Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #29

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By watching her videos. Reading her posts. She made it all happen, being sick and feeling lousy and all. He was her not so helpful partner. She accomplished quite a bit in her life. Him. Not so much. I think he is stupid because of all the stupid lies he told thinking he was going to get away with it. I also think leaving that sheet, that matched his sheets at home, in that oil field, ranks way up there on the list of the stupidest things criminals have done. And to those who say that sheet could have blown out of his truck bed, he was stupid to put it in his truck bed.
If I may ask then, are you basing your assessment of CW not being helpful by her SM posts and videos?
Do you think a so called "big shot" will end up taking this case for CW?

I know there is speculation as to CW’s financial status. He would need to either personally retain private attorneys or the attorney(s) would need to take the case pro bono. I have also observed cases where the court appoint private attorneys.

To be honest, I’m surprised a “big shot” hasn’t taken on the case. The case is garnering national attention on a nightly basis (thanks to AB). Cases like these present an opportunity for a little-known attorney to become a household name (i.e., Jose Baez).
In MN you pay 30% for child support, I think. Do working women get alimony? I heard alimony is difficult to get.

If they had 50-50 custody, does anyone pay child support?

I wonder what rent is there. The house prices are too much for either to purchase a house.

Could she have gone to NC without his approval? In MN, you could not move without agreement.

To me, getting divorced was a lo$er. Maybe he wanted a gf and maybe he wanted to play the field and not be encumbered. Who knows. If he stayed with the
AP, she has an income so that would make him more secure financially.

Divorce would have been very costly.Cheaper to start with a blank slate and money from the house sale.
I think he considered the kids as an extension of SW.

He might have gone into the depth of it, thinking, "they'll grow up to be like their mom", but higly possibly, it was like "they'll be a hassle once she is gone". Remember, SW was a house bee. Interestingly, for many men with two girls a son would present a new thrill. Not so here.
Welcome, britelite! :)

You've inadvertently hit on exactly what has been bothering me about the video and related discussion.

I realize that we can sleuth CW as an admitted murderer, and unfortunately we can sleuth SW because CW accused her of murdering the girls.

But WS is inherently victim friendly, and Bella and CeCe are innocent victims here. Analyzing their reactions to water play of that kind feels like it goes beyond looking for reasons why the parent(s) did what they did, and are sleuthing intimate reactions of victims. CHILD victims. I feel creeped out even saying that.

There has been absolutely zero implication or accusation whatsoever from any side, any LE, any family member of either of them that Chris or Shanann sexually molested or abused those girls, and to implicate that based on a video of the children feels like it crosses a line. JMO.
This! 100%. I agree. No need for the video to be posted. It demonstrates nothing we need for this discussion. Imo
IMO, from the evidence presented thus far, including the family videos, and interviews with neighbors and friends, I do not believe Cece or Bella were being SA. I found out a few years ago that my best friend growing up was being SA by her stepfather. I think back on those years. She had few friends, and was rarely allowed to leave her house to go to birthday parties, play dates, etc. I'm sure the stepfather was terrified she would tell someone. It appears that Cece and Bella had numerous play dates, the family engaged in numerous social activities and I just don't think this was happening. JMO
Yes he did although the part that gets me the most is murdering his already born daughters. There has certainly been men and women who have murdered their spouse to be with their lover, but murdering their own flesh and blood just seems so rare. Of course there are honor killings but this isn't the case here.
I keep reading academic studies to learn more about child killers. Particularly, about spousal revenge killers. Most of them had a long history of mental illness. I don’t think SW fits the profile. I can’t believe she did it. She wasn’t selfish, she cared more about others than herself. Her life wouldn’t have fallen apart without CW. She had a lot going for her, and a great deal of love and admiration from those who knew her. People like that don’t kill their children. But human snapping is such an unpredictable occurrence. It happens.
There are tons of insider trading cases. These aren’t just tried at the federal level by the SEC, but also by states that have enacted their own version of the insider trading regs. These are considered white collar crimes, so we just don’t hear about them unless it’s a high-profile person committing the crime.

Same goes with disbarment proceedings. You only hear about those when the monthly state bar journal includes a blurb about it.

The general public expect the legal profession to hold themselves accountable to the law but unfortunately they, like any other profession, have some bad apples and some are rotten to the core.

Years ago a Queen's Counsel in the chambers where I was working was disbarred for failing to lodge a tax return from the time he joined the Bar - 38 years. It was Australia's most notorious example of it's kind. I'm unsure how he ever got to become a silk in the first place as he wasn't very bright, but obviously smart enough to get away with this for all those years.

What I find so disheartening these days is the lack of respect the general public hold for almost everyone in authority. Times have certainly changed since I was a girl.
I keep reading academic studies to learn more about child killers. Particularly, about spousal revenge killers. Most of them had a long history of mental illness. I don’t think SW fits the profile. I can’t believe she did it. She wasn’t selfish, she cared more about others than herself. Her life wouldn’t have fallen apart without CW. She had a lot going for her, and a great deal of love and admiration from those who knew her. People like that don’t kill their children. But human snapping is such an unpredictable occurrence. It happens.
Human snapping from being left pregnant for another woman has caused that as well imo
In MN you pay 30% for child support, I think. Do working women get alimony? I heard alimony is difficult to get.

If they had 50-50 custody, does anyone pay child support?

I wonder what rent is there. The house prices are too much for either to purchase a house.

Could she have gone to NC without his approval? In MN, you could not move without agreement.

To me, getting divorced was a lo$er. Maybe he wanted a gf and maybe he wanted to play the field and not be encumbered. Who knows. If he stayed with the
AP, she has an income so that would make him more secure financially.

Divorce would have been very costly.Cheaper to start with a blank slate and money from the house sale.
Apparently yes she could have moved back to NC without CW's approval.
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