Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #45

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At this point, the courts haven't proven who's responsible for killing their 2 young daughters. No matter how likely it is that their father is responsible for killing all of them it has not been proven yet and that is a fact. Out of respect for the 2 girls, their family and friends I want their killer known. I think they deserve that even if it takes looking at all angles to come up with who their killer is.

At all angles? No one looks at all possible angles of this case. The only "other" angle people are willing to discuss is SW, damned by the testimony of the husband who strangled her.

What about AP? She was dating a married man, the father of two kids, third on the way.

What about some other APs? Two came forward. There probably were others. CW had a profile on a dating site.

Let us discuss these options as "SW the killer", honestly, does not fly any longer.
I agree, I don’t consider his confession quick or a sign of his feeling guilt. He lied for 4 days and only confessed after the bed sheet had been located by the drone, up until that point he continued to deny any knowledge of where they were.

To go where I am ( not fully!) you have to go to oh my god I just killed my wife and my kids are dead.

Not thinking well. So everything went nuts.
this is only mo

only mo

she ordered him to leave the mail alone

she made 600 meals because she felt her husband might not feed them correctly - she overtly stated that in the haircut video

this is only my speculation he would have been in the dog house again if he opened the mail after she directed him to leave it alone and she would take care of it when she got back a month and half later

for me, if my husband was the best in the world , I would not want to be away from him for a week

much less 5

he is my rock

but that is only my opinion - but i would miss my rock, my love, and would not want to be away from the man of my dreams for a 12th of a year

this is just my emotional speculation and everyone is different

but in my younger years when I was in love with a man 6 hours was too long

a month and a half would have been torture .

I would not want to be away from the best father ever with my kids for a month and a half.

this is only my emotional experience however

so who knows

we each experience love differently so maybe she was ok to have her children not have their daddy (who according to her SM is the best father ever) in their lives for a 12th of a year.

it just strikes me as a really long time for my children to be away from the best father -- but again we all are different

Only speculation, but I do not think the Thrive things lasted a month and a half.

But I do not know this for sure.

The children were with HER in NC, not back in CO with him...The meals were for him and him alone.
At all angles? No one looks at all possible angles of this case. The only "other" angle people are willing to discuss is SW, damned by the testimony of the husband who strangled her.

What about AP? She was dating a married man, the father of two kids, third on the way.

What about some other APs? Two came forward. There probably were others. CW had a profile on a dating site.

Let us discuss these options as "SW the killer", honestly, does not fly any longer.

I'm willing to discuss all angles as long as they are within TOS.

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Yea, I think everything went out of control. That is why he went downstairs - he was done with all her stuff . Just done. Does not mean he planned on killing his family. Means he was leaving.

moo everything went nuts

<modsnip - personalizing>

What stuff, like how she happily cared for his needs, their children and managed their home day in and day out, despite being in pain on a constant basis while maintaining a positive outlook on life and helping others? How she was rapidly moving up in her company making her own money, earned her own leased vehicle and multiple fun vacations for the two of them?

If anyone was going to be done with someone's stuff, it would be Shanann being done with his fake facade, his lying and cheating behind her back while also willingly getting her pregnant again.

If he was leaving, why didn't he? Maybe 4 souls would still be with us if he'd decided to just leave and deal with the hassles of a divorce and the reduced image of being a divorced dad of 3. MOO

Oh, and IMO, nothing "went nuts". I think it was all pretty calm, except for the desperate gasps for air and frantic thrashing and scratching at their own throats while they were slowly being strangled to death. Makes me sick.
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I also thought we were not supposed to discuss Thrive, is that correct?
Yes, how is a woman independent enough to leave for 5 weeks and then again for a weekend work trip simultaneously so overly dependent and possessive of her husband that she destroys her world after a 15-30 minute alleged conversation about separation? It is almost unbelievable, and that is if I ignore all of CW’s post murder behavior, actions, lies, and affair(s). IMO
If I suspend reality, ignore compelling evidence, and focus on unsupported innuendo, I think I can potentially see what CW wants us to see.

I believe in evidence, logic, and reason though. Not the ridiculous assertions of a monster, with a narrative best left to bad fiction writers.
I think most of the posters here who find CW's tale credible DO think

I think most of the posters here who find CW's version of events credible DO think better of him; it is awful but more excusable to believe he snapped like a Papa Bear upon seeing his wife KILLING his children then to think he cold-bloodedly KILLED THEM ALL. But again, this is a man capable of such a crime, so just because he thinks it will make him sound better (to his daddy, to everyone except perhaps those who truly loved SW) doesn't mean it has to be so. One simply has to believe that CW saw this was a better version of events, and I think as his lies overtook him and as the evidence mounted he saw this as a way to save a tiny bit of face. I also think it goes with his sadistic streak at the end to want to drag SW down into the mud with him. He seems himself as the victim and it is all her fault; by making it literally her fault, he salvages his own ego. I think many of those who buy into the CW version of things have a real distaste for his victim SW, and so it is a more palatable version for them. He has really succeeded in besmirching the reputation of one of his murder victims. I wonder if he will agree to life in prison because there is such a pie of evidence against him; he must suspect there is no way he will ever be a free man again. He does have the arrogance of Scott Peterson but I think in this case there is even more evidence against him and if he lets it come out at trial, it will paint a very ugly portrait of him.

