Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #4

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Well, I could imagine him fuming that she was fine without him. Maybe his rage was building & building? Maybe he saw her independence and how much she loved & doted on the children as competition. HE wanted her complete attention (not uncommon for narcissists) and if she wouldn’t give it to him he was going to hurt her by hurting the kids & then her.

This makes a lot of sense. What a gross man.
Wow, that's terrific Thank you so much for posting that. Makes much more sense now.

I was thinking that there wasnt enough space for 3 bodies, but now am thinking maybe he deliberately wanted to spite her again in death by not having her in contact with her children.....

Evil bastad
I cannot even fathom what is in his head. This was all so senseless and evil. Lots of people have financial problems, low self-esteem, a partner that does not meet their needs or makes them feel small...but they don't kill, and they especially do not kill their children.
This case reminds me so much of Scott and Lacy Peterson. Even her parents were fooled. Eventually it came out that he was emotionally abusive to her. This is embarrassing to have a husband that puts you down and I think often women will put a happy face on to hide the shame that they feel when their husband does not value them. I bet CW, feeling in the shadows, did everything that he could to cut her down to size when they were alone which is why she was always flattering him in an attempt to pacify him and build his ego.

I dont know if it's so much that it's embarassing, it's more like that's what comes with marriage - accepting the other person's imperfections. Even if they start to feel this is now crossed over into abuse.
Whoever posted the wonderful aerials of the well site where the bodies were located, could you post on this thread? It was such an excellent photo and shows so many things.
@RavenCC2020 said:
Don't know if it is true or not but someone posting on one of her SM posts about how both her and hubby have free cars, refuted this and claimed it is not free, that 800 is deducted from their check every month for the car lease. She made it sound as if the lease was for the company and they let them drive it but it cost them 800 to do it. She said it was a con and just used for promotion purposes so SW and other sellers can say they got a car from Thrive. Again, I don't know how true that is. If true then Thrive is most certainly making money off that. You can lease a Lexus for less then that. I would not be surprised though if it is a con the company is using to make money from their promoters. Remember, they want to sell a "lifestyle" of success. Very manipulative if accurate. I can guarantee they deals with Lexus if they lease XX amount of cars they get a very, very low rate. They in turn charge their promoters 800/month per car which only cost them perhaps 250/month to lease.
Do you know where / which post?
I believe most of the "car talk" was on SW fb. I also think the "free car" is part of the script the "Team" is suppose to use publicly. Reading between the lines, I believe SW was receiving $800 from her sales earnings designated as "auto allowance" that is two fold: provides her with stylish transportation, and promotes the pyramid (i.e, I want a fancy car too so I will join and be a soldier under SW). SW also promoted car as a "low tier" benefit so easily achievable (cough, cough). More important, she also said that she received her $800 allowance for 26 out of 28 months so there were at least 2 months that she didn't achieve, and she didn't elaborate on why she didn't receive her allowance for those 2 months. Oh, also reported that CW was receiving an auto allowance but there were no posts, or photos on what he was driving with his allowance. IMO, seems most of these MLM products really prey on Mom's with young kids at home. Unfortunately, the founders and early members do in fact make BIG money but that only accounts for about 3% of the team and 97% are just soldiers dreaming of riches.
With their mortgage I m sure mortgage insurance would be required. With Shanann’s death, the house would be paid off.

Did he think she would be found and he would not be suspected? Would he phone in a tip or did he not care if he lost the house?

Really? With her death the mortgage would be paid off?

But she had to be declared dead, not just a missing cold case. The Obscene way the children were disposed of seems calculated to be as covert as possible in a very limited time frame. Not just like left in some woods to be found in a week or two but submersed in asphalt-like crude oil that might never ever be found
Really? With her death the mortgage would be paid off?

But she had to be declared dead, not just a missing cold case. The Obscene way the children were disposed of seems calculated to be as covert as possible in a very limited time frame. Not just like left in some woods to be found in a week or two but submersed in asphalt-like crude oil that might never ever be found

is it like motor oil
Right??!! I mean, if people continue to buy into these things and buy the products, who am I to judge someone who makes it work for them? That DailyMail article with her brother said she was making $140,000.

