Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #4

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I'm so baffled by this case. He just doesn't seem like a Scott Peterson. He's more awkward than cocky and arrogant. Shanann's love and thankfulness and praise for her husband on SM feels really genuine to me. Could this really have been completely out of the blue?

The third baby seemed pre-planned and wanted by both, confirmed by close friends. Though his reaction video didn't seem overly genuine.

I'm very curious to know what it was that raised alarm bells so quickly for her friend Nicole. So far it seems it's thanks to her that he is in custody so fast. I really do think he had plans to stage something that Monday afternoon and she ruined his plans, essentially blowing this case wide open. Good for her for acting on her instincts.

yeh i dont get this cunning manipulative bright guy (like peterson ) either

i actually get a rather simple slow thinking southern man

his presentation certainly did not portray this sharp witty even smart dude

i don't think premeditation either

feels more like a horrible out of control impulse thing - that might not have even started with intent to murder -- i think she told him that night she was in love with someone else and WAS leaving .

and he shoved her and she was dead or seriously injured and he totally freaked out

the kids came running in

he was berserk

then what does he do - inconsistent stuff - if your digging a grave why not put all three in

the notion that he put the kids in to prevent smell why not put the wife in she was petite

i just think he totally lost it

a sociopath generally does not confess in what 36 hours

i think the confession ( if he did) was much more out of remorse and shock at what went so out of control

with the passage of a little time the thought of them in the gas tanks wore on him

dropping deceased kids into a giant oil thing does not really seem premeditated it seems more panicky

if anything seems like a guy that would avoid conflict

his neighbors description of him is congruent with the above notions

i found the females reporter with them stunning ( at the time I did not know about the weight stuff and how he looked before )

she asked him did the exercising seem to give him more confidence -- which makes sense now - and they said no

even coming up with that question seems at some level the female reporter there had some sense that he was an shy introverted quiet man if that makes sense

also somewhat bewildered by the neighbors two totally opposite responses to an affair in one interview adamant no (her husband corroborated ) in the next possibly

apparently the two guys jogged together

i think males would share an affair with one another

generally speaking of course

at this point ( him in jail for the rest of his life ) and them deceased at this point in time i would think the male if he knew would chime in

those two and him seemed very homey ( tgiving dinners playing uno etc)

i did not get a sense of the four of them bar hopping

at the same time it would make some sense that a guy that looked the way he did in the presentation and probably his whole life prior might want to see if his new look was attractive also makes some sense

I also think a month and half away from spouse is a trial separation

I think getting back from that would indicate that she had made some decisions and they were revealed that night

his description ( as a male ) of an emotional conversation and "lets leave it at that " is reflective of finally realizing it is over

I also think if the separation also included that she had fallen in love with someone else - might add to stuff that night

does anyone deserve this of course not

its just does not feel like this planed event

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CW doesn't strike me as an especially intelligent guy. He's like Drew and the others in many ways, but I don't think he has their smarts. To me in that interview he looked like the walls were closing in on him not like he was in control and outsmarting everyone.

What is it with Peterson men...Scott Peterson, Drew Peterson?
Do we know for sure they were in the same tank? I could swear they said early on that one was in oil and one was in some sort of gas.

I remember that comment, too, from early on.

We likely might not know until Tuesday's arraignment, if that.

I dont really think he had a lot of time to go climbing up and down tanks as dawn is starting to break and might have chosen the simpler option of putting both in one tank.

But you are correct. That was mentioned. Maybe its in Chapter 2 of the threads on this topic
I think some abused woman put on a happy social media identity to make themselves feel better. I have a friend that way. I know she's in an emotional abusive situation. She knows it. But if anyone saw her FB page, they would think she was in the happiest relationship. Been with him over 20yrs, not married, but most people have no idea the hell she lives in. I don't know if people would believe me if I tried to tell others. But it's not my story to tell either! I know a neighbor did call police one time because of all the cursing and yelling, and she told the police he was working on a car and yelling at it, not her. Which of course was a lie.

I don't know what life SW lived....and I'm sure if this goes to trial, the defense will try to place blame on her someway, but I don't know if the majority of the people have a clue how her life was. Her closest friend may, her family may have no idea if there was abuse. My friend's adult children have no idea how she lives.

