GUILTY CO - Richard & Mayumi Heene charged in Balloon Boy Hoax, Fort Collins, 2009 - #2

DNA Solves
DNA Solves
DNA Solves
I'm not even kidding...

Just saw it on the news and you can have yours for $34.95. I wonder if they'll make a little laboratory for the Richard Action Figure?

As long as RH doesn't get dime one from this I think it's cool. :crazy:

FORT COLLINS, Colo. (AP) -- A special prosecutor has been appointed to investigate allegations the Larimer County sheriff violated privacy laws in the case of the runaway balloon that was believed to be carrying a young boy.

As I said it probably is a violation of ethics but I hope he just gets a hand slap. :cow:

FORT COLLINS, Colo. (AP) -- A special prosecutor has been appointed to investigate allegations the Larimer County sheriff violated privacy laws in the case of the runaway balloon that was believed to be carrying a young boy.

'Special Prosecutor'--this sounds very serious. FAA charges might require that--for all I know. Civil litigation was my area--worked on a big case about the airport had to go to 'Special Counsel' or something. All I did was tab the identified documentation. Temp work. Back in the 80's --not really suited for the legal profession and had a thorough dose of school law and all that goes with the government. 'They' insisted on thorough documentation with a passion equivalent to a hurricane or earthquake and that is what I did to keep a JOB. No, I wouldn't think of teaching again. Maybe at a community college if I ever get health issues straightened out. at 61 I need peace.

LOL--Cat Stevens greatest hits is playing now and I feel better. My dog has poop problems and the vet is concerned about both of us. That is what I will be doing more of --it is good for Josh to walk a lot, Lhasa Apso--very sensitive and I am a great deal like my dog. Named for Josh Groban and Bob Dylan--the future and the past of music I enjoy.

see ya in a few
'Special Prosecutor'--this sounds very serious. FAA charges might require that--for all I know. Civil litigation was my area--worked on a big case about the airport had to go to 'Special Counsel' or something. All I did was tab the identified documentation. Temp work. Back in the 80's --not really suited for the legal profession and had a thorough dose of school law and all that goes with the government. 'They' insisted on thorough documentation with a passion equivalent to a hurricane or earthquake and that is what I did to keep a JOB. No, I wouldn't think of teaching again. Maybe at a community college if I ever get health issues straightened out. at 61 I need peace.

LOL--Cat Stevens greatest hits is playing now and I feel better. My dog has poop problems and the vet is concerned about both of us. That is what I will be doing more of --it is good for Josh to walk a lot, Lhasa Apso--very sensitive and I am a great deal like my dog. Named for Josh Groban and Bob Dylan--the future and the past of music I enjoy.

see ya in a few

David Lane .the lawyer for Heene, is a big name around here. He is very loved in some circles and respected as a denfence attny. Others feel differently and there is a lot of animosity (sp?) over his defense of Ward Churchill. All that said, he is very good at what he does and I wouldn't be surprised if he is successful in defending all Balloon family members. I still worry about balloon dad. He's too controlling and maybe abusive IMO

I am listening to Styx, trying to think of a way to start a music thread in the basement. My family is always amazed at the way I "look" and what I enjoy in music. Married a man who only played the blues and country. LOL Opposites do attract and stick like glue.
David Lane .the lawyer for Heene, is a big name around here. He is very loved in some circles and respected as a denfence attny. Others feel differently and there is a lot of animosity (sp?) over his defense of Ward Churchill. All that said, he is very good at what he does and I wouldn't be surprised if he is successful in defending all Balloon family members. I still worry about balloon dad. He's too controlling and maybe abusive IMO

I am listening to Styx, trying to think of a way to start a music thread in the basement. My family is always amazed at the way I "look" and what I enjoy in music. Married a man who only played the blues an country. LOL Opposites do attract and stick like glue.