You know that is really sad. If what her mom's friend said about her planning to leave him was true and what her brother here said is true, she could certainly have started a new life riding on the wave of her income for as long as it lasts, lived in more humble digs for a couple of years to save as much as she could. then if she chose to move back home to NC where property is much more affordable and possibly pay cash for a home. In the very least, she could have a huge down payment/low mortgage which would allow her the freedom of working a less hectic job, more time with her kids and possibly meet someone else who treated her as she should be treated. He stole that from her and the kids. It just highlights to me what a true loser he really is. I call it small man syndrome and everyone has to suffer because of it.
I'm so baffled by this case. He just doesn't seem like a Scott Peterson. He's more awkward than cocky and arrogant. Shanann's love and thankfulness and praise for her husband on SM feels really genuine to me. Could this really have been completely out of the blue?

The third baby seemed pre-planned and wanted by both, confirmed by close friends. Though his reaction video didn't seem overly genuine.

I'm very curious to know what it was that raised alarm bells so quickly for her friend Nicole. So far it seems it's thanks to her that he is in custody so fast. I really do think he had plans to stage something that Monday afternoon and she ruined his plans, essentially blowing this case wide open. Good for her for acting on her instincts.
I think some abused woman put on a happy social media identity to make themselves feel better. I have a friend that way. I know she's in an emotional abusive situation. She knows it. But if anyone saw her FB page, they would think she was in the happiest relationship. Been with him over 20yrs, not married, but most people have no idea the hell she lives in. I don't know if people would believe me if I tried to tell others. But it's not my story to tell either! I know a neighbor did call police one time because of all the cursing and yelling, and she told the police he was working on a car and yelling at it, not her. Which of course was a lie.

I don't know what life SW lived....and I'm sure if this goes to trial, the defense will try to place blame on her someway, but I don't know if the majority of the people have a clue how her life was. Her closest friend may, her family may have no idea if there was abuse. My friend's adult children have no idea how she lives.
@RavenCC2020 said:
Don't know if it is true or not but someone posting on one of her SM posts about how both her and hubby have free cars, refuted this and claimed it is not free, that 800 is deducted from their check every month for the car lease. She made it sound as if the lease was for the company and they let them drive it but it cost them 800 to do it. She said it was a con and just used for promotion purposes so SW and other sellers can say they got a car from Thrive. Again, I don't know how true that is. If true then Thrive is most certainly making money off that. You can lease a Lexus for less then that. I would not be surprised though if it is a con the company is using to make money from their promoters. Remember, they want to sell a "lifestyle" of success. Very manipulative if accurate. I can guarantee they deals with Lexus if they lease XX amount of cars they get a very, very low rate. They in turn charge their promoters 800/month per car which only cost them perhaps 250/month to lease.

I believe most of the "car talk" was on SW fb. I also think the "free car" is part of the script the "Team" is suppose to use publicly. Reading between the lines, I believe SW was receiving $800 from her sales earnings designated as "auto allowance" that is two fold: provides her with stylish transportation, and promotes the pyramid (i.e, I want a fancy car too so I will join and be a soldier under SW). SW also promoted car as a "low tier" benefit so easily achievable (cough, cough). More important, she also said that she received her $800 allowance for 26 out of 28 months so there were at least 2 months that she didn't achieve, and she didn't elaborate on why she didn't receive her allowance for those 2 months. Oh, also reported that CW was receiving an auto allowance but there were no posts, or photos on what he was driving with his allowance. IMO, seems most of these MLM products really prey on Mom's with young kids at home. Unfortunately, the founders and early members do in fact make BIG money but that only accounts for about 3% of the team and 97% are just soldiers dreaming of riches.

they are saying financial problems

i would think starting out in this type of stuff would start a lot of financial strain if one has to put out money in advance

if it were a very affluent person who wanted to do it it seems like that would be doable

maybe it does not require a cash outlay on the sellers part??
Thank you! Thank you!

What has happened to our society??
When a beautiful woman with a positive attitude gets 'bashed' about smiling & thankful, uplifting messages on her Facebook & Instagram?!
I made it past the #3 thread - gritting my teeth - only got a few pages into #4!!! Couldn't take it any more!! Logged in just to comment about this very thing & your post was the first I saw. ♡♡♡ THANK YOU!