Yes. This. A family member of mine was married to an unstable abusive man. They are no longer married because he died recently. But judging by most of her social media, he was the perfect husband. But I know for a fact that he was far from it. I always wondered why she felt the need to post such BS. And in person, she would complain about him. She would tell us “I’m not going to put up with his crap anymore” but continue to put up with it and paint the perfect social media picture during their honeymoon phases. He didn’t have much interest in the kids but you wouldn’t know it from social media.

I’m not saying SWs posts weren’t genuine. They may of been. But they also may of not been. She may of been trying to convince herself and her also her husband that they were a great team. I take social media posts of people I don’t know too well with a grain of salt these days. Her friend Nicole must of known something. If I thought my friend had a great marriage and a great husband, I wouldn’t of assumed the worst immediately. I would assume she got caught up in something or maybe got sick or I would of stopped by before calling the police that fast.
Ok this is creepy. CW YouTube video presentation on “The deterioration of relationships” from 2012

Wow, very odd that this is the topic he chose for his communication class. I thought it was interesting that in one spot he contradicts the expert he cites. The expert claims that usually it is the better looking of the two who will leave the relationship and he chimes in I don't think that's true. Hmmm, so that begs the question, did he consider her more attractive or himself.

Anyway, strange and creepy aside, if I were his professor he would have not gotten a high grade for that horrible presentation. A public speaker he is not! Snoozefest
Just want to add, in case it hasn’t been said already, he wasn’t necessarily cheating with another woman!

And if he was fooling around with men behind her back, he may have been less likely to share that with his jogging buddy.
Whoever posted the wonderful aerials of the well site where the bodies were located, could you post on this thread? It was such an excellent photo and shows so many things.

The entire helicopter flyover was on this website, probably somewhere on Chapter 2. It went on for a long time- flying over lots of flat farmland and seeming to look aimlessly for foci of activity. The area in the photograph was a stretch of paved road over a culvert filled with water with a mechanical excavator at the side of the culvert. It looked like it had been there for a while, as if it was digging a new side ditch. The small culvert opened into a flat muddy flooded field. There were 8-10 very similar white contractor trucks (pickups with various kinds of overhead racks) in the area and maybe 6 guys wearing yellow road crew-like vests and hardhats. There were two guys wearing blue shirts peering into the culvert as it ran under the road. Farther down there were two navy colored CHP-type vehicles blocking the road and diverting traffic off to the left down a dusty farm road. There was a near-steady stream of various kinds of passenger, contractor, or farm type trucks being diverted down the road. The footage I saw didnt show any nearby oil wells or storage tanks and all the attention did seem to be concentrated on the paved road and culvert.

More specifically, I didnt see anything that looked like a coroner's van or LE Medical Examiner van like you might expect at a scene where a body was being retrieved. Outside of the traffic diversion, I didn't see any other vehicles that looked like LE.

It is on this site, it just might take some time to find
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Really? How does this matter at all?
This man murdered his loving little children.
There is no excuse.
He is a sick, piece of ....
Nothing his wife or children ever did, warrants what he did to them. PERIOD.

A few pages back, we were discussing what S.W. probably made a month according to her being in the 80% bracket.

One of you gave a figure after reading the charts that were posted. Did that figure include the percentages she would gain from people she had brought into the company? In other companies similar to this, one gets credit for each person they bring in. I have no idea how much it would be. Does anyone know?

One thing I thought about is all these trips she takes to sales conferences, is she paying for her own expenses such as flight tickets, hotel, and meals? This could really run the CC bills up!!

Of course, she can deduct it off her taxes at year end, but that doesn’t pay those CC bills.

It was mentioned she had an $800.00 monthly car allowance. Wouldn’t that pay her car payment and insurance? She drove a Lexus. What was the company’s rules on distance as to whether to drive or fly? Did she really travel across the United States or only traveled in a specific area / region out west?
Really? With her death the mortgage would be paid off?

But she had to be declared dead, not just a missing cold case. The Obscene way the children were disposed of seems calculated to be as covert as possible in a very limited time frame. Not just like left in some woods to be found in a week or two but submersed in asphalt-like crude oil that might never ever be found

The children do not have to be found. Just Shanann. Did he want her found to collect the mortgage insurance for the house or was he going to give t up
Just want to add, in case it hasn’t been said already, he wasn’t necessarily cheating with another woman!

