Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #26

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You are missing something about the majority of people not sharing your beliefs and opinions. Look at how much is done to care for a person’s body after death, and the sort of places most people chose - mantels in a home, marble memorials, peaceful cemeteries that look like gardens. The oil tank is dirty, gross, disrespectful, and add in the hope evidence would be destroyed and loved ones might never know what happened to the girls. Most people would be mortified.

Hey there bestie! It is gross. It's the stuff of nightmares. It doesn't prove him guilty of killing the girls. I've wondered if perhaps it was a sorry if symbolic burial in a place he associated with beauty, with all the wild flowers. Like he thought he was protecting then maybe.

Regardless of where, the fact he didn't put the girls with their mom is interesting to me. I think that was very purposeful.

For the millionth time, I'll add my disclaimer, which should be obvious but isn't, that of course Shanann and the girls deserved a proper burial--well, they deserved long lives, but you know what I'm saying. He should have made better choices.

I'm still withholding judgement for the girls' deaths, though, as I need more evidence--I think it's more likely than not that cw killed them all, but I currently have reasonable doubt with the girls. Obviously subject to change with additional facts and evidence.

And many of you know my own child was violently killed, so yeah it's not like I don't understand or deeply appreciate the need to lay loved ones to rest.

I doubt we'll ever really know but I'd really like to know his thought process with the "disposal."
Ok, I understand what you are saying about treating the body with respect. But I guess what I dont get is that this act, is not more heinous than what had already been done. I obviously have a different belief system regarding what happens to the soul following death. And no, I do not mean that the body should be treated as garbage. I am not implying that at all. Do not put words in my mouth! I never said or implied that at all! Just asked a question! Wished I hadn't now!
I’m at work but making a note to bring back mtnlites very important post.


“mtnlites said: ↑
We cremated our child. First we had a visitation and open casket viewing so that friends and family could say goodbye. Then there was a funeral service at which time songs that I painstakingly chose were performed and many people stood and shared stories about him. After he was cremated by a professional, his ashes were gently and lovingly placed into a type of vase that I picked out. Rather than holding onto them, we chose to bury the vase in a family cemetery where he is surrounded by loved ones. His headstone includes his entire name, birth and death dates, and a teddy bear. It is clearly marked so that his loved ones can visit and pay their respects whenever they wish.

How is any of that even comparable to tossing your children's bodies into separate oil tanks and lying about it?

I get that people enjoy playing devil's advocates because it's fun, and sometimes helpful, to look at a situation from all angles. For those of us who have lost children, however, claiming that our way of lovingly and carefully laying our children to rest is in any way comparable to what happened to Bella and Cece borders on cruel. Look at the crime from all angles, speculate as much as you want, analyze videos and Facebook posts but please don't make a mockery of these children's deaths because the way in which their bodies were handled was anything but loving or respectful. And please don't disrespect the death of my child (or anyone elses) by insinuating that our choices were in any way comparable to how Bella and Cece's little bodies were treated.

I really want to be respectful of other people's views, mainly because I have certainly been on that other side before here on WS. But there is having different views and then there is arguing for the sake of being different.”

Thank you. Here's the original post link:

CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #10
And we also know SW was projecting a positive, happy image on SM to help her Thrive business because she wanted to provide the best life possible for her kids. In this case, projecting a super-happy vibe is excusable.
Absolutely. She joins millions of others, employing this strategy. The context of those social media posts (Thrive related) cannot be understated. If you view those videos without keeping the underlying motivation in mind, you are likely making a mistake.
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I'm more interested in the why....seeing as he's so innocent:rolleyes::rolleyes::rolleyes:

IMO, these motions are from the Public Defenders, who are tasked with giving him a vigorous defense. Because their pleadings show they are concerned over the publicity and high public interest in this case, imo they are worried about prejudicial information, the future jury pool, etc. Also, it only helps the defense to put a significant time buffer between the crime and the trial, especially in a high profile case. MOO

ETA: The prosecutor is also concerned with assuring a fair trial, which is why they have filed a motion to seal the ME's reports.
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I think we've had that wrong. I think he took them to the friend's BBQ Saturday and that was the last time the girls were seen alive that we know of. And then he was seen grilling by himself Sunday.

The bday party was Sunday and CW had a babysitter Saturday. That was posted by JL, the father where the party was held and the father of the babysitter. It was a public post when Shanann was missing but I think the group may be private now. (I have a screenshot so I just went back & confirmed)
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I am looking into this story as well. If it can't be confirmed or denied then it will not be up for discussion. Until I know if I can or can't verify it please refrain from any discussion of the pistachios. Thank you.
I'm kinda missing the minnow discussion on the Deorr case.

But where would he have access to an illegal date rape drug like Rohypnol? Doubt it. Probably not something routinely r/x'd by a doc either, and I doubt he hung out with people who could score it (including the odd allegedly gay AP "TB"). IF and I say IF with a capital "I": *If* he drugged the girls to make their murders easier for him to commit then I'm sure cough medicine or Benadryl (over the counter) will be found in the tox screen of the autopsy. MOO MOO. (Tricia can we get the cute cow emoticon back that moos?)

This guy is devious and a murderer. I can definitely see him obtaining and using date rape drugs.
I’ll start by acknowledging that we really don’t know anything about the source of this information.

