Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #28

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DNA Solves
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I just closed the link about 2 hours ago and cannot find it, but perhaps the reason is the DNA testing when they do it by law for felons to put in CODIS has different markers.

I read on the link, I hope I can add it later, but when they collect it for law enforcement under that law it only does 13 markers. It does not do genetic testing. Perhaps they want to be more specific on the testing with this and want to do more complete testing.

Okay I just found the link that talks about this that with the law they only do 13 markers, it may be true or may not but this is what I have found

Katie's Law - Wikipedia

My thoughts are they want to get greater sensitivity for the testing to show it is really him to give no doubt. Verses only having 13 markers.?

I wonder if they would need to do a different type of DNA test if they wanted to establish paternity of Nico and the girls?
IMO they are very likely all CW's kids but I could see CW claiming Nico is not his in order to paint SW in a bad light.

Also, would some detail about the pregnancy be a reason to try to seal the autopsy results? They do have an "unlawful termination of the pregnancy" charge. Is it possible he did something to purposely harm/remove Nico after SW was dead? Those details would be very shocking and may prejudice a jury pool IMO.

(I'm way behind and haven't finished reading so sorry if this has already been discussed at length)
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And all the belittling in the world doesn't excuse or justify MURDER, INFANTICIDE or DEFAMATION OF A DEAD WOMAN'S CHARACTER. CW was not being held against his will. If SW was such a "terrible wife and mother" (which I don't believe she was) CW had two good legs and could walk out the front door and in to a divorce lawyer's office. I truly hope Shan's family and close friends aren't reading on here. If they are, I'm sorry.
Are you yelling this to me? I don’t understand this.
Ok, she was sarcastic with him as well. I didn't see any form of abuse with the Christmas video. It was just their dad in a freaking Santa costume, no reason for her not to encourage them to be unafraid. I've seen far worse at amusement parks when parents force their kids on thrill rides before they are ready and the kids end up bawling afterward.

But I've never claimed she was abusing her kids. Not once have I said that. Do I think some things are very off with her behaviour with the children then yes, but that is subjective and certain things like forcing my kids to sit on human bunnies and father christmas while they are hysterical with their arms outstretched towards me then heck no I wouldn't and least of all take a picture of them doing it with laughing emojis. Like I say we are all different.

I have also never said she deserved what happened to her or Nico or her girls. Am I convinced CW killed the girls then no I'm not.

This is not a contest on who is right or wrong in this awful tragedy, it's trying to find out what EXACTLY happened.

There are no winners in this and I'm tired of defending any questions or opinions, and having words being put in mouth that I haven't said.
Children being 'afraid' of Santa is as old as time. I have a picture of my older brother and I, crying our heads off, on Santa's lap in the Macys in San Francisco. My mom and I took my 2 kids to that same Macys when they were toddlers, and I have their pictures, crying their little heads off, framed side by side with mine.

