CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #11

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Is there any indication either or both was doing drugs?
Did they drive extravagant cars, have boats, etc?

No there's no indication that either were doing rec drugs..

A completely random poster speculated about it yesterday, then ran off (ie zero credibility ) and then suddenly it's here on this thread being reintroduced upthread. Frustrating, really.
Are you an attorney? You should get verified!

Yes. I don't hang around here enough to take the time to do that right now. I shouldn't be spending as much time on this case as I am, as it is.

All I know is the code does not state that equal parenting time is standard in CO and every CO lawyer website I have visited discusses how to fight for time with the kids so while it appears judges there favor equal sharing of the kids it is clearly not a given and CW likely would've not assumed he would be granted 50 %. Especially not with his hours.

Few judges, I believe, would think it's in a toddler's best interest to give a parent who works 10 hour days when the other is more flexible and available, equal parenting. He or she would not be able to take the child to appointments, to and from preschool, or spend much time with them. The kid would be warehoused in paid child care instead of with a parent.

It makes no sense.

I agree it makes no sense. I came from a jurisdiction that presumed it was best for children to have a primary residence (i.e., custodial parent) and then they visited with the other parent. I prefer it that way, especially for younger kids. Heck, when I started practicing in Texas, it was half-way presumed that the father wouldn't get overnight visitation until the child turned 3!

But here's how the Colorado judges would make the parenting time as equal as possible, even considering dad's work schedule:

Week 1: Dad picks up the kids when he gets off work on Friday and returns the kids to Mom before he goes to work on Monday.

Week 2: Dad picks up the kids when he gets off work on Thursday and returns the kids to Mom before he goes to work on Monday.

This would be what we call a 4/3/3/4 plan (50/50), with equal overnights, and the child might only need to be in daycare every-other Friday. If the kids are in preschool, then dad only has to provide before and after daycare, and there are providers who will transport the kids to school and pick them up after. I would expect that mom would object to not having any weekends with the kids.

Alternatively, if both parents work and the kids will be in daycare no matter what, maybe Dad gets every Monday and Tuesday night, Mom gets every Wednesday and Thursday night, and they alternate Friday, Saturday and Sunday nights every other week. This is called a 5/2/2/5 plan, with equal parenting time.

Then, after that is in place, if one parent wants to move away ("relocation"), then we have a real custody case, and the moving parent has to come to court to ask permission in advance.

On top of all that confusion, child support is calculated based upon both parents' incomes and the amount of parenting time, so often the parent who might otherwise be satisfied with every-other weekend in Texas (stereotypically the dad) would fight for equal parenting time in Colorado, because his child support would be lower.
Wow. I am two threads behind! But in reading the little that I have been able to- it seems everyone is quick to just say "he did it" and attack those that are looking at it from other theoretical points of view. The admins have said that in this case- as of right now- we don't know what is the truth. Maybe CW did kill everyone, maybe he didn't. Maybe he's telling the truth about SW, maybe he's not. We (I speak for myself) don't know them, nor do we know their relationship behind closed doors. My husband seems like a standoffish jerk to people- but behind closed doors, he's really awesome, fun, giggly and caring. He doesn't like to be around people. So we can't say CW was this way or that way to SW. I don't think that's fair to SW as she herself said he was "amazing".
Now- from what we do know- disposal of the bodies, killing SW, cheating, and lying- he's a horrible human being for what's been confessed. Did he snap? Maybe. But he was cheating and in my book- that's cowardly.

JMO. Which everyone on here is entitled to.
Even phones are starting to “listen”, honestly. The other day I was in the same room as some others talking about Renaissance Faire. That night when I got home, an ad for Renaissance Faire came up on my Instagram. A few weeks ago I was talking to my 18 year old about underage drinking. Thirty minutes later I opened Facebook and there was an advertisement for something about legal alcohol use. It is really super creepy, and more and more people are noticing it!

Some people say that’s impossible if you disable the mic, but I’ve read too many stories like yours - and have my own - to believe our phones aren’t listening! I understand google searches resulting in ads, but spoken conversations with very random and specific things pop up.
It's a hypothetical, like were they both sleepwalking at the time of all the murders.

And IMO it spoils the threads.
We may as well just start chucking in any old thing, any scenario will do, with no basis whatsoever.

For example, if I/ we all start posting reams of absolute baseless nonsense repeatedly , that would be ok?
Some people say that’s impossible if you disable the mic, but I’ve read too many stories like yours - and have my own - to believe our phones aren’t listening! I understand google searches resulting in ads, but spoken conversations with very random and specific things pop up.
I was just googling around, apparently people are upset that Alexa has a similar sounding name to their children named Alexa, Alex, or Alexis, anyway it's easy to change at least Amazon Alexa's name to something you don't use often. First google result that comes up shows how.
About the only reasonable scenario I could think of is saying SW ran off with the kids, then someone else killed them and put them where they were found to frame him. Anything else is just too far-fetched to even consider IMO.
Its science. You can literally see the differences on a brain scan.

The sociopath causes are biological as well as environmental. Aspects of nature (the person's biology and genetic make-up) influence the development of sociopathy. Also, events in the nurturing of the person impact sociopathic behaviors. While it's still unknown exactly how much of the sociopath causes come from nature and how much come from nurture, researchers do know that both play an important role in the development of sociopathy

Sociopath Causes: the Making of a Sociopath | HealthyPlace

Its science. You can literally see the differences on a brain scan.

The sociopath causes are biological as well as environmental. Aspects of nature (the person's biology and genetic make-up) influence the development of sociopathy. Also, events in the nurturing of the person impact sociopathic behaviors. While it's still unknown exactly how much of the sociopath causes come from nature and how much come from nurture, researchers do know that both play an important role in the development of sociopathy

Sociopath Causes: the Making of a Sociopath | HealthyPlace

Yes indeed. I have seen brain scans of sociopaths, psychopaths and even alcoholics and drug addicts. I have seen brain scans of what are defined as "ordinary people, living ordinary lives". Amazing, absolutely amazing the differences. I don't have a link but Google will provide.
He didn't even know if they were dead.
And then he put each of his daughters in a huge oil tank, and I can see no reason to do that except to cover evidence of the crime he committed.

If we wanted to protect her, I think the "tampering" of evidence with the girls' deaths would be different - and certainly not as involved as putting them in a huge tank. But I don't at all believe she had anything to do with her children's murders, and the story that he was covering for her is not believable no matter how many times someone tries to say it is.

Repetition of a lie in this case is not effective.

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