Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #42

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BBM. Yes, the Metallica concert was his birthday present from SW from last year. Not sure what you mean by the bolded as SW was doing many Thrive videos on her SM during the year 2017 too. Thrive probably paid well enough that she could buy concert tickets for him. She surprised him by putting his present (A Metallica t-shirt and tickets) in a box that said "LeVel" on it. I think she made him think he was getting Thrive products for his birthday and that she was going to film a video of him as a promo. MOO.

Here's the video of CW opening his birthday present (SW says in the beginning "Watch Daddy open his birthday present, he's getting a month of Thrive"): Shanann Watts
Aww, what a thoughtful gift from SW. And what a fool he is.
BBM. I agree with all of this. It's so incredibly common and stereotypical it's sad.

Many husbands play the agreeable "aw, shucks" guy who lets his wife lead at home and supports her every move while at the same time completely trashing her and blaming her for things to his family (usually his mom in my personal experience) and whoever behind her back.

I definitely think there will be witnesses testifying to help with the SW character assassination, if allowed and necessary.

The good news is it can't be hearsay. So the stories CW may have told others won't come in.
And he didn't just smile.
He laughed.
THREE TIMES in one interview!
Hahahaha, I have no inclination where they're at. :eek:
I am still disturbed by CW repeating "It's vanished" when referring to his family in two media interviews. My thoughts are likely it was the disassociation from them - like he says "nothing was here" - objects. Or, it could be because he had rehearsed that line previously when he thought he would maybe dump her car...and it popped into his head. Whatever it was, I think he definitely did not get to finish his planned cover up and that shows in the interviews. I believe he is frustrated that he has to deal with an imperfect scene in his mind (all doors were locked! Camera at neighbor! her stuff there!) which was different from the way he planned it to roll out.
Here is what I think the defense could say in response to your points.
  • CW is the only one who had the means, motive, and opportunity to kill Shanann and the girls - SW also had the means, motive and opportunity to kill the girls
  • CW was actively involved in an affair with a co-worker, possibly as long as 6 – 10 months - Many people have affairs doesn't make you a killer, this could also be the reason why SW killed the girls
  • Shanann was 15 weeks pregnant, hadn’t been feeling well, was likely exhausted, and arrived home at 2 am - CW was likely sleeping and exhausted from watching the girls while is wife was away
  • CW confessed to strangling Shanann, killing her and their unborn son - in a rage because SW killed his daughters
  • CW confessed that CeCe was also strangled - CW accused SW of this
  • CW did not call 911, hit the panic button on the home security system or yell for help from his neighbors
  • CW did not make any attempt to resuscitate or save the lives of his wife and children - we don't know that he didn't make attempts to resuscitate them
  • CW confessed that in less than an hour and ½ later (from 4 am), he loaded all their bodies into his truck
  • CW confessed to driving with their dead bodies for 45 minutes (or so) to dispose of the evidence - same point as above
  • CW confessed to burying his wife and their unborn son in the dirt - to avoid being accused of killing all of them
  • CW confessed to dumping his 3 and 4-year-old daughters into crude oil tanks, possibly cramming them through 8" hatches - to avoid being accused of killing them
  • CW gave three interviews the next day and showed no signs of sleeplessness, no signs of grief, no signs of a psychotic episode - this is not fact others see it different
  • CW’s actions following the murders show consciousness of guilt - possbily
  • LE stated that there is no evidence that the deaths of the girls were committed by anyone but CW - in their preliminary findings we don't know what they have found since
  • CW has no history of mental illness (as far as we know at this point) - the same goes for SW
If we go with this, CW still killed SW and still put his children in crude oil. If his reason is because he didn't want to be accused of killing them well that was a huge error on his part. My life and my children's lives have been threaten more than once and horrible things done to myself and my ex is still upright walking around. We are all different that's for sure but his actions are not ok regardless of his reasons. Murder is not ok, not attempting to save your children is not ok and putting them in crude oil well that's just down right sick IMO. Then there are the interviews. There is so much little things I could go on and on but I'll stick to the facts and CW story until more evidence and the trial comes and I'll keep the rest of my opinions to a minimum. :)
IMO he was trying to disguise the panic he was feeling inside.
Given the horrific events that transpired during the hours before those interviews were taped, C.W. would have had to have been dead emotionally and without a conscience in order to remain that calm and calculating under the circumstances. Isn’t that the definition of a psychopath?
If we go with this, CW still killed SW and still put his children in crude oil. If his reason is because he didn't want to be accused of killing them well that was a huge error on his part. My life and my children's lives have been threaten more than once and horrible things done to myself and my ex is still upright walking around. We are all different that's for sure but his actions are not ok regardless of his reasons. Murder is not ok, not attempting to save your children is not ok and putting them in crude oil well that's just down right sick IMO. Then there are the interviews. There is so much little things I could go on and on but I'll stick to the facts and CW story until more evidence and the trial comes and I'll keep the rest of my opinions to a minimum. :)

