Found Deceased CO - Shanann Watts (34), Celeste"Cece" (3) and Bella (4), Frederick, 13 Aug 2018 *CW GUILTY* #45

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My prediction—-he will have a beard.

I wonder if there will be any weight gain.

(Gah why do I even care...)

After all the bologna sandwiches I am sure he’s sure like one of those lovingly and meticulously home cooked meals prepared for him from Shanann.

( ETA:
—-it is Colorado though...they probably have free range, organic and GF options!)
He can do pushups on the floor. Probably humongous biceps. Maybe he visualizes mowing the lawn to pass the time.
Always worth a repost imo:

“When I came home, walked in the house, nothing — vanished,” he said. “Nothing was here: She wasn’t here, the kids weren’t here, nobody was here.”

Addressing the camera directly, he said, “Shanann, Bella, Celeste, if you’re out there, just come back. If somebody has her, just bring her back. I need to see everybody, I need to see everybody again. This house is not complete without anybody here.”“

Everything We Know About the Killings of Pregnant Mom Shanann Watts and Her Daughters
Thank you. Are you sure he didn't say "Nothing -- It's vanished" - as I know from carefully listening he said that in 2 of the 3 interviews and it floored me. IT'S vanished.
Thank you. Are you sure he didn't say "Nothing -- It's vanished" - as I know from carefully listening he said that in 2 of the 3 interviews and it floored me. IT'S vanished.
Is it a dialect thing? from the southern states?
The family is also saying nada

@NuttMegg do you have a link to these photos please?

With respect, you stated the family was saying nothing, as a fact with no link to substantiate it. When this was refuted with an example you then asked for a link to the photos. IMO everyone here knows or should know we can't bring MOST SM posts or photos here. It doesn't mean we have to pretend SM doesn't exist. There are SM sites bashing SW and there are sites supporting CW. Just because we can't link to them here doesn't mean they don't exist. I'd respectfully suggest if you are not satisfied with the response to your original statement, you might want to edit your original statement as it was presented as fact with no link to substantiate it.
He can do pushups on the floor. Probably humongous biceps. Maybe he visualizes mowing the lawn to pass the time.

He’s probably thinking,
“Dang, If I could only, like, do that interview like all over again... and I should’ve like taken them up to the mountains instead...and if it “wasn’t like, for that meddling NUA, Ruh-Roh!”

Edited to add a JMO, though I’m not sure what type of link you require when I said that his childhood photos had to have come from somewhere?

They did have to come from somewhere to be uploaded online.

JMO again.

And they are easy enough to find with some searches. I thought they were lovely pictures but yes, I see your original point and I agree.
Is it a dialect thing? from the southern states?
Ha! No. I do not believe anywhere in the USA is it common to call a person an "it" - it's a psychological detachment IMO. Or, a rehearsed line for when the car would go missing, had he had time to set that up, IMO. And two times is no accident, IMO.

Normally I would agree with you on this, but it's odd to me given what we've seen of SW's online activity and personality. She posted a lot IIRC in early stages of her previous pregnancies. Lots of photos of baby bump size tracking, etc. Pics of rooms getting ready, etc. And just lots and lots of personal details in her videos and posts.

IDK, just seems weird to me. I feel like the 3rd baby's lack of attention on the SM, and the name, and the inconsistencies in who knew the gender (in my pregnancies either people knew or they didn't. I didn't tell some people but not others.) is strange.

And sad... very sad all around what happened to those 4.

I disagree that it is odd. It's pretty normal, and there are memes and jokes in lots of mom circles about how after the first kid, the cutesy baby bump, milestone, prepping the nursery stuff just doesn't happen. Toddler moms are busy, and she's been through it all before twice. It wasn't her primary focus on SM anymore, and that's not unusual at all. Most of my mom friends who are pregnant with the 3rd or 4th don't post nearly as much as we all did with our first.
With respect, you stated the family was saying nothing, as a fact with no link to substantiate it. When this was refuted with an example you then asked for a link to the photos. IMO everyone here knows or should know we can't bring MOST SM posts or photos here. It doesn't mean we have to pretend SM doesn't exist. There are SM sites bashing SW and there are sites supporting CW. Just because we can't link to them here doesn't mean they don't exist. I'd respectfully suggest if you are not satisfied with the response to your original statement, you might want to edit your original statement as it was presented as fact with no link to substantiate it.
with respect, as there are no msm quotes from CW's family, I think its fair to say that there are none - is that not correct? and if there are none, you cannot link to something that is not there.
Ha! No. I do not believe anywhere in the USA is it common to call a person an "it" - it's a psychological detachment IMO. Or, a rehearsed line for when the car would go missing, had he had time to set that up, IMO. And two times is no accident, IMO.
Yes, thats why i wondered if it was a colloquialism.
Yes, he said he LOVED THE LITTLE PEANUT. Why would that aspect of their personal lives be addressed here at this point? The allegation that it was a surprise to him? She's dead. He killed her.
Yeah. I think he made it clear that he wasn’t happy having another baby.

