Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #33

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Hello everyone!

I’ve been lurking here for a couple of weeks now and thought I might as well make an account.

I’ve been following this case extremely closely. I live in Colorado, about 60 miles from the Watts’ home and about 20 miles from where he left Shanann (Nico), Bella & CeCe’s bodies.

This case has struck a chord with me that I can’t quite explain.
Hello everyone!

I’ve been lurking here for a couple of weeks now and thought I might as well make an account.

I’ve been following this case extremely closely. I live in Colorado, about 60 miles from the Watts’ home and about 20 miles from where he left Shanann (Nico), Bella & CeCe’s bodies.

This case has struck a chord with me that I can’t quite explain.
Welcome wastedglitter! Glad you decided to join us here!
I didn't cry the night my son died. Some kind of adrenaline kicked in and I was just moving on fumes. However, some friends came over to my house and started cleaning and stuff. Two friends cooked us dinner. I mostly sat in the bed and stared at the TV. When my cooking friend came up and asked me for a potato peeler, I finally burst into tears. Why? Because we didn't HAVE a potato peeler and I was embarrassed to admit that I just used a little knife.

I didn't do television interviews, but I did plenty of other interviews: with KODA for organ donation, with the newspaper, with LE, the coroner, and the countless friends who filed in one after the other to help. For the most part, I was composed, steady-voiced, and articulate. That is, until someone said something off the wall.

I yelled at KODA when, during the interview, they asked me how often my son drank alcohol and smoked. (He was a small child.) I yelled so loudly at them, and used so many choice words, that the police officer standing next to me actually chuckled out loud. It's not something I would do under other circumstances.

Yeah, grief does weird stuff to you.

On the day he died, I had dressed with care, since I was getting ready to go to my book signing when I discovered him. The shirt and skirt combo was one I'd purchased the week before. He'd been with me in the store. It was a whole day of us together. At one point someone, who didn't know what else to say, told me that my outfit was "cute." I felt like I'd been punched in the gut because it immediately reminded me of how much fun we'd had on the day I'd bought it. And how we'd never be able to do that again. I honestly can't imagine preening to the camera, laughing a little, and talking about said outfit like CW did about his T-shirt.

The couple that came over fixed my favorite meal: fried salmon patties, macaroni and tomato juice, mashed potatoes, and cornbread (I'm a southern mountain girl). It was all gorgeously cooked. And I took one bite and threw it all up and had to go back to bed.

I slept all right, but only after they dosed me with lethal levels of Tylenol PM. I hated sleeping. Hated it because there was always this second upon awaking in which I'd forget about what happened. For just a second or two, life would feel "normal" again. And then reality would come sliding in, hitting me in the head like a brick. It was absolute torture.

There are other child loss parents on this board. I am certain that while the details of our experiences may vary, they probably have similar stories to mine.
{{{Oh, Sweetheart}}}
Just adding something to think about regarding the oil tanks but as I haven’t followed this case very closely, I might be way out in left field.

But how do we know the oil tanks were full when the bodies of the girls were put inside? Maybe they were empty, access to the empty tanks was through the larger door at the bottom and the tanks were filled later from the smaller hole at the top?

I assume the larger bottom door was for the purpose of cleaning the tank of sludge and settlement. Was CW involved in the process, maybe even involved in bolting the larger doors shut prior to an oil shipment?

One reason I wonder if the tanks were frequently filled and emptied is the price of oil is quite high and when that occurs, often oil tanks are used for shorter term storage prior to sale.
In addition to numerous new articles that tell us the oil tanks were full, nearly full, or that the bodies were submerged in oil, one of the defense motions makes it perfectly clear. DNA SWAB OF THROATS OF DECEDENT CHILDREN.pdf
"Defense counsel had an opportunity to speak with a DNA expert this morning. This expert advised that even though the bodies of two of the decedents have been in an oil well filled with crude oil for several days, DNA would still be present."
Hello everyone!

I’ve been lurking here for a couple of weeks now and thought I might as well make an account.

I’ve been following this case extremely closely. I live in Colorado, about 60 miles from the Watts’ home and about 20 miles from where he left Shanann (Nico), Bella & CeCe’s bodies.

This case has struck a chord with me that I can’t quite explain.
Welcome to WS @wastedglitter. It's great to have you here with us. :)
Could also be a hickey (somebody here said it looked like a bite mark/shape), maybe from whenever he used the babysitter. Saturday, wasn't it?