oH--u live in Colorado--i signed up with The Coloradoan and it looks like a wonderful place. My cousin and her dh live in 'The Desert' --Ridgecrest, CA--government/military type people--they ran all over the west--now hike all over the world--England and South America--Rain Forest--Hawaii. sigh--my family is from Norcross, GA--farmers and my lucky cousin got a simpler life than I did--she is so nice that I can't envy her too much. lol --I wish I had gone West--so tired of all that goes on in ATL--too big, too much of everything, intense/analytical people in every phase of life. 'Give Me A Break' is what I say. I can't even go to my dog park because of all the discussions on healthcare, etc--Emory/CDC people. Doing incredibe and needed things but that is not me. teacher and dog lover--a woman who will listen to Charlie Daniels, Tina Turner, Josh Groban and the Nitty Gritty Dirt band and a lot more ---good music turns me on--probably them, too--nice as they can be put pursuing excellence with comittment and intensity that will one day solve the afflictions of man and nature. My cousin on my father's side--whom I have never met actually runs Yerkes--animal research. Paternal grandmother went out of her mind back in the 30's ---husband died of cancer --and she lost her children. German Immigrant family in Savannah, GA. Apparently the 'good genes' on both sides went to others and I got some crazy mix--Englsh, scots-irish, Celtic --crazy genes of some kind and a heaping dose of religion which can/does drive my insane at times. Methodism--I had to call my minister and say--'Time to really pray, again' I am losing my mind. So he calmed me down--know that if I cannot understand God's ways--he is more closely in touch with Him. mmmmhmmmmm--yes, I pray in my car--nearly hit 4 times today and wherever I am--a woman at the library thought I was so 'pitiful'---that she paid my library fine. LOL--we have wonderful people here--she said 'Don't think of it --no one should be cut off from books'. I lost a book after my brother died of cancer--never, ever lost a book before. I tell you I am blessed in some strange way.

Josh Groban really does help me. That little cutie has the voice of an Angel--sweet and nice as he can be. So there is some Hope for the future.

Let the music go on forever--that is what I say. ducking and running like the wind--so tired tonight.
oH--u live in Colorado--i signed up with The Coloradoan and it looks like a wonderful place. My cousin and her dh live in 'The Desert' --Ridgecrest, CA--government/military type people--they ran all over the west--now hike all over the world--England and South America--Rain Forest--Hawaii. sigh--my family is from Norcross, GA--farmers and my lucky cousin got a simpler life than I did--she is so nice that I can't envy her too much. lol --I wish I had gone West--so tired of all that goes on in ATL--too big, too much of everything, intense/analytical people in every phase of life. 'Give Me A Break' is what I say. I can't even go to my dog park because of all the discussions on healthcare, etc--Emory/CDC people. Doing incredibe and needed things but that is not me. teacher and dog lover--a woman who will listen to Charlie Daniels, Tina Turner, Josh Groban and the Nitty Gritty Dirt band and a lot more ---good music turns me on--probably them, too--nice as they can be put pursuing excellence with comittment and intensity that will one day solve the afflictions of man and nature. My cousin on my father's side--whom I have never met actually runs Yerkes--animal research. Paternal grandmother went out of her mind back in the 30's ---husband died of cancer --and she lost her children. German Immigrant family in Savannah, GA. Apparently the 'good genes' on both sides went to others and I got some crazy mix--Englsh, scots-irish, Celtic --crazy genes of some kind and a heaping dose of religion which can/does drive my insane at times. Methodism--I had to call my minister and say--'Time to really pray, again' I am losing my mind. So he calmed me down--know that if I cannot understand God's ways--he is more closely in touch with Him. mmmmhmmmmm--yes, I pray in my car--nearly hit 4 times today and wherever I am--a woman at the library thought I was so 'pitiful'---that she paid my library fine. LOL--we have wonderful people here--she said 'Don't think of it --no one should be cut off from books'. I lost a book after my brother died of cancer--never, ever lost a book before. I tell you I am blessed in some strange way.

Josh Groban really does help me. That little cutie has the voice of an Angel--sweet and nice as he can be. So there is some Hope for the future.

Let the music go on forever--that is what I say. ducking and running like the wind--so tired tonight.

