Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #32

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IMO we don't have enough information to know for sure - I still have "what if".[/QUOTE

Chris Watts’ actions, his own words, the words of law enforcement, the words of professional analysts and psychiatrists and statistics and the fact that it isn’t uncommon for accused Family Annhilators to falsely point the finger at their wives make for an overwhelming amount of information to base an opinion upon. We are not required to believe men who have already lied several times or worry about their being “misunderstood” either.

Once a credible source comes forward to state otherwise and it has been presented as anything other than an opinion, it will be possible to seriously entertain the theory that SW might also responsible. Until then, I’m going with what the experts assert and I won’t be holding my breath.
Why do you think that he dumped the bodies and in oil tanks of all places?
I think that he may have intended to bury all three of them, but did not know how hard it would be to dig the Colorado ground and he ran out of time so after Shanann was buried, he made a hasty decision to drop the girls in the tanks. I think he may even have planned on coming back later to try and retrieve the girls' bodies and bury them when he had more time, but I'm not as sure about that part because I do not know whether the girls would have sank in the oil, floated, etc. He would have, though.
I don’t believe I have heard anything about abuse but SW had stated on her video
SW stated she lost everything. Had to start over. Her divorce was in NC. That is a 50/50 property division state so I don’t understand how she lost everything. But. NC has a very unique law involving adultry. The injured spouse can not only file a civil suit I believe but it may be considered in property division if adulterer used marital money towards affair purposes.
Wow. Two questions:

Are you saying that she’s an adulterer?

If so, are you saying that this is relevant to the murders of her and her family?
SO why wouldn't CW say this in his twisted "confession"? He would have said he was leaving for work. He didn't. You are postulating that there is yet another scenario, and she planned for him to find her and the girls? Are you saying she was going to commit suicide but instead he saw her in the act and killed her himself? WHY are people going to such lengths to make this confessed murderer's accusations play out? I guess it is just sport here, trying out all kinds of cockamamie scenarios? I agree with the posters who find it deeply offensive. It's disgusting to do this to a murder victim. Time for me to take another break. Bye. And I trust that some of these shameful suppositions will be something those posing them will want to erase when actual evidence is brought to court. Obviously we are all here discussing a case but when it comes to going along with the murderer's depraved falsehoods, it seems to be a pretty sick outlet. I will log myself off, thanks to those who understand, and to those I cannot understand, I am sure you mean better than it appears to me.

On this forum, we are allowed to discuss possible theories and both the prosecution & defense’s positions. <modsnipped unnecessary comment>
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Chris Watts’ actions, his own words, the words of law enforcement, the words of professional analysts and psychiatrists and statistics and the fact that it isn’t uncommon for accused Family Annhilators to falsely point the finger at their wives make for an overwhelming amount of information to base an opinion upon. We are not required to believe men who have already lied several times or worry about their being “misunderstood” either.

Once a credible source comes forward to state otherwise and it has been presented as anything other than an opinion, it will be possible to seriously entertain the theory that SW might also responsible. Until then, I’m going with what the experts assert and I won’t be holding my breath.

Although many have labeled CW as a Family Annhilator that hasn't been proven as fact and is only an opinion at this point.
Right, but I don't think CW showed any signs leading up to that point either.
What are your thoughts on his behavior after the fact? Not calling 911? Dumping bodies in crude oil? Showing no signs of remorse/devastation in his lying media interviews, IMO? Texting/calling his dead wife?
I don’t believe I have heard anything about abuse but SW had stated on her video
SW stated she lost everything. Had to start over. Her divorce was in NC. That is a 50/50 property division state so I don’t understand how she lost everything. But. NC has a very unique law involving adultry. The injured spouse can not only file a civil suit I believe but it may be considered in property division if adulterer used marital money towards affair purposes.
Here is a summary (since this video is 15 minutes long) of the video for anyone who doesn’t have time to listen or can’t access Facebook. If you can listen, please do, as it exemplifies everything our two VI’s @isalybra and @Colorado303, Shanann’s family and her friends say about her. It is positive, uplifting and inspirational.

She's in her office and says it’s a mess, so she's cleaning while the kids are sleeping and found one of her baby pictures. She holds it up for her viewers to see and tells them “it's totally CeCe,” but that she sees Bella in it too. She says she wants to do this live to talk about herself (vs. Thrive). She was inspired to do so after talking to a friend from high school who she's talked to off and on for the last couple of years but never really any in-depth conversation to get to know what's going in their life and vice-versa.

One thing that she has learned about herself is that she loves, loves helping people. She says she was in a place for a long time where she was very insecure, didn't feel good about herself, wasn't happy, was in a bad relationship and went through a really awful divorce. She lost her confidence and had to start over financially. Everything that she had doubted before came flooding back. Her boss at the time took her under her wing and helped her regain her confidence. In short, she went through a long struggle with her ex, but credits him for making her a better person. She says she always sees the good in the bad and promises her viewers that if you dig deep enough into your struggle, you'll see the good and the positive in it.

She was diagnosed with "health challenges" in 2010 which put her in a really bad place. She didn't feel good about herself and lost many friends because they didn't understand what was happening. She says, "I looked like this still, but my inside felt awful." At the same time she was in this bad place, she says, "I met my Chris." She says that he's been the best thing, besides her children, that has ever happened to her. He understood her struggles, was okay with her cancelling dates or reservations last minute because, "ten minutes ago I felt amazing, and then ten minutes later I didn't."

