CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #11

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I never did her FB but I know on her early Instagram she talks about wanting 4-5 kids.
I think another baby was her idea and he went along with it and never expected it to actually happen so quick.

Forgive me, I can't recall the date of her posts where she says that CW wants another baby. I do remember A Thayer saying it was a planned 3rd baby but IDK whether AT got that from CW before the pregnancy OR got that from SW alone.

IMO, thinking of female friends & such scenarios, there can be a real difference what one says/ what actually was discussed pre - pregnancy.
I also think C.W. said and did what he thought SW would like to see and hear in their marriage, rather than being his true self and expressing his true feelings.
ETA: Was it also possible his recounting of seeing the children on the bedroom monitor was actually something that SW saw when she arrived home? Did she see him attacking them on the monitor as she walked inside and ran upstairs to stop him?


If so that would lend to the theroy that there is truth in his one child on monitor was sprawled out and blue and the other was actively being strangled. It’s just the who he changed up.

My only issue with that is SW trying to stop him from strangling the girls would leave more visiable marks on him...I would think anyway. The only odd marking we could see, so far, was that red scratch/blotch on his neck. Maybe police photos will show more on his upper body at some point?
That's interesting.
Do you know if that was the day of depature/at airport etc or much before then, if you still recall dates.
Cause it could put paid to scenarios where she's found out something about AP before she gets on that plane home.

Yes, I would be interested in this at well. Do we know specifically when she posted that she was excited to get home to Chris & the girls?
Shan'ann Watts Beat Odds to Have Children Despite Lupus — and 'Was So Excited' About It

Before she became a mother of two and with a third child on the way, slain Colorado mom Shan’ann Watts had been told by doctors that she wouldn’t be able to have children.

“And she was SO into her family,” KL, a friend of the couple, told PEOPLE. “Like, that’s all she talked about. She talked about her girls as miracles, because she had some health problems and didn’t know if she’d have kids. But she really embraced motherhood, and I thought she embraced her marriage, too.

“My health challenges happened for a reason,” she said. “I was told I couldn’t have kids, you know, and here I have two amazing, crazy, wild children I love dearly. Everything happens for a reason.”
That's interesting.
Do you know if that was the day of depature/at airport etc or much before then, if you still recall dates.
Cause it could put paid to scenarios where she's found out something about AP before she gets on that plane home.
It was 11:09pm Local time when she was at the airport on the Sunday night waiting to board the delayed flight home. It’s SM so I can’t post it and it was also hidden / deleted once the SM was turned into a “in memory” page.
So this is really hard to type. But here goes. My ex husband strangled me once. He was drunk and it didn't last long thankfully. But his arms were longer than mine, and although I was struggling, I only ended up leaving one scratch mark on him and I ripped the collar of his shirt. I only remember it because he tried to tell the cops about it - as if HE was somehow a victim too! (They didn't care - loaded his sorry butt in their car and hauled him off). I was on the floor on my back, and he was on top of me. Anyway, it is possible that she struggled hard and still didn't make many marks on him. )-:

Also, I was pregnant at the time. I know there are stats on it if you Google, but women are more likely to be killed by partners when they're pregnant.

Side note, if anyone wonders, my ex husband has been out of my life and the kids' lives for a long long time. It took a lot to get him that way, but it's so GOOD! (-:

One other thing. This ex husband that I just spoke of (the only one)... I had a surgery once and he helped me to the bathroom after. I started to pass out while on the toilet. I remember I just wanted to get the darn TP and get myself back to bed. He freaked out, pulling the "help" chain frantically. I came to pretty quickly and just wanted to wipe without a crowd lol (a bunch of hospital staff plus him falling all over me). I wasn't worried, but it took him awhile to calm down, stop shaking, stop crying. He was SO worried. But that same SOB who was SO concerned cheated like crazy. He could be so loving and wasn't ever controlling, unlike a lot of abusers. But he was a mess. I came to the conclusion that his "love" was a weird selfish love with a huge fear of abandonment. I don't know that CW was abusive to SW, but he could have had the same sort of selfish love, and was therefore capable of cheating cheating cheating, and when faced with losing SW, he flipped.

Edited to fix autocorrect stuff.
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The kids and I frequently leave my husband for weeks at a time. We have a summer house on an island and spend 6-8 weeks down there every summer. Sometimes he teaches college classes in the summer. If they're online, he goes with us. If not, he stays behind. 15 years of marriage and it works for us. I see nothing wrong with it, all marriages are different.

