Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #33

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Was CW the jealous type? I'm probably reaching here, but maybe he didn't think Niko was his? SW conceived (est. 4/30) right around the time she was in New Orleans (est. 4/27). CW didn't go on that trip.
I sincerely doubt this.

I don't think he acted the way he did because he may have thought Niko was not his child.

And I don't think SW was the type to cheat.
People express emotions in different ways.

You can be angry and vocally raging, angry and quietly seething, angry and hysterically crying.

But, you're still feeling anger.

This man showed no signs of grief where EVERYONE with the capability to, would. They may not show it in the same way, but it would still be there.

IMO he didn't show any emotion relevant to the interview topic. I'm in UK and we have had a few cases where the public appeals are by the offender example the shannon Matthews case, Ian Huntley, tracey Matthews you either get dry tears, over emotional, over involved, something! CW spoke as if he was being asked about a missing family he hadn't met. If my partner went missing with my two children I'd be frantic with worry and terrifying possibilities I wouldn't be able to conduct an interview.
Have there been cases were parents have attacked and killed people who've molested their children? Do they normally hide the bodies, or do they normally say "yeah, fair cop guv but I had a good reason for what I did!"
Yes it’s happened. I recall Gary Plauche who famously shot and killed his son’s sexual abuser.

It was captured on camera by a news crew, who was filming the suspect’s return from California to face charges in Louisiana.

Plauche received a suspended sentence and probation.

Good ol’ southern justice.
I still don't understand. Why wouldn't we assume donwonw who just list their family
Feelings aren't ridiculous, no. Presumptions about how one is feeling by just looking at them is, imo. The insistence that people in certain situations only feel a certain feeling is what I was referring to.

Obviously I wasn't clear.
I don't know what other feeling there are to assume they would have. No-one has suggested they should feel happiness, or excitement. Just the normal response, or what you would expect. I still don't see how presuming one would feel grief after killing or losing their children or wife could be perceived as being ridiculous. If someone has just lost a loved one, why would it be ridiculous to assume they would be devastated, or in pain, or hurting? It is a normal reaction. It's really not that difficult to recognize what is not. Jmo
If he were innocent, had just lost his whole family upon seeing his wife kill his children, it is logical to expect to see some expression of grief from him. As I have posted repeatedly, everyone expresses grief differently but I have yet to see anyone not express it at ALL. Even those who went into shock and kind of floated through the first few days still usually show some outward form of loss. It is my opinion, as a child loss parent who has worked with literally thousands of other child loss parents, and as a former family therapist who has written and published a book about child loss and grief, I see no signs of grief in CW in those porch interviews.

That's what I would think! I mean I have experienced that kind of shock phase. It's like an electricity going through your body. Keeping you going forward, handling things. This grim nightmarish march forward.

But it doesn't include grins or giggles. It doesn't include concern for your own welfare. It's a hollow eyed sleepless hell.

Never in my life have I seen anything CLOSE to approximating this man's reactions.

I would say I've seen close to his demeanor in very sick or psychotic people. But that's accompanied by...actual psychosis. Which he shows no signs of. And it does not accompany clear efforts to conceal. And lying. Not like that.

I've been trying to understand this unique perspective but I'm not getting anything to hang onto. No exmaples. No scientific articles. Nothing.

And we live in a digital age. If there was a hint of this occurring anywhere else ever, in an innocent man, I feel it would exist.
A friend said on facebook that he wasn´t feeling well, it was really early in the morning. I read it and the strangest feeling came over me and my first initial feeling was he is dying. Due to fibro it takes some time for me to get mobile so I couldn´t rush over. While I waited for my body to respond I convinced myself that I was overreacting. He died and this happened a month ago and I am grieving his departure. I wonder too what made NUA act so quickly. Thank God she did.

scandinavian girl, how many times we feel, "I wish I did this, what if I did this", thinking we may have prevented the 'departure of a loved one'.
It is after the fact, sometimes for years, these thoughts are with us.
I would think, NUA is also wondering, 'how could she have intervened earlier'. Perhaps SW confided to NUA about CW, and the marriage, and what NUA could have suggested to prevent this revolting outcome.
Those thoughts may be constantly there.
I've been through sudden, horrific trauma. And sat in a room with 35 families who went through the same thing, for days during the aftermath.

And we've all seen it. Over and over and over. Following cases for years. Watching the news for years. Seeing people in hospitals, at accident scenes, listening to 911 calls.

People react in different ways. True. But one does not need a degree in behavioral science to know what someone DOESN'T look like or act like the day after going through unimaginable horror.

I challenge anyone to show me just ONE example of an innocent human that has behaved like that after losing his whole family. Just one example to counter the thousands of examples of guilty murderers acting just like him.


That's what I would think! I mean I have experienced that kind of shock phase. It's like an electricity going through your body. Keeping you going forward, handling things. This grim nightmarish march forward.

But it doesn't include grins or giggles. It doesn't include concern for your own welfare. It's a hollow eyed sleepless hell.