She believes that things happen for a reason and that God works in mysterious ways. She believes he places people in our lives at the right time. Her struggle that year helped her see her husband. She initially ignored his friend request, deleting it - fast forward 6 months to when she was diagnosed with her health challenges...he sent her another friend request and she said, "What the heck. We're never going to meet, it's just Facebook, right?" And they met, and they fell in love and she says, "I couldn't ask God for a better man in my life because he's so supportive. He takes care of me, he's becoming funnier…” “he's sexy, he's good looking and he does take care of our girls. He's probably the best father I could have asked for, for my children."

She says she has people in her life that just talking to them, makes her a better person. She says, "Make sure you have people in your life who encourage you and motivate you and compliment you." She says, "Find your purpose." She says the reason she loves Thrive so much is because she found a purpose and she feels amazing.

She says she felt like a failure because she never completed college she started into a bad relationship and quit college to take care of him so he could go to college, then never started back. When she did, she was diagnosed with her health challenges that limited her ability to concentrate and focus, which was really hard for her because she's not a quitter. If she fails, she picks herself back up.

And now, even though she didn't finish college, she has a purpose. It's a blessing to be able to help somebody and she no longer feels like a failure. She doesn't feel like she has to prove anything to anybody but herself, her kids and create an example of a good person for them - of a leader. That's her goal. At the end of the day, she wants to help whoever it is who wants a better life for themselves or their family. "I love helping people," she says. "I love motivating. I love encouraging. I love sharing passion with others. I love that." She defines success as being able to make a difference in someone else's life. She says that is huge for her.

She says, "I love you guys. Find your purpose in life. Find your purpose in every day. Find what it is that drives you to be a better person and cling onto it. Like, run with it." She says if anyone needs motivation, someone to boost them up, or someone to talk to, "I'm here." She says she can never have too many people to help motivate her, encourage her and to help make her a better person. She says, "You don't have to join my team...there's so much negativity in the world that we lose that positive feeling."

She wishes her listeners a wonderful day and tells them to do something today to make somebody else smile and be a better person. She tells them to teach their kids to be positive instead of, “…all this negativity we have going on. There's just too much of it. Our kids deserve better. I want my kids raised in a better world, so we need to make a better world, so make somebody happy today, find your purpose..."

She says that every day she writes down what she's grateful for. Today she was grateful for her children, of course. She's grateful for waking up feeling great and she's grateful that her job cut back her hours this week. She looked at the positive and now she has time to help other people. She has more time to spend with her kids and that's what she's grateful for.
Well if Shanann killed the girls, wouldn't Chris be super, super sad about this tremendous loss? Watching Shanann's dad at the court appearance showed a devastated father in grief. The day after his wife supposedly killed his darling daughters and disposing of their bodies in oil, Chris was well groomed and chatting happily about his favorite college sports team.
To me it seems like it's not just the idea that SW killed her children, but it seems (IMO) that there's also a "defense" of CW. It seems there is sympathy for him. Even if SW did kill her children, which I don't believe for one second, why should we feel sorry for CW? He is also a murderer and a cheater and a liar. It would make both of them horrible murderers not just SW.
You are correct, I misspoke and said "alimony" instead of "child care" - thanks! But he would have to contribute greatly to child care if she had full custody. Working from home with kids means taking time away from working to take care of the kids, IMO. And if he had the children half or full time, it would take considerable expense and time/responsibility, IMO.
Nah, that's the whole "schtick" of MLM and Thrive....that mother's can stay home and work and make great money without having to change the routines of them and their children or "waste" money putting them in daycare like you would with a regular 9-5 type of job.
I don’t believe I have heard anything about abuse but SW had stated on her video
SW stated she lost everything. Had to start over. Her divorce was in NC. That is a 50/50 property division state so I don’t understand how she lost everything. But. NC has a very unique law involving adultry. The injured spouse can not only file a civil suit I believe but it may be considered in property division if adulterer used marital money towards affair purposes.
What does her first divorce have to do with this case?
Have you ever heard of a father of three kids, who was not held responsible for at least half of their care, after a divorce? How would he expect that the court wouldn't ask for him to pay up?

How could child care be no issue, financially or responsibility wise? These were 3 very young children. They needed close supervision 24/7.

When someone wants a fresh start, it does not always include wanting to care for 3 young children on top of it. Who knows if his AP would want to take on 3 young children and the financial burdens/daily responsibilities.
Does anyone know how they determine child support in Colorado? Just wondering because where I live, day care costs are separate and in addition to child support. It could be $600 per month just for child care then child support on top of that. With 2 kids in daycare that would be a lot for the first few years. What percentage is it in Colarado? Is it based on combined salaries or just the payer of support's salary? It can be easily figured out if anyone knows. Jmo
All part of trying to get away with killing his wife/unborn son.
A loving father doesn’t do what he did. At a bare minimum, it is hideously selfish.

Concern for oneself over that of your loved ones, isn’t normal.

Desecrating the remains of your family in order to perpetrate a coverup, isn’t normal.

It is criminal. All of it.
*graphic thought alert
something I have a big beef with is the disposal.
call it luck.....chance ...circumstance....weakness (those sexy pecs must just be there for show!) but the fact he couldn't get shanann into the tank works for him.
because the decomp will be completely different and hard to establish exact time of death between the 3 bodies.
if they were all in the oil it would be easier to work out if indeed he killed the girls much earlier in the night as decomp should be consistant.:oops:

Well if Shanann killed the girls, wouldn't Chris be super, super sad about this tremendous loss? Watching Shanann's dad at the court appearance showed a devastated father in grief. The day after his wife supposedly killed his darling daughters and disposing of their bodies in oil, Chris was well groomed and chatting happily about his favorite college sports team.
And showing off his spiffy new shirt that Shannann had bought him. He looked clean, well-groomed, and rested.
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