Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #4

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Really? How does this matter at all?
This man murdered his loving little children.
There is no excuse.
He is a sick, piece of ....
Nothing his wife or children ever did, warrants what he did to them. PERIOD.

The poster never ever implied that anything warranted what happened to this woman and her kids. Why would you suggest that discussing her earnings makes anyone think he had an excuse or reason to do that? We can discuss thing within the TOS but we aren’t looking for justification for his actions.
From what I have read from multiple sources, he was fired on Wednesday after his arrest. We don’t know if that is 100% accurate, but that is what the media has been saying. Maybe you are right.
It's so sad either way. I just can't seem to accept he did this. They were such Happy, nice people.
they were married in 2012 IIRC the bankruptcy was three years later . At this point we dont know do we, that he was the reason for the bankruptcy being needed do we?

there a couple - I would assume financial mismanagement would a joint problem ( not like worded above which gives the feeling that he got them into needing bankruptcy.)

We don't know who was fiscally loose with the money.

If we look at what little we do just from pics my sense was that she might have been more involved with materialistic things than he.

He does not hit me as a interior design kinda of guy - the home was nicely decorated. I would assume those choices were not made by him

In pictures he was in old jeans and t shirts - she most more put together - my guess would be that she might have been spending more on clothes than he

his truck was an old model one --who know for real with MLM stuff and the Lexus

However a lexus and four year old truck -- the Lexus seems a bit more materialistic .

Unless one is the CEO for Exxon (!) traveling for a job without doubt always ends up with expenditures that employers are not picking up.

You really , even on job related travel, rarely end up not spending personal money

He went to work and bought in money. I think her work would require an outlay of personal money and hopes to sell it at some point in the future.

So.......i think the notion that the bankruptcy was solely his errors might not be correct.

jmo I def dont think if we ever know -- I would bet money management was her domain throughout the marriage


What we do know is he murdered his children and his pregnant wife. He then hid their bodies and proceeded to give media interviews. He also undoubtedly lied to the police.

He didn't try to kill himself, nor did he appear to be overcome with grief when he did his interviews. All of his behaviors are indicative of someone who planned to get away with murder.

Hopefully, the next few days will tell us more. His actions are the actions of a psychopath and until something comes out to show otherwise, I'm going with that.
Statements on Instagram regarding MLMs should be regarded as total BS. Join one and you will see. You post what they tell you too. Every friend I know posted about going on trips (that were overpriced IMO), new cars etc. Did they have this? No, but they sure posted like they did. Going so far as to rent Ferraris etc. I highly doubt that was paid on a 3200/month salary pre-tax.

Her salary wasn’t $3200 though....
Not much. The video I watched said that the average new seller puts in $256 to start. This isn’t an inventory heavy MLM like the oils or the leggings.... the secretary at my daughters school had to put out $6500 in a starter set of clothes (that seemed to be the ugliest, oldest, and oddest sizes so they didn’t sell well and she had to buy more current styles). She also had to buy clothing racks and hangers and all sorts of crap to display her stuff with. She was in it almost $9,000 before she made her first sale and then had to use her earnings to replenish her stock.

At least Thrive isn’t as bad as that!!!

more research on Thrive for us (you guys may have done on the earlier threads sorry if that is the case )

on average, consultants earn around $90 for every party/class that they do (5 hours)

That is around $22 an hour

from this link below

it appears to be that you buy all the goodies for your party. Your party happens. If you get some people to sign on that is included in the $22 hour - you dont get anything from that.

You would a little money if the person that sign ups buys anything.

So they have like levels

typically it takes 4 months earn $73 a week (314 per month

the next 4 months generally 797 a month

if good 10 months in 1161

apparently you try to hawk their stuff if your at your bakery your doctors office your friends ( I cant imagine anyone who is at their doctors office wants a sales pitch)

Like many online stuff apparently Thrive wants you to ask your friends and family to write glowing reviews like thrive allowed me to climb Mt Everest in only 6 hours!

PS: The "customer reviews" online are BS. I do it with Amazon. They send you stuff cheap in exchange for a review! Most of it junk!!

