Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #23

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The matress being exposed is something, to me. He had to take everything off, including the mattress pad? That doesn’t sound good. I too am surprised they said the sheets showed no foul play. Because it sounds to me like something happened on the bed.
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These are some random thoughts and questions about this travesty.

· From the pictures/videos of the truck, it appears to be an extended cab. For whatever reason, I kept thinking it was a four-door model with standard doors with handles. IMO, the back seat is nothing more than a jump seat with very little room. I think it would have been difficult to get SW in the back seat along with the two little girls. What are your thoughts?

· Since scenarios are plentiful on WS, I keep wondering why CW did not clean up? Minimally, IMO, he should have put her keys, purse, shoes and luggage away. Additionally, why did he not put the sheets in the washer rather than the trash can? These actions would have taken less than half an hour and would fit any of the timeline scenarios. Using the washer would have been logical and, IMO, would have posed few additional questions.

· Trinket78 confirmed that CW did go to NASCAR Tech. As NASCAR is so closely aligned to North Carolina, a lot of young NC men dream of this opportunity. I wonder why he did not pursue a career with NASCAR. Where did he work or what did he do in NC?

· Several threads ago, someone posted that SW’s team was working to get her to the $200K VIP level.

- Does anyone know if that occurred?
- Where would her earnings be deposited?
- Would CW have access to her funds?
- Also, since Le-Vel is MLM company, will SW continue to receive commissions OR does Le-Vel close her level?
- What happened to the automobile(s) from the Le-Vel Auto Club?​

· Please excuse this query. Will the life insurance on SW and girls be paid out immediately OR will the insurance company be allowed to hold the funds awaiting adjudication of CW (assuming he was the beneficiary, IMO)?

· Crude oil and body contamination – Much has been written about the state of these sweet angels after being in crude oil. How would an ME remove the crude oil? And would that removal process obliterate any DNA left by the murderer?

This case has been so sad for me to follow for many reasons. I was born and raised in North Carolina and I lived in Colorado for many years. And I have a grandchild the age of the littlest girl. How could this happen? – I keep asking over and over.

Thank you for your indulgence.
Thank you. It’s been hard losing her and some of the post-crime character dissection afterward has almost been worse. i can honestly say in the time that I knew her I NEVER ONCE heard Shanann judge another person, speculate on anyone’s character or criticize others behind their back. She was all about encouraging people to be their best, and she was a positive energy in many lives imcluding mine. It warmed my heart to see how genuinely happy she was when one of her friends accomplished something. Job success, weight loss, relationship victories, adult graduations, new babies — she rooted for it all and celebrated when it happened.

She would never have dreamt of questioning someone’s life, motivation and character the way hers is being picked apart by total strangers. And she’s not even here to defend herself. It’s the main reason I decided to go through the effort to be a VI. Everything she valued is being questioned and she deserves to have somebody try to keep baseless rumors at bat. It’s what she would have done in a heartbeat for a friend if she were here.

I also wanted to say thank you for being here. It takes a very good friend, and a very brave friend to do what you are doing here.

I'm so very sorry for your loss.
Thank you. It’s been hard losing her and some of the post-crime character dissection afterward has almost been worse. i can honestly say in the time that I knew her I NEVER ONCE heard Shanann judge another person, speculate on anyone’s character or criticize others behind their back. She was all about encouraging people to be their best, and she was a positive energy in many lives imcluding mine. It warmed my heart to see how genuinely happy she was when one of her friends accomplished something. Job success, weight loss, relationship victories, adult graduations, new babies — she rooted for it all and celebrated when it happened.

She would never have dreamt of questioning someone’s life, motivation and character the way hers is being picked apart by total strangers. And she’s not even here to defend herself. It’s the main reason I decided to go through the effort to be a VI. Everything she valued is being questioned and she deserves to have somebody try to keep baseless rumors at bat. It’s what she would have done in a heartbeat for a friend if she were here.
LE said they examined the bedding and found no signs of foul play.
But LE didn't bring in the scent dogs on Monday. Said no foul play.

Tuesday they brought the dogs in.
The dogs would have picked up the scent of death from the sheets, and LE would have collected them on Tuesday, whether they were still on the bedroom floor or in the trash can, or somewhere else.

