road debris consists of many objects and substances. For instance objects falling from unsecured loads of vehicles. If these items were the culprits in the rash of window shatterings it would seem that they would be witnessed or easily located, imo..
Slow motion visual of a Frangible bullet hitting a hard surface
Whether you’re using a pistol, rifle, or shotgun, no other frangible ammunition gives law enforcement, military, or other first responders, the ability to safely train up close on reactive steel targets at virtually point-blank range. All of ICC’s bullets, buckshot, and slug’s micro-pulverize into a fine powder on impact.