Thanks for sharing that photo. I imagine now that your children are older they are amused to see themselves crying with that laughing Santa. I makes me so sad to think how Bella and CeCe would have looked back on that Christmas video of Shanann's and laughed at how scared they were, but they never had the chance to grow up.
And all the belittling in the world doesn't excuse or justify MURDER, INFANTICIDE or DEFAMATION OF A DEAD WOMAN'S CHARACTER. CW was not being held against his will. If SW was such a "terrible wife and mother" (which I don't believe she was) CW had two good legs and could walk out the front door and in to a divorce lawyer's office. I truly hope Shan's family and close friends aren't reading on here. If they are, I'm sorry.
Can we just copy/paste this as needed, lol? :p
Ok, she was sarcastic with him as well. I didn't see any form of abuse with the Christmas video. It was just their dad in a freaking Santa costume, no reason for her not to encourage them to be unafraid. I've seen far worse at amusement parks when parents force their kids on thrill rides before they are ready and the kids end up bawling afterward.
The Watts children were crying almost constantly in the Santa video. I'm pretty sure they didn't know it was Daddy in the Santa suit. Forcing a terrified child to do anything isn't my idea of good parenting. JMO
I'm new to WS and have tried to keep up with reading all the posts but my job is getting in the way of it! So please excuse me if this has already been discussed, but I read in the MSM at the very beginning of this tragedy that when SW arrived home at 1:48 am the door was locked with an additional lock (which was reported as unusual) and she had to call CW to come downstairs and unlock the door. I cannot locate the articles now. But if true, CW definitely wanted to know and be prepared when she arrived home. Do any of y'all recall reading that?
I recall several things reported by 4 different Denver news stations that I cannot find now as well. All this was before CW confessed. I cannot help with your question but I too have the same questions. It also appears that some of those same news channels may have paraphrased some info early on misleading us and were not true. Sigh......
I can see the other side of this. SW put a lot of effort into planning and putting that Santa visit together. She wanted it to be perfect. She got the Santa suit, she bought the gifts and Santa’s bag, she arranged with her parents to be there at a certain time for the live fb experience. She wanted to create a big, happy Christmas with loving memories for her family. So Chris walks through the door wearing his Santa costume and utters the most I don’t want to be here HoHoHo he can. He clearly wasn’t enjoying himself. The kids pick up on his negativity and get scared. CeCe is too young to figure out what’s going on. Bella wants to please her Mama. But nobody is happy. Shanann reminded Chris ahead of time to bring in his phone but either he wasn’t listening or he intentionally sabotaged her. His passive aggressive attitude and lack of cooperation ruined the whole thing. Shanann felt let down and disappointed.
The thing is "Santa" hasn't even entered the house yet, so I don't understand the negativity the girls could have picked up on. I've put the vid. here just for a quick recap.
It was just a joke. I’m surprised he didn’t mow it with a riding mower.

Where I live, the ground is rocky and only weed whackers are used. It is grueling work but no one is interested in a beauty lawn. It is to keep the vegetation down which can hide the nasty big centipedes that are as fun as scorpions.

I met some guys once from a Central American country. I forget which one. They took care of yards. They were telling me in disgust about a woman who insisted that her lawn was cut on the diagonal.

Because CW and SW are/ were such perfectionists, I think the lawn had to be really nice, It looks deep and lush. Like a very expensive carpet.

It is very sad to look at . He has the swings pushed out of the way so he can mow. The swings the little girls used.

He is right. It is totally surreal.
I've not heard anyone that knows him say that in any of the MSM reports. Hmmmm
Maybe it was all an act for these two. SW with the constant happy updates, pics, videos of how happy she is and how wonderful her husband and her life is etc. And CW just went along with it. Didn’t she say he was an “introvert”?
Perhaps she knew of his affairs (gay guy) and was angry about it and threatened to expose him. Maybe with her knew found financial independence with Thrive, she didn’t
need to put up with him anymore and threatened divorce.
My guess is that it did happen back at the house, perhaps when he put one of the kids’ bodies in there.

I think it was simply an effort to conceal the bodies as he went to deposit them at the dump site.

I’m envisioning a trash bag for each child, and a sheet to cover Shanann.

I felt gross typing that.
As gruesome as it is, I believe you're probably right. Did we ever find out where the missing baby blankets from their beds were? That also feels creepy to type.
Were they scared with the Easter Bunny and other Santa because Chris was being passive aggressive?
I don’t know. Didn’t see those two. CW murdered her. There is nothing she could have said on a video that would warrant him cheating on her or murdering her in return. I’ve seen a quite a few of her videos, not all, but from the ones I’ve seen, ten to one were #ILoveMyHusband and #GreatestHusbandInTheWorld compared to those that came across as somebody was a little snarky that day. It’s real life. Every day isn’t perfect. Sometimes people are short with one another. Things don’t always go as planned. SW’s videos were loaded up on her fb page for her friends and family, and their friends and family loaded up their not so perfect family videos, too. They weren’t put there for strangers to watch and criticize without knowing them or what they were like. I don’t see anything wrong with laughing at yourself, and there is no doubt in my mind that Shanann loved Chris with all her heart and wanted only the best for him.
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