CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *Arrest* #9

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Thank you, Bill Carson! Excellent sleuthing! Sorry to be stupid, but when you say “both parties signed on June 30” does that mean a process server came to their house and both SW and CW signed individually? I’d love to hear from the process server.

$683.80 is 12.66 months worth of dues. That’d be nuts to ignore a year’s worth of dues. I have to wonder if there was a special assessment, such as snow removal, and so it’s not a year’s worth of dues. But we didn’t have much snow in winter 2017/2018 so that could not be case....

After living 18 years in a Colorado HOA, I sure hope someone digs deeper as to why they just didn’t write a darned check and get rid of the HOA delinquency and avoid a judicial action which could appear on their credit report and lead to a superlien foreclosure!

it becomes even more peculiar when one was working at a steady job for years?
Actually he told the truth - he did not his father to hear it on the news.

He told LE quickly that he was going to come clean

- he confessed to killing his wife and moving everyone. An That kinda sounds like a honest murderer if you think about it

He pretended like he did not know what happened (most murderers do so) Difference here - is shortly thereafter he told the truth

he was also an honest cheater - he acknowledged thus.

I don't feel like we know a lot. We know posed pictures, we know they filed bankruptcy three years ago, we know had a relationship with a female We know he killed her and placed them .

Has anyone ever found out his exact position ? Someone posted a generic thing but we have no idea what he did to consistently provide for his family with a steady paycheck .

We have proof (although grueling!) that he made an attempt to do some collage work - i assume in an effort to provide for his family (speculation only tho)

we know he bbq

he drove his truck backwards into his garage

and guys

i think this a tragedy where LE is totally done saying one thing.

The autopsies were a week ago

I think they are done releasing

I think the telling the truth story after speaking to his father was an effort to convince LE that his new story was the truth.
LE had him and he knew it. His only chance was to make up a story and pretend that it was the truth.
I'm not so sure he did admit to an affair. LE knew about it but I don't think it came from CW. IMO
I think he became sexually obsessed with the mistress. He obsessed about her all day and about the “objects” that were in the way (his family). He decided to remove them so that he could fulfill his desire and obsession. He killed the girls and waited for SW to come home so he could get her out of the way and go see the mistress, but she was late and really screwed up his plans. He thought he would go and tell his mistress that SW left and it was over.

If it was simply a case of him “snapping” I think he would have shown more emotion in the courtroom. He would have had some realization of what he had done and broken down.

His family members were simply obstructive objects to him. He removed them in the simplest way possible. He had thought about it for weeks or months... IMO
I agree with you. I think things are being read way into that don't even relate. IMO
We don't know that the garage door keypad was broken. All we know is that is what CW told the police
so they would wait to go in the house until he got there.
I too am wondering if garage keypad was broken. I guess it's possible that it was--otherwise NA might've already gotten in that way/known the code. Sure seems like a convenient lie, though.
The proof of his guilt is in the aftermath imo. Who disposes of bodies (and in such a desecrating way) if they are innocent? An innocent person would have nothing to hide, nothing to lie about. Calling 911 and having LE immediately at the house afterward would make his story believable. The forensics of her strangling the children would be obvious. There would be no wrong doing on his behalf and he would work with LE instead of against them. He would bury his children in a way that memorialized them.

His instincts here show me that he is entirely guilty. Like a child who breaks a cookie jar while sneaking cookies, haphazardly cleans it up, and denies ever touching it even though there are remnants on the floor and crumbs on his face.

Despite my best efforts, I am still an hour behind on posts.
But THIS! If he had called it in, he’d be looking at a lesser sentence for one pregnant female. Forensic science would prove that, beyond a doubt.
I am not a legal experts, and have no k wedge of CO law.... so for legals here, IF CW statement were true (up UNTIL disposing of the three bodies including one pregnant woman), would he not be then looking at a involuntary with extenuating circumstances?
No, the site he disposed of the bodies is way out 40 miles east of their home. It was very remote. There is a gps coordinate on the arrest affidavit.
I still think he had to have known the tanks were "openable" before hand. IE he scoped the place out. (IMO) Someone on the thread said there was a video that showed that the tanks opened easily through some mechanism, but wouldn't he want to make sure ahead of time? Especially if it was a remote site which might not have had the tanks opened for months. If the girls were in plastic bags (?) he could have planned to move them as soon as the heat was off. I still tend to think he was running out of time (more time consuming to murder and disappear 4 people than he originally was thinking) and SW was too heavy to get up the ladder easily. Getting light, needed to get to work, letting the sheet get away (in the wind?), ran out of time.
Here’s another thing, and I don’t know if it has been specifically mentioned, but it has been alluded to as we all mentioned that him putting the girls in the tanks is an odd way to handle the situation (to put it mildly) if SW killed them:

