Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #24

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Have a great weekend
I would like to bring a new perspective here concerning the claims that SW was abusive toward C.W. I’ve been married 48 years, and we’re still best friends, so I consider myself an expert on the subject of marriage. My husband and I have always been competitive with one another. It’s always been a contest of things like, who can decorate the best Easter egg, or when we’re driving both cars to the same location, who can get there fastest without breaking any laws. It’s fun! We enjoy it. There’s a lot of teasing in our relationship, too. It’s not cruel, it’s funny. We have such a long history, and there are so many inside jokes between us, people looking in from the outside couldn’t begin to understand the complexity and backstories behind each joke. You have to be able to laugh at yourself and one another. Life doesnt always have to be serious. 5 Tips to Learn How to Laugh at Yourself - Exploring your mind
My thoughts exactly. Plus, how much sleep do you think he’d had in the days leading up to those interviews? He had to have been exhausted.

He may have gotten a good night’s sleep that Monday night. I’m thinking that if he slept well at the Thayers’ house that Tuesday night, that could have been one of the red flags to them- that he wasn’t losing any sleep over their disappearance.
Yes, I think that is a big problem for him. Not sure anyone would believe that he lovingly placed them there so he could drive by and be reminded of his family for years to come. Jmo

Agreed. It's also important to note that AT was quoted as saying CW mentioned putting the house up for sale. Chris Watts case: Everything we know so far about the alleged murders of his wife, daughters

My speculation is that if CW was looking into moving out of the house within the near future, it's not a stretch to believe that he would also be looking for a job change. Especially considering the AP he was "actively" involved with. If the CW/AP relationship was potentially turning into a serious relationship, it wouldn't be far fetched to believe that eventually CW would need a different place of employment to avoid work problems for being engaged in such a relationship.

Therefore, the tanks wouldn't necessarily be something he would be driving by on a daily basis, or perhaps even ever again. The location could actually have been a part of the thought process to ensure he would never see the tanks again.

Don't want to be pedantic here but basically yes. It's a major theme of the C20th feminist movement, so whilst it would be hard to quantify the academic research I'd hazard a guess that would be in 7 figures, from direct experience.
I really think the tone is different when discussing such issues in regard to women. We don’t seem to suggest that women be treated respectfully lest they get their feelings hurt and engage in horrible behavior that we then must sympathize with and excuse.

However, this is OT so I will stop now.
My thoughts exactly. Plus, how much sleep do you think he’d had in the days leading up to those interviews? He had to have been exhausted.
Yes, you would think so. Yet he is bright eyed, well groomed, and there is no evidence of a frantic husband worried about what has happened to his wife and children. When he looks at the camera and " pleads" for them to come home, or for someone to let them go, he looks like he is just repeating the lines, as if in a commercial or something. It doesn't seem sincere at all. And of course, he wasn't. He didn't need to plead for their safe return because he knew they were in a barrel of oil.
I would like to bring a new perspective here concerning the claims that SW was abusive toward C.W. I’ve been married 48 years, and we’re still best friends, so I consider myself an expert on the subject of marriage. My husband and I have always been competitive with one another. It’s always been a contest of things like, who can decorate the best Easter egg, or when we’re driving both cars to the same location, who can get there fastest without breaking any laws. It’s fun! We enjoy it. There’s a lot of teasing in our relationship, too. It’s not cruel, it’s funny. We have such a long history, and there are so many inside jokes between us, people looking in from the outside couldn’t begin to understand the complexity and backstories behind each joke. You have to be able to laugh at yourself and one another. Life doesnt always have to be serious. 5 Tips to Learn How to Laugh at Yourself - Exploring your mind
Wow! Two more years till the Golden Anniversary! You said it perfectly. What you describe is what I think occurs in most marriages. Some are more competitive than others, but it is our ability to laugh at ourselves and see the humor in things that keeps us going! I couldn't live without it. Or at least I think I would be a miserable person if I did. Jmo
@MsBetsy , I was going to quote a post you made last night but thread was closed this morning to do so. You mentioned something about the home and bankruptcy. The county assessor lists SW mother as another owner on the house.
Ahhh, I was going to say something about that too! The only way to avoid them going after your house is if it's in another person's name! Then they can't touch it. That explains that.

