Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #4

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This really has just stuck with me, it's been a while since a case gets into my head like this one has.
In no way am I taking his side there's never a good enough reason to kill your family.

RE; Money.
Why did they decide to have another baby if their money situation wasn't so good? An attempt to improve their marriage maybe?
From what I gather CW was the main earner so I guess it would be more pressure on him to "provide" for his family.
From SW's instagram post in April she mentions about him providing for them, could the pressure of everything finally come to a head?

I just watched his interview (I'm in the UK so didn't get to see it at the time) and he is odd. Emotionless and the odd laughing, which could be a nervous laugh but lets be honest his actions aren't matching his words. His eyes are very telling, it does make me wonder if he does have some sort of mental issue or if drugs are maybe involved.

I don't have him pegged as a narcissist personally from my experience with diagnosed narcissists (which is pretty extensive).
If he was he certainly wouldn't have allowed SW to be the dominant one in the relationship, you can tell from SM posts that like many relationships the woman wears the pants so to speak. (my poor hubby knows the feeling)

I'm not sure if I sit on premeditated or heat of the moment. Just want to see justice done for that poor family.
Her delayed flight likely threw his plan off. Anyone know how long it was delayed? Had he already murdered the girls when he found out it was delayed, so he had to go through with the plan?
A few things I found strange after watching his interview. Did anyone else notice marks on his neck? Even more interesting is he is not wearing his wedding ring. In all other photos and videos he wears it. He also referred to his daughter in past tense. I’m also curious since he was watching his girls when the neighbors last saw them. Had he already murdered them before Shannan returned home? Such a tragedy.
Just a quick comment from me... I agree a 6 week trip to NC away from her husband doesn’t imply that things were good at home, but perhaps she was trying to build her Thrive network out there? Or helping family with something (parents or brother?). And possible that CW resented that she put her career or others before him, Which triggered arguement etc. ? Just MOO
Also re: TV interview. Early on Chris is asked by the interviewer how many times he called SW and he answers, three. My suspicions went up immediately. That is far too low of a number first of all but also far too specific.....if you thought your wife or spouse was missing/kidnapped/in danger would you only ring them 3 times? Wouldn’t you be calling their phone countless times??!
sorry if this has been discussed, but I think it's likely he was molesting the kids and the mom found out...
Also, why is he building a defence if he has confessed?

i am not sure if it was just a mix up in terms re neck and throat

most reports have stated save dna from neck

but one said throat which is concerning = in this same report they described and swabs for ""other unnamed areas for the kids
At this point it feels like Shanann has been scrutinzed and internet diagnosed more than CW.

She may have been a horrible overspender, a snake oil salesman, and forced them to live beyond their means (none of which I really believe, even if I don't get Thrive) but none of that would warrant HER murder, much less the murder of the children.
Absolutely nobody here believes the murders are justified in the least.
It’s a great case study for several reasons but not one of them is because it was warranted.
Ok this is creepy. CW YouTube video presentation on “The deterioration of relationships” from 2012

Thank you, Jacquie1, for posting this video.

In my opinion, there is little to no resemblance between the man in this video and C.W. in his first interview.

@Gardenista (thank you!) posted the raw unedited video interview of C.W.:

Tomas Hoppough Denver7

The man in the video you posted shows humility, a sense of humor and looks and sounds like a normal person.

In the interview after his family has been murdered, C.W. looks and sounds like a "Stepford" husband.

In his interview, C.W. said that his house was like a "ghost town".

It is so hard for me to believe this is the same person. I know it is but the difference is like day and night.
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A few things I found strange after watching his interview. Did anyone else notice marks on his neck? Even more interesting is he is not wearing his wedding ring. In all other photos and videos he wears it. He also referred to his daughter in past tense. I’m also curious since he was watching his girls when the neighbors last saw them. Had he already murdered them before Shannan returned home? Such a tragedy.
I did notice the marks on his neck but great observation about the wedding ring I had not noticed that. I think and despite the the delay in SW flight, the children were deceased before SW arrived home at 2 am and could have already been disposed of many hours before that hence the girls beds being made and unused.
I think some abused woman put on a happy social media identity to make themselves feel better. I have a friend that way. I know she's in an emotional abusive situation. She knows it. But if anyone saw her FB page, they would think she was in the happiest relationship. Been with him over 20yrs, not married, but most people have no idea the hell she lives in. I don't know if people would believe me if I tried to tell others. But it's not my story to tell either! I know a neighbor did call police one time because of all the cursing and yelling, and she told the police he was working on a car and yelling at it, not her. Which of course was a lie.

