Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #4

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Of course. I don’t think any of it was absolved that way. Wasn’t it closed super fast? I assumed they cancelled the case. But what I was saying was maybe they paid off their debts.
Oh, if you’re saying that all this talk about them being in a bad way financially is just speculation—I agree. We don’t know that they had any debts still in 2018, besides the mortgage and HOA issue (and probably car payments).
We really don’t know a lot at this point. All speculation beyond what the media has reported. I think we will find out more eventually though. It’s just that we know they had big financial problems as recently as 3 years ago. Could they really have been living the high life only 3 years later?

Yes. She jumped in to the MLM in 2016 and seemingly excelled. If you are good at it and know enough people to get to buy in and start selling, you start making money quickly. I’m sure they did have debt beyond the mortgage and the HOA but if so it’s not because of a lack of cash flow.

I have a friend deeply involved in two MLM’s (some essential oil thing and then the crappy leggings). She is a single mom and got involved in MLM to make some extra money for Christmas gifts for her two daughters. By February she quit her full time job and has never gone back to it

She brings in at least $10k a month on the leggings. A few years ago she was making 6 figures (NET annually after taxes and resupplying inventory) on Jamberry nail stickers. I only know this because I do her taxes. If you are one of the few who are good at this, there is definitely money to be made. Being very charasmatic and having a lot of gullible friends who have even more gullible friends is why it works for her.
Oh, if you’re saying that all this talk about them being in a bad way financially is just speculation—I agree. We don’t know that they had any debts still in 2018, besides the mortgage and HOA issue (and probably car payments).

Car payments were paid by her company according to her Instagram. If that is true maybe they sold their cars that were listed in the bankruptcy. That alone relieves quite a bit of debt.
Yes. She jumped in to the MLM in 2016 and seemingly excelled. If you are good at it and know enough people to get to buy in and start selling, you start making money quickly. I’m sure they did have debt beyond the mortgage and the HOA but if so it’s not because of a lack of cash flow.

I have a friend deeply involved in two MLM’s (some essential oil thing and then the crappy leggings). She is a single mom and got involved in MLM to make some extra money for Christmas gifts for her two daughters. By February she quit her full time job and has never gone back to it

She brings in at least $10k a month on the leggings. A few years ago she was making 6 figures (NET after taxes and resupplying inventory) on Jamberry nail stickers. I only know this because I do her taxes. If you are one of the few who are good at this, there is definitely money to be made. Being very charasmatic and having a lot of gullible friends who have even more gullible friends is why it works for her.

And a lot of those trips and stuff are free. They "earn" them.
I have a couple questions:

Why did she spend so much time in SC away from her husband?

How long had she been selling Thrive?

Why did they move away from family?
It was NC not SC where both S and C lived prior to CO. Apparently S was out there to stay with family for a long visit, and for at least one of the 6 weeks C was out there too Somewhere on her social media S says that it was great to be on a long visit to NC as she could work from anywhere and Did not have a traditional job where she needed to ask for time off.

In an Instagram post from around April I think she said she'd been selling Thrive for 27 months? So early 2016. She has a Linked In that says she was working in HR at a Children's Hospital in CO prior to 2016.

I don't know why the couple originally moved to CO from NC.
I don't know anything about her hiding bills or who was responsible for the family's finances, but MLMs are pyramid schemes and it's sad to see people sucked into them. People fall for the con and end up in so deep all they can do is to con others.
I think the people selling believe in the product that they are selling.
If they seek the death penalty, I believe a trial would be mandatory. I don't think a defendant can plead guilty with the punishment being death.

Ooh, this one I know!

You actually can plead guilty to a death penalty crime and receive the death penalty -- or at least, someone in Kentucky did so. The case went to the Supreme Court of Kentucky when objections were raised by people other than the defendant. The court ruled it was permissible if the defendant was competent, which this man was. So he was able to plead guilty, he received the death penalty, and he was executed within a few years.

Supreme Court case with some details about this: Competence to Plead Guilty and Seek the Death Penalty
My abusive ex used to get extra nasty and start a fight or break something of mine if I got "too happy." Meaning, laughing aloud at TV or doing my chores and singing, or coming home from shopping or an outing...:( Thank GOD I was able to leave him 15 years ago, but the hurts still seem fresh sometimes.

How awful. I'm so glad you got out of that. It's hell.
I am sickened beyond belief that the defense team is even hinting at making SW the guilty party. My goodness! She took her kids with her when she went back home to NC. And even in all those posed photos, you could tell that she loved her kids. Hope the cops are making this an airtight case.
Of course. I don’t think any of it was absolved that way. Wasn’t it closed super fast? I assumed they cancelled the case. But what I was saying was maybe they paid off their debts.
I wouldn't assume that they cancelled their 2015 bankruptcy. If they could have paid off their debts why would they have been seeking to discharge them under Ch. 7. The Radar Online story that includes a bankruptcy court doc says it was discharged three months after filed ,which means it went through and the debts were discharged in the bankruptcy.

I assume lots more will come to light about finances and what role (if any) such troubles were playing in the marriage.
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I am envisioning the law enforcement staff tasked with the job of fishing these two children out of crude black oil.
I think that the word "horror" is not enough.
Personally, I would be changed forever.

Seriously. It's easy not to think about them. And what they're carrying home. Great post, KALI.
"In Weld County, the return of filing charges date is an administrative court date that is held at the clerk's office," White said. "We will electronically file the charges and since the defendant is in custody, he will be served the paperwork by the Weld County Sheriff's Office in jail."

She added that Christopher Watts is scheduled to appear in court in person on Tuesday to be read his rights regarding the charges. He currently faces three counts of first-degree murder and three counts of tampering with a deceased human body, although that could change.”

Christopher Watts to be served charging documents in jail cell for Frederick slayings
You folks are fixated on her spending and not his. Plus some act like she was selling snake oil and tricking people to support her lifestyle.

She wasn't a gypsy, card reader folks. Lol. Come on.

When we are talking about MLM scams, it is about the "snake oil and tricks". She only makes her money by turning other people into "promoters", and pushing them to buy diet products, which are over priced to support the pyramid scheme. Most MLM sales directors spend more money than they actually earn. And in order to get people to buy into their products, the directors have to put themselves out on Social Media as having the "perfect fantasy" life; nice cars, exotic trips, parties.

Not victim blaming, it is MLM that forces people to spend beyond their means, with the constant pressure. Maybe CW wanted off the Merry go Round. Combine that with financial problems, a possible explosive relationship, add steroids, other drugs...narcissistic control issues. It is the "Jeffrey McDonald Syndrome".
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