Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #23

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He may very well have felt powerless in the relationship, and it may have been eating away at him for quite some time. I don't think he was at all surprised by the pregnancy. In the video he seemed genuinely happy, although it's possible it may have been an act. He may have wanted out of the relationship, maybe they both did, but why not pack up, get a lawyer, and mentally prepare himself during the 5 weeks he had while she was gone? Something must have occurred to make him react in such a violent way. Or maybe he was planning to murder them when they returned. If she came home and confronted him about an affair, it doesn't explain his actions. Wouldn't that be the perfect moment to tell her he wanted a divorce? If he wanted out so much, those 5 weeks would have been the perfect time to get out and get the process in motion. Plenty of time to consult with a lawyer and get the paperwork ready. I think it has much more to do with his lack of control over the marriage and the kids. Maybe it was his desperate need to control the situation when he systematically killed one after the other. If that's what he did. Or maybe he just wanted to be rid of all three. Jmo

Thanks for sharing your opinion.
I think I heard this either in the news or mentioned here, that during their trip in Arizona, SW reportedly told NAU that she would need her "more than ever" after she returned home?

This makes me think SW and CW had already had a discussion and SW would be preparing for something painful and thus needed support from her friend.

Yes! Totally agree @LovesChocolate!
I agree with him in that I lean towards SW demanding for the separation that night, possibly repeating something she said on return from visiting her folks, and then I suspect he lost it. The mixture of suddenly knowing he would be out on the streets possibly at a long term cheap motel, supporting 3 kids, and the loss of esteem of the AP for not being a cool guy anymore with a fantastic home in the burbs.

The rest of it, ie the burial in a beautiful peaceful place, etc, I'm always happy to see a well thought out scenario, but I see Chris's subsequent actions as pure CYA, cowardly CYA which discards IMO any thought that he saw those kids as anything more than big heavy anchors.
Not sure what CYA means ( probably something obvious that I just can't figure out) but I agree that the thought of having to leave the house, neighborhood and all those comforts behind, a family of four may have been viewed as a very heavy burden. Jmo
I hate that I'm saying this, it even hurts my stomach a little bit to feel it, but a part of me almost feels bad for him. I think he is and was a very troubled man, hiding who he really was and couldn't do it anymore. Of course I feel much MUCH worse for Shanann, Bella and Celeste for having to endure death at the hands of someone they trusted and presumably loved and for the friends and family who now are grieving and trying to figure out why this happened.

Not sure what CYA means ( probably something obvious but I just can't figure it ou) but I agree that the thought of having to leave the house, neighborhood and all those comforts behind, a family of four may have been viewed as a very heavy burden. Jmo
Cover your patuti. IE save your bacon. Hide it all out of self preservation. "The mayor had to CYA in the latest scandal so he came up with an alibi." I guess it should technically be CHA, but I see it as CYA no matter what the pronoun should be.
I know you are asking Trinket about the move to CO and I had asked the same question a while back. The people that SW was a nanny for moved to CO and they told the W's that there were good job prospects in CO. I hope I remember correctly.

Is there a link for this? I haven't seen it, though I've seen others speculate about this. IIRC, the realtor who sold SW's house said CW got a job in CO and SW sold the house so she could be with her husband.
I saw emotion all through this video
You mean from SW's poor father, CW's FATHER-in-law, grandfather of their children? I saw from CW absolutely no sadness, just fear and anger. But we are all probably projecting from our particular biases. I think there is no way to excuse CW, just none, what he did is hideous even if you cling to the belief that the story he finally arrived at (after a few false ones) is true. I am sorry your friend did something so hideous (at the very least, murdering his wife and unborn chid). I really am. What a shock that must be. And when things come out at trial - I feel pretty certain there will be a mountain of evidence to convict CW of murdering his entire family. What drives these people, who seem like family men? Certainly his story of discussing the separation when she walked in the door at 4 am (first he said the confrontation was at 5am) makes no sense at all. Certainly her responding by running to strangle her children makes no sense. Certainly responding to that by killing your wife, not calling 911, not trying to save your child who was in the middle of being strangled, dumping the bodies, and making up stories makes no sense. I am in no way asking you to reveal who you are, but can you say a little more about why you are so attached to CW? I understand how you feel. I was friendly with a woman who killed her husband then herself. I was sure she could never had done this. But then the evidence came out and there was no way she did NOT do it. In that case, drugs were involved. It may have been asked, but was CW on steroids?
One reason that I think the breakup would have been easier on SW is that with her job, she could move easily and do the same thing in another state, ie where her parents live. Maybe even more productively with extended family help. Chris did not appear to have the same job mobility or the opportunity to earn more from harder work. She probably said, yep, I meant it, we're selling the house and you can visit the kids at my parents. Which, as we've seen, could have accounted for one of his little tidbits of truth in his media events...."selling the house"
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In the article I read it clearly states he admitted to killing all three. I was just wondering at what point he changed his story.

In my opinion, what happened was the defense request came out. For them to get the DNA. That was just discussed in the prosecution reply that came out yesterday. They said that the defense actually started this whole media circus from that submission.

That came out before the one that was an arrest warrant that we saw. The media got ahold of that defense request for DNA and ran with it. They were incorrect.
I believe that was originally reported wrong. My understanding is that he confessed to murdering his pregnant wife. I do not think he ever confessed to killing the girls. His story has not changed. Now, whether this is true or not, I have no idea.

Also, I don’t think LE has told the public the whole story, and rightly so. They must protect the investigation. So, I don’t think we can assume we know what he did & didn’t do regarding the children other than disposing of them in an oil field.
I don't think anyone is suggesting they know what he did, rather speculating based on the information we have. It's very possible that initially he confessed, as was reported following his arrest, and after speaking to a lawyer and his dad he changed his story. I'm not sure if they are basing the charges on the the original confession or not, but they must have enough reason to believe he is responsible for the death of all three. If it was a mistake that he confessed to all three, then it should probably be removed from the beginning of the thread. I would say it's an important detail to leave on here if there is any chance it wasn't true. For now that's what I'm going with. Jmo
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