Since we’ve heard about the tanks, I’m wondering if the babysitter on Saturday night was babysitting the girls while he prepped that site. I’d heard he’d been “at a work function” and speculations of a date at a casino but it seems to me more probable that he was setting things up for the next evening now.
Just adding something to think about regarding the oil tanks but as I haven’t followed this case very closely, I might be way out in left field.

But how do we know the oil tanks were full when the bodies of the girls were put inside? Maybe they were empty, access to the empty tanks was through the larger door at the bottom and the tanks were filled later from the smaller hole at the top?

I assume the larger bottom door was for the purpose of cleaning the tank of sludge and settlement. Was CW involved in the process, maybe even involved in bolting the larger doors shut prior to an oil shipment?

One reason I wonder if the tanks were frequently filled and emptied is the price of oil is quite high and when that occurs, often oil tanks are used for shorter term storage prior to sale.
You should go back to the beginning of thread 33, this one, Layla posted the AB interview with the oil tank expert. There was some detail about how long it would take a pump to fill them, etc. AB said that she had a tip that the tanks were full and it took 8 hours to empty the tank to get the children, and how many barrels of oil it was, I just don't remember the details. But, if it all was correct, it was some of the most specific info we've had on the operation of the tanks, and size of the holes in the tanks.
Yes I am. Having the victim described as a bad mother repeatedly, a child abuser, when CW is the accused, is one thing but how can these remain once CW is proven to be the murderer of his daughters. Show me a thread where the victim is bashed like this?

....or maybe split the thread and have those who want to discuss theories and facts in one thread and those who just want to make wild internet diagnoses and emotional outbursts in another. That way both theories could get discussed and those who only want a sounding board for their insults wouldn't get offended.
Since we’ve heard about the tanks, I’m wondering if the babysitter on Saturday night was babysitting the girls while he prepped that site. I’d heard he’d been “at a work function” and speculations of a date at a casino but it seems to me more probable that he was setting things up for the next evening now.

I haven't read anything regarding a babysitter, work function or casino. Will you please provide a link? TIA
So, if it is true that he put them into the oil, no plastic covering them, then that is more evidence that he was the one that strangled the girls. IMO

IF he was not the killer, why would he want to erase all of the evidence that his wife was the one who strangled the babies? That makes no sense to me. NONE.
I was only half watching the AB show last night, but IIRC when she was talking to Steve Helling, he mentioned that a " non porous bag" was found at the tank scene. (ie plastic) .
Good morning everyone.
NuttMegg, I was measuring everything in my kitchen too!
The only thing remotely close is my KitchenAid mixer bowl.
So, Its slightly bigger than 8 inches, almost 9.
My pupper wasn't very happy with me. :oops:o_O:rolleyes:
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In this article it is mentioned that he could have gotten Celeste through the "upper hatch" with large amount of force and crunching her bones (dear lord!!!):
Chris Watts: The crime scene at CERVI 319 just got a LOT more complicated
At least your puppy warmed my heart in this gruesome case. Thank you.
Yes I’d read the tanks were quite full when the bodies were recovered. What I was wondering is if it’s known when they were filled. If the information hasn’t been released to the general public, LE and oil company would certainly know.

A highly speculative scenario based on that thought - the girls were murdered first by CR, their bodies placed in empty oil tanks. SW is murdered later when she arrives home and CR transports her body to the same location intending to place her in one of the empty tanks as well but discovers the tanks have since been filled, thus the shallow grave.
I've read on AB fb speculation about the girls taken to the tanks a day earlier, I haven't thought that one through.
Imo, CW knew SW couldn't fit through the small hatch, so burying her near the tanks, to me, suggests he did all this in one go, dropped the girls in the tanks and then buried SW.
That's interesting theory that the tanks were filled later, could have been very risky for CW though if someone opened the 'manhole' at the bottom and discovered the bodies. I think the tanks were full or nearly full.
It is just sickening isn't it? And some are still defending him and trashing her.
It is really odd that so many women defend him & pick apart everything about Shannan EVERYTHING. I sometimes think it's purely jealousy. She was attractive & had a wonderful personality. Or is it subconsciously because they think she should have seen the monster he was about to reveal? Do they think she should have done more to protect her children ? Are they afraid because the Watts relationship reminds them so much of their own? I believe they think if she had looked different, been less alpha and more beta, a poor housekeeper, a mediocre mother and wife things would have been much different. I just don't get it at all.
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