Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #29

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I honestly don't think any public defender has the time for a troll campaign but I am certainly going to try to find myself a troll army before my next insider trading case. I've never been able to paint my guys as sympathetic. Maybe I'll luck out and one of the complaining shareholders will be an MLM salesperson.
Lol! I am not sure that that will work. Although Martha got a lot of sympathy and fans because she taught her inmate friends to crochet ponchos.
Maybe you could try that?
Based on this People magazine article today, it appears the way it is worded, the non porous bag was discovered at the same time as the bodies were collected and other evidence collected and not afterwards as some have wondered as to when the bag was discovered and where.

Also, the article says "police found something else at the scene which may further link the three deaths to Chris Watts, Shan’ann’s husband the father to her girls. ".

We know he admitted to taking them to the dumping site. So what could have been discovered on the bag that could definitively tie CW to the deaths of all of them versus just tying him to only the dumping of the bodies and killing SW? The wording is interesting.
After Allegedly Hiding Families' Bodies, Chris Watts May Have Left Something Incriminating Behind

Maybe the other incriminating thing found along with the bag was his purple lupus bracelet.?
I watched a video online of the interviews again and it totally creeped my out when the reporter asked him when the last time he saw the kids was and he said “in the baby monitors”. This is was on the dog barking interview video. The more I watch his interview videos, the more I seem to see more hints at deception which did not immediately pop out to me.

(ETA: I think the video was posted by a WSer because there was text at the bringing which said “this is msm” lol)
It doesn't have to be the defense team themselves. People hire Social Media influencers to do this kind of work. It wouldn't be the actual defense attorneys hiring them. It could be the defendant, or his family or the AP or his best friends...
It is shocking to see how much is "hired out." It is done all the time. We would lose our minds if we really understood the politics of "influencers."
I watched a video online of the interviews again and it totally creeped my out when the reporter asked him when the last time he saw the kids was and he said “in the baby monitors”. This is was on the dog barking interview video. The more I watch his interview videos, the more I seem to see more hints at deception which did not immediately pop out to me.
Yes. If someone asks me how long it has been since I saw a grandchild, I would not answer with the last time I saw them on a screen. It would be the last time they were physically in my presence.
No. They wouldn't be risking a darn thing. And yes, it is my opinion that it is very likely the public defender's office is acting unethically when it comes to spreading vicious nasty gossip or insinuations about Shanann, or more probably encouraging others to do so.

This is my suspicion.

But it's not like they would type a letter instructing people to lie. It would be much more subtle. First just listen to him or his family bash Shanann. Then, "It's terrible. The public has already condemned Chris. I wish the public could know the truth."

And suddenly we see posts on FB about needing to tell the "truth" about Shanann.

I can also see staff members intentionally posting things. Yup. I firmly believe such tactics occur in these high profile cases.
I am obviously not a lawyer @gitana1 but wouldn't that be risky for a lawyer to be associated with those types of practices? It could backfire and get out of hand if they took that approach. There is no guarantee what direction those types of insinuations could lead and could actually hurt the defense.
I don't know if you are joking but this is related to the rules of law firm marketing. Attorney advertising is heavily regulated and they are constantly trying to catch up with "the times." I worked at a firm that had a detailed policy about how your LinkedIn profile had to look.

No, I understand. But I am just saying that attorneys are moving into the Social Media realm on the daily now. And since that is happening, it is just one step further to be putting out info they might want trending about their defendant or their client etc. In other words, it is not a big stretch to think it might be happening...
I can see the video for what it is, innocent playtime, it just felt funny to them. What bothers me is that she posted the video. She didn’t have to post it. Or she could have gotten off her butt and redirected them and shot a different scene. She lacked self-awareness, and now there’s all this video to be scrutinized and misinterpreted. That’s what is alarming! ):
I felt uneasy with the video. But, I really like your work choice "her lack of self-awareness." I feel this is spot on.
I have no problems regarding how Shanann was raising her little girls. While I was looking for something the other day I came across this. There seems to be a large divide between generations. Here in Oz when children play sport, no team wins. Why? Because the other team will be disappointed. At children's birthday parties littlies play "pass the parcel". The game is manipulated by parents in order that every child wins a prize. When it comes to education, once upon a time you either passed or failed at the end of high school. Nowadays there's no such thing as failing, you just get a low mark.

No wonder so many young people can't deal with the stresses of life. I raised both my children to be strong and independent, have the ability to stand on their own two feet, make decisions, learn by their mistakes, know that things won't always go their way and, realise that there will be failures but it's not the end of the world, and most importantly, take responsibility for their own actions.

Snowflake Children and Helicopter Parents - ParentingSuccess Coaching: Parenting Support | Parent Coaching | Parent Support | Mette Theilmann
It looks like behavior that would concern me if I saw my girl’s play like that.
I’ve never seen my friends little girls nor my sisters girls use a sprinkler like a bidet. My boys never did that. I have to admit it did look kind of weird. I don’t think I would have videotaped them playing like that then put online. JMO
I honestly don't think any public defender has the time for a troll campaign but I am certainly going to try to find myself a troll army before my next insider trading case. I've never been able to paint my guys as sympathetic. Maybe I'll luck out and one of the complaining shareholders will be an MLM salesperson.

