Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #23

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Those who have somewhat negative things to say about the victim (and however you slice it, SW is a victim of murder) paint picture of a "bossy" woman and a good ol' boy man having at least one affair and mostly doing what his wife told him to do, until supposedly asking for an affair. SO here is a scenario I can buy (all IMO): SW is not having it, and if CW goes through with separating, she promises to make his life hell. So this weak, cowardly man who feels controlled and henpecked decides he will finally show her. He kills his children, seeing them as part of her, she will withhold them anyway, and lies in ambush for her. It's pre-meditated but not well thought out. All MOO.

I tend to share this opinion. I also don't think he's very smart just based on the language in his interviews and the lack of forethought given to planning this horrific crime. IMO
Wouldn't it be to early for actual coaching - by the time of that hearing? Access to his lawyers by that date - slim? Limited time? PDefenders - not well funded?

Isn't coaching done later, in most cases, eg pre trial for witnesses who will be speaking?

help me out , I'm from the UK and know nothing about US procedures, except the bare basics!
Probably we should wait for one of the lawyers here. But if it were my client I think I would be trying to shape public opinion of him from day 1. Maybe "coaching" is not the right word.
I don't think anyone is suggesting they know what he did, rather speculating based on the information we have. It's very possible that initially he confessed, as was reported following his arrest, and after speaking to a lawyer and his dad he changed his story. I'm not sure if they are basing the charges on the the original confession or not, but they must have enough reason to believe he is responsible for the death of all three. If it was a mistake that he confessed to all three, then it should probably be removed from the beginning of the thread. I would say it's an important detail to leave on here if there is any chance it wasn't true. For now that's what I'm going with. Jmo
The whole confessions/changing stories thing is unclear.
I think @Nikynoo upthread could be correct in that the LE source told journalists he had confessed and the assumption was made that it was to all three murders, so essentially an unattributed misquote.
I think this People timeline may be closest to what happened, but I don't know for sure.
Essentially, it says that the changing stories were to do with the last time he had spoken to SW, what time they had the "emotional conversation", that she was there when he went to work, etc.
Then after speaking to his father he told them he would tell them "the truth", i.e. that he knew where they were (no longer claiming to have no knowledge of their whereabouts).
At that point he admitted to SW's murder and claimed she had murdered the children.
This is only my best understanding of this; media reports at the time conflicted. Take with grain of salt.
Chris Watts Allegedly Changed Story Several Times Before Being Charged with Murder of Wife, Daughters
Subject - the move to Colorado

Linda Biggers was SW's realtor for the NC house and she recalls CW got a job in CW. She told the DailyBeast this:

  1. Linda Biggers, a realtor who listed Shanann’s home, told The Daily Beast she believes the couple moved because Chris got a job out West. “I think she wanted to get married and move to Colorado with him,” Biggers recalled. “The house was hers; it wasn’t his…. She just had a really beautiful home, it was beautifully furnished.”
It could be that it may have been CW's idea to move to CO and SW sold the house to be with him. She even left her furniture behind.

I appreciate you, Nikynoo. My post was less a direct response to your post than a tangent that had occurred to me.
I don't know how to "respond" to posts in a closed thread, btw, but your theory is interesting - for a book. I totally disagree with it in real life.
First, when you are desperately in love, you usually don't kill. Totally different emotions.
Second, if he could not stand the thought of the separation, he had that chance - the third kid. The son. As long as kids were there, he had the chance to see them and be in their lives. No court grants 100/0% to parents. He would have had his chance!
And lastly, you have missed your kids, so in these two days, you hire a babysitter, possibly meet with your current flame, they have a party. You basically never see them, after 6 weeks? Makes no sense.
There are many other explanations but I suspect that these two were simply bound together by their money situation while each of them had own life. I have a lot of questions about the third pregnancy but hope they will be answered.
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Sure he did, he knew it was televised. Public opinion. Influencing the jury pool. Earning a change of venue based on public opinion.
i think that's reaching a little bit :) in any case, the camera spent way too long invading the privacy of SW's dad and any supposed 'benefit' from CW's 'performance' would have been negated by the harrowing vision of SW's dad.
Wouldn't it be to early for actual coaching - by the time of that hearing? Access to his lawyers by that date - slim? Limited time? PDefenders - not well funded?

