Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #34

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In the Casey Anthony trial multitudes of jurors were dismissed because they had already come to a conclusion that she was guilty.

That left a pool of jurors that no prosecution would want to pick from.

Releasing evidence about the way these children and SW died and were concealed after death -post mortem injuries, etc., would inflame a lot of people. One poster here stated he or she slid off the fence due to the experts on AB stating the oil tanks had 8 inch diameter holes (which means the bodies likely had to have been jammed, broken, crammed, to fit).

The prosecution surely doesn't want to be left with people for whom that isn't compelling evidence of guilt and depravity.

So, keeping that autopsy sealed makes perfect sense.

That may be disappointing for those convinced the state is hiding the COD because it's favorable to CW and right now they're in secret talks with SW's family to gently break the news that the charges are about to be dropped.

That, on top of the Rogue juror, who gets onto the jury saying they can follow jury instructions, but they have an ulterior motive. And/or will not listen to anyone else for the purpose of understanding.

And the most frightening scenario, is that Rogue juror becomes a jury Foreman as we have seen in this infamous case.
Or personal experiences make you better understand some motivations better than others, I can relate to SW in a lot of what I've seen others will relate to CW or how he is being portrayed
Yes, we can relate to SW because of our own lives, but nothing in the people's lives who are defending him and blaming her could possibly have any life experience of fathers dropping their children in crude oil.
Or personal experiences make you better understand some motivations better than others, I can relate to SW in a lot of what I've seen others will relate to CW

I agree. There are potential jurors who could emphasize with CW to a point. Until he kills a pregnant woman, and dumps bodies of children into oil drums.

Could the defense go with temporary insanity? He went crazy after his wife killed the kids, in a fugue state he diposed of the bodies, disassociated himself, and then, wondered where they went? Nope. That won't work.

He is not getting off on this. Too much evidence.
I believe his defense is that he killed her because she had killed the children, not that he killed her because she was a “witch” or he wanted a divorce. MOO

Yes, however there are a few problems with that defense.

One, he said she was 'in the process of actively strangling ' the 2nd child. So that means that his child was still likely to be able to be saved ---IF HE HAD CALLED FOR HELP.

But instead of getting help for his child, he made the priority to be the strangling of his pregnant wife. He could have just knocked her off the child and tried to help the baby and scream as loud as he could for help, and he could have pressed the panic button the the alarm. But he wasted 5 or 6 minutes or more, strangling his wife and killing his unborn son.

I hope there are a lot of parents on the jury. Because I think they will all agree that saving the children would be their first priority, over strangling their spouse. If he had hit her over the head to stop her, and then began CPR and called 911, then no one would have an issue with him killing his wife, imo. Because his intent was to save his child.

But his admission, that he strangled his wife, shows us that stopping her from the attack was not the main intention. There are plenty of quicker ways he could have done that, that were not automatically lethal and did not take up so much precious time, while he could have been helping the baby.
That, on top of the Rogue juror, who gets onto the jury saying they can follow jury instructions, but they have an ulterior motive. And/or will not listen to anyone else for the purpose of understanding.

And the most frightening scenario, is that Rogue juror becomes a jury Foreman as we have seen in this infamous case.
I have been on one of those juries where the first words a juror said was something that we were instructed to not discuss.
@liltexans can you please confirm whether discussions implying/claiming (i) SW had Munchausen by Proxy and (ii) suggesting CW wasn’t Nico’s father are not ok?

Yes, I can confirm that those discussions are not allowed. Again, we will need evidence presented by the prosecution or the defense to support that speculation and we don't have evidence at this time.
Sorry, I'm confused? Was this post directed at me? :confused:

Wait, nevermind. I think you quoted me by mistake?
I couldn't see the other person quoted... Carry on.
I have no idea! I will have to look back to see what I was responding to. Sometimes there are several quotes together. If I replied to the wrong post, I'm sorry!
Or personal experiences make you better understand some motivations better than others, I can relate to SW in a lot of what I've seen others will relate to CW or how he is being portrayed

Respectfully, he is being portrayed in the light of who he has shown himself to be, rather than interpretations of SM posts portraying a loving and supportive mother, wife, friend and entrepreneur providing for her family.