Yes, Josh has a voice from above, a joy to listen to. Hope your pup feels better soon! No fun havin' the poopsies. You take care and maybe this whole balloon thing will be settled tomorrow. :)
Yes, Josh has a voice from above, a joy to listen to. Hope your pup feels better soon! No fun havin' the poopsies. You take care and maybe this whole balloon thing will be settled tomorrow. :)

Colorado--Rocky Mt High--John Denver--I wanted to Fly--lub it lub it lub it

and Elton John--Honky Cat--Get Back, Someone Saved My Life Tonight--that is what October Moon did --to this virgo/Girl of September--luv

Teachers--internet--accountability--I feel more kindly toward the teachers, as a member of 'The Profession'--Dante's Infernal Guide to Your School System--book written back in 60's/70's--I started teaching in DeKalb County, GA--in 1970---wonderful experiences and a real 's--o--b'--Sweet Old Boss--Celt of some kind, marine for a principal--so I know teaching/Educators--some good some not--sigh--look at this---going on not too far from me--south side of ATL--->

mmmmhmmmm---when I read such things I know that things are bad for government schools as Boortz calls them --Libertarian radio talk show host--keeps us 'On Task'--whole city/nation---preaching the 'Painful Truth--says get your act together teachers --you need to do your JOB's as well as I do mine, etc go to, IIRC --use the AJC--Entertainment--WSB 750 --radio station--that is 'Old Atlanta'--Coca Cola, AUC/Atlanta University Cennter, King Center, Carter Center--Emory University--The Very Powers That Be---liberal/progressive--conservative --'Moderates' of some sort---
from a local blogger---
The results of the Boortz influence in ATL--we are addicted to 'The Painful Truth'--Fair Tax and Progress--of the Highest Sort--Boortz is Perfectionistic--LOL's and says--'I was an attorney--and got out of that--too much work that I didn't enjoy--love being On Air Personality--friend, close personal friend of Hannity's/Faux News--fly in their planes--Sean's is bigger than Neal's they are 'jet setters'--on a Divine Mission to bring the nation to its senses--'Evangelicals of Politics'--I get so tired of hearing their 's'--I have my own ideas--who needs 'That Much $$$$$' and who needs to worship at the Church of the Painful Truth--Boortz lols--since he is the High Priest--no teacher can offer an opinion --call in radio show--WKRP in Cinncinati sp?--will not allow abortion to be discussed 'Ever'---Belinda--cut the line on that caller and all that--Belinda is a redneck--UGA--Go Dawgs--sharp as a tack and they shuck and jive while I have to work. Royal gets into the mix---he b a kewl dude--sharp as a tack--lub Royal more than Neal myself.--That is what goes on here and why I get Wanky--need news from a sane state like Colorado--

But the system--US/Federal government and all entities of the government are the same 'everywhere--except maybe California--Hotel California--been there and by the Grace of God was able to get the 'h' out---mentally/spiritually---Freedom--yes, I like that. Never want to see that change in the US--so I put up with 'Boortz' and his craziness.
They burned this city to the ground over Civil Rights and 'we' learned our lesson --Peace--that is what we like--justice, goodness--that is Atlanta, GA--always has been --and always will be --God willing and the crick don't rise--it did a few weeks ago--flooded the city--so we are dealing with that, too and a lot of other problems--not perfect--but it is my home and I lub it, dearly--like my dog --Josh Dylan.

Feel better now--listening to Cher--Gypsies, Tramps and Thieves.

Know Colorado is much like Atlanta--in its way. October Moon---a fine and good person of somekind. LOL--sometimes i get wanky --I think it is 'The Moon'--the sun/men--never will understand women--afraid of emotions and how women are--LOL---'Dudes'--chill--look at yourself--screaming and pounding on the table---Marines--I have know a Few Good Men. Lub them and understand their 'craziness'---what can it take for them to do the same for 'wimmin'---they are terrified when a woman tries to speak--that is all I know--glad to be here--there are women here---I can't get along with some---get along well with anyone who 'understands' music-
I am a 'Hard Headed Woman'--who sang that --Cat Stevens?--certain he sang 'In the Ruins'---

