Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #26

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The problem is that they couch it in vague language like he "reportedly" confessed; he "allegedly" confessed. There's not a lot of concrete detail, unfortunately, which has led to confusion and debate about what he actually confessed to and when. I have no idea exactly what the family were told by LE either. We simply just don't know at this point, alas.
Why would a reporter say that a family member made the statement about his admission of killing all three children? I have never seen that recanted. Would the family not be furious to be misstated about such an important thing? I know I would.
I was searching for information about the Watts case, and I found Websleuths. I have been reading this thread for weeks.

When I heard a pregnant woman and her two children were missing, and her husband had given media interviews, I immediately concluded he must be guilty because that is par for the course in these types of cases.

When I saw the media interviews, I thought CW's performance was awkard. He did not strike me as overly confident. However, his lack of emotion indicated guilt, IMO.

I was surprised he confessed so quickly, but I believe that has been stated by others on this forum before. However, given the amount of evidence LE had already gathered, how could CW possibly deny his involvement?

IMO, the only logical conclusion at this point is CW is guilty of the murders of Shanann and the girls. His story of SW killing the children seems implausible.

Having said that, I am interested in other opinions. I was not there, so I can not say with 100% certainty what happened that night. I could be surprised by forthcoming evidence.

Like others, I "project" my own life experiences onto this case. My father led a "double life" that no one knew about until my parents divorced when I was in high school. My father married my mother as a "cover up" to his problems, some of which have been speculated by others as issues CW may have had as well.

The worst thing for someone like my father would be having his secret exposed. Once the mask falls off of a person leading a double life, they don't have much else left. I think the guilt and shame would more likely lead to suicide though, rather than homicide.

There are correlations I think are relevant, but this post is already too long, and it is only speculation.

I am interested in reading posts from all viewpoints. I understand the reasoning behind the speculation. I want to know why this happened.

Also, after watching the Thrive videos, I have wondered if SW's involvement in her MLM was an escape for her. I am not on social media, so the only glimpses I get of her facebook posts are here or MSM articles.


Welcome @amiless
Thanks so much for that thoughtful, detailed input! The bit about the charges being able to be reduced after they "go in with the big guns first" is scary. As you said, they have to have some evidence first but it also seems like that could be misused in many cases.

Choosing a jury must be really tough, and I also find that process to be, well, unfair. If each side gets to pick and choose some jurors, then aren't they biasing the case instead of randomly selecting people? But a random selection could prove fatal to either and/or both sides! Yet another topic for discussion, I'm sure!!
It’s a fascinating - and frightening - process for sure! Ultimately you want people who can be fair and follow directions, to strike those who may seem to have an obvious potential bias and to keep those who you think will tend to view things in your favor. But ultimately it’s kind of a crapshoot (you can get feelings about people but you never really know) with enormous potential ramifications...

With some crimes you charge the more serious - then if you are missing an element (like premeditation) but can prove everything else you can go for the lesser included offense.

Once again let me clarify I do NOT practice in Colorado but I would assume it’s no different there
Why would a reporter say that a family member made the statement about his admission of killing all three children? I have never seen that recanted. Would the family not be furious to be misstated about such an important thing? I know I would.
Oh don't get me wrong, SW's brother definitely said CW had confessed to murdering them all. I don't know if he got that direct from LE or heard it in the media. My point was that the LE sources were unnamed in the initial reports so we don't have it on the record that he confessed to all three. I honestly don't know what really happened.
Supposedly he took the girls to a neighborhood child's b'day party that day, and then was seen in the Watts backyard grilling by himself. Some think it's odd the girls weren't outside with him, but many have said they went to bed at 6:30. There are videos online of the father (I think?) of the b'day child being interviewed that CW didn't seem "off" during the party at all.

