CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #11

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They probably both hurled when they realized they didn't know who he was. Ever. JMO, but they both looked like they were about to hurl when they gave that interview. I'm not sure they'll ever be able to recover from this.
Knowing because of their initial faith in him, CW slept across the hall from their daughter. I absolutely doubt they will trust others easily again. His actions spread far and wide, well beyond those beautiful four betrayed.
SW always seemed distracted during her videos, constantly losing her train of thought, jumping from one subject to another and repeating things over and over, very painful to watch, she seemed to be unable to focus and out of it.
Weren't the girls murdered before Shannan supposedly? While she was not there? <...>
The charges vs. CW seem to include the above scenario as a possibility, since the official document also lists the date "August 12, 2018", ( = the Sunday night before Shanann returned home from her business trip) as a possibility:
Between and including August 12, 2018 and August 13, 2018,
Christopher Lee Watts unlawfully, feloniously, and knowingly caused the death of
[name redacted in the document], a child who had not yet attained twelve years of age, and the defendant was in a position of trust with respect to the victim; in violation of section 18-3-102(1)(a), C.R.S. AND INFORMATION.pdf
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Does anyone know anything about disabling company car trackers? Can it be done easily. ( We know he's mechanically minded but could he stretch his skills to that. Could you do a temp Faraday cage on them if you could access them?)

It's always bothered me the GPS thing - as in could he really be that dim if he'd pre-planned it some days/weeks in advance.

( LE never disclosed that he has been actually tracked by Anadarko's GPS to that cervi location but we know that they knew he'd been there and it wasn't his " scheduled stop" for the day.)

Quoting myself here!

Anyway, stupidly I didn't just go look it up before I posted the question - I usually do that.

The answer is yes, easy to temporarily jam or disconnect ur company truck's GPS tracker, despite obvs it being in contravention of company policy.
( Didn't expect to find this thread open during UK time)
I've wondered this too. Was it genuine (to him), and then something changed?

Narcissists believe that they love people. But they really only "love" people when they are getting something out of it for themselves.

When, for whatever reason, it's not working for them anymore, they find it very easy to detach and discard those they previously claimed to love.

So for awhile, the "happy family" was somewhat genuine, in a warped kind of way.

It's why people in a relationship with a narcissist are so blindsided when the relationship suddenly ends, and the narcissist is so easily able to move on without so much as a glance back.
They have no conscience IMO.
I certainly hope we had a competent interrogation team, since the Colorado Bureau of Investigations and the FBI were involved. In the past, you would get false confessions because a mentally and emotionally exhausted person can't stand up to the tricks of the interrogators. They can start suggesting certain facts, and the suspect will go along with them just to get the interrogation over with, and sometimes the suspect incorporates those suggested facts into their own false memory, creating in their own mind things that never occured. I'm pretty sure this is not the case here.

And I hope they have a better investigative forensic team for the computers than they did with Casey Anthony as they didn't even check her Foxfire server history. They really were poor.
I've known four people who were diagnosed with schizophrenia - a very serious mental illness. It doesn't take people very long to realize there is something wrong, because of their behavior and the things they talk about.

I also, unfortunately, have known someone who is a psychopath. Some call it sociopath and there is a lot of disagreement over the terms, but it is agreed that both fall into the cluster B spectrum of personality disorders, specifically anti-social personality disorder.

Except for his parents and some other family members who know his full history, no one, and I mean no one had the slightest clue there was anything at all wrong with him. He is good-looking, charming, articulate, soft-spoken and comes off as an easy-going, really nice guy. Everyone trusted him. He carried on his act for several years. After he did his "thing", and left everyone mortified, he then tried to act like he was the one who was a victim.

Skip forward and he's living a new life, in a different state, with a new job and new wife, who only knows what he wants her to know. My guess is, he's also got a new personality to go along with his new life. His family will never tell his new wife about his past, because they've had to deal with the damage he's caused numerous times, over many years, and they prefer to have him be someone else's problem and just hope for the best. His previous victims won't tell the new wife, either, because they are terrified of him. They have seen what he is capable of doing and they watched his mask come off.

He's never had so much as a speeding ticket.

Crazy - no. Disordered - yes. They do not just snap. They prey on nice, normal and trusting people and when they are tired of their current situation, they do their "thing", which is always beyond hideous. It's also confusing because it makes no sense.