It's strange LE didn't collect them until Wednesday.
Maybe the scent dogs were not cadaver dogs? IDK.
bonjoviblonde, I don't see anything about keys in the car in the arrest affidavit about SW keys but it does state her phone, purse, wallet and medication were still in the home and if someone wanted to leave their home and spouse via their personal vehicle and take their children would they not think to bring those items with them. Unless they were so distraught perhaps not? I am going to try and find proof about the keys in the ignition if that was reported.
IIRC, there was just one article that reported the keys were in the car and I think it was Mercury News. I can't access it, but try here: Chris Watts' slain family: Wife suspected infidelity
Hypothetically, if you had a mind to, could you run your charge cards right back up to tens of thousands again? How long would it take?

It depends. If you kept some of your cards in the bankruptcy, you could run them back up. I tried to keep some, and the companies wouldn't let me, knowing I was filing. The card I got after, I had to give them $500, and that was my limit. I would say it would take a minimum of 3 or 4 years to get your credit high enough to even get that many cards.
Oh, dear!!! I am so sorry for your loss! I live about an hour away and because she was a friend of a friend, I have been following the case since the first FB posts when she and this children were missing. Thank you for sharing details and helping wrangle baseless rumors. Hugs to you and yours.
She sounds very sweet, kind, caring and loving towards her friends. In most of the videos she shows so much fondness towards her friends but not so much Chris like her friends comes first. She reminds me of a very dear friend of mine who always puts friends first before hubby and I can tell her husband harbors much resentment because she seems to care more for friends
But LE didn't bring in the scent dogs on Monday. Said no foul play.

Tuesday they brought the dogs in.
The dogs would have picked up the scent of death from the sheets, and LE would have collected them on Tuesday, whether they were still on the bedroom floor or in the trash can, or somewhere else.

It's strange LE didn't collect them until Wednesday.
Maybe the scent dogs were not cadaver dogs? IDK.

The reason the bed sheets were in the kitchen garbage might be something we won't learn until later. IDK. I do think it is strange that LE didn't find them in the kitchen garbage until Wednesday, but that is what is stated on the affidavit.
bonjoviblonde, I don't see anything about keys in the car in the arrest affidavit about SW keys but it does state her phone, purse, wallet and medication were still in the home and if someone wanted to leave their home and spouse via their personal vehicle and take their children would they not think to bring those items with them. Unless they were so distraught perhaps not? I am going to try and find proof about the keys in the ignition if that was reported.

It is in one of the previous threads, it did NOT mention the ignition. Maybe someone who is very adept at the search function can find it? hth.
The doll just seems to be wrapped up rather neatly for a 3 and 4 year old to have done it, and it is laid so perfectly on the couch, it just seems to me that would have been pretty tough for them to have done, just on the sheer size of both the twister mat, and the doll. JMO The girls were tiny and looks like smaller than the doll, but definitely smaller than the twister mat.

I agree. And it was so neatly folded. I was trying to fold clothes with my 3 yr old Gbaby last week. I say 'trying' because she insisted on helping me. lol I had to refold all the towels to fit them into the hall closet correctly.

It is hard for me to believe they could have folded that twister mat so neatly. And it was suggested that it was already folded from the box. But even then, hard to believe 2 very young girls wouldn't mess it up when carrying it around. JMO
IIRC, there was just one article that reported the keys were in the car and I think it was Mercury News. I can't access it, but try here: Chris Watts' slain family: Wife suspected infidelity
Thanks PommyMommy, that link always blocks me and requests that I subscribe and pay for viewing so I am not able to read the article. I wonder if this is accurate that SW keys were in her vehicle and why it wasn't noted on the affidavit if accurate?
Yeah I wonder about that. Would that include vomit? Is that a sign of foul play? I mean I take that to mean just really blood, or is that wrong?
It is common for someone meeting a sudden or violent end to leak or evacuate bowel and bladder contents but not sure how vomit could be there unless it was pre-strangulation.
Please join me in welcoming our newest verified insider for the Watts case Colorado303 and our latest verified attorney Mrspratcher.

Mrspratcher, my apologies to you. I meant to introduce you as soon as you were verified.

Both Colorado303 and Mrspratcher can post and do not have to provide links to back up what they are saying. It is up to you whether you believe a verified insider or verified professional.

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Thanks, @Tricia !
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