Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #6

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Strange, IMO, that he wanted to talk to his Dad first. To soften the blow? I just have to think that a person that evil had to have shown some kind of anger and rage problem before. It’s hard to believe that he wasn’t abusive before. Why did she want a divorce? She seem to love him. She had no proof of the affair according to her friend. I bet he’s been abusing her, at least, in emotional ways all along.
That quote of “turned blue” makes me think he murdered them before SW came and this was the order he commited the acts and what he saw
Right, I think she came home to find her children dead

One can only hope she didn’t have to see them that way but judging his heinous acts I sadly think she saw them.
She had Lupus which probably accounted for her lows and bad moods some of the time.
Nothing in that link that would indicate to me that she had emotional issues or addictions.IMO
As a retired AAMFT, (Family Therapist), with years and years of working with those with chronic severe mental health issues as well mild adjustment problems, I can’t give a diagnosis to either C.W. or S.W.
It would be like a medical doctor diagnosing a health conditions over the internet. NOT saying it cannot be done.
Just my 2 cents.
Personally, I find his story, as it stands, impossible to believe.

Again, it shrieks NARCISSIST! That the only story he was capable of inventing, even to try to "justify" the brutal murder of his PREGNANT wife and the barbaric disposal of his babies in tanks of oil, portrayed his wife as so desperately distraught at the thought of not having him, her husband, that she rushed off to immediately kill her babies.

(He's so enraged by her killing their babies that he kills his PREGNANT wife? Pfft).
Hiya Hope! So happy to see you here!
Can't wait for this guy's Interrogation videos.
It honestly won't surprise me if we see the girls skin under Shanan's nails, and that is the reason why she was buried -preserve evidence, while the girls were placed in oil in hopes of washing away any evidence. No, I do not think she hurt those babies. I think it is possible he took her dead body and scratched into those babies trying to set up this stupid defence right from the start!

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this. totally. this is also why her phone was found in the loft area between the bedrooms. he put those babies on display for her. he most certainly DID see his baby splayed out and 'blue'. He probably saw it a lot before she got home and probably watched them on the monitor to be sure they were dead. He's a liar but I think there's a lot of tidbits of truth in his "confession".

Maybe the phone was found there because shanann was trying to call police/ambulance & he grabbed it from her & threw it? Or she collapsed in anguish and he strangled her in the loft area?
I definitely believe he killed the kids 1st to hurt her & she found them and was inconsolable.
Assuming his affair partner is female, I am going to predict she comes from the Thrive/social media world rather than his job at the oil field. A job at the oil field just does not seem like a very likely place to meet someone to get it on with. Sure, it could happen, but chatting with someone via social media, then flirting, then an actual affair seems more likely.

He was a really buff guy - 5'10" 225lbs (as per court documents) with very little body fat. I can see how women would think he is attractive. He is generically attractive facially and body-wise. But now we know the ugly that is inside, so that wipes it all out.
this. totally. this is also why her phone was found in the loft area between the bedrooms. he put those babies on display for her. he most certainly DID see his baby splayed out and 'blue'. He probably saw it a lot before she got home and probably watched them on the monitor to be sure they were dead. He's a liar but I think there's a lot of tidbits of truth in his "confession".
Why was her phone between the cushions in the sofa in another room? She got home very late. She wouldn’t call friends to chat at 2 am. Did Chris hide her phone? I wonder if she called him earlier to let him know she’d be late. long does it take for s child to turn blue after death?
My husband passed and by the time hospice, clergy, family etc. 4 hours passed and only his lips started to change color.Would a child be quicker?
My step dad passed away in the evening, my mom didn’t find him until the morning (he was in his office), he wasn’t even blue yet, just his lips. It’s definitely not instantaneous, CW said he left for “a few minutes”, to find one child dead and another almost dead. This brings up another long does it take to die from strangulation? Sad to think about, but valid to consider.
Could he have set that up himself after killing SW by putting SW hands around the girls necks and take her hand and scrape their skin with her nails?
I will guarantee if any of her DNA is found on those girls (fingernails or neck) then that is exactly what he did. I don't think anyone in their right mind would believe that SW did that to her children. I know I don't!
It honestly won't surprise me if we see the girls skin under Shanan's nails, and that is the reason why she was buried -preserve evidence, while the girls were placed in oil in hopes of washing away any evidence. No, I do not think she hurt those babies. I think it is possible he took her dead body and scratched into those babies trying to set up this stupid defence right from the start!

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I can’t see him being that smart.
From what I was able to tell when I went through SW’s social media pics, Bella and CeCe each had their own rooms. I suppose I could be wrong about this but there was photos of Bella standing in a purple room with wooden furniture and the caption says something about how she likes to throw her clothes around her room (her dresser was open with clothes strewn about). The pics of CeCe sleeping (in a white crib) are in a teal-colored room. Maybe two walls are purple and two walls are blue and they share a room but IF thet don’t, how did he catch these supposed acts on a baby monitor? Was it a split screen monitor? He saw a blue baby on one-half and saw her strangling a baby on the other half? Or are we to assume they were sleeping in the same bed? It would have to be Bella’s bed if CeCe was still in a crib. If that was the case, why throw out the master bedroom sheets? Do you think he explained all of these tiny details during his confession? If he didn’t, will the prosecution think to ask these tiny details during the trial? Also, will we ever even know the truth? He will stick to this story until the end of time. We’ll never know exactly what horrors the girls had seen as their own father killed them, we’ll never know exactly what was said when Shanann arrived home or what she had seen before he killed her. None of them died peacefully with happy thoughts in their minds. They all died having seen horrific things, they died being terrified of the man they thought loved them.

I think LE and the prosecution knows exactly what happened. He was charged with every possible charge that could be thrown at him and I believe they are confident they can prove their case.
My step dad passed away in the evening, my mom didn’t find him until the morning (he was in his office), he wasn’t even blue yet, just his lips. It’s definitely not instantaneous, CW said he left for “a few minutes”, to find one child dead and another almost dead. This brings up another long does it take to die from strangulation? Sad to think about, but valid to consider.
I hate to admit this, but I’ve been looking at little kids’ necks when I’ve been out the last couple of days. They’re so tiny and fragile. It wouldn’t take much strength to twist one.
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