Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #22

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He admitted he killed her. It would be ridiculous to say she placed the bodies there after she died. JMO
But he didn't really have much choice but to admit killing her. She is dead, buried on Anadarko property. What's he gonna do, blame the girls for killing her? He was caught! All he had to do then was concoct a *advertiser censored* and bull story about SW killing the girls
but if they do fit, he can eat chitttt
LOL I can see the headline now!
Even a "good" Father can lose it, with enough financial problems, who knows what else...was he possibly drinking too much that night? Did CeCe set him off with crying? All it takes is an Instant to go too far with frustration...and then, may as well blame SW for all of the problems and kill her as well.

The only thing is, if it was accidental injury resulting in death, he kind of thought too fast. Kill another witness --- kill the mother of kids (pregnant)--- hide the corpses --- give interview asking them to come back. I am not surprised about his demeanor during the interview (I know people for whom it is difficult to cry, I myself am not a crying type, can't say it is easier because grief strikes later and is more protracted). So - to me, it is not how he said it, it is what he said. No one pushed him to say "these kids are my life" and "missing the sounds of their voices". Simple "I am extremely worried" would have been enough. His statement sounded as if he were reading an essay.

(And it prompts a question). CW is not an orator, to put it mildly. Has anyone ever compared his speeches with his writing samples? There may be a divergence there, I have met people who could barely talk but were amazing writers, and vise versa. If his writings are as bad as his speech, my next question would be, is it possible that someone wrote the text of the statement for him?
I’m trying to see all sides because there are many who believe it’s quite possible the story went just as CW said it did.

I’m struggling. Hard. So, I’m hoping that some of the posters who have more of an open mind than I do at the moment can help me get how you (generic you) see this playing out logically?

Scenario: That night, this good, calm, rational man who loved his kids and never lost his temper, never lashed out, who was totally calm, possibly abused and/or dominated by his wife and was actively seeing another woman, asked his wife for a separation and she got very angry and upset.

In the time it took to get water and come back, he sees on the monitor that one daughter is dead and the younger is being actively strangled by this woman he has grown to hate, and he snaps, lashing out at her in a rage.

If he’s this calm nice guy who loves his children, if the resentment towards SW and his marriage was so strong and then on top of this she hurts his kids for revenge, why not lash out at her - punch her, shove her, whatever - then instantly run to Cece and try to save her? Why not call 911 and have her arrested so that baby Nico wouldn’t die too?

Three people and an unborn baby died in the house that night and he’s composed enough that no one hears anything, no screaming or running outside or pleading for help. Then he comes up with a plan to hide all of the bodies, call and text her after she’s dead, shower, shave and lie smiling to the media and the friends he stayed with. How was this the instinctive reaction?

If he was the loving one, where is the grief? The regret? Why not try to save his children? To “protect” the rep of the wife you can’t stand that just brutally took your kids lives away? Neither of them cared enough to save any of the children that night, then?

He kept it together consistently and kept his story as is until he was boxed into a corner, then admitted to the least amount possible.

I sincerely want to try to understand how this feels logical or realistic at all.
BBM It doesn't hold together. He had to kill her before cowardly blaming this on her. Imo
To give you a sense of how this works, a friend of mine who is a board certified criminal defense lawyer in Texas, posted the following about the Texas Wrong Apartment Murder case. In Texas, where the crime occured, one defense that will be applied in that case is Mistake of Fact, and it is treated not as an affirmative defense, but as a regular defense, or "exception," which means the State must disprove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Well, let me let my friend explain....

Interesting, huh?
My opinion..tacky. Very tacky. I am sorry to read this. Sigh..
The following is an extract from Knight’s Forensic Pathology (the pathologists’ bible) relating to manual strangulation:

Fingernail abrasions

These are important because of their frequency in assaults –especially child abuse, sexual attacks and strangulation. Often associated with focal bruises, fingernail abrasions are most often seen on the neck, the face, the upper arms and the forearms. They may be linear scratches if the fingers are dragged down the skin, or short, straight or curved marks when the skin is gripped in a static fashion. As women tend to have longer, sharper fingernails than men, they are naturally more often associated with causing such abrasions.