He, by his own admission has portrayed himself to be a murdering, cheating liar. He has portrayed himself to be a "man" capable of strangling Shanann to death and killing his unborn son in the process. Instead of calling 911 or attempting to save his babies, one of whom he claims was being actively strangled.

He has portrayed himself to be a "man" capable of loading his dead family into his truck and dumping CeCe and Bella one by one into separate oil tanks. And dumping Shanann and Nico into a shallow grave and shoveling dirt over them.

He has portrayed himself as a "man" who after doing all of this, minimally, can stand in front of a camera with a grin showing off his shirt.

He's shown me who he is, and I believe him.
But his admission, that he strangled his wife, shows us that stopping her from the attack was not the main intention.
BBM yep
Anyhow that whole story is so bogus, his passing right by the rooms where one kid is supposedly dead and blue, his wife is going berserk, what, silently but actively choking Cece? While he has to cross the house to get to the master bedroom to detect anything going wrong?
right. and they explained why. they wanted to protect the jury pool.

imo, that means they don't want everyone to think he is guilty. When that happens it is very hard to get a good jury. You end up with people who either NEVER look at the news or read papers, OR you get people who read the news, see the autopsy and the way he disposed the bodies and they still don't think he is guilty. And that is how Casey Anthony got away from her charges.

Bingo. Pretty uncomplicated.
INMO, making SW out to be a witch is gonna backfire spectacularly. Making her out to be a cheater, horrible Mother, anything, it just doesn't matter. You don't kill anyone for being crazy, you leave.

He was co-piloting or should have been. I dare them to be so ignorant to go there. Let them try to explain how he stood by - or was too distracted- and did nothing.

It’s not just the trigger man than gets convicted.
Just because we may be conditioned to victim blame, doesn’t mean that we should ever find it acceptable though.

Likewise, just because a person is a sociopath or psychopath, doesn’t make nefarious actions any more acceptable.

We have free will.

Yes-mental illness is not an excuse for bad behavior. It may be an explanation, but it certainly doesn’t make it ok.
Do not believe the reason to be not to taint the jury pool, as was implied in their response to releasing the results to the pubic, or for some other unknown reason? Just trying to understand. I can't help thinking there is some other reason that people are thinking of, which has yet to be revealed.
Is this so?? And if it is, what is the assumption?

Well the defense can fight this in due time if they feel the autopsy findings will give credence to the defense.
That, on top of the Rogue juror, who gets onto the jury saying they can follow jury instructions, but they have an ulterior motive. And/or will not listen to anyone else for the purpose of understanding.

And the most frightening scenario, is that Rogue juror becomes a jury Foreman as we have seen in this infamous case.

Which case?
Bingo. Pretty uncomplicated.

I believe, that the ideal juror is generally blue collar laborer type, in this case, the less educated the better, lower income, I will hazard a guess on young people, and possibly older men who are divorced. And younger women, who may crush on CW.
Somehow they always seem to be able to find jurors who live under a rock, so to speak. Look at all the headline-grabbing cases that they’ve managed to seat juries for.

That^^^ is the point. The State does not want to use jurors that live under rocks. Those are the types of jurors who cannot connect the dots, cannot use critical thinking skills, and figure out theories.

People who live under rocks, do not listen to the news, read papers, talk about what's going on in their communities. So they are often ambivalent, not real curious and kind of self absorbed. They live in their own little bubble and do not always understand others, or communicate very well.

That^^^^ is the type of jury the state is trying to avoid.
It has been suggested that CW’s body disposal method may have been symbolic, and in some way, loving.

I think he was just trying to get away with murder.
Loving himself and his own azz, yes. It is all about him. So smart and now, so single. Laissez les bons temps rouler!!

(I've been watching/reading the MSM news... so I'm a bit amped.)
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