2 of the physicians I work with each have summer homes. Their wives load up the kids and their good ol family trucksters for 3-5 weeks over summer school breaks, while the dads stay home to work. It seems to work well for them. Of course, I have no way to know what’s going on in their homes, lives or minds, so there’s that.
I feel, because of the friend's quick actions the next day, that SW was on HIGH ALERT that something was wrong at home. Even if SW only felt that something was wrong with her relationship with her husband, my gut tells me that she was going to check on those girls no matter what he might have told her. In fact, whenever my kids/teenagers tell me not to do something, I suspect something is up and make sure not to listen to them!

It states in the affidavit that NUA's concern was a medical concern. SW had not been feeling well and had an episode of low blood sugar in AZ. She had a medical concern for SW and thereby was concerned for the girls because if, for example, SW had passed out in the house, the girls were too young to be able to be unsupervised and/or call for help.
Very good - that could be the link in my totally off the cuff theory. Could a 3 and 4 year old explain something like that to LE? I guess they could say something that makes it hard for CW

Well, if CW filled Bella first (he stated in his "confession" that Bella was killed first), it would've been Bella that walked in on him in the act. I recall a neighbor of SW's parents in NC stating how talkative Bella was for a little girl her age. So, yes, I think she could have relayed what happened to others quite easily.
Shan'ann Watts Beat Odds to Have Children Despite Lupus — and 'Was So Excited' About It

Before she became a mother of two and with a third child on the way, slain Colorado mom Shan’ann Watts had been told by doctors that she wouldn’t be able to have children.

“And she was SO into her family,” KL, a friend of the couple, told PEOPLE. “Like, that’s all she talked about. She talked about her girls as miracles, because she had some health problems and didn’t know if she’d have kids. But she really embraced motherhood, and I thought she embraced her marriage, too.

“My health challenges happened for a reason,” she said. “I was told I couldn’t have kids, you know, and here I have two amazing, crazy, wild children I love dearly. Everything happens for a reason.”

Very important to note, IMO, that CW most likely believed SW could not have children based on this info.
Agree. I wonder why SW would go away for 6 weeks if she suspected cheating. It leads me to believe she didn’t suspect it until later. I tend to subscribe to the theory that someone told her something. We know he was pretty brazen with AP. Someone could’ve texted her from Anadarko, or someone might have seen them on one of their dates & asked SW about it...

I agree but keep hitting that stumbling block - the NUA group photo before they get on their delayed flight? Smiles all round.
(Unless SW was a person who could really block things out and keep smiling to keep up appearances. It's not me but we're all different...
What's everyone's thinking about the order of the murders? Do you think the children were murdered before or after SW?

My current thought is that the girls were already gone by the time SW arrived home. But, I'm not totally 100% with that theory.

And, what's everyone thinking about the planning? Did he get in a fight with SW, kill her, and then decide to kill the children as an afterthought? Or did he plan the whole thing from the start - to get rid of his entire family?

(These questions are going with the assumption CW is the one responsible for all murders, as charged by LE.)


Right now, I'm in the camp that the girls were killed before SW got home. Actually, I think it's possible he killed them earlier in the evening, expecting SW to be home on time, but when her flight was delayed he had hours to stew in his anger or whatever, then killed her shortly after she came home. I wouldn't be surprised if he did it that way so SW would see her dead children before dying.

I'm thinking CW's story all along was going to be that SW killed the girls and he killed her in a rage after finding out what she did. I don't believe he came up with that scenario later while being questioned. I wonder if the girls were put in the crude oil in the hopes of erasing any DNA evidence. If there's no DNA on the girls no one can prove or dis-prove SW killed them herself. It could also be that he killed the girls earlier and realized time of death would be determined to be much earlier than SW's, so he put them in the oil hoping to hide that fact.

And then, he lied on camera to "protect" SW from being called a child killer. Because he loved her so much. (Insert sarcasm)

Then again, that seems to be giving CW a lot of credit for forethought and I'm not sure he's that smart.
Well, if CW filled Bella first (he stated in his "confession" that Bella was killed first), it would've been Bella that walked in on him in the act. I recall a neighbor of SW's parents in NC stating how talkative Bella was for a little girl her age. So, yes, I think she could have relayed what happened to others quite easily.