Can each thread have a sticky with the 3 V.I main comments that clarify questions answered and other things?

Or can we at least have a V.I thread where the only thing on there is a copy paste of their responses of pertinent information?

This way we don't have to stroll through 60 pages to see the V.I's input nor keep asking them the same questions over and over again.
Judge Judy would ask, “Does she have any history of mental illness? Has she been treated for irrational behavior in the last two years?” SW does not fit the profile if a mother who kills! Almost all of them have long histories of mental illness. And to all of you who say she emasculated C.W., Watch some more videos. Count how many times she says she has the greatest husband in the world. Watch the love on her face when she gives CeCe that candle lit cupcake for her birthday. Watch CeCe glow with love, and happiness, and joy. No way did SW kill those kids.

If she had a history of mental illness, we have not been privy to it, nor if he did. We all probably know 1/100th of the evidence they've found if that. No, I am not suggesting in any way that either one had a history! Just stating that really, we are all trying to sleuth here with our hands tied and a blindfold half on, as we don't know all the facts.

She certainly does praise CW, many times, no doubt about it. And it did seem genuine going by the videos we are privy to seeing. It's a mystery for sure. I can't see either one harming the children. I watched the "diggity dog" video of him singing to the kids and it almost made me tear up. I lean toward the aliens theory at times (kidding, but I know you know what I mean).

And of course she wasn't posting on SM to portray an accurate representation of her life - she was posting cute kid pics and videos for family and to boost her business. But where are the videos of her and CW solo? She mentioned date nights in a few videos. Where are the videos of just her and hubby enjoying time alone as they used to have pre-kids? Let's talk about how great CW is while he's on camera w/out the kiddies, and how she loves him and what he did for her that day. This could be reading way too much into her choice of what to air (which seemed to be almost anything) but if she's using the child videos to promote Thrive and how energetic it made her to deal with them, I would think potential Thrive purchasers who don't have children might also want to see some one-on-one time with the spouse in those shots. Would love to see links if anyone knows of any. I have scrolled and scrolled and never reached the beginning of her videos page - just so many to load.

There are also many men - I know women in these situations - who become bitter and withdrawn, and cheat - when the kids suddenly become the wife's focus, and they are no longer top dog. It's sad. Like the wife can't share her attention? NOT saying that is what happened here. Just putting out another thought that came to mind.

Again I say, what a tangled web they wove.
Agreed. It's also important to note that AT was quoted as saying CW mentioned putting the house up for sale. Chris Watts case: Everything we know so far about the alleged murders of his wife, daughters

My speculation is that if CW was looking into moving out of the house within the near future, it's not a stretch to believe that he would also be looking for a job change. Especially considering the AP he was "actively" involved with. If the CW/AP relationship was potentially turning into a serious relationship, it wouldn't be far fetched to believe that eventually CW would need a different place of employment to avoid work problems for being engaged in such a relationship.

Therefore, the tanks wouldn't necessarily be something he would be driving by on a daily basis, or perhaps even ever again. The location could actually have been a part of the thought process to ensure he would never see the tanks again.

I wonder if he was just hoping to make his old life disappear and begin a whole new life. I don't think the tanks signify anything at all except that it was the easiest place to get rid of the bodies quickly. He may have had it picked out in advance. Jmo
Since SW was the dominant one, I would think this would have really got to him. He may have been holding all his anger inside. In the end, strangulation would have given him the ultimate feeling of power and control. It is often used in incidents of domestic violence, whether intent to kill is there or not. Jmo

Dominant as in domineering is not an easy life for any 'partner'..Honestly, I don't know how anyone could possibly put up with that.

Can each thread have a sticky with the 3 V.I main comments that clarify questions answered and other things?

Or can we at least have a V.I thread where the only thing on there is a copy paste of their responses of pertinent information?

