GUILTY CO - Pregnant woman, 26, stabbed, fetus cut from womb died, Longmont, 18 March 2015

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Even though the articles say husband, I don't think the two were legally married. He has a different last name, and I also seen him referred as "common law" husband. He apparently proposed to her after she told him she was pregnant. But no baby showed up when it was supposed to have in November. How she could have convinced him she was still pregnant all these months later is beyond my understanding. Also, if she had a hysterectomy, then how could she have convinced him she was pregnant at all?
I guess people will believe what they want to believe. It's too bad nobody got this woman some help before an innocent baby died. And if she can't be charged with baby's murder that's going to really upset me.
Depending on how long her current husband knew her prior to getting together with her, he may have not known she'd had a hysterectomy in the past. I do, however, agree that it's unbelievable that she allegedly told him she was due in Nov 2014 yet could pretend to remain pregnant without him questioning it, all these months later.

Even though the articles say husband, I don't think the two were legally married. He has a different last name, and I also seen him referred as "common law" husband. He apparently proposed to her after she told him she was pregnant. But no baby showed up when it was supposed to have in November. How she could have convinced him she was still pregnant all these months later is beyond my understanding. Also, if she had a hysterectomy, then how could she have convinced him she was pregnant at all?
I guess people will believe what they want to believe. It's too bad nobody got this woman some help before an innocent baby died. And if she can't be charged with baby's murder that's going to really upset me.
From what was posted on the internet (where a friend of the husband was asking for advice), he knew she had a hysterectomy and had doubts about her supposed pregnancy.
Yet apparently she was allowed to go on pretending to be pregnant 4 months after the supposed due date. She should have been confronted instead of allowing to go on with the pretend pregnancy. Maybe this whole horrific ordeal could have been avoided.

"She posted: "I have a friend whose wife is pregnant and he confided on (sic) my fiancé that she refuses to go to the doctor. Her whole pregnancy has been sketchy…She supposedly had a hysterectomy but then got pregnant (which I know CAN happen) and she wouldn't let him go to the doctors with her. Then she was supposedly due mid November then mid December. Here it is mid January and still no baby…I'm confused. Is it considered child endangerment if she won't go to the doctor? I don't know how long it's been but her husband is concerned.""

from link.

However, when he came home to meet her, the documents say she reported having a miscarriage and showed him a baby gasping for breath in a bathtub.

This right here shows this woman never even wanted the baby to live. She is reporting a miscarriage ,to her husband about a baby that is still alive. This is murder.

My oldest daughter is due in July , Like Katydid's DIL my daughter said she is getting to noticed to be out there, so she makes her S O do all the picking up the goods.
from link.

This right here shows this woman never even wanted the baby to live. She is reporting a miscarriage ,to her husband about a baby that is still alive. This is murder.

My oldest daughter is due in July , Like Katydid's DIL my daughter said she is getting to noticed to be out there, so she makes her S O do all the picking up the goods.

"Under Colorado law, essentially no murder charges can be brought if the child did not live outside of the mother," said Stan Garnett, district attorney of liberal Boulder County.

bbm I hope this proves a live baby out of womb.

"Under Colorado law, essentially no murder charges can be brought if the child did not live outside of the mother," said Stan Garnett, district attorney of liberal Boulder County.

bbm I hope this proves a live baby out of womb.

"A Colorado woman admitted that she cut an unborn child out of the womb of a stranger, and her husband told police he heard the fetus emit a "gasping breath" before it died, court documents showed on Friday."

"He rubbed the baby slightly then rolled it over to hear and see it taking a gasping breath," the affidavit said."
I hate these people:

"The issue of whether or not murder charges are appropriate involving the death of a fetus or of a late-term pregnancy is always a difficult issue," Garnett said. "Under Colorado law, essentially there is no way murder charges can be brought if it's not established that the fetus lived as a child outside the body of the mother for some period of time."
I hate these people:

"The issue of whether or not murder charges are appropriate involving the death of a fetus or of a late-term pregnancy is always a difficult issue," Garnett said. "Under Colorado law, essentially there is no way murder charges can be brought if it's not established that the fetus lived as a child outside the body of the mother for some period of time."

Well, crap. That just makes me incredibly angry. A breath of life is a living being for god sakes! And how would "some time" even be determined? I HATE that it's so unclear.
Well, crap. That just makes me incredibly angry. A breath of life is a living being for god sakes! And how would "some time" even be determined? I HATE that it's so unclear.