I would guess that if she was truly alarmed about the kids safety, she would have called the police or someone to go to the house. I think it’s possible that she interpreted his (alleged) refusal to let her talk the kids as him being obstinate or cranky and her anxiety was that he’d still be in a mood when she got home. Maybe the Facebook post was just a way to convince herself more than anyone that all was normal.

We all hear this and think it is horrifying because we know what happened later. She probably had no reason to know what was to come.

And sometimes people have a bad feeling and may even tell one person but they try to convince themselves that everything is okay. Because who can really believe something as horrible as what happened if there weren't threats before?

Case after case we hear of people telling others that if something happens, the husband did it. But deep down they believe it really won't. So they don't go further.
I am looking into this story as well. If it can't be confirmed or denied then it will not be up for discussion. Until I know if I can or can't verify it please refrain from any discussion of the pistachios. Thank you.

Shanann made the statements in a private group. I have screenshots if you’d like to see them but I know they are against tos in here.

ETA - that said, I think it’s worn out and irrelevant like a large percentage of things posted lately
Supposedly when she talked on social media about how wonderful her marriage was.

But we don't have any concrete evidence that she felt otherwise. All we have is info from her friend that he had become distant and she worked he might be having an affair but didn't think it likely.

So we don't have proof she was a liar.
Maybe she was "sugar coating" the truth. I have yet to see evidence that she lied either. At least about anything of significance. I'm my opinion people "lie" every day, if that's considered truly lying. When people see me in the store and ask how I am and I feel like like crap and have had a horrible day, I say, Fine, how are you? I thought everybody did that. Also, if she really was into the "positive attitude" theory that if you talk positive, think positive, then you will have positive things happen, then that would explain that, imo.
I will try to explain what I mean. The offensive part to me is the fact that the children were murdered. Following death, the soul was no longer present, and would not feel anything. So, i dont understand why an oil tank is more heinous than any other burial location. Am i missing something? As I said, after living around the oil fields for so many years, I dont understand why so many think the oil tank is more heinous than say a shallow grave. But, be clear, I am not trying to justify what happened. Just trying to understand! So much of what I have read is totally baffling! I hesitate to even ask!

I’ll try to answer:

When LE find dead bodies, they can often take clues from the body as to who the killer might be. For example, if a body is found buried with a blanket nicely wrapped around them, that might be a clue that person who put them there had some kind of love (“love”) for them.

A body found half naked in a dumpster bin is more likely to have been killed by a stranger with no connection to the victim.

A very simplified explanation, but what I’m trying to say is disposal of the bodies can somewhat be seen as an indication of how the killer who put them there felt about them.

We bury or otherwise treat our loved ones with care and respect when they die. We hold a funeral, we choose a casket or an urn, we pick flowers, their clothes, items for them to be buried with. We might say prayers. In our society, human remains are treated with respect. We don’t just take them to the local refuse station and dump them in and say “oh well, they’re dead anyway”.

If he had buried them with their blankies, it might have shown he had some care and love still left in him despite what he did. Instead, he dumped them in vats of oil. It’s dirty and gross and almost impossible to wash off.

It comes of as very offensive to most of us who consider that human remains should be treated with respect.

For me, it says concealment was his number one goal.
This guy is devious and a murderer. I can definitely see him obtaining and using date rape drugs.
I just don't see him doing this. Its much easier and less risky to buy benadryl over the counter than score date rape drugs to give two toddlers to make them sleep. Their little bodies will react quickly to benign cold meds and otc allergy meds. This is MOO based upon what we have discussed since this case started.
And sometimes people have a bad feeling and may even tell one person but they try to convince themselves that everything is okay. Because who can really believe something as horrible as what happened if there weren't threats before?

Case after case we hear of people telling others that if something happens, the husband did it. But deep down they believe it really won't. So they don't go further.
I think that's the very reason NAU wouldn't have gone inside with SW that night. She wasn't going to get in the middle of a possible marital dispute. The next day though when she couldn't get ahold of SW I think her fears were kicked into high gear.
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We know CW told both NUA and LE about the marital separation when his family was first discovered missing, so clearly marital separation CW's original plan to explain why SW would just take the girls and leave everything behind.

We don't know for certain that SW knew beforehand about a marital separation. An employee at her mom's salon said something about a separation, but SW's closest friends didn't mention anything about one. SW had spent the AZ trip with her best friend NUA, but didn't mention a martial separation to her as far as we know.

CW very likely would have lied to his AP that he was trying to leave SW to appease her. I also believe our VI that CW mentioned to him/her that he told SW that he wanted out multiple times. If CW's plan all along was to use the martial separation story to explain his family's disappearance, then it would make sense for him to lie to his own family and friends, telling them he wanted out beforehand so they would back him up and his story would sound more believable.
Sorry for replying to my own post but I wanted to add a question for y'all.

Assuming CW's original plan to cover his tracks for his missing family did include lying to his own family and friends that he told SW multiple times he wanted out, does anyone think he would have had the forethought to also lie that she would take the girls and he would never see them again if he did leave or that she even threatened to hurt the girls? MOO
In very few cases, but mostly the active ingredient causes drowsiness:
Drowsiness is one of the major side effects of some antihistamines, such as diphenhydramine (Benadryl) and doxylamine succinate (the antihistamine found in Nyquil). And because of their powerful sedating qualities, antihistamines are also the active ingredients found in numerous over-the-counter sleep aids.
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