CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #18

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I tend to agree with Jennifer on this. He would probably have loved to torture Shanann like this, but the risk of her screaming and fighting him...generally making alot of noise and waking neighbors...would have been a risk. I tend to think he caught Shanann by surprise, used that lateral side choke hold, or strangled her while she was asleep. He didn't want to risk getting caught. He thought he had the committed the perfect crime...and having a bloodless crime scene was pretty smart.
I slightly disagree. I do think this was about anger, but I think it was also “all business for him.” He wanted her dead and gone. I don’t think he took some sort of sadistic pleasure in this, which makes him no less of a monster. JMO.
Yes, but how did they know where to fly the drone?
I'm thinking Anadarko checked their records for which gates showed entry. This road was a restricted road and most likely he either had an electronic key or punched in a code at the gate. Otherwise, they would never have found this site that quickly. There are many, many wellsites and they are scattered far and wide. It would have been like looking for a needle in a hay stack.
New to WS! Trying to make sense of this tragedy. I have lots of thoughts, but wanted to touch on some things I haven't seen running through the thread merely for speculation purposes.

IMO, this was not planned. There were too many loose ends. The burial site seemed to be a hastily, poorly chosen site if one did not want to get caught.

Both SW and CW seemed to be loving parents. Something went terribly wrong.

I am speculating on CW's claims that SW strangled the children. SW had lupus. Pregnancy can exacerbate lupus symptoms. Lupus flare ups can cause psychosis in some people. Caffeine overdose can cause psychosis. The patches worn by SW and CW contain an undisclosed amount of caffeine. One could overdose if ingesting caffeine in pills or drinks, especially while wearing a transdermal patch delivering the substance. The patches contain Garcinia cambogia: there have been case reports of psychotic symptoms with its use. IF SW was taking any medications, they could interact with many substances. Each body responds differently to different substances.
Sleep deprivation and/or stress can also cause psychosis.

(Links for the above informatio

Caffeine Toxicity: Practice Esse

ntials, Background, Pathophysiology

High caffeine use linked to psychotic symptoms - ABC News (Australian Broadcasting Corporation)

Severe Sleep Deprivation Causes Hallucinations and a Gradual Progression Toward Psychosis With Increasing Time Awake

Mania Induced by Garcinia cambogia: A Case Series

SW was pregnant, had Lupus and was traveling a lot recently. We know of relationship and financial problems that may have caused her much stress. There is likely much more we do not know about her stress levels. We know she claimed to be able to run on small amounts of sleep and that she was awake into wee hours of the morning when she returned from her latest trip- a trip which was likely packed full of all kinds of activities. Her friend reported SW wasn't feeling well on the trip. A tired, stressed out, sleep deprived pregnant mom who is dealing with Lupus and is expected to appear "energized" all the time ultizes substances to help achieve and maintain this energy. Could she have "snapped" with all of these factors coming into play?

I knew a woman who drowned her 3 kids during a psychotic break. You would have never known she was capable of this. She was not herself and suddenly lost touch with all reality, committing this heinous act.

Again, I am purely speculating to see if CW's claims to would be in the realm of possibility.
Except, Chris was wearing the most powerful black Thrive patches (sometimes 2 at time) plus drinking the shakes.
I slightly disagree. I do think this was about anger, but I think it was also “all business for him.” He wanted her dead and gone. I don’t think he took some sort of sadistic pleasure in this, which makes him no less of a monster. JMO.
That's possible, too. It will be nice when some information about the evidence comes out. I don't think we will ever been able to count on what he says.


Welcome to Websleuths. You've obviously put some time and effort into your first post. However, I think you'll find that most of the posters here are not very interested in speculating all the possible ways that CW's story could be true.

If anything, I am much more likely to consider the possibility that CW experienced some sort of psychotic event than I am that SW did. But it's still a reach.

Keep working at it.
I'm thinking Anadarko checked their records for which gates showed entry. This road was a restricted road and most likely he either had an electronic key or punched in a code at the gate. Otherwise, they would never have found this site that quickly. There are many, many wellsites and they are scattered far and wide. It would have been like looking for a needle in a hay stack.
From the video of the couple driving around to find the crime scene tanks via GPS, there were entrances controlled by a keycard and another gate was chained and had a padlock.
I can't decide which is more gross - if this "dubious source" is telling the truth or if she's making it up. Either CW was engaged in that vile behavior or someone is inventing tawdry stories for the fun of it. Both are nasty options. IMO anyway
I found it was humorous that she was charmed by outings to Chik-fil-a and a pizza joint. Gee, she was easily charmed.
Both fascinating and effective.
..snipped for space..
The girls had separate bedrooms, so if CW saw Bella sprawled out on her bed, he would have then had to take the time to toggle the monitor to Cece's room to observe Shanann strangling her. Now, if you see your child sprawled out and blue, are you going to think to yourself, "Hmmm, wonder what's going on in the other room, let me toggle over there..." or are you going to rush in there immediately?