One possibility I've been thinking about involves Bella. He said in the interview that she was a "troublemaker" and just like SW. I wonder if he had trouble with her after the girls returned from 6 weeks away (while he played) and when SW was at her conference. Maybe he lost his patience dealing with the girls on his own after a long break from them, and maybe Bella got on his nerves and he hurt her (killed her). Maybe Cece witnessed it and in a panic he killed her too, and then came up with the story that he would blame SW. So...he waited for her arrival.

Speculation, thinking aloud.


Anadarko | Dacono, CO - Official Website

For those interested, this is the map and site for Anadarko oil tanks. I'm currently checking out google maps for the tanks shown in a video another member has posted (if indeed they're the correct ones the msm has shown or randomly chosen) because there are several sites as you can see above, it looked remote in video but not so on google maps. There are houses, Colorado Speedway and Auto Salvage yard, businesses nearby.
So this is really hard to type. But here goes. My ex husband strangled me once. He was drunk and it didn't last long thankfully. But his arms were longer than mine, and although I was struggling, I only ended up leaving one scratch mark on him and I ripped the collar of his shirt. I only remember it because he tried to tell the cops about it - as if HE was somehow a victim too! (They didn't care - loaded his sorry butt in their car and hauled him off). I was on the floor on my back, and he was on top of me. Anyway, it is possible that she struggled hard and still didn't make many marks on him. )-:

Also, I was pregnant at the time. I know there are stats in it if you Google, but women are more likely to be killed by partners when they're pregnant.

Side note, if anyone wonders, my ex husband has been out of my life and the kids' lives for a long long time. It took a lot to get him that way, but it's so GOOD! (-:

One other thing. This ex husband that I just spoke of (the only one)... I had a surgery once and he helped me to the bathroom after. I started to pass out while on the toilet. I remember I just wanted to get the darn TP and get myself back to bed. He freaked out, pulling the "help" chain frantically. I came to pretty quickly and just wanted to wipe without a crowd lol (a bunch of hospital staff plus him falling all over me). It took him awhile to calm down, stop shaking, stop crying. He was SO worried. But that same SOB who was SO concerned cheated like crazy. He could be so loving and wasn't ever controlling, unlike a lot if abusers. But he was a mess. I came to the conclusion that his "love" was a weird selfish love with a huge fear of abandonment. I don't know that CW was abusive to SW, but he could have had the same sort of selfish love, and was therefore capable of cheating cheating cheating, and when faced with losing SW, he flipped.
I am glad you are now OK and can be somewhat philosophical about it. I think many woman struggle with the dr Jekyl/MrHyde aspects of the husband and it's human nature to say, oh he didn't mean it, look at how nice he was when we visited the family..on and on until one day you have to stand there and say "get out", or get murdered or maimed. For your own sanity, let those people who have to suck on someone...... suck on someone else. There will always be someone taken in.
I think with CW, he was so outclassed, out worked and out parented by his wife that the resentment box in his brain was all filled up. Then, along comes the stimulation and adulation of an affair, and the little woman and wiping the snot off kids' noses in the winter does not appeal. He wanted out, and he did what he had to do in his twisted mind. He either ran out of time or was not smart enough to tie up the many loose ends.

Anadarko | Dacono, CO - Official Website

For those interested, this is the map and site for Anadarko oil tanks. I'm currently checking out google maps for the tanks shown in a video another member has posted (if indeed they're the correct ones) because there are several sites as you can see above, it looked remote in video but not so on google maps. There are houses, Colorado Speedway and Auto Salvage yard, businesses nearby.
Helpful. Thank you!
Does anyone know what’s going to happen to their house and their bills? Does it all belong to CW now? Can his family legally put the house on the market and use the appreciation (if they never refinanced) to cover their bills and legal expenses?
When I was married to my 1st husband and we had a 4 month old, my husband really pushed hard to try for a second child. We were having very serious issues at that point and said hell no and left him a month later. I found out very soon after that he was cheating A LOT, and had even illegally married another woman while we we were together. He was a narcissist to the max, very controlling and abusive in every way imaginable. I truly believe his push for another child was a ploy to distract me. Like being pregnant and raising a 4 month old would keep me too busy to notice what was going on. I don't think CW "turned quickly" from wanting another baby to murder. I think it was all a set up, part of his plan to keep her occupied while he ran around.

Glad you got out that! OMG. I also remember seeing this pregnancy was something he convinced SW to do. As she had lupus, this was automatically a high-risk pregnancy. I think you are right and that he was attempting to distract her. I can't even imagine the kind of gaslighting SW may have experienced.
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