First off, I'm very sorry to hear what you and your kids have went thought. That's awful to hear.
I'm not saying I think what he did was right. I'm exploring both sides and I don't mean any harm in doing so.
What's the betting he will also blame AP for the affair? IMO he will claim he was a reluctant adulterer who was pressured into it.....

IMO, he'll try to claim it is both the AP's fault and SW's fault. He's just an innocent bystander with no control over his sex life... Of course that won't square with the many lies he had to tell to both parties but details like that won't bother him. He'll be too busy liking his new shirt that he gets to wear for court. :eek:o_O:rolleyes:
CW continues to be charged with all of their murders. A prosecutor doesn't charge without strong evidence to win a guilty verdict. The evidence is there imo and I believe CW will be found guilty in a court of law and beyond a reasonable doubt.
Given the horrific events that transpired during the hours before those interviews were taped, C.W. would have had to have been dead emotionally and without a conscience in order to remain that calm and calculating under the circumstances. Isn’t that the definition of a psychopath?

Could be, but I'm not quilified to make that diagnosis.
First off, I'm very sorry to hear what you and your kids have went thought. That's awful to hear.
I'm not saying I think what he did was right. I'm exploring both sides and I don't mean any harm in doing so.
No harm at all :)
Thank You.
I'm trying to just keep to facts and CW story. I of course have my opinions but I'm trying to keep emotions and experience out of it.
Regardless of who, what and where 4 souls are gone and it's very heartbreaking. MOO
And he didn't just smile.
He laughed.
THREE TIMES in one interview!
Hahahaha, I have no inclination where they're at. :eek:

A smiling mouth doesn't necessarily always indicate happiness or positive feelings. Many people smile or chuckle at inappropriate times.

There is an episode of "Modern Family" where the character Claire has to tell her son his friend died and she can't not smile. Yes, that's TV, but it's a phenomenon or trait common enough to have it addressed on a very popular show, because some people can relate to it.
No harm at all :)
Thank You.
I'm trying to just keep to facts and CW story. I of course have my opinions but I'm trying to keep emotions and experience out of it.
Regardless of who, what and where 4 souls are gone and it's very heartbreaking. MOO

I understand and again I'm sorry. This case is so heartbreaking.
Here is what I think the defense could say in response to your points.
  • - SW also had the means, motive and opportunity to kill the girls
What was SW's motive for killing her babies?
  • - Many people have affairs doesn't make you a killer, this could also be the reason why SW killed the girls She killed the girls because he had an affair?

  • - CW was likely sleeping and exhausted from watching the girls while is wife was away Then how did the emotional conversation start?

  • - in a rage because SW killed his daughters If he was so concerned about his daughters, why didn't he get them emergency medical help?

  • - CW accused SW of this
  • - we don't know that he didn't make attempts to resuscitate them--it doesn't matter if he tries to say he did--what matters is that he didn't call professionals with equipment like oxygen and defibrillators etc.