yes, at times I think the 'sky is falling'--the End Times are upon us and what do men say---
'No, reason to be afraid--just go out there and get the job done--I do--you should,too--if you had any sense you wouldn't be so afraid of things like 'La Familia'---what is your problem, lady--I don't have time to explain 'Life' to you--that is how the system works--when people tell me 'I am wrong'--I don't care---not a sensitive, little scaredy cat---I can take care of myself--and you need to 'Get Help--you have serious mental problems'--that is all I can tell you--'Grow a Pair'--and from 'some' women--younger women particularly--'Put on your big girl Panties and Deal With It'--I can and do---I have that much sense---when I need some help--I talk to my DH and he understands.' mmmmmmmmmphmmmmm!!!! I am older--and a single woman and sometimes I need a little 'help'--not that much ---I DON'T NEED ANY MORE ADVICE FROM THOSE WHO CANNOT SEEM TO UNDERSTAND--whomever they may Be. Boomer and we believe the Beatles/Woodstock--'We'll Get By With a Little Help From Our Friends'---
but i am not a Beatles Boomer--pure Woodstock---yeah, it went down--like it or not--Peace, Civil Rights, justice, goodness, freedom---I have friends. Friends in low places and some in very, very High Places--they like me, understand me--and some lub me--Willie Nelson--'Redheaded Stranger' Kris Kristofferson---'Sunday Morning Breakdown'--Kris and Rita Coolidge---'Full Moon'--they loved each other passionatley, crazily--as did Carly Simon and James Taylor--things didn't work out and they parted ways--moved on --still sort of friends. lub--that is how it is.

If you want a dissertation--I can do that with my wonderful degrees, FWiw--2 of them --both in Education --which is something I should have never gotten into--
I have thoroughly analyzed the relationship of Annette Bening and Warren Beatty and can tell you more, than you ever wanted to know about them. They are private people--good people of some kind and do good in this world --which is needed. both are 'Fine' with me--as is Jane Fonda --who lives in my area---gives $$$$$$$ to Emory University--which is the main of source of all that is Good and Right with the world. I may be--'Good Hearted Woman'/Dolly Parton/Dixie Chick/Reba MacIntire woman--but I understand good--tolerance--clear headed thinking and sometimes you have to be 'Sharp' and rather mean ---A 'B'--of some kind to cope with the world.

Right on Michelle Obama---Laura Bush--Roslyn Carter and Nancy Reagan---you are women after my own heart. Womens' Studies--American President--Annette Bening/Michael Douglas--i liked that film--shown endlessly on CNN--to get the messages out---thankfully they don't show it as much anymore--I guess they thought the message was delvered. Now I have to see---Julia Roberts films--Queen Latifah films and Susan Sarandon films on Comcast--tired of seeing them--liked, enjoyed them--some funny, some not ----would like better choices to come from my TV--but really 'nothing I can do about that'--so I find other ways to meet my needs--read, get out and volunteer in the community--and go to church, walk my dog--cook, clean, take care of the car, finances and deal with any number of things I don't 'enjoy' but 'The Work Must Be Done', eh?
Anyone else live like that--it is difficult at times--my brother died and my 88 yr old Mother and I do what we can. Thankfully, we live in a safe, quiet community--neighbors are kind and good and courteous--mind their own business and we keep on keeping on. Sometimes because of my brother's drug problems they have had to call '911' and sometimes I have called '911' myself. DeKalb County, Ga's PD --has some fine men and women--do their jobs well. I didn't complain when I was arrested for disturbing the Peace---went to court--they were fair--and firm--I have respect for those who put their lives on the line 24/7---Keeping the Peace--Protect and Serve.

Yes, that is me. Born on '911'---in 1948. On a Saturday--'Saturday's Child Must Work Hard for a Living'? I get impatient at times--should have waited to be born on a Sunday--and be 'Filled With Grace'. The most 'difficult' thing I have ever had to do is understand religion--MOther retired from Emory/Candler School of Theology--and I can't get religion straight for the life of me--too ambiguous--my minister is praying as he has never prayed before that God will see fit to help me do this. LOL--he doesn't understand why God does what does at times either. One of the best ministers we have--and all say the same. fyi. It is 'Something'--living in Atlanta, GA--drives me to 'The Grape'/wine--I drink it and so what--so what? LOL--12 step programs--I have been --didn't really help me--heard the same thing I heard at church--God Helps Those Who Help Themselves---whew---what a JOB I have done--my perfect, perfectionistic, Virgo self--Type A --all the way--I will do the JOB--until the work is done or I die and sometimes I would prefer to be promoted--meet St. Peter at the Pearly Gates and Get In or sent to where the sun don't shine.