Did this acquaintance get a formal/professional diagnosis at some point Molly on ASPD or sub-type?
And he very well may have if NU hadn't interrupted his plan. If he had the chance to wrap up loose ends, it those little girls may have never been detected in that crude. Often the crude is pumped from the top and they do not pump the stuff at the bottom that is harder to pump. The hoses are six inches or less in diameter so the bodies would not have been picked up. The crude already has an odor that would mask the bodies. After the bodies decomposed and the bones fell apart, someone cleaning the tanks might not have noticed because the crude covering them would make the bones look like crude covered sticks. Even if there were cameras, and he did not disable them, he could have carried the girls his tool box looking like he was working on something. I came very, very close to getting away with this.

because I was trying to find Nanz's info on this previously as I do believe he thought the tanks were a great long term solution , for reasons Nanz has given

Nanz, can I ask what did you think of the expert's analysis on the HLN ( Shekkiec) posted it upthread.
I watched it twice and was left more confused than I was before.

Pressurised or not? Heated or not? ( beyond ambient )
Apertures at the top of the 2 tanks or at the bottom?
Apertures- difficult to remove the "lids" or not.
wild card by expert - CW threw the bodies in the overflow open tank. Huh?

I know you and a couple of others posted this vital stuff before - but can't find it now.
These horrific type cases that involve children as well, always have the shocking & OMG why? factor to them. I don't think most people can ever understand them because it goes into the realm of the incomprehensible for a normal human being to try and fathom.
Which is why it's impossible to believe CW's version of events. 2 people in one family who are capable of and resort to murder on the same day?!?! Beyond the realm of possibility in my opinion.
But he’d know they were going to perform an autopsy. Would he really lie about COD?

I have to assume that, initially he thought he would get away with this so that assumption maybe did not influence his method of killing
However, once LE tell him that the game is up he starts having to agonise over his bizarre " confession" details and he actually doesn't know much about forensic investigations on techniques.

I assumed he had strangled or "choke-holded" and used pillow at the same time only because I have sadly seen it in quite a few cases. Effective, noiseless, fast, mitigates against physical struggle. The perp also doesn't have to face the reality of anguish in the dying person's face.

( Sorry to get graphic, have tried to avoid it to date but "needs must".....)
The first police officer to arrive at the Watts' home at approx. 13:40 PM was officer Coonrod on a CWB (check well-being) call.
Quote from the warantless arrest affidavit: [bolding mine] Arrest Affidavit.pdf
When questioned by officer Coonrod, Chris said Shanann arrived home from her trip around 2 AM. Chris said he woke up around 5 AM and began talking to Shanann about marital separation and informed her he wanted to initiate the separation. Chris stated it was acivil conversation and they were not arguing but were emotional.
At Officer Coonrod's request, detective Baumhover arrived at the scene at approx. 2:35 PM.

Interesting that CW now tells detective Baumhover that the 'conversation' with his wife occurred about an hour earlier (around 4 PM).
Quote from the warrantless arrest affidavit:
Chris said Shanann arrived home from the airport at approximately 1:48 PM (8-13-18). At approximately 4 AM he informed Shanann that he wanted to go through with a separation and they we both upset and crying.
The discepancy in the timeline offered by CW leads me to believe that this alleged emotional conversation between him and his wife never happened, but rather that something else occurred in the home between those 4 and 5 AM hours, which CW tried to explain away in case the neighbors had heard something, for example the family dog waking up and barking when he started to get the dead bodies 'ready for transportation', carrying them downstairs, for which he probably had to switch on some lights in the house, another thing a neighbor might have noticed ...
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Don't get me wrong I'm not saying in every instance that would be the case. I'm just curious about possible scenarios.

talking about Petechiae /eye blood vessel signs in such cases ( whether it resulted in death or not) and as our previous posts on this topic on the early threads
Less than 50% occurrence rate.


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SW always seemed distracted during her videos, constantly losing her train of thought, jumping from one subject to another and repeating things over and over, very painful to watch, she seemed to be unable to focus and out of it.
Yes, nothing like CW who can laugh and smile his way through a vid when he has just dumped his children in crude oil. Something is wrong with her?
Agree but even then, SW's nails would have still caught him somewhere. Will be interesting to see the police pics.

What if he climbed on top of her whilst she was asleep , as previously posted in earlier threads?

Two knees on both those arms, especially if all of SW was under a duvet would mean neither scratches nor DNA under her fingernails. That's quite a lot of restraining weight IMO.

Being over here in UK, I know that suspects ( wife-killing/ wife missing) have been arrested very early, when those signs are seen by LE. Must be same over there in US. ( ie if he had signs of her scratches on his arms as she is being throttled, it wouldn't be wise to parade across 3 TV channels a day later , wearing a short sleeve T)
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