And if he was fooling around with men behind her back, he may have been less likely to share that with his jogging buddy.

you all would be blown away by how many married men with kids are running around gay establishments

there were tons in the gay bathhouses

Quick sex - no want for any attachment ideal place to check out if his new body had any merit without having to get into much except some sex a shower and on your way
you all would be blown away by how many married men with kids are running around gay establishments

there were tons in the gay bathhouses

Quick sex - no want for any attachment ideal place to check out if his new body had any merit without having to get into much except some sex a shower and on your way

This is an interesting point

With his new buff body and new attention to grooming, he would be attracting both male and female attention....
The children do not have to be found. Just Shanann. Did he want her found to collect the mortgage insurance for the house or was he going to give t up

would an insurance pay ( if she was never found?)
I think some abused woman put on a happy social media identity to make themselves feel better. I have a friend that way. I know she's in an emotional abusive situation. She knows it. But if anyone saw her FB page, they would think she was in the happiest relationship. Been with him over 20yrs, not married, but most people have no idea the hell she lives in. I don't know if people would believe me if I tried to tell others. But it's not my story to tell either! I know a neighbor did call police one time because of all the cursing and yelling, and she told the police he was working on a car and yelling at it, not her. Which of course was a lie.

I don't know what life SW lived....and I'm sure if this goes to trial, the defense will try to place blame on her someway, but I don't know if the majority of the people have a clue how her life was. Her closest friend may, her family may have no idea if there was abuse. My friend's adult children have no idea how she lives.

My husband and I split for a bit, and I ended up dating a guy during that time who was emotionally and physically abusive. On social media, nobody knew. He constantly beamed about me, and everyone was all, "Awwww, you guys are sooooo cute!" Nobody knew that he raped me and told me I was fat, needed a boob job, needed my teeth fixed, etc. I didn't date him for long (thankfully), but to outsiders, he appears pretty shy and socially awkward and one of those "nice guys" that nobody pays attention to. Only those of us who have been in relationships with him have seen his seething hatred of women.

He was textbook covert narcissist. Much like I suspect CW may be, too.
This is an interesting point

With his new buff body and new attention to grooming, he would be attracting both male and female attention....

funny !!

As far ( I am certainly not making this that all homosexuals are the same!) but when I saw him on Monday porch thing I thought he was sexy as heck!!!


No worries I quickly lose attraction when people kill other people , however it does not change his physical appearance!

I think this is a male thing. Hetero dudes who thought a female was attractive and then found out she killed people - would not change their notions that she was pretty!! Might change wanting to meet - but not the other part!!

Its different for males than females imo (orientation has nothing to do with it )

Wow, very odd that this is the topic he chose for his communication class. I thought it was interesting that in one spot he contradicts the expert he cites. The expert claims that usually it is the better looking of the two who will leave the relationship and he chimes in I don't think that's true. Hmmm, so that begs the question, did he consider her more attractive or himself.

Anyway, strange and creepy aside, if I were his professor he would have not gotten a high grade for that horrible presentation. A public speaker he is not! Snoozefest

ugh it was grueling -- I had a real hard time figuring out it was him until he said his name

the only reason why I endured (barely) was because of its subject and recent events
Oh my daughter had lots of mishaps with her babies, heads falling off, etc.. but she never ever posed them as if they were at a crime scene. So you are saying at ages 4 and 3, your kids would have known to not only wrap the doll like a dead body but position it in a way to make it look longer and they’d put something on the pillow to make it look like a head? And that they would be able to fold and wrap that plastic mat so neatly? Plastic is slippery, but yet look at how tidy the edges are folded together.

Yes, I was also an early childhood teacher. I personally sleep with a blanket over my head, as do many. This is VERY common. Children are smarter than you think and can fold and wrap stuff pretty well by 3. In fact, the burrito, or snuggly, is a popular way to put children to sleep (tightly wrapped like a burrito). Just like the doll. Blanket either covering head while rocked or not. Up to the parent
I’m fairly sure that the stated income from a few years ago was prior to the MLM money she started making in 2016. Both of their car payments were paid by the MLM according to one Instagram post. The MLM’s website explains the compensation plan and she was doing very well at it. I’d venture to say she was making more than him.

Statements on Instagram regarding MLMs should be regarded as total BS. Join one and you will see. You post what they tell you too. Every friend I know posted about going on trips (that were overpriced IMO), new cars etc. Did they have this? No, but they sure posted like they did. Going so far as to rent Ferraris etc. I highly doubt that was paid on a 3200/month salary pre-tax.
Yep! And she owned a house previously and probably put it on the new house. She may have thrown that up alot...being more invested in the house,

he also does not strike me as the interior design kind of guy!

House was nicely done with a very feminine touch!!
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