I love music--soothes my soul--just about all of it--some of It more than others. Cathect a Few--The Road Less Traveled, M. Scott Peck--a self help book/christian--written in the early 80's --IIRC--yes, it is true. So are a lot of things. Take it with a grain of salt.

Let the music always play. 'Nothing But the Radio On' good tune. and i'll be thinking of others--got my Cd's out---and the magic is working. That is how I am---moody and mysterious --to some. :dance:
No charges yet?

What if this guy walks? Is this going to encourage people to pull hoaxes? Thousands of people submit ideas to tv stations for reality shows, if there are no boundaries to their ideas I believe something awful could come out of it. Will somebody actually put a child up in the air for notoriety? I believe a stiff fine and jail time should be sentenced on the couple to discourage others from following in their footsteps. This is JMO.
Richard's website now has a link to this page

We are three brothers, two of us living in Barcelona, Spain, and the third living in Colorado. Our father, Virgil Rice, is being wrongly accused of a crime. We were informed by several county officials and attorneys that our father could not get a fair trial due to the corruption in Larimer County. As a result we chose to leave the US. Ultimately they tracked our father down in Spain. We fought extradition for 14 months at which point Spain violated their laws and unexpectedly sent our father back to Larimer County on September 30, 2008.

They never mention what crime they committed and ran away to Spain for. I find that hinky. It also sounds to me like the cops have them dead to rights and the "corruption" that would keep them from a fair trial is horse manure.

Here's what old Virgil is accused of:

A Loveland man who fled from a sexual assault allegation has been arrested in Spain.

Virgil Rice, 52, is in custody in Barcelona, according to the Larimer County Sheriff’s Office, which has had Rice listed on its most wanted Web site.

Rice, who started an electronics recycling and resale business in Loveland, was charged in August 2004 with eight felony charges of sexual assault on a child or attempted sexual assault on a child. The assaults allegedly occurred in 1993.

If he didn't do it and really felt like he couldn't get a fair trial in Larimer then his lawyer should request a change of venue. If that doesn't work alert the media and tell them your story.

Methinks he is guilty and is using any stupid excuse he can for why he ran to another country.

Nice try Virg, I aint buyin it. :rolleyes:
I'm going to assume that since Richard is posting the link on his site, that he is now an alleged pedophile sympathizer? That case of the man from Spain, is the only corruption story on that site...

Supporting a possible kiddie fiddler... can this Bloony dad go any lower? Sick!
mmmmmmph!!! Don't care what Heene's attorney/David Lane is 'Doing'.

Bad choice of a career and all that by my standards. ATL standards--why do we allow them to have an attorney--rhetorical question.

meanwhile in ATL--I made a few phone calls---not too difficult to do--I know this town well.

Found GA Coalition for Domestic Violence and I said--'Here I am--ready to do whatever you need--spoke to a woman with my own name--it means 'Lily, Purity', fwiw. She thinks I can be trained to really help---lol--better not show them my wanky side--gotta get to church this Sunday--All Saints Day--I am never going to be a Saint---have know a few. My minister is concerned about me--toomuch like St. Peter--impulsive type of human--David--sorrt of flaky at times---he thinks --be more like John, Christ's best friend. Not certain that can happen but I try and try and try.

Go Here>>>>

(This always inspires me. John Denver/Placido Domingo--'Perhaps Love'---Denver home of the Ga Coalition of Domestic Violence Coalition--they will become involved in this--wanta bet? I think so anyway--somebody in Larimer county is already working on it--at the direction of Allderden--the Good and Wise Sheriff/Lone Ranger.)

It blows me away this song--John Denver wrote a few that do that. 'Annie's Song'--how he loved his wife and how he wanted to fly--and he is flying now. Angel of Denver--looking down on those in need. That is Atlanta style/Emory---we believe in angels of all kinds. Even me, Tina Turner, Carly Simon, Rita Coolidge, Nellie McKay sort of woman.
mmmmmmph!!! Don't care what Heene's attorney/David Lane is 'Doing'.