I don't know what life SW lived....and I'm sure if this goes to trial, the defense will try to place blame on her someway, but I don't know if the majority of the people have a clue how her life was. Her closest friend may, her family may have no idea if there was abuse. My friend's adult children have no idea how she lives.
I have a sibling who s better half posts on FB things that embarrass me for them. I don't know why it's done, they became "friends" with an ex so maybe shoving in their face IDK . But I do know most of it is BS and totally a rewritten history of the relationship. Crazy to me
@RavenCC2020 said:
Don't know if it is true or not but someone posting on one of her SM posts about how both her and hubby have free cars, refuted this and claimed it is not free, that 800 is deducted from their check every month for the car lease. She made it sound as if the lease was for the company and they let them drive it but it cost them 800 to do it. She said it was a con and just used for promotion purposes so SW and other sellers can say they got a car from Thrive. Again, I don't know how true that is. If true then Thrive is most certainly making money off that. You can lease a Lexus for less then that. I would not be surprised though if it is a con the company is using to make money from their promoters. Remember, they want to sell a "lifestyle" of success. Very manipulative if accurate. I can guarantee they deals with Lexus if they lease XX amount of cars they get a very, very low rate. They in turn charge their promoters 800/month per car which only cost them perhaps 250/month to lease.

I believe most of the "car talk" was on SW fb. I also think the "free car" is part of the script the "Team" is suppose to use publicly. Reading between the lines, I believe SW was receiving $800 from her sales earnings designated as "auto allowance" that is two fold: provides her with stylish transportation, and promotes the pyramid (i.e, I want a fancy car too so I will join and be a soldier under SW). SW also promoted car as a "low tier" benefit so easily achievable (cough, cough). More important, she also said that she received her $800 allowance for 26 out of 28 months so there were at least 2 months that she didn't achieve, and she didn't elaborate on why she didn't receive her allowance for those 2 months. Oh, also reported that CW was receiving an auto allowance but there were no posts, or photos on what he was driving with his allowance. IMO, seems most of these MLM products really prey on Mom's with young kids at home. Unfortunately, the founders and early members do in fact make BIG money but that only accounts for about 3% of the team and 97% are just soldiers dreaming of riches.

I’m behind again so this may have been said. I don’t think she didn’t achieve the car bonus for two months once she earned it, she just didn’t earn it until she had been selling for those first few months.
I found the FoxNews helicopter video. I am firmly convinced after watching all 37 minutes of it that the photo is of a broken culvert that was undermining the roadbed and NOT the site from which SW's body was recovered.

The copter is just randomly flying around a very large area occasionally focusing on wells or tanks to see if there is any suspect activity and they find nothing. Nothing. Watch all 37 minutes of it if you want. It goes on forever seemingly aimlessly flying all over and I was actually worried they'd run out of fuel. That might have been exciting. There are an awful lot of wells & tanks out there, of all shapes & sizes.

The photo was taken near the intersection of County Road 52 and County Road 17.

FOX 26 Houston
You can find the link on post #460 on page 23 of Thread # 2.

Thank you!
I try to disengage from this type of stuff but there was something haunting me last night over and over again while sleeping.
The message I got from those continuous disturbances was that this case must serve as a message, a wake up call for all women.
Anyone can get caught up with a creep like this. It's not just a weak and vulnerable woman. The smartest and the strongest amongst us can also mistakenly fall for a jerk like this unknowingly at some point in their lives.
If you are in a relationship like this, RUN as fast as you can. If you hear a small voice telling you there's something about him that's not right then leave.
Women deserve better than these crazy unstable time bombs.

Very well stated. Men like this often target successful, intelligent women who have loving hearts and high ideals. Once they've tricked the woman into believing they are her perfect match and her soul mate, they secretly begin to devalue her and start planning to discard her. He's changed the game on her, subtly at first, but there is a shift and she notices this. She also may have caught him in lies, and things are just not adding up, but by this time she is usually so invested (emotionally and financially) in the relationship that she goes into a state of denial.

She may have allowed him to talk her into assuming his huge premarital credit card debt, believing they were a team and that she could trust him. Or he may have already dragged her through bankruptcy. If there are kids - game on for the psychopath. He's got her and he is able to do his thing, which centers around trying to destroy her. Because that is exactly what they do.

But she doesn't get it quite yet. She's in denial and she is likely working herself to death, trying to overcompensate for the financial damage he is causing. She is in such a frenzied state that might not even notice that he's not doing a thing to help her. He just keeps loading on the stress. and he's upping his game.

If she is lucky, she discovers his secret life, although she's usually not even looking for it. If she's lucky, she is able to put it all together and everything becomes very clear to her and she knows exactly what she's dealing with. If she is lucky, she is able to formulate a successful exit strategy and escape with her life.

I think all of these things happened to Shanann in her marriage, and I think she thought she had formulated a successful exit strategy. You can never underestimate a psychopath. They are not normal people. If anyone has reason to suspect they are involved with one, get the hell away from them immediately. Go and remain no contact with them and don't ever let down your guard with them.
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