Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #34

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You stated NUA used a key to enter. Do you know if SW gave her a key recently or if several people had keys to their home? I’m lucky bc my phone uses a phone app lock system so I don’t bother with keys.
I'm not sure where else she would have gotten the key. What is the relevance of several people having keys?
This is totally serious and not me being snarky at all...

Why do people put "mods please delete if not allowed"? In my experience as a mod on another forum, if it's not allowed then we just delete it whether the poster wrote that or not. As a mod, I've never understood posters who wrote this so I am wondering if I just missed something in internet etiquette along the way.

You are correct. Actually, those kind of disclaimers on posts tend to get the post removed and possibly earn a TO for the poster. The mods are very busy and we don't typically have time to sit on every thread and monitor every post. It is an expectation that our members will read our rules and TOS and will do their best to follow those rules and TOS.

If a poster is in doubt as to whether they are allowed to post something, they should check privately with a moderator before posting. But in general, if someone has to start a post with "mods, please delete if not allowed" then the poster probably knows they are posting something they shouldn't.
I guess it’s done in the hope that the mod will show some mercy on them if they’re violating the rules.

It shows acknowledgment that a post is questionable, and isn’t an intentional effort to violate the rules.

Whether it matters or not, well that’s up to the mods I guess.
You said that better than me haha
Unfortunately people are that judgemental. I thinks it's even important as a professional to listen very very carefully to your patients to find the right diagnosis if somebody has a real mental problem. What I noticed is that people often say "oh look what a sad face she had"// "she must have been crying"// "she looks depressive". Of course depression can be reflected on your face but it could also have been that it was her common look or she lacked from sleep or she had pain from her lupus etc. etc. etc. You can not say because somebody seems to look sad he/she has a depression or because someone seems to take his children to the doctors very often he/she is a hypochondriac or is a control freak or whatever.

And one thing makes me really really sad and even more angry when she is judged in her videos: those videos just caught a small moment out of her daily life and they can and will probably be seen in 10/20/30 years and people will still be judging her in 10/20/30 years but she can not make any difference. Even if she did "small mistakes" which now got mentioned under her videos she has absolutly NO CHANCE to make it better in the future. Never. She has no more years/months/weeks/days/minutes or even seconds. Because her life was cut short by her loving husband. I find that incredibly unfair and I hope that people take this in consideration someday when they call her a bad mother or wife. Life is learning and growing. But she has lost her's to the person some strangers now try to defend the best they can.
Did you ever see the movie, “Parenthood?” It was groundbreaking and one of the first movies to show what it really was like to raise children, the good, the bad, and the ugly. That’s what SW did with her life on FB, IMO. But those who are brave enough to allow themselves to be that transparent and vulnerable subject themselves to harsh criticisms and judgements from those who aren’t aware enough to know that their lives are no more perfect than SW’s. If any of them had a camera on them 24/7, they wouldn’t come out looking any different than SW, or you, or me.
You know, I seriously wonder if folks in "fly over" land have more sense. Would Casey Anthony been free with a jury trial in Montana or Colorado?

I don't think so. Folks here, don't have time for foolishness. CW will find some pretty harsh critics on his jury. Who will want to know why he didn't call the police when his wife went crazy.
Colorado is not exactly fly over land. And, Ted Bundy escaped from Colorado on murder trial. Folks in the South are serious about such cases, no doubt.
@mtnlites said:
This is totally serious and not me being snarky at all...
Why do people put "mods please delete if not allowed"? In my experience as a mod on another forum, if it's not allowed then we just delete it whether the poster wrote that or not. As a mod, I've never understood posters who wrote this so I am wondering if I just missed something in internet etiquette along the way.

I get what you mean. For me its because I'm new and when I first starting reading this forum I saw others do it. It's like I don't want to get in trouble yet! :)

I guess it’s done in the hope that the mod will show some mercy on them if they’re violating the rules.
It shows acknowledgment that a post is questionable, and isn’t an intentional effort to violate the rules.
Whether it matters or not, well that’s up to the mods I guess.

You are correct. Actually, those kind of disclaimers on posts tend to get the post removed and possibly earn a TO for the poster. The mods are very busy and we don't typically have time to sit on every thread and monitor every post. It is an expectation that our members will read our rules and TOS and will do their best to follow those rules and TOS.
If a poster is in doubt as to whether they are allowed to post something, they should check privately with a moderator before posting. But in general, if someone has to start a post with "mods, please delete if not allowed" then the poster probably knows they are posting something they shouldn't.
Glad you asked! I guess we know now...
I didn’t believe it either, but it’s doable. Unfortunately, CW figured that out as well.
Just imagine .. He had to put them down feet first, as he held their arms up high, looking at their contorted faces, as he twisted and shoved their little bodies into total darkness.

Then closed the lid. Twice.

That's right, we don't understand you, CW.
So, it was either a delaying tactic by CW to have LE and NUA wait for him to get back to the house. And/or, CW didn't want to go back and forth through that door when he carried the bodies out because the keypad could have kept track of his movements and time-stamp his going through the inner garage door.
Oh gosh, not sure what you are asking??
Vivint system...
1- I did a test on my inner garage door... it records the time the door is open, to the time door is closed. I propped it open for about 2 minutes.
2- when my door pad needed battery change, the system 'urged us' to change batts through home control panel, door panel (flashing red lights), phone app and email... it knows what you need, and TELLS you to fix it! lolol
Oh!! If you ignore a problem, you get beepbeepbeep from the home control panel, then a phone call from a LIVE person... I'm pretty sure they have 'everything' the police will need.
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Unfortunately people are that judgemental. I thinks it's even important as a professional to listen very very carefully to your patients to find the right diagnosis if somebody has a real mental problem. What I noticed is that people often say "oh look what a sad face she had"// "she must have been crying"// "she looks depressive". Of course depression can be reflected on your face but it could also have been that it was her common look or she lacked from sleep or she had pain from her lupus etc. etc. etc. You can not say because somebody seems to look sad he/she has a depression or because someone seems to take his children to the doctors very often he/she is a hypochondriac or is a control freak or whatever.