This way we don't have to stroll through 60 pages to see the V.I's input nor keep asking them the same questions over and over again.

If you find the user and click on the actual number of messages a list appears of them

Can each thread have a sticky with the 3 V.I main comments that clarify questions answered and other things?

Or can we at least have a V.I thread where the only thing on there is a copy paste of their responses of pertinent information?

This way we don't have to stroll through 60 pages to see the V.I's input nor keep asking them the same questions over and over again.
Yes, I haven't seen Trinket here lately and I had a question but didn't want to ask if she already answered it. I'm not sure if there is any way around it than to search the thread for it.
I would like to bring a new perspective here concerning the claims that SW was abusive toward C.W. I’ve been married 48 years, and we’re still best friends, so I consider myself an expert on the subject of marriage. My husband and I have always been competitive with one another. It’s always been a contest of things like, who can decorate the best Easter egg, or when we’re driving both cars to the same location, who can get there fastest without breaking any laws. It’s fun! We enjoy it. There’s a lot of teasing in our relationship, too. It’s not cruel, it’s funny. We have such a long history, and there are so many inside jokes between us, people looking in from the outside couldn’t begin to understand the complexity and backstories behind each joke. You have to be able to laugh at yourself and one another. Life doesnt always have to be serious. 5 Tips to Learn How to Laugh at Yourself - Exploring your mind

And that's great to hear! Mutual bantering and such like that can be fun. I don't think anyone is saying they "definitely" were in the realm of abuse and emasculation ... we didn't live with them 24/7, nor did their family or friends. It's all just speculation, yet another idea to consider because we all want to know why he did it, or why they both did it. Maybe CW was oblivious to any "digs" of hers. Definitely a possibility, as is the possibility that it hurt him and he internalized it. Or maybe it's not relevant at all. The only people who know are SW and CW.
I wonder if he was just hoping to make his old life disappear and begin a whole new life. I don't think the tanks signify anything at all except that it was the easiest place to get rid of the bodies quickly. He may have had it picked out in advance. Jmo


Exactly. In my own opinion, when speculating the thought process that CW may have used to select the location, I can't help but think of the saying "better the devil you know than the devil you don't."

In this case, I speculate that a location that CW knew thoroughly well (via the nature of his job) was a better place to hide his family member's bodies than a location that he didn't know as well.

I did read the affidavit yesterday morning which must be why the thought was stuck in my mind. After rereading the affidavit this morning, I notice it states CW wanted to "initiate the separation" (**note** not A separation, but THE separation). After Googling marital separation in the state of CO, it appears to me (I am not an attorney) that there is a required separation process/time line of legal separation (obviously differs between states). I now believe that the future of their marriage had been a discussion between CW & SW for sometime prior, and the 6 week trip to NC....MAY... have been a "trial separation" before formally filing for a legal separation. Taking that into consideration may help with some insight to questions folks have (me included) regarding SW's Facebook post stating what a great husband/father CW was, their pregnancy, timing, etc.....
Maybe @Bill Carson could chime in? I do not know but under the impression there is no "legal" separation in Colorado, just divorce.
Yes, I think that is a big problem for him. Not sure anyone would believe that he lovingly placed them there so he could drive by and be reminded of his family for years to come. Jmo
Agree, and that he put them there maybe to try to protect his wife's name? The same wife he cheated on. It will be a real challenge, IMO.

Can each thread have a sticky with the 3 V.I main comments that clarify questions answered and other things?

Or can we at least have a V.I thread where the only thing on there is a copy paste of their responses of pertinent information?

This way we don't have to stroll through 60 pages to see the V.I's input nor keep asking them the same questions over and over again.

If you find the user and click on the actual number of messages a list appears of them
Dominant as in domineering is not an easy life for any 'partner'..Honestly, I don't know how anyone could possibly put up with that.
I did for many years. Sometimes it is very subtle. But yes, after awhile it can really beat down your confidence. I would imagine two controlling people would clash. Although CW appeared to internalize things and just " go with the flow" it must have had some effect on him. It would be interesting to here from Trinket concerning that. Jmo
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