Good point.

Also, why even look at the baby monitor if your spouse is in there checking on the kids.

If my husband went to go look in on the kids, why would I need to look at the monitor? The monitor is used to make sure the kids are oK, not crying, or falling off the mattress. But if your spouse is in there checking, why are you watching on the monitor?
This analysis was just by his porch interviews. It's difficult to compile all the different sources in one area, then timeline then, analyze them and then finally compile an assessment. Maybe not necessarily difficult but definitely time consuming.
I appreciate the time you've taken to answer questions, thank you, MindHunter.

It would be very hard to evaluate CW from videos when he's 'on' and he's aware of scrutiny. I agree, he does come across as an average guy in the porch interviews who's dazed and confused by all the attention. A big give away though was using the past tense when mentioning Bella was due to start school.
The rocking motion, arms folded etc could be explained away as nerves but what we know now, he's in self protection mode and worried about being found out.

If we assume he's been wearing a mask of the 'good guy', what kind of signs would a family annihilator exhibit before the 'event', if any? If there are signs, would only the intimate partner be aware of it?

Can an average guy kill his entire family without some type of mental or emotional disorder already in place? Could the same man be interviewed several times without missing a beat, tell lie after lie and be pretty convincing?

I think we're all scared the answer is yes.
Yes, the people blaming her for her own death by invoking the caffeine theory forget that.
I am wondering if he was doing some drugs. Someone earlier mentioned steroids and noted the thickened brow and jawline jutting out. I know that when I look at earlier pictures of he and Shanann and compare to the current pictures, there is a dramatic difference in his facial appearance. I'm wondering if he wasn't doing some stimulants (real stuff) to help lose weight. In the picture below, his face is gaunt, and he makes me think of some of the pictures you see of Satan with that pointy chin. He is just ugly. ugly here.


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Oh definitely agree with you in terms of "hookups." I was more referring to all the people who just saw his profile photo in searches. Whether they actually "swiped left" or "swiped right" regardless - if he was on Tinder more people saw his photo than just those who actually hooked up with him. And those people wouldn't have anything to lose by going public with that info.

I am not sure if this is true or not, but one of the supposed hook ups said he used a fake picture on the MeetMe app. I think that makes sense because he wouldn't want anyone to recognize him and tell SW they saw his pic.
From the video of the couple driving around to find the crime scene tanks via GPS, there were entrances controlled by a keycard and another gate was chained and had a padlock.
Somehow I missed that video. Would you happen to know the thread and number?
I am wondering if he was doing some drugs. Someone earlier mentioned steroids and noted the thickened brow and jawline jutting out. I know that when I look at earlier pictures of he and Shanann and compare to the current pictures, there is a dramatic difference in his facial appearance. I'm wondering if he wasn't doing some stimulants (real stuff) to help lose weight. In the picture below, his face is gaunt, and he makes me think of some of the pictures you see of Satan with that pointy chin. He is just ugly. ugly here.
I have several friends who bodybuild and have used steroids. They experienced similar physical changes as he appears to have undergone. For someone his age, it wouldn’t be that difficult to reshape his body, with or without stimulants or steroids.

I don’t think that anything he was taking, played into this. We haven’t heard about previous bouts of rage, police calls, or anything of that sort.

I think he is your typical sociopath, who saw an easy way out of the lie he was living. Pure evil.
Good point.

Also, why even look at the baby monitor if your spouse is in there checking on the kids.

If my husband went to go look in on the kids, why would I need to look at the monitor? The monitor is used to make sure the kids are oK, not crying, or falling off the mattress. But if your spouse is in there checking, why are you watching on the monitor?
And that is a good point too.
I am not sure if this is true or not, but one of the supposed hook ups said he used a fake picture on the MeetMe app. I think that makes sense because he wouldn't want anyone to recognize him and tell SW they saw his pic.
If true, it doesn’t change much as far as I am concerned. He was already sneaking behind his wife’s back, so I don’t think it makes a difference if he used a fake picture or not. Lots of people have used a false picture, or use one that doesn’t exhibit a lot of physical detail that can be identified by a partner.
I am still having a hard time figuring out where the doors on those tanks are located. There is a ladder leading to the top... but no doors visable on top. I wonder if the door is on the side a little lower than the top.
They are on top of the tank. They are round and usually 24-36 inches in diameter. They are hard to see in an aerial photo. I just know this from being at wellsites.
The doll pic was not the last thing posted. There were several posts before and after that. I saw more posts, this is not heresay. I was not friends with CW, on Facebook, but am friends with some that were, they said his account was deleted 7 days prior to SW was missing. This was when they were both in NC.

I have some friends who deleted their FB accounts. In each case, people gave warnings and also explained why they were planning to do it. I wonder if CW explained the reason prior to deleting his, and if so, what was the reason?
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