It is not the public defenders themselves doing the trolling. There are companies---Social Media Influencers--that are hired by people to influence the public, both positively and negatively.

CW's family could hire them, or he could, or his friends might...not necessarily the Public Defenders themselves..
I honestly don't think any public defender has the time for a troll campaign but I am certainly going to try to find myself a troll army before my next insider trading case. I've never been able to paint my guys as sympathetic. Maybe I'll luck out and one of the complaining shareholders will be an MLM salesperson.
As a victim of an insider trading scam which was never prosecuted, I'll sign up to be a troll. My fee: $1 million. Cash. j/k
It is not the public defenders themselves doing the trolling. There are companies---Social Media Influencers--that are hired by people to influence the public, both positively and negatively.

CW's family could hire them, or he could, or his friends might...not necessarily the Public Defenders themselves..

Any evidence that CW's family has done so? How much would you have to pay Social Media Influencers? Where would they get the money? Wouldn't that money be better used to pay for direct resources to aid CW's defense team?
Ok Everyone,

If you didn't notice we have been giving 3-day timeouts like crazy today.

Same rule for tomorrow. Any violation of our terms of service will result in a 3-day vacation.

Get some rest and take care of yourselves.

Thread is closing for the night

Good morning! The Watts thread is up and running.


I can't really respond to that without bringing my own daughter into this. When she was around 3, she was in a public swimming pool when she suddenly noticed the power of the water jets. "Look, Mommy! This feels GOOD!" After that, we had to have a long conversation about what is appropriate public behavior and what isn't. On the one hand, you don't want to shame your child for a very real biological reaction but, on the other hand, you can't have your kid straddling water sprouts everywhere they go.

The fact is, there are lots of nerves down there. The right kind of pressure on that area does feel good; we're partially built that way so that intercourse is enjoyable for us. It is weird seeing a young girl inadvertently discovering that certain things feel "nice"? Yes. It's icky. Does it mean that she is being sexually abused at home or has any kind of disorder? Absolutely not. We talked about this repeatedly with our pediatrician who assured us that this is normal-some female children just "discover" it far earlier than others. I have also spent quite a bit of time on the internet, perusing parenting forums and looking up parents with similar questions. It happens. A lot. Sometimes it's with hot tub jets, other times it's discovered while straddling the armrest of a couch while they're playing "cowgirl." But it happens.

Also...we have a season pass to a public swimming pool on the island in which we own a vacation home. We go several times a week. The pool has a splashpad like this. I see this kind of behavior at least once a day. Seriously, it's pretty normal.

It IS kind of weird, though, even for the parent. Since that first day we had to have that conversation with her, we've had to have a lot more. Now that she's 7 she is finally old enough to really start grasping what we're saying. Now she's totally embarassed by it. To be honest, I kind of miss the toddler "her" who was just innocently playing and didn't realize that she was doing something that others might think of as weird.
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We may never know the origins of the shirt. Given the fact that CW was continuous lying throughout his the interviews (as so thoroughly documented by @PommyMommy in an earlier post), It would’t surprise me in the least to know that he wasn't necessarily exposing the truth. IMO, he seemed to be simply going along with the reporter’s leading questions:

Reporter: Did SW get you that shirt?
CW: Yeah, she got it at Amazon because she likes to shop there.
Reporter: Wasn’t SW just in NC?
CW: Yeah, she was just in NC. So she could’ve gotten it there.

I think CW's mind was entirely elsewhere during this exchange with the reporter. His apparent change in demeanor (seeming more relaxed, able to let loose), actually seemed as if he was simply relieved to be talking about something OTHER than SW and the girls whereabouts. In other words, it was a man who seemed to be underwater, and those harmless questions about his t-shirt allowed him to come up for air for a moment.

Reading your paraphrasing about the shirt (which IIRC is darn close), it is really weird to me that the interviewer would even ask such a stupid, and quite frankly, insensitive question considering the circumstances at that moment o_Oo_O. Makes me wonder if LE spoke to the interviewer prior to, and told to him ask a question like that in order to judge CW's reaction! If I was being interviewed about missing family members, I'd smack a person that asked about my shirt:mad:
Reading your paraphrasing about the shirt (which IIRC is darn close), it is really weird to me that the interviewer would even ask such a stupid, and quite frankly, insensitive question considering the circumstances at that moment o_Oo_O. Makes me wonder if LE spoke to the interviewer prior to, and told to him ask a question like that in order to judge CW's reaction! If I was being interviewed about missing family members, I'd smack a person that asked about my shirt:mad:

I think that's exactly what LE implored the interviewer to do. Maybe not specifically about the shirt, but I think they encouraged the interviewer to change the subject to something mundane, to something he may not have rehearsed, to see if any of his body movements or inflections changed.
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