Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #45

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liliismyname posted:

hank You for the well thought out post. Although I don't fully agree.

The above description of his behavior leaves out a lot of other alarming info about he he acted during this incident.

Sure, we can just say he freaked out, and was worried about being to work on time, so that why he stuffed his babies bodies down into the oil tank.

But WHY did he even decide to dispose of the bodies, if he wasn’t the killer? Why destroy all of the evidence at the crime scene, the only real way to prove his innocence, and take such a grisly risk? I cannot get past that decision.

Why not call 911 when he saw his first child, sprawled out, blue? Why not scream at the top of his lungs for HEEELLPPPPP, and maybe push the panic button on their alarm system?

Why spend 7 precious minutes strangling his wife, when he could have focused on saving his babies? Instead of calling for medical intervention to try and revive them, he ended up killing his last surviving child instead.

His behavior makes no sense, if one tries to imagine he was innocent.

You say above, that getting to work on time was his main priority. WHY would he care? He just caught his wife murdering his children. Why would he care about getting to work on time?
I agree, I don’t consider his confession quick or a sign of his feeling guilt. He lied for 4 days and only confessed after the bed sheet had been located by the drone, up until that point he continued to deny any knowledge of where they were.
this is only mo

only mo

she ordered him to leave the mail alone

she made 600 meals because she felt her husband might not feed them correctly - she overtly stated that in the haircut video

this is only my speculation he would have been in the dog house again if he opened the mail after she directed him to leave it alone and she would take care of it when she got back a month and half later

for me, if my husband was the best in the world , I would not want to be away from him for a week

much less 5

he is my rock

but that is only my opinion - but i would miss my rock, my love, and would not want to be away from the man of my dreams for a 12th of a year

this is just my emotional speculation and everyone is different

but in my younger years when I was in love with a man 6 hours was too long

a month and a half would have been torture .

I would not want to be away from the best father ever with my kids for a month and a half.

this is only my emotional experience however

so who knows

we each experience love differently so maybe she was ok to have her children not have their daddy (who according to her SM is the best father ever) in their lives for a 12th of a year.

it just strikes me as a really long time for my children to be away from the best father -- but again we all are different

Only speculation, but I do not think the Thrive things lasted a month and a half.

But I do not know this for sure.

She was visiting her family in NC for 5 weeks, who were very close to her and her girls. IME, it's not all that uncommon for a couple who have been married for years to spend time apart for visiting extended families during the summer without daddy because he can't take that much time off work. I've been married for 10 years to my rock, my best friend and amazing husband, and although I'd be sad my husband wouldn't be able to join us, it certainly wouldn't be "torture" to spend 4 weeks apart. Chris did join them for 1 week of that time, and it was stated by someone who spent time around them (and observed through inadvertent photos taken of them) that he was indifferent, not engaged with his family. Detached.

I think their time apart plays a HUGE part in this tragedy. All just my opinion:
1) It gave Chris plenty of time alone to immerse himself in his new love interest and become emotionally detached from his family. He got a really delicious taste of that pretty green grass on the other side. He also had time to make a very final decision about what he wanted... and didn't want.
2) It reinforced Shanann and the girl's bond with her family, most likely helping her feel like even if her marriage may be in jeopardy (multiple accounts from friends and others that SW had mentioned things indicating she was feeling this way), she had a place to go and her family had her back. No reason whatsoever to freak out and kill 2 of her 3 kids. She could live without him, and did, for a month, with no indications that she was a wreck without him.
3) Once back together again, it all came to a head and Shanann realized something wasn't right. But she had to turn right around and go to AZ for a work conference, leaving the girls with him. From accounts from NUA who went with her, she wasn't feeling well during that trip, and I believe part of that was being sick with worry about her marriage and her babies, along with being pregnant and travel-weary. Hence, her telling NUA that she'd need her more than ever now. She knew there was trouble ahead, and I think she was trying to prepare herself for it. Tragically, she had no idea the fate that awaited her the moment she opened that front door for the last time. </3
No wishes involved, just a hypothetical scenario.
I was curious how someone who already has their mind made up might react to a scenario, and what would be enough “evidence” in the event we don’t get to hear it all because of a plea.

If he makes a plea deal, we will hear a lot of info. He will have to speak to the judge, often in open court, and confess to and describe the crimes committed.

I highly doubt that is what we will see tomorrow, but we will know soon.
He will only be subject to cross if he testifies in his own defence

He is the only living witness that can explain what happened in detail in his version. But the risk is cross examination.

But if he does not testify, all we have for his version is some threadbare assertions to LEF while in custody - at the tail end of days of lying.

Now of course the burden of proof is not on the defence, but in reality the defence will need to establish at least some facts which can support his version.

Vague stuff about how his wife behaved on social media won't be enough for a jury properly directed.

Thanks mrjitty, that would be interesting to watch. I don’t think it will happen though, he would get eaten alive.
Do not talk about rumors on FB or other social media. Don't mention that you've read rumors, heard about rumors, or anything to do with non-facts of the case.

The FB drama must stay off this board. Leave it on FB. If you cannot stop yourselves from discussing it here, you will receive warning points and/or a thread ban.

Use the "conversation" feature we have here to PM other members if you want to talk about FB gossip and rumors. Don't bring it to this thread.
If he makes a plea deal, we will hear a lot of info. He will have to speak to the judge, often in open court, and confess to and describe the crimes committed.

I highly doubt that is what we will see tomorrow, but we will know soon.

Hard to see what can be on the table for a plea, except death penalty off the table.

Maybe he fears that ....
Go to the Thrive site with rewards. They basically pay for the bed in a room . Getting there , eating and whatever is on you times two!! It is not a bargain -- they spent a lot of money on this stuff.

