CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #18

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I am afraid he is going to get some advice from jail house lawyers and say something like this:

I lied when I said my wife killed the girls. I was out of my mind with shock and grief. I was desperate.

The truth is, I was taking a supplement that had very bad side effects. I couldn't sleep or eat. I was going off the deep end, hallucinating and I didn't realize what was happening to me. I was erratic and irrational.

I ask for mercy because I have no idea how I could have done that to my family, that I loved so much.
This is so true. Every time one of these trials rolls around I dread hearing what concoction is going to be uttered by the defense.
If true, it doesn’t change much as far as I am concerned. He was already sneaking behind his wife’s back, so I don’t think it makes a difference if he used a fake picture or not. Lots of people have used a false picture, or use one that doesn’t exhibit a lot of physical detail that can be identified by a partner.

No, but what I was replying to was someone saying that people may have seen his photo on Tinder, then later when they saw the news, that come forward and lie, saying they had an affair with him.

But if he used fake pic, and a fake nickname, then that couldn't happen that way. JMO
No. I believe it's quite easy. The detectives can see what photo CW was using
on his Tinder profile. It's either the real Chris or it's not.

Will Tinder even release info like that to LE?
No, but what I was replying to was someone saying that people may have seen his photo on Tinder, then later when they saw the news, that come forward and lie, saying they had an affair with him.

But if he used fake pic, and a fake nickname, then that couldn't happen that way. JMO
Oh gotcha.
The hoses that they use are less than 6 inches in diameter, so the girls' bodies would just get left behind in the tanks. At least until the bones had totally fallen apart, but these a very young children, so their bones would not be totally hardened. They would be unlikely to cause a blockage even if a fragment was sucked up.

That took a lot of very careful, cunning thinking before he did this. So much for a psychotic break with miraculous recovery. IMO this plan took shape as soon as he was told the pregnancy test result. He could have got away with it for a long time without NA insistence on calling Police that same morning.
He seems like a cross between Scott Peterson and Ross Harris. And that's not a compliment.

Everyone said Ross was a such a good father. And people liked him a lot, thought he was a real nice guy.

Then his secret dark side was revealed. Lots of random hook ups, and sexting, and hookers and sex with a minor.

And much like CW, Ross initially garnered suspicion because he acted so odd after the tragic death of his child. Made small talk with the cop on the way to the station, acted calm during the interview.

Ross probably did not plan to kill the child, but simply, nude photos of an underage girl were of a higher priority than own kid strapped to the carseat in hot weather. It would be more like a teenager who forgets to feed his cat for days because he is busy playing computer games. He may even hear the cat meowing but in his mind, the game is of a higher priority. It represents extreme neglect of an obsessed person.

CW and Scott Peterson are very much alike. I sometimes read about owners leaving their pets in the forests, or on the road, when their circumstances change and keeping an animal becomes more expensive or time-consuming. This is not unlike CW. The pattern of thinking is probably like "I thought it would be fun - but it is time-consuming and also expensive - if she died, if they all died, there would be no problem - so why shouldn't they die?" Something is amiss here, but I do not believe such people are psychotic, because essentially, they keep in touch with the reality, except for believing that they will get away with crime. They merely choose the way of physically removing those whom they perceive as an obstacles over other avenues.

(But perhaps this is what distinguishes "criminal mind" from a non-criminal one? Because the moment a person starts thinking, "OK, it is a burden, but here are my options, call my relatives and ask for help, call my are other avenues", they are on another path).

Someone mentioned the man who disappeared from everyone's life, escaped...traumatic as it might have been for his family, it was another path - removing himself from everyone's life.
In the video taken by the couple driving around trying to find the crime scene tanks, it looked like the 2 ranches that border each other (Cervi Ranch and G. Ranch), have entrances that are controlled by a keycard (like a college or business parking lot) or a chained gate w/ a padlock.
I knew from the GIS maps that this area was desolate, but this was even more desolate that I imagined. It feels so sad that they were dumped in such a lonely place, but we can sure see how he could do whatever at that site without anyone seeing.
That took a lot of very careful, cunning thinking before he did this. So much for a psychotic break with miraculous recovery. IMO this plan took shape as soon as he was told the pregnancy test result. He could have got away with it for a long time without NA insistence on calling Police that same morning.
Yes, indeed.
Is it just getting too late for me to read the threads, because I thought he only went for the last week?
There are photos from the last week of visit that include CW, but I'm not sure where placing CW in NC during the first week came from either!
You obviously have not read every post on every thread. There were people who were blaming SW for killing the children because she had mad eyes or that he only put his children in dirty oil to keep them warm or near him. Or blaming her because she had emasculated him. If a man's masculinity is so fragile that a woman can do that, he is not much of a man.
No, I have not read every post in every thread. I am sure that would be close to a full time job and I already have one of those. I think when horrible things happen, the human mind wants to rationalize it in some way. In an attempt to understand "why" a human could commit such an inhumane act, we draw from our own life experiences and project our personal knowledge, opinions and beliefs. Sometimes it's easier to believe that there were "reasons" other the existence of pure evil for someone to commit heinous crimes. Because the existence of evil within humanity is a hard thing to stomach.
I knew from the GIS maps that this area was desolate, but this was even more desolate that I imagined. It feels so sad that they were dumped in such a lonely place, but we can sure see how he could do whatever at that site without anyone seeing.

Yes. The Godforsaken area and the oil tanks were his final FU to Shanann and the girls. It really illustrates to me the contempt he had been feeling for them. When he talked to reporters ,we now know why he was smirking- he thought no one would ever look out there.
The death penalty was made for someone evil like him.
New court filing: the defense is accusing the prosecution or someone in their office of making prejudicial statements; not sure which statement(s) because it looks like the motion was filed under seal. Below is the Court’s Order allowing the State to provide a response by 9/5/18. The response, if any, is not available online.

They [someone connected to the prosecution] was accused of making 'extrajudicial statements.'

An extrajudicial statement is an out-of-court utterance which can be either written or oral. When offered into court as evidence, it is subject to the hearsay rule and its exceptions.
I remember a story I heard decades ago. That man who I spoke with had defended a Ph.D. thesis dedicated to psychology of criminals. It was one of the first studies of this type (and scope). His father was an academician and a renowned specialist in some techinical area.

So this person told me how he once ran a certain test on his father and father's friends (also scientists), and then repeated the same tests on smartest criminals who were high in prison hierarchy. He said that the criminals at times performed even better than the professors - after all, he chose the smarter ones. Except for one thing.

Let us say it is a string of tasks requiring the sequence of steps to perform them. And then one task is of the same type but can be done in an easier way... minus a step or two... the professors would catch it, but the criminals won't. Some rigidity of thinking, he said. And that probably was a universal trait.

I wonder if this is the most typical unifying pattern for the criminals, and we would not find more even at the genetic level. Just a random thought.
Somehow I missed that video. Would you happen to know the thread and number?
Warning: It's extremely long because they circle around trying to find a way to get close to the crime scene tanks (which they finally see off at the distance at the very end).

There is confusion about the property lines between the Cervi Ranch and
the neighboring G. Ranch because they drive by the Cervi Ranch arched entrance. Anyway, it gives you a since of how far out the tanks were.

It shows the keycard entrances and the padlocked gates.
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