And one thing makes me really really sad and even more angry when she is judged in her videos: those videos just caught a small moment out of her daily life and they can and will probably be seen in 10/20/30 years and people will still be judging her in 10/20/30 years but she can not make any difference. Even if she did "small mistakes" which now got mentioned under her videos she has absolutly NO CHANCE to make it better in the future. Never. She has no more years/months/weeks/days/minutes or even seconds. Because her life was cut short by her loving husband. I find that incredibly unfair and I hope that people take this in consideration someday when they call her a bad mother or wife. Life is learning and growing. But she has lost her's to the person some strangers now try to defend the best they can.
Well said! SW hasn't a chance to make changes, no one is perfect, she didn't deserve to die!
This case has me contributing more of my opinions than ever because I feel so strongly about it! Over half my post count are trial tweets/msm links, I'm usually a lurker.

I'm trying to figure out the 'why' like everyone else but SW isn't part of the 'why', imo.
I don't care if she was 'the boss', the 'dominant one', it's irrelevant. This tragedy comes down to CW and whatever was going on inside his head! JMO
Just imagine .. He had to put them down feet first, as he held their arms up high, looking at their contorted faces, as he twisted and shoved their little bodies into total darkness.

Then closed the lid. Twice.

That's right, we don't understand you, CW.
That’s a grim likelihood. I didn’t even think about that. You’d think that’s the way he did it, feet first.

If either of them didn’t fit, he’d have to push down on their heads and shoulders.

Up close and personal, like the murders were.

Just imagine .. He had to put them down feet first, as he held their arms up high, looking at their contorted faces, as he twisted and shoved their little bodies into total darkness.

Then closed the lid. Twice.

That's right, we don't understand you, CW.

This sums it up. Great closing statement for the prosecutor. Leave the jury with this vision in their heads. Powerful. The tragedy is that it is 100 percent true.
Colorado is not exactly fly over land. And, Ted Bundy escaped from Colorado on murder trial. Folks in the South are serious about such cases, no doubt.

In my experience with friends on either coast, all the states between New York and California are "flyover states." But you're right about we folks in the south. We do take these things very seriously.

I did some unofficial crowdsourcing from a lot of the men in my town (ages 25-45, mostly farmers and factory workers, high school graduates or less, most with children, landowners, pet owners, married at least once but some multiple times, the majority with 4-wheel drives, and Caucasian because we sorely lack diversity here). Out of the 18 I asked, all of them knew at least a little bit about the case, none of them believe CW's story, and every one of them was dead set on "getting justice for them babies."

My area has a huge drug problem, is one of the poorest parts of the country, has a high unemployment rate, has a significant teen pregnancy and high school drop out rate, and more than half of the people are on some state or federal government program. People around here will totally cover for their family and friends, hide criminal activity, and actively lie to law enforcement without batting an eye. When it comes to crimes against children, however, all bets are off. It doesn't matter who you are-family, family friend, or the most likable person in town-they take child abuse and child death VERY seriously. Shoot another person over drug money? Eh, it happens. Accidentally run over someone while you're drinking? Oops! Harm a child? No way.

I've actually been surprised at how seriously our juries take such cases around here. You might think that in such a "mountain justice" area, they'd find the person guilty without even looking at the evidence if the crime is bad enough, but they don't. Like I said, they take crimes against children VERY seriously. Half the town may get arrested for public intoxication during our one and only high school's Homecoming, but when it comes to trials that involve children, every single one of us is all Law and Order: SVU. It's an odd place. I like it.
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I'm trying to figure out the 'why' like everyone else but SW isn't part of the 'why', imo.
I don't care if she was 'the boss', the 'dominant one', it's irrelevant. This tragedy comes down to CW and whatever was going on inside his head! JMO

I'm totally with you... :)

Everyone is accountable for their own actions!! And as I and many other stated already many times: even if she was the worst wife/mother on this planet (and no I don't think that this was case and never thought that!!) he could have left with or without his children. It was him who decided at one point of his life that he had to end it that way. And simply as that: I hope Chris, you pay for this.
Did you ever see the movie, “Parenthood?” It was groundbreaking and one of the first movies to show what it really was like to raise children, the good, the bad, and the ugly. That’s what SW did with her life on FB, IMO. But those who are brave enough to allow themselves to be that transparent and vulnerable subject themselves to harsh criticisms and judgements from those who aren’t aware enough to know that their lives are no more perfect than SW’s. If any of them had a camera on them 24/7, they wouldn’t come out looking any different than SW, or you, or me.
I own that movie, I love Steve Martin!
I totally agree, SW was a normal mother of this era, people need to check out more fb parent postings to realize this, imo.
I couldn’t find a similar one in Colorado - other states have different statutes (and standards for releasing vs withholding) so it’s apples to oranges...

JonBenet was Colorado, but in that case they didn’t have anyone arrested/charged - my understanding is once that line is crossed, things change...
What did they do with the autopsies of the movie theatre shooter’s victims in Aurora CO a few years ago?
But it only takes one juror to hang a trial. That juror could be an out-of-state transplant to CO.
Colorado may be in the middle of the country, but psychographics In Denver metro are more like California than the midwest. If the trial gets moved to a rural area, the jury dynamics will change completely.
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