Bad choice of a career and all that by my standards. ATL standards--why do we allow them to have an attorney--rhetorical question.

meanwhile in ATL--I made a few phone calls---not too difficult to do--I know this town well.

Found GA Coalition for Domestic Violence and I said--'Here I am--ready to do whatever you need--spoke to a woman with my own name--it means 'Lily, Purity', fwiw. She thinks I can be trained to really help---lol--better not show them my wanky side--gotta get to church this Sunday--All Saints Day--I am never going to be a Saint---have know a few. My minister is concerned about me--toomuch like St. Peter--impulsive type of human--David--sorrt of flaky at times---he thinks --be more like John, Christ's best friend. Not certain that can happen but I try and try and try.

Go Here>>>>

(This always inspires me. John Denver/Placido Domingo--'Perhaps Love'---Denver home of the Ga Coalition of Domestic Violence Coalition--they will become involved in this--wanta bet? I think so anyway--somebody in Larimer county is already working on it--at the direction of Allderden--the Good and Wise Sheriff/Lone Ranger.)

It blows me away this song--John Denver wrote a few that do that. 'Annie's Song'--how he loved his wife and how he wanted to fly--and he is flying now. Angel of Denver--looking down on those in need. That is Atlanta style/Emory---we believe in angels of all kinds. Even me, Tina Turner, Carly Simon, Rita Coolidge, Nellie McKay sort of woman.
mmmmmhmmmmph--David Lane. Bad career choice in my opinion--certain he had his reasons--I wouldn't understand.

I understand these people>>>

Colorado Domestic Violence Coalition. Hope someone there is working with Mayumi's attorney---hope the Good Sheriff Alderden--called them ASAP --when he saw what he saw and thought what he thought. Alderden/Lone Ranger of some kind---I am certain.

"The Boulder County district attorney announced Wednesday that he would personally investigate allegations that Larimer County Sheriff John Alderden improperly conducted his probe into the alleged balloon hoax committed by the Heene family.

A lawyer for Richard Heene wrote a letter to the Larimer County district attorney on Monday, accusing Alderden of breaking a Colorado law that prevents officials from publically disclosing information in a case involving charges of child neglect."
Balloon boy dad RICHARD HEENE forces beer bottle and cigar on baby ...
1 hour ago - We've obtained footage of Richard Heene from 10 years ago -- trying to shove a cigar into his then infant son Bradford's mouth -- while ...
Like the shell con game or a ponzi scheme, people fell for it and are a bit miffed at being "taken." However, a flyer may just stir the pot. IMO it's better to leave it.
TMZ has RH's "book" from 1994.

In a chapter about the types of drivers to avoid, he refers to one group as "Jam'in Bro in His Cadillac," another as "Towelheads" and another as "Orientals." And the book is littered with photos with Heene dressed up as people from the various groups.

Read more:

REAL nice, especially coming from a guy with "Oriental" kids.

All kinds of dysfunction in this family.

District attorney to investigate balloon boy sheriff
By Associated Press

POSTED: 12:08 p.m. EDT, Oct 28, 2009

"FORT COLLINS, COLO.: A special prosecutor has been appointed to investigate allegations the Larimer County sheriff violated privacy laws in the case of the runaway balloon that was believed to be carrying a young boy.
Richard and Mayumi Heene are accused of lying to authorities for saying their 6-year-old son Falcon was on board a balloon launched from their backyard. Larimer County prosecutors are weighing whether to file criminal charges against them.

The Larimer County DA's office said today that the Boulder DA's office will look into claims from Richard Heene's lawyer that Sheriff Jim Alderden broke privacy laws by talking about the involvement of child welfare workers in the case. Heene's lawyer, David Lane, announced Tuesday that a special prosecutor had been appointed.
Two questions:

So why haven't the Heene's been arrested yet?

And what is Richard Heene's weird preoccupation with toilets? Photo of himself on one, in this book he wrote(pics included, if you're that brave)

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