Or a family at all, for that matter...
I am not following all the what if’s. CW was aware of the flight delay and knew they would not arrive til 2 in the morning. If the friend came in for some reason he would have just waited for her to leave. SW’s death happened between 2 and 5 am. As far as neighbors hearing screams, we don’t know if she had a chance to scream and if she did, someone would have to be next to the house to hear it.

She knew at least by 6:30 PM that there would be a flight delay.

When there is a flight delay, you do not find out for awhile or sometimes even hours when you will be able to fly. The longest time for me so far, has been 3 days before we found out when we would be able to get another flight. That was because Denver airport was shut down because of snow.

There are many complications because flight crews are only allowed to work so many hours. When their shift is over, they are done even if they never took a flight.

If there is a delay, it affects flights all over the US and readjustments have to be made to flight all over. Other places may have flight issues themselves which affects planes in other places.

As it was, they only had a three hour delay, but the delay could have been for many hours. There would be no way of knowing for awhile when she would be flying.

I would think with the uncertainty of a flight delay, he would not rush out to kill the kids. I doubt if he killed them before 6:30 PM. If he did, they would have rigor.
Ha! No. I do not believe anywhere in the USA is it common to call a person an "it" - it's a psychological detachment IMO. Or, a rehearsed line for when the car would go missing, had he had time to set that up, IMO. And two times is no accident, IMO.
As well as refer to them as nothing or nobody. He never once said their names until he was prompted.
With respect, you stated the family was saying nothing, as a fact with no link to substantiate it. When this was refuted with an example you then asked for a link to the photos. IMO everyone here knows or should know we can't bring MOST SM posts or photos here. It doesn't mean we have to pretend SM doesn't exist. There are SM sites bashing SW and there are sites supporting CW. Just because we can't link to them here doesn't mean they don't exist. I'd respectfully suggest if you are not satisfied with the response to your original statement, you might want to edit your original statement as it was presented as fact with no link to substantiate it.

Do not talk about rumors on FB or other social media. Don't mention that you've read rumors, heard about rumors, or anything to do with non-facts of the case.

The FB drama must stay off this board. Leave it on FB. If you cannot stop yourselves from discussing it here, you will receive warning points and/or a thread ban.

Use the "conversation" feature we have here to PM other members if you want to talk about FB gossip and rumors. Don't bring it to this thread.

In case you missed it.

Do not talk about rumors on FB or other social media. Don't mention that you've read rumors, heard about rumors, or anything to do with non-facts of the case.
With respect, you stated the family was saying nothing, as a fact with no link to substantiate it. When this was refuted with an example you then asked for a link to the photos. IMO everyone here knows or should know we can't bring MOST SM posts or photos here. It doesn't mean we have to pretend SM doesn't exist. There are SM sites bashing SW and there are sites supporting CW. Just because we can't link to them here doesn't mean they don't exist. I'd respectfully suggest if you are not satisfied with the response to your original statement, you might want to edit your original statement as it was presented as fact with no link to substantiate it.
Absolutely. You said it better than I could.

Normally I would agree with you on this, but it's odd to me given what we've seen of SW's online activity and personality. She posted a lot IIRC in early stages of her previous pregnancies. Lots of photos of baby bump size tracking, etc. Pics of rooms getting ready, etc. And just lots and lots of personal details in her videos and posts.

IDK, just seems weird to me. I feel like the 3rd baby's lack of attention on the SM, and the name, and the inconsistencies in who knew the gender (in my pregnancies either people knew or they didn't. I didn't tell some people but not others.) is strange.

And sad... very sad all around what happened to those 4.

Someone at some point said that many of her posts from her last two months were removed shortly after her murder. There's a chance those posts included more womb watch updates.
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