A joke

  • Lifestyle Getaway for Two
    (50% of the stay covered)
  • Lifestyle Getaway for Two
    (Airfare Not Included)
  • Lifestyle Getaway for Two with Airfare
    (Includes up to $500/person Airfare Reimbursement) Chris did not work for them -- they would have to pay for him totally. So we have a 900 round trip airfare - times two = that is what 1800 they pay 500 so out of our checking account we have 1300 to get there.
People need food. Dining out costs some money. For two

Chris did in fact work for Thrive. Not to the extent that she did, but he was definitely a promoter, and she most likely helped him a lot in order for him to also qualify for trips so they wouldn't have to pay as much out of pocket.
This is the guy that piled his entire dead family in the back of his truck. Buried his wife and son in the dirt, then submerged his other two children in crude oil. But you feel it's too much of a stretch to think he would try to implicate his wife in the girls death by scratching their necks ?

Yea, I think everything went out of control. That is why he went downstairs - he was done with all her stuff . Just done. Does not mean he planned on killing his family. Means he was leaving.

moo everything went nuts
this is only mo

only mo

she ordered him to leave the mail alone

she made 600 meals because she felt her husband might not feed them correctly - she overtly stated that in the haircut video

this is only my speculation he would have been in the dog house again if he opened the mail after she directed him to leave it alone and she would take care of it when she got back a month and half later


She did not make all those meals for the children. >>>>the children were with her.

He wanted her cooking because she had helped him lose weight and look good.

She didn't 'order' him to leave the mail alone. She actually complained and criticised him for leaving it all for her to deal with.

I am trying to understand your description of her. One one hand, you are saying she is controlling, ordering him around, and he is afraid of her. So she has all the power in the relationship.

But then you are also saying she is weak and helpless and would immediately fall apart and feel hopeless if he threatened to leave her.
I agree, the one who should be stepping up but isn’t would be feeling inadequate and less of a man or woman. They would need reassurance from others to make their shattered ego feel complete. Especially if they are narcissistic, they need the adoration of others.
Oh I agree, although this is just in general. There are no cookie cutters for marital duties. I was referring to the post which listed all the times that Shan'nan was building up her husband. But it was presented as being a sign of dependency by her, and I was pointing out that she was building him up the same way a child is built up to handle things that are possibly going to be stressful, and through which they would get a good sense of accomplishment and self regard.

Colorado Supreme Court Rules, Chapter 38, Rule 2 provides the standard for authorizing extended media coverage. The Rule expressly does not authorize expanded media coverage of pretrial hearings in criminal cases, except advisements and arraignments. As a result, the court denies expanded media coverage for the status conference scheduled on November 6, 2018 @ 2:00 p.m. Media Coverage Watts.pdf
Go to the Thrive site with rewards. They basically pay for the bed in a room . Getting there , eating and whatever is on you times two!! It is not a bargain -- they spent a lot of money on this stuff.

A joke

  • Lifestyle Getaway for Two
    (50% of the stay covered)
  • Lifestyle Getaway for Two
    (Airfare Not Included)
  • Lifestyle Getaway for Two with Airfare
    (Includes up to $500/person Airfare Reimbursement) Chris did not work for them -- they would have to pay for him totally. So we have a 900 round trip airfare - times two = that is what 1800 they pay 500 so out of our checking account we have 1300 to get there.
People need food. Dining out costs some money. For two
Once again you do not present facts. SW earned the all inclusive trips
if you want to research this then start watching at 3.00 in and she describes how they pay all her expenses.
Not that this has any relevance to her murder.
Chris Watts to make last court appearance before arraignment
A Frederick man accused of killing his wife and children, and then dumping them in a shallow grave and oil tanks, will make another appearance in Weld County District Court Tuesday for a status conference.

This will be the last court hearing for Christopher Lee Watts before he is scheduled for an arraignment, where he may enter a guilty or not guilty plea.

Watts waived his right to a preliminary hearing at a previous court hearing. This can't be used against him in court. He was previously scheduled for a status conference on Nov. 19, and it's not clear why the date was moved.

Colorado Supreme Court Rules, Chapter 38, Rule 2 provides the standard for authorizing extended media coverage. The Rule expressly does not authorize expanded media coverage of pretrial hearings in criminal cases, except advisements and arraignments. As a result, the court denies expanded media coverage for the status conference scheduled on November 6, 2018 @ 2:00 p.m. Media Coverage Watts.pdf

so does this mean we know nothing?
He just caught his wife murdering his children. Why would he care about getting to work on time?

Because he had just murdered his wife.

his biggest undoing was going to work and pretending nothing was unusual.

it simply does not support his version of events.

it does support however someone trying to distance themselves from accountability to the situation.

it doesn't support a father who is horrified by a tragic event he found himself in.

it does support a father who can murder his entire family and go to work and act normal.

we know for certain he killed shanann and nico. who does that??????
She did not make all those meals for the children. >>>>the children were with her.

He wanted her cooking because she had helped him lose weight and look good.

She didn't 'order' him to leave the mail alone. She actually complained and criticised him for leaving it all for her to deal with.

I am trying to understand your description of her. One one hand, you are saying she is controlling, ordering him around, and he is afraid of her. So she has all the power in the relationship.

But then you are also saying she is weak and helpless and would immediately fall apart and feel hopeless if he threatened to leave her.
Yes, how is a woman independent enough to leave for 5 weeks and then again for a weekend work trip simultaneously so overly dependent and possessive of her husband that she destroys her world after a 15-30 minute alleged conversation about separation? It is almost unbelievable, and that is if I ignore all of CW’s post murder behavior, actions, lies, and affair(s). IMO
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