  • - to avoid being accused of killing all of them
  • - to avoid being accused of killing them --So he could do heinous acts like that, to avoid being accused of the killings? Why not let investigators look at the crime scene and the forensics to prove him innocent?

  • - this is not fact others see it different ----not many people look at his interviews and see an innocent man

  • - possbily - in their preliminary findings we don't know what they have found since ----if they found anything that proves his innocence, we'd probably know about it already
I believe we have been discussing both sides of this case, looking at all angles, critiquing videos and both of their actions or lack of on the videos. In all this discussion, I haven’t heard any factual evidence that points to any possibility that SW murdered her children, none. It is hard to imagine such a seemingly nice, quiet, calm, husband and father could commit such a horrible crime, but his actions prove it. I believe he simply wanted out of the marriage and current life and all of it’s responsibilities. I believe he planned it and daydreamed about it for a while. He didn’t understand or take into account how others would respond to his story that she left him and took the kids. MOO
To me there are two things that are important and must be kept in mind; reality and context.

The reality is that Shanann, Cece, Bella, and Nico are dead and were murdered! The reality is that all of the evidence available points to CW as the murderer. There is no available evidence that SW killed anyone, just the self-serving accusations made by the person that, according to the evidence, is the murderer! The reality is CW did everything in his power to hide the bodies, cover up the crime and deliberately mislead LE. This reality is not only supported by the evidence, but by CW himself. He admitted it! The reality is that CW chose (Chose - it was his decision) a gruesome method to hide his daughter's bodies. The reality is that CW was committing adultery! That was also his decision. The reality is that CW participated in interviews where and when, he was well rested, well groomed, happy and where he posed and preened. Behavior totally in contradiction to a frightened, grieving father. The reality is that those who knew him and came into contact with him at that time, became convinced of his guilt (the Thayers, NUA, etc.) The reality is that CW is a liar and has lied about everything since that Monday morning when NUA became concerned. CW has admitted to the lies! The reality is that CW cannot be believed, because he, himself has admitted he's a liar!

Now context. The prosecution has filed numerous charges against CW, including five (not three) first degree murder charges. This was done very quickly. There can be no doubt that there is a great deal of evidence supporting these charges, evidence we don't have. In the context of this big picture, coupled with the evidence I have seen, I have to believe CW is guilty of four horrible and needless murders, along with numerous other crimes. If this case goes to court I believe it will be concerned more with degree and with circumstances, than with guilt. The defense will try to mitigate what was done and create doubt, but the evidence and CW's behavior will be the 500 lb gorilla in the room.
IMO, he'll try to claim it is both the AP's fault and SW's fault. He's just an innocent bystander with no control over his sex life... Of course that won't square with the many lies he had to tell to both parties but details like that won't bother him. He'll be too busy liking his new shirt that he gets to wear for court. :eek:o_O:rolleyes:
I am still disturbed by CW repeating "It's vanished" when referring to his family in two media interviews. My thoughts are likely it was the disassociation from them - like he says "nothing was here" - objects. Or, it could be because he had rehearsed that line previously when he thought he would maybe dump her car...and it popped into his head. Whatever it was, I think he definitely did not get to finish his planned cover up and that shows in the interviews. I believe he is frustrated that he has to deal with an imperfect scene in his mind (all doors were locked! Camera at neighbor! her stuff there!) which was different from the way he planned it to roll out.
"It's vanished" also disturbed me. If you're interested, ages ago I transcribed what I found to be CW's extremely bizarre use of pronouns in his three videos (link below). I thought it showed that he had distanced himself from his family as people.
Found Deceased - CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #19

Then @BelleIsle made a great point about him perhaps rehearsing his lines in advance, which kind of echoes what you're saying about not being able to finish his planned cover-up.
Found Deceased - CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #19

Could be elements of both, I suppose.
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