At this point it feels like Shanann has been scrutinzed and internet diagnosed more than CW.

She may have been a horrible overspender, a snake oil salesman, and forced them to live beyond their means (none of which I really believe, even if I don't get Thrive) but none of that would warrant HER murder, much less the murder of the children.
is it like motor oil

One of the prior posters (maybe in Chapter 3) described the crude as much thicker than motor oil and gets more and more thick like asphalt the longer it sits in a tank. A really horrible situation, as it sounds like those two tiny little bodies would be encased in a dense asphalt-like material that would be extremely difficult to remove or examine.

Again, a kind of defiling of their bodies in death that is, indeed , obscene and revolting. Outside the parameters of even other despicable killers
somewhat confused about some of the wording makes me wonder if he was actually employed at this time

the spokesman made it sound like he worked there in 2015

they specifically reference paystubs from 2015 - why is that relevant in 2018

not really sure where the lack of ambition angle comes in --at some point he was pulling 61K which aint great but there would have to be some skill set I would assume

but how come none of us know what he did at work - all that i have seen reported is a name of a giant outfit

what did he Do for these people?

folks are saying they did a lot of downsizing I wonder if he got laid off

all the tense is in the past he worked

i get that he got fired wed but the story had been going a bit why before the reported confession did any reporter not give actual position at place of employment

so many things are strange

days of alleged and reportedly confessed really hang me up folks

where is the notion that family convinced him to confess coming from I have not seen that in one article?

He must have been working because several of the articles have stated that he was fired this past Wed.
I think she was the one one holding the pursestrings. He strikes me as willing to be passive and uninvolved

Yep! And she owned a house previously and probably put it on the new house. She may have thrown that up alot...being more invested in the house,
One of the prior posters (maybe in Chapter 3) described the crude as much thicker than motor oil and gets more and more thick like asphalt the longer it sits in a tank. A really horrible situation, as it sounds like those two tiny little bodies would be encased in a dense asphalt-like material that would be extremely difficult to remove or examine.

Again, a kind of defiling of their bodies in death that is, indeed , obscene and revolting. Outside the parameters of even other despicable killers

I imagined the horror of those retrieving those asphalt bodies looking like little tar babies unrecognizable and dripping with crude.
Do we know for sure they were in the same tank? I could swear they said early on that one was in oil and one was in some sort of gas.
ITA with all the speculation that he was likely emotionally abusing her & dragging her down in private, and that the SM posting about his amazingness for putting up with the burden of three ‘women’ in the house etc served to
1) deny to herself the misery of being with him
2) hide from their friends and family what was going on
3) attempt to soothe his damaged psyche with the hope that he’d become satisfied & stop tormenting her.

MOO speculation this poor woman was victimized by this jerk for a long time, not just at the end of her tragically cut-short life. Given the summer spent almost entirely apart, seems she was in the process of giving up her denial of his poisonous nature. As many others have wisely said, this is the moment when a mistreated woman is most at risk of murder.

Further to her victimization, most people involved with the scam of a pyramid scheme are primarily its victims. Their only hope of diminishing their victimization is to recruit others beneath them (their “downline” IIRC) onto whom the victimization can be shifted.

Not all MLMs are necessarily pyramid schemes but in practice most modern ones are. A pyramid scheme is one where the primary profit for participants comes not from selling a product but from recruiting others to one’s “downline.” Pyramid schemes are illegal.

IDK about Thrive but the SM focus on supposed success and so-called perks of being involved with Thrive strongly suggest MOO that SW needed to recruit others into selling Thrive as well, not just buying the product. However because this need is evidence of an illegal pyramid scheme, the trapped participant can’t be open about it. (The supplier provides firm rules for what participants can and can’t say.) Hence the need to push what a “success” one is on SM.

As I said IDK about Thrive (tho now I am curious) but if it is the pyramid scheme it appears to be, poor lovely Shanann was being additionally victimized by a predatory business hoax in addition to a predatory monster husband

Edited for typos & I guess I used an impermissibly nasty term to refer to him, oops
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