The upper arms are a frequent site for gripping and restraint, both in adult assaults and child abuse. Bruising is most common, but fingernail marks may be superimposed. Static fingernail abrasions may be straight or curved, often about half to one centimetre long. The direction of curvature must be interpreted with care if one wishes to decide which way the hand was held at the time of infliction.
To give you a sense of how this works, a friend of mine who is a board certified criminal defense lawyer in Texas, posted the following about the Texas Wrong Apartment Murder case. In Texas, where the crime occured, one defense that will be applied in that case is Mistake of Fact, and it is treated not as an affirmative defense, but as a regular defense, or "exception," which means the State must disprove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Well, let me let my friend explain....

Interesting, huh?

Wow! So, in the wrong apartment case the state is backed into the corner no matter what? Am I understanding that correctly?
To give you a sense of how this works, a friend of mine who is a board certified criminal defense lawyer in Texas, posted the following about the Texas Wrong Apartment Murder case. In Texas, where the crime occured, one defense that will be applied in that case is Mistake of Fact, and it is treated not as an affirmative defense, but as a regular defense, or "exception," which means the State must disprove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Well, let me let my friend explain....

Interesting, huh?
I've been following that case as well. Does anyone know if there's a thread regarding it here on WS?
Right, and I think that's why so many find it especially disturbing that they were hidden in oil tanks. Burying someone is pretty standard but throwing them into an oil barrel seems especially cold.
Yes, very cold -- and perhaps due to anger or rage -- at the girls, perhaps, for just being there, or because they and their mom had so much fun together, and they took SW's attention away from CW. Further separating mom & daughters.
Just thinking aloud...<shrugs>
I will not spend the time going back through yesterday's thread but stating her belief that SW shamed CW by retelling their meeting story and how she felt so bad for him, etc... is not painting a favorable picture of SW. You, of course, are free to see it however you choose.

Of SW, we need to hear more. From her current friends, from her school friends. From her ex-husband, possibly. Options vary from SW being a gregarious person, if a little bit immature with her money and her social media, to a bully. I have no clue what kind of person she was. Dramatic, probably, but it is a common trait, and not necessarily a bad one. Someone said, "uncharged cell phone was not an option for her". I took it as symptom of control/OCD, but now I am thinking, maybe she was simply addicted to cellphone and social media? Again, neither of these traits merits a horrible death while pregnant, returning home from a business trip, in the hands of your partner.
To give you a sense of how this works, a friend of mine who is a board certified criminal defense lawyer in Texas, posted the following about the Texas Wrong Apartment Murder case. In Texas, where the crime occured, one defense that will be applied in that case is Mistake of Fact, and it is treated not as an affirmative defense, but as a regular defense, or "exception," which means the State must disprove it beyond a reasonable doubt. Well, let me let my friend explain....

Interesting, huh?
Shameful! She is responsible for his death by her carelessness. At the very least she could have flipped the lights on before drawing her weapon and firing in the dark. Doesn't anyone believe in using minimal force anymore? No tazers in Texas?
He did preserve the evidence under her nails, did he not?

SW stayed with family didn't she? SW didn't need CW's permission to take the children anywhere.
What evidence did he preserve under her fingernails? I haven’t heard about that. The size and shape of CW’s palms and prints when compared to the marks and bruises left on the girls necks will either eliminate or include him as the killer. See attached photo. You can see SW’s hands are half the size of CW’s.


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It is obvious at least to me that SW was an extrovert. Being an introvert as I am, sometimes extroverts drive me crazy but a lot of times I wish I was an extrovert.

I think CW wanted out and took the worse way out. Extrovert, Introvert, Novert - makes no difference in this case to me.
I can offer one example of the type of defense used to defend the indefensible... At the sentencing for my son's father for him fatally injuring my child, his lawyer said, "well, if she'd had an abortion like he told her to..." And he just trailed his sentence off like that. The look on the judge's face.. Not impressed. Didn't honor plea deal--max sentence.

I remember sitting in the hospital after being told what had happened to my baby, and i thought, "okay so I'm going to need to kill him (dad), but we're in a hospital and there are police here and they'd save him, so I have to wait."

Obviously, I didn't. Just saying that's what my thoughts were. Very weird, almost eerie calm determination.

Eta I was not present when the attack on my child occurred. That may have ended differently.

Flourish, horrible, I am so sorry for you and your child. And what a horrible thing to say. The feeling you describe is not eerie or weird, it is an absolutely normal feeling of a good mother.
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