If someone else killed his children, not only would he want the bodies preserved to demonstrate the crime scene and prove his innocence/show what happened, but also he would want a proper burial and grave for them, (or respectful cremation, etc) memorial service, etc, have them in a beautiful place buried with dignity, and if burial was chosen, have a place where he could go visit the grave, place flowers, have everyone pay their respects, etc. For my loved ones that have died, this was a VERY important part of the process for me.
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I understand staying in close contact with friends on a daily basis. I have a hard time jumping from isn't answering the phone to I HAVE TO CALL THE POLICE! Unless her friends were told if I don't answer, call the police.
She had a low-blood-sugar episode in AZ and wasn't feeling well. She was 15 weeks pregnant and had lupus and fibromyalgia. NUA knew these things. She also knew (although we don't know just how) that Shanann didn't show up for her doctor's appointment. It has been said by CW that it was unusual for her not to answer calls/texts from "her people." Her friends NT and AT said in an interview that when they would play (Uno?) at their house, they had to remind Shanann when it was her turn because she was wrapped up in her phone. She always had her phone with her and she wasn't answering that morning. NUA had her son look in the garage and Shanann's car was in the garage with the children's car seats in it. NUA said in her interview that it didn't make sense that Shanann would be on a playdate, like CW told her, without her vehicle.

We went over all of this last night, remember?
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The only real thing we know about THrive is that it has wrecked lives, put 16 people in need of a ride to the hospital , and can't find any figures on what anyone makes

read the small print about the car - it is like a horrible word problem! Hated them

What is that old adage if it sounds to good to be true.........................

The notion that some entity is gonna hand out Lexus for someone selling 80K of anything is preposterous ...providing travel about the USA for 80K after handing out luxury cars turns it in a sit com

All we know about thrive for sure is they bought a ton of the nonsense -- because it is on their body in the multitudes of pics

and the head of it has been arrested for like money BS (linked earlier)

In terms of financial participation to take care of family the only thing we know is the dude worked ,in what is likely not rewarding, to provide for his family, for years.

The only other thing we know as it relates to money was they were in a 5 bedroom house prior.

He does not hit me as the kinda of guy that wants designer anything - he was in an old truck and is in old cargo shorts and old polos in the pics

just mo - i picture him more at Wal Mart than Macy's!


pure speculation only

I thought he only had his job at the oil co for 6 months. Maybe I missed something along the way. IMO
I also believe as there is too much being put into his smile, there is also too much being put into the oil. When a child dies , some parents have them cremated. You're basically burning their whole body to ash, but that is acceptable? IMO
I think the telling the truth story after speaking to his father was an effort to convince LE that his new story was the truth.
LE had him and he knew it. His only chance was to make up a story and pretend that it was the truth.
I'm not so sure he did admit to an affair. LE knew about it but I don't think it came from CW. IMO

in the paperwork it stated he told them

i really don't know how i would think if I tell cop that I murdered a person and dumped my kids in crude oil that i would think I am getting away with anything

imo his coming to the decision to tell them where his kids were he could not bear what he had done , after the horror he witnessed

he corrected it - they are out

is it disgusting they were in of course it was

he gave them the info about the tanks quickly (the report about them getting him satellites to show them)

sound much more like an agonizing consciousness than the "monster" boogeyman

no DV info remains interesting
I think that the police have a lot more incriminating evidence on Chris than they have told us in the arrest affidavit.

Think about it: nearly 60 hours expired between the time of the first call to police and CW's arrest. The CBI had been called in. The FBI had been called in. (Look at the witness list to see the number of investigators who worked on the case!)

LE let CW have plenty of rope to hang himself. I'm sure they encouraged him to speak to the media to distract him while the dogs were sniffing through the house. They found the oilfield site before CW confessed (40 miles out in the middle of nowhere!). They knew about the affair before they confronted CW in the interrogation.

I believe that the prosecution has a "lead pipe cinch" case against CW, but the only wiggle room CW has is his word what happened. And he had 60 hours to come up with his story, and it was the best he could do under all that sleepless pressure.
We don't know he killed them. We know he killed her and the unborn baby.
“We” know theough his confession that he killed one adult, caused the termination of a 16 week old in utero baby, and disposed of three bodies.
I posted this a couple days ago but still did not see a response from you, this will be my last ask.
Others have asked similar as well.
What evidence or even heresay at this point makes you believe that CW did NOT kill his two living daughters??
If you desire for people to take you seriously, links, experiences, stats or something please.
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