We did not see the pictures of his daughters. After the jury sees them, there will probably be more anger with him than we have here. He is truly risking a lot by going through the trial.
To go where I am ( not fully!) you have to go to oh my god I just killed my wife and my kids are dead.

Not thinking well. So everything went nuts.

But to even get there, we have to wonder WHY he killed his wife, in a long slow process, instead of trying to save his children.

Why didn't he call for an ambulance to try and save the child that was in the process of being strangled by his wife. That child would probably be alive today if he had done so immediately.

Why did he prioritize strangling his wife over saving the children?

He could have punched her, pushed her away and began CPR, and screamed bloody murder, for HELP. He could have pushed the panic button on his alarm system. He could have called 911.

He did NOTHING to try and save his children's lives. He let his 2 girls die, with no medical intervention, and killed the 3rd one himself, needlessly.

He wasn't a victim here, in my opinion.
We did not see the pictures of his daughters. After the jury sees them, there will probably be more anger with him than we have here. He is truly risking a lot by going through the trial.
The defense will likely attempt to limit how many of those photos the jury is able to see.

Broken, oil soaked bodies of tiny children, will not help CW’s image in the eyes of a jury.

I hope the jury sees those photos. All of them.
I also thought we were not supposed to discuss Thrive, is that correct?

Correct, unless some new evidence is shown that somehow brings Thrive into the case. The Thrive angle was talked to death in the first 40 plus threads for this case. I highly recommend that people review the previous threads before posting in a new thread. It's all been said multiple times already. There's nothing about Thrive that hasn't already been discussed.
Hopefully there will be some court tweeters seeing as cameras haven't been allowed.

so does this mean we know nothing?

They were there for his previous hearing though. We all watched it.

According to CW's objection to expanded media coverage he is not objecting to traditional print-media coverage that is inherent in public proceedings.

I'm reading it as there will still be traditional print-media coverage, but no camera's or video. MEDIA COVERAGE FILED BY DENVER 7 NEWS.pdf
But to even get there, we have to wonder WHY he killed his wife, in a long slow process, instead of trying to save his children.

Why didn't he call for an ambulance to try and save the child that was in the process of being strangled by his wife. That child would probably be alive today if he had done so immediately.

Why did he prioritize strangling his wife over saving the children?

He could have punched her, pushed her away and began CPR, and screamed bloody murder, for HELP. He could have pushed the panic button on his alarm system. He could have called 911.

He did NOTHING to try and save his children's lives. He let his 2 girls die, with no medical intervention, and killed the 3rd one himself, needlessly.

He wasn't a victim here, in my opinion.

Absolutely agree. It's MUCH easier and faster to incapacitate a smaller and weaker pregnant person than it is to take the time to slowly strangle the life out of them. If his story is to be believed, then we must acknowledge that he really only cared about killing Shanann (oh, and Nico, oops) in those moments, and nothing else. I think it's incredibly sad that his daughters and unborn son somehow meant enough to him to kill their mother in a blind rage, but not enough to try everything in his power to save their actual lives. So it was all about revenge against her? This supposed even keel, caring, loving and innocent man somehow instantly switched to a blind, murderous rage, and then straight to calculated cover-up mode, and continue lying in front of their families, LE, the world and God until he couldn't avoid the truth anymore?

It's just not a plausible angle to explore, IMO. It's been beaten to death and it just doesn't compute.
After this hearing, when will it be decided if he is going to make a plea or go to trial ?
Correct, unless some new evidence is shown that somehow brings Thrive into the case. The Thrive angle was talked to death in the first 40 plus threads for this case. I highly recommend that people review the previous threads before posting in a new thread. It's all been said multiple times already. There's nothing about Thrive that hasn't already been discussed.
That's what I thought. Thank you for the clarification.
One thing that I didn't understand was he told LE that the garage keypad wasn't working but then in his media interviews I'm sure he said the garage was unlocked because that's how Shan'ann always left it (or wtte).

So there's that inconsistency and then I've been wondering if he disabled the electricity to stop Shan'ann putting on lights when she came in, and that's why the keypad wasn't working. She could've used her phone flashlight to go upstairs.
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