I think we've had that wrong. I think he took them to the friend's BBQ Saturday and that was the last time the girls were seen alive that we know of. And then he was seen grilling by himself Sunday.
Hi @Trinket78 :)(hope your day is going well:)).
@Gardenista posted a court doc that states Shanann is a co-owner.
You have to scroll down to 'count four' and it lists her as co-owner.
Trying to be helpful here because I almost didn't see it either.
Edit...(((sigh))) 'Was', not 'is' a co-owner.
Thank you and yes. Honestly I never knew her as
A co-owner.
Oh don't get me wrong, SW's brother definitely said CW had confessed to murdering them all. I don't know if he got that direct from LE or heard it in the media. My point was that the LE sources were unnamed in the initial reports so we don't have it on the record that he confessed to all three. I honestly don't know what really happened.
There were some initial reports that said he confessed to killing them all. Obviously those reports were inaccurate, but that’s what I heard as well. This was quickly cleared up though.
Why would a reporter say that a family member made the statement about his admission of killing all three children? I have never seen that recanted. Would the family not be furious to be misstated about such an important thing? I know I would.

The brother did say that. But he might have just been mistaken.

I'm telling you if he initially confessed to LE to killing all three and then changed his story, that would absolutely be in the police report. It didn't happen.
I think we've had that wrong. I think he took them to the friend's BBQ Saturday and that was the last time the girls were seen alive that we know of. And then he was seen grilling by himself Sunday.
Thanks for clarifying. If the girls went to bed early and Dad was outside grilling alone, I've never seen the issue / potential clue there. They could have also been inside watching TV. But if they were last seen Saturday afternoon that opens up a much wider window. Shanann was away that weekend and surely would have asked to speak to them/Skype/Facetime/whatever between Saturday after the party and Sunday night (her flight) and would have been royally freaked. I thought her supposed comment that CW wouldn't let her speak to them was Sunday night, but they had been seen at the party just a few hours earlier.
This is just another example of the contradictions in this case. Which is the truth?

They can both be true. If I was concerned and wasn't allowed to talk to my kids or excuses were made and I didn't get to speak to them, I couldn't wait to get home either. Even if I was worried.

But I sure wouldn't express strange concerns like that on a public FB. Would you?
Do we know if the AP has ever been inside CW's house? Surely he wouldn't risk brining an AP home because the neighbors would notice? MOO.

This is TOTALLY my wild imagination and unsubstantiated by anything but rumors and stories I know of in real life. I can picture him bringing his side piece to the family home, to be spiteful.

I think he had a passive-aggressive nature and he might take a particular delight in messing around in his wife’s domain. For some inexplicable reason, cheaters will do this. Duper’s delight, IMO (like when he was smiling on the porch).
We know CW told both NUA and LE about the marital separation when his family was first discovered missing, so clearly marital separation CW's original plan to explain why SW would just take the girls and leave everything behind.

We don't know for certain that SW knew beforehand about a marital separation. An employee at her mom's salon said something about a separation, but SW's closest friends didn't mention anything about one. SW had spent the AZ trip with her best friend NUA, but didn't mention a martial separation to her as far as we know.

CW very likely would have lied to his AP that he was trying to leave SW to appease her. I also believe our VI that CW mentioned to him/her that he told SW that he wanted out multiple times. If CW's plan all along was to use the martial separation story to explain his family's disappearance, then it would make sense for him to lie to his own family and friends, telling them he wanted out beforehand so they would back him up and his story would sound more believable.
Yes, I think most people that have been here since the second week understand that the folks got that from the defense submission to the court, and ran with it. It has been corrected since then. It was mainstream media misunderstanding. That was a long time ago :deadhorse: :moo:
There are two sources right in the beginning of the thread. In one article, the reporter interviewed a family member who informed him he had admitted to killing all three. You have to read more than just headlines. In the Denver 7 article, two local LE were interviewed and reported that he had confessed to killing his whole family. For people who missed the opportunity to engage in the discussion a long time ago, it is certainly not a dead horse. I don't see how it could have come from the defense submission to the court, since he had not even be in court on Wed. Or had he? I'm still looking for the link, if it hasn't been supplied already.
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