It is absolutely outrageous and I don't care if the baby took one breath. It is MURDER
'We cannot begin to fathom the depths of depravity and evil': Parents of Craigslist stabbing victim reveal their daughter was expecting a baby girl

Michelle Wilkins had her first baby 'expertly cut from her womb by Dynel Catrece Lane' after going to suspect's house to answer a Craigslist ad

Wilkins' parents say she is 'guardedly optimistic but scarred beyond imagination' and that she was expecting a daughter

Wilkins was so shocked when she arrived at Longmont United Hospital, Colorado, that she still thought she was pregnant, sources say

Lane, 34, held on $2 million bail at Boulder County Jail in Colorado and due in court on Monday

Suspect allegedly lured Wilkins, originally from North Carolina, to Longmont home with ad for maternity clothes

The suspect's husband, David Ridley, found the baby in the bath and rushed his wife to hospital after she told him she had a miscarriage

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She cut the baby out of her womb in basement, put the baby up in tub, then was downstairs when hubby arrived home and met him around the corner. She said she miscarried and baby was up in tub, he went up, rolled baby over and it gasped its last breath allegedly. Well if this is true, that baby had more then one breath in that amount of time, which means it was alive for a period of time. And we don't know for sure since she was allegedly punched and stabbed with a broken bottle as well as cut with the knife if the baby sustained injuries making it not survive, so its murder. I hope they investigate and charge with first degree murder. It is the right thing to do, set residence for for future cases also. IMHO
Interview with officer:

The scene was almost too much for Piotrowski to bear. He had to take a moment to collect himself.

"When I walked in and looked at her for a short moment, I actually had to walk out for a second because my head wasn't able to wrap around it."

Still, given what the 26-year-old woman had endured, it left him impressed.

"She is probably one of the strongest people I've ever had the pleasure to meet," Piotrowski said.

Michelle Wilkins' uncle Chris Wilkins said, "She's alive because professional first responders execute perfectly." But Piotrowski believes Wilkins is the one who "saved her own life."
Yes, it's always the same thing. Even if the woman had other children, she gets a new man and thinks the only way to keep that man is to produce a child for him.

This so called SOB premeditated this by setting up a craigslisting for baby clothes. She knew she was not pregnant and could not get pregnant. She knowenly was on the hunt to lure a vuluerable pregnant woman. it doesn't take much to know between right and wrong. She tortured this mother to be, killed her baby girl, and almost killed her(left her to die). And left the mother to be to life long suffering. She knew exactly what she was doing. I will reject any mental defense, this screams for the death penalty. Not sure if that state has it. Nothing less than the DP, this sickens me.

I wish the mother love, support, healing, peace, and face that killer down in court!!!!! May peace and love be with you!!!! You are strong!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Irisha
ARVADA - A former roommate of Dynel Lane - the woman accused of stabbing a pregnant woman and taking her baby from her womb last week - said he was simply stunned to find out Lane was capable of committing such an act.

Robert Walsh said he lived with Dynel and one of her daughters for nine months in 2012 at an apartment in Golden.

Walsh said he found Lane on Craigslist after he separated from his wife at the time. She cleared a screening, he said, and wanted a roommate who was motherly to be around his young child.

During her stay there, she was arrested one time on a traffic-related warrant, Golden Police said. Walsh said the arrest came at the home after he called authorities on an unrelated issue.

Other than that arrest, Walsh said Lane was a good mother and roommate, and only left after nine months because she couldn't afford to pay rent after losing her job.
Jason Cruz was married to Lane for 12 years. He told 9NEWS in the time they were married she was a normal person.

"She was just a normal human being," Cruz said. "I never suspected this would happen."

He describes their relationship as normal.

"She was fine. She was just your typical woman," Cruz said. "During those 12 years we were happily married and we had no issues. We just decided at one point the relationship was over."

"As far as her life goes after we split up, we didn't have much to do with each other," Cruz said. "There was a certain point where we tried to work things out, but it was best that we didn't."

The couple had three children together.
There are certain sets of circumstances where the accused just needs to be locked up. Period. Forever. This is one of them.
Woman who lost her baby after fetus was cut from her womb by Craigslist attacker is released from hospital as family reveal she would have called her daughter Aurora

Michelle Wilkins, 26, was knifed when she responded to a Craigslist ad for maternity clothes in Longmont, Colorado last week

She was stabbed and had her fetus ripped out allegedly by 34-year-old Dynel Lane

Her family said in a statement: 'She is now out of the hospital in a safe location and accompanied by her partner Dan'

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