Isn't coaching done later, in most cases, eg pre trial for witnesses who will be speaking?

help me out , I'm from the UK and know nothing about US procedures, except the bare basics!
You have to remember we follow crime stories some don't and have no clue about courtroom "etiquette" so I do feel he will have been given some advice on how to act in court.
You mean from SW's poor father, CW's FATHER-in-law, grandfather of their children? I saw from CW absolutely no sadness, just fear and anger. But we are all probably projecting from our particular biases. I think there is no way to excuse CW, just none, what he did is hideous even if you cling to the belief that the story he finally arrived at (after a few false ones) is true. I am sorry your friend did something so hideous (at the very least, murdering his wife and unborn chid). I really am. What a shock that must be. And when things come out at trial - I feel pretty certain there will be a mountain of evidence to convict CW of murdering his entire family. What drives these people, who seem like family men? Certainly his story of discussing the separation when she walked in the door at 4 am (first he said the confrontation was at 5am) makes no sense at all. Certainly her responding by running to strangle her children makes no sense. Certainly responding to that by killing your wife, not calling 911, not trying to save your child who was in the middle of being strangled, dumping the bodies, and making up stories makes no sense. I am in no way asking you to reveal who you are, but can you say a little more about why you are so attached to CW? I understand how you feel. I was friendly with a woman who killed her husband then herself. I was sure she could never had done this. But then the evidence came out and there was no way she did NOT do it. In that case, drugs were involved. It may have been asked, but was CW on steroids?
I respect your opinion. Honestly I can’t elaborte more on my relationship. I can say I’ve never questioned steroid use.
Something keeps gnawing at me. If indeed CW was asking for a separation wouldn't it be more normal for him to be the one to leave the family residence and leave SW and the children in the family home?

And packed up his essentials to take with him, rather than the bodies of his pregnant wife and two little daughters?
Good morning, everyone.

If Trinket is still around and willing to answer more questions, I have a few. If not, totally understand.

1. Did Chris have any buddies of his own? That weren’t connected to Shanann or Thrive?

2. Did Chris ever live in the house in Belmont with Shanann? Or did they wait until marriage to live together?

3. Do you know anything about the marriage proposal? How he did it?

Many thanks in advance.
i think that's reaching a little bit :) in any case, the camera spent way too long invading the privacy of SW's dad and any supposed 'benefit' from CW's 'performance' would have been negated by the harrowing vision of SW's dad.
No one has mentioned this, but I think beards and eyeglasses hide a lot of emotion. And, the reaction of SW's father, the impression on the public would not have been necessarily forseen. I still would bet (monopoly) money that he was counseled on how to act at the hearing. Just that the father broke everyone's heart, and CW is not that openly emotional type of guy and could not out do that, no matter what his true feelings were. JMO
To be careful. Not too emotional, could look phony. Not too wooden, could look coldhearted. I don't know, but isn't coaching a normal thing? IE the floozy who is suddenly wearing nunnish looking clothes at a trial.

I do think coaching is a normal thing..Not too much of either is probably the best way to go.
Thanks for sharing your opinion.
Your welcome. I would love to hear more. Especially from those who support the fact that he didn't kill the kids. Someone else had asked yesterday for a theory and details to back it up but I haven't seen many. I think people are afraid of how others will respond. What's the worse that could happen? A bunch of people may disagree, that's all.
Trying not to be the one who looks at everything sarcastically, but ppl in these situations get tips from their lawyers on how to react. At least they do in Grisham novels.

Yes, they do get tips. I witnessed a Defense Attorney applying mineral powder make-up to a client to prevent sweating beads on his forehead. He was coached on what to wear, when to slouch, etc. Even her family were coached on how to dress for court attendance.
I just have a hard time believing divorce and separation would be brought up at soon as she got home from a long trip. NA said SW was not feeling well during the ride home. I imagine SW would be very tired from the delayed flight and want to go to sleep not get into an emotional conversation at 2am. Something triggered this that spiraled into murder. Why wouldn’t he or she have waited until he got home from work to have such a serious conversation? Why at 2am? What triggered this? I think there is much more to this story.
IMO part of the answer may be found on those discarded bedlinens...
Probably we should wait for one of the lawyers here. But if it were my client I think I would be trying to shape public opinion of him from day 1. Maybe "coaching" is not the right word.

I do think he had time with his defense team, in advance, and they would have explained the process to him and told him how he was to respond. JMO
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