How much money will I make as a THRIVE Life consultant?
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Really? How does this matter at all?
This man murdered his loving little children.
There is no excuse.
He is a sick, piece of ....
Nothing his wife or children ever did, warrants what he did to them. PERIOD.

It’s human nature to what to know WHY. We all try and crawl around these murderers brains trying to find the answers. Fortunately, most of us will never figure it out or understand because WE are not MONSTERS.
After watching video last night of CW at the end when the reporter asks about his shirt..... If my family was missing and I was desperate to find them Without a doubt my response would be different. Either horror or anger. What??!!! To me they did this on camera on purpose. It's something that could have been asked off camera, probably what a reporter might do after interview, but I still don't see that. It was done to gauge his response which was very telling. You can see his whole body and demeanor relax..... I feel it was intentional.
Could you share the link esmerelda as some of the same interview you reference on line doesn't show the full interview as you are mentioning the end of the video. Many thanks.
Do you think he had killed the girls and disposed of them then came home expecting to confront her but her flight was late and he sat there and stewed or do you think he waited for her to come home and then killed all of them at once?

I am of the thought that the girls woke up to their Mom being killed and after she was dead, he killed them.

Or they didn't wake up to witness the fight and after Shanann was killed, C.W. went into their bedrooms and strangled them.

Was it ever hard to type those words.

I could absolutely be wrong but that's been my take on it.
If anyone here is local to his area & has a Grindr account they could take a look for him... just wondering MOO

I would be very surprised if he was hooking up with men. He seems to me to want to control his partner, I think he likes his females weak and dependent on him. I don’t see that happening with men.
Could there have been another reason for the unpaid HOA dues, like an ongoing argument between them and the HOA? “We’re not paying the dues until such and such is done to our yard like you said when we signed the contract” Or something along those lines?

This is what I wonder. They had financial issues in the past but we may not know if they still do. They may have an argument against the HOA. There’s lots of assuming going on...
It's so sad either way. I just can't seem to accept he did this. They were such Happy, nice people.

We know that Shanann and those beautiful little ones were happy. Those videos with Shanann and the children show the deepest love she had for them.

This is so heartbreaking. Deeply saddening. Unfathomable.
Have we heard anything thus far from CW’s side of the family? What do we know about them? I haven’t seen anything spoken or written from them since this happened. I would be interested in knowing more about them and what their thoughts are on the loss of their daughter in law, granddaughters and grandson at the hands of their son.
It’s human nature to what to know WHY. We all try and crawl around these murderers brains trying to find the answers. Fortunately, most of us will never figure it out or understand because WE are not MONSTERS.

Dear Jacquie1,

This is exactly how I feel.

I mentioned "evil" in another post. I know it's not a legal nor a medical term but somehow, to me, it fits in these cases.

Just my opinion.
One thing that is definitely a red flag to me is the 6 week visit to NC. That is a long time to stay away from your home for no reason other than a "visit". I have not read anywhere that she was there to take care of a sick relative for example or why the visit was so long but it does make me wonder why.

This extended visit to NC bothers me too. I thought (and I could be wrong) when she announced on Facebook or Instagram that she and the girls were going, she also said her dad was going. Why was he there? Did he convince her to come back with him because he could tell something was wrong? If so it REALLY bothers me that CW went too. Mainly because when she announced the trip, she didn’t mention that CW was going too, but then he went. I know he has family there too, but if her dad was trying to get her some space from a bad situation and CW insisted on coming along too.... just ugh. So weird.
My heart goes out to Shanann's family and all those who loved Shanann and those precious children.

I cannot even imagine the pain and suffering.

May they hold each other close during this unbearable time.
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I see him meeting someone at a fitness center, I also wonder if he had a trainer. He's seriously buff now.
That is a possibility bestill, but that too is a very expensive lifestyle to have gym membership, trainer and babysitter when at the gym and SW working. Although they did have a babysitter because I saw a news interview with her at the memorial site in front of their home.
Do you think he had killed the girls and disposed of them then came home expecting to confront her but her flight was late and he sat there and stewed or do you think he waited for her to come home and then killed all of them at once?

I don't know if he had already disposed of them (but I think so), but I definitely think they were already dead and he was waiting up for her. Hence, him knowing the exact time she walked in the door.
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