And this hell would be visable to everyone around you, even if shock had numbed you, outwardly you would look shattered
Not necessarily scared for anybody in particular. Scared and stressed from the events in general. I would imagine the reality of the recent events had to be horrific. jmo

"Scared" is not what someone feels after witnessing horror and knowing the terrible finality of the aftermath. That's what one feels before or during the horror itself, in fear of what that aftermath might be. Like death.

Respectfully snipped by me for focus.

I agree. I don't understand the insistence regarding people's emotions. There may be reactions and presentation which are more typical, but this whole "no, people only feel this emotion in these situations" seems rather ridiculous to me.

There was another post originally in there but isn't now, whose absence may possibly have added to any confusion.
Yes it’s happened. I recall Gary Plauche who famously shot and killed his son’s sexual abuser.

It was captured on camera by a news crew, who was filming the suspect’s return from California to face charges in Louisiana.

Plauche received a suspended sentence and probation.

Good ol’ southern justice.

I loved that.
Was CW the jealous type? I'm probably reaching here, but maybe he didn't think Niko was his? SW conceived (est. 4/30) right around the time she was in New Orleans (est. 4/27). CW didn't go on that trip.
I'm thinking it has more to do with his wanting to put his past, and responsibilities behind him. Jmo
Everyone has varying levels of sensitivity and depth of emotion. There are people who come off fairly cold and unbothered by things all the way to people who are clear empaths. I fall on the very emotional scale and I wear it on the surface. My husband smashed his finger at work today and I burst into tears when I saw it because I can't bear to see him hurt. I'm just wired that way.

Despite the range people feel and the fact that I personally can't relate to someone smiling and showing off his shirt after his children were murdered, IMO that extreme level of detachment is only possible if you're the sole killer. It's just not normal nor rational to watch your babies be murdered and look fresh, rested and completely unconcerned (until the police were called).

And it isn't just in front of the cameras, he didn't care about looking for his family at all, chowed down on pizza and talked about how he appeared on TV to where the Thayers were alarmed and traumatized.

I agree with @gitana1, I would very much be interested to see even ONE example of an innocent father who was smiling and looking freshly rested after his children were just murdered by someone else.
Well said PommyMommy!

I hope, with permission from Tricia, we could have some of the more distasteful posts removed, by one or more of us posters, we could have temporary mod capabilities :p. I imagine this could be arranged once more damning evidence is revealed against CW, hopefully well before the trial is even underway.
SW is the victim and this is a victim friendly site. JMO

As I post, (this morning for me here, and am behind), I haven't come across, a group, I have identified, that have been quite distasteful.
Perhaps, the narrow opening of the tank, has shown them, what CW is capable of doing.
I hope so.
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I still don't understand. Why wouldn't we assume donwonw who just list their family

I don't know what other feeling there are to assume they would have. No-one has suggested they should feel happiness, or excitement. Just the normal response, or what you would expect. I still don't see how presuming one would feel grief after killing or losing their children or wife could be perceived as being ridiculous. If someone has just lost a loved one, why would it be ridiculous to assume they would be devastated, or in pain, or hurting? It is a normal reaction. It's really not that difficult to recognize what is not. Jmo

I wonder if Flourish might be concerned that people who have less 'regular' reactions might be considered to by hiding something nefarious? Things like being numb and not crying, going to the funeral and just staring straight ahead and no tears, talking to people as though nothing happened, seemingly blocking out the painful event. I think that can happen to people and the tears stage doesn't hit them until weeks or months later.

The way I see it is that those people aren't going to give interviews like CW did. He showed so many deception indicators, it wasn't that he was in shock and disbelief and just had a different way of grieving, it was that he was purposely lying. Not that he was trying to fool himself that nothing had happened, but that he was trying to fool everyone else into thinking nothing happened.

Even if some of us would look at one of the former people doing an interview and say, "odd behavior!" I would certainly hope those body language and statement analysis experts would catch that something's not right, and it's not that they're showing guilt indicators but that the shock of learning of the death of their loved one is just affecting them in a very different way. I don't really think they'd then go on to give two-dozen deception indicators in a single media interview.

We discussed in an earlier thread that some people have something go wrong when they hear bad news or go to a funeral and they laugh. But a few people who've experienced that agreed that the laughing isn't like a normal smile, it's a sort of manic, out of control thing that you'd feel deeply confused over your body's reaction, deeply embarrassed. It shouldn't look like that Peterson killer whose face was covered in duper's delight.
It was reported a while back that the company made the decision to discard that oil after the girls' bodies were retrieved. The guest on AB estimated 700 barrels of oil was in those tanks? I haven't been keeping up with the price of crude lately, but that would cost them in the region of $35,000?

I would say that's another good reason to fire him.

And I wouldn't blame any company for firing an employee who hid the bodies of their family on company property!

How do they discard it